The company then filed a lawsuit to challenge the fired workers ability to collect unemployment benefits.Taxpaying medical marijuana cardholders are finding really no safe harbor on the job, which should be guaranteed under existing Pennsylvania law, Todd Eachus, a member of the pro-cannabis legalization group Perfectly Normal, told lawmakers last year.For the more than 400,000 medical marijuana patients in the state, the stakes are high. Contest the punishment. Pennsylvania Court: Medical Marijuana Act Allows Employees to Sue for Bias The Superior Court of Pennsylvania recently held that the state's medical marijuana act allowed an employee to sue. Call us at (877) 303-3117, or simply book a medical marijuana evaluation to start getting relief you can trust today! That leads to inconsistency and what employers see as a lose-lose scenario: Either risk a wrongful termination suit, or potentially allow an unsafe work environment. More than a dozen workers have filed lawsuits alleging they were punished for being a medical marijuana patient or legally using the drug. Show moreMedical Marijuana in PA, By the numbers$3.4 billion in sales by dispensaries414,446 active patient certifications1,830 approved practitioners23 qualifying conditionsSources (in order)Pennsylvania Department of Health, July Likewise, Pennsylvania employees have no cannabis protections outside of authorized medical use. Show moreKey PointsVague protections in Pennsylvanias medical marijuana law create unnecessary confusion and force workers to choose between their job and a doctor-approved drug.Employers say they have to juggle creating a safe work environment with the potential for a wrongful termination lawsuit.More than a dozen workers have filed lawsuits alleging they were punished for being a medical marijuana patient or legally using the drug. The Longenecker case ended earlier this year later after the two sides privately resolved the lawsuit and asked a judge to dismiss the case. And thats likely true even if you are using medical marijuana for something that would be considered a disability under the federal Americans with Disabilities Act. In Philadelphia, elected officials passed a ban on pre-employment marijuana screenings for many jobs. Juvenile Law Center. In some cases, employees alleged they were punished without even undergoing a drug test.In February 2021, a Weis Markets distribution center in Northumberland County sent employee Blake Longenecker home for five days after his medical marijuana card fell out of his wallet at work, according to his lawsuit. When Pennsylvania lawmakers successfully passed a medical marijuana bill in 2016, they set specific blood limits for users working in a few jobs: ones that require people to operate certain chemicals, high-voltage electricity, or any other public utility. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court also has not issued an opinion that specifically clarifies protections for workers.Businesses dont want to have to guess which positions are appropriate for medical marijuana patients and which ones are off limits, said McCreary, the Pittsburgh attorney who has represented employers in these disputes.They took what was a bright line rule and they completely muddied it up in a way that nobody can really make any sense out of, McCreary said of lawmakers.Fights in courtsIn lawsuits, medical marijuana patients said they were denied or fired from a variety of jobs: forklift operator, welder, medical assistant, construction worker, emergency medical technician, and customer service representative.Workers described how medical marijuana helped them deal with post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, and other conditions. The Pennsylvania Medical Marijuana Act (Act 16) protects registered patients from unfair discrimination in the workplace without requiring employers to violate federal law. Snare replied that she appreciated his honesty, respected the years and hard work he gave the company, and believed him when he said he didnt use the drug on the job.However, you will not be able to continue to work for us while using marijuana, even though it is prescription, Snare wrote. They said he was told he could return to work in a position that would not require him to operate power equipment.The Longenecker case ended earlier this year later after the two sides privately resolved the lawsuit and asked a judge to dismiss the case. Clark told her he used marijuana to treat a medical condition and planned to continue doing so. That leads to inconsistency and what employers see as a lose-lose scenario: Either risk a wrongful termination suit, or potentially allow an unsafe work environment.Despite widespread demands for clarity from businesses, cannabis advocates, attorneys, and at least one judge, the legislature and governor have so far failed to explicitly outline the rights of scores of workers and employers.A review of more than a dozen state and federal lawsuits by Spotlight PA highlights the laws ambiguity, showing the ramifications faced by legal marijuana users. It should be more clear, Moyer told Spotlight PA. A lot of people dont know. Here are a few examples: Arizona, Minnesota, and Delaware say employers cant punish patients based on a positive drug test for marijuana unless they used, possessed, or were impaired at work or on duty. Tolerance and acceptance for marijuana for medicinal uses vary from state to state. Clark later found a job at another business. Mayo Clinic Laboratories estimates that urine drug tests, the most common type, will detect marijuana use for about three to 30 days, depending on how frequently the person used cannabis.How long are people impaired from cannabis?That varies, too, but studies related to driving and cognition have shown that occasional recreational users return to a generally nonimpaired state within 3 to 6 hours after smoking marijuana, according to a 2015 report from two occupational health groups.Is there a standard definition of impairment for cannabis?No. What are the qualifying conditions in PA? He doesnt work on live gas, has never used marijuana at work, and has never shown up to work high, he told Spotlight PA.After a random drug test in November indicated he had used marijuana, Douglas said the company reassigned him and forced him to attend outpatient addiction treatment therapy. Employee Prescription Medications Form Additional Resources CDL Coordinators List Employee Guide to CDL Drug and Alcohol Testing OA-Workplace Support is available to assist with any substance abuse issues and can be contacted at 717.787.8575 or And they shouldnt have to., READ MORE: Our best Philly tips: Read our most useful stories. Security officials will check your marijuana card before allowing you in. Still, the future of the legislation is unclear. Federal law places few limits on employer drug testing: Although the federal government requires testing by employers in a few safety-sensitive industries (including transportation, aviation, and contractors with NASA and the Department of Defense), federal law doesn't otherwise require - or prohibit drug . To get medical marijuana in Pennsylvania, patients have to register through the medical marijuana registry, be certified by a physician, pay for their medical marijuana ID card, and obtain their medication from approved dispensaries across the state. A major requirement when applying for jobs, applicants are often required to be tested for drug use and drug abuse. If an employee tests positive for medical marijuana on a post-accident test, the employer should not terminate without reasonable suspicion unless: (A) the employee has no valid medical card; (B) the prohibition under category (1) above applies and the nanogram level has been met; or (C) the DOT exception I explain below applies. Marijuana can impair a persons judgment, coordination, and balance, according to a report from the National Institute on Drug Abuse. Most importantly, the law protects you when it comes to hiring, firing, and retaliation. Often this term is used in the context of drivers who pose a safety risk.The nationally recognized level of impairment for drunken driving is .08 g/mL blood alcohol concentration, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures. Our focus on education, inclusion, and acceptance will reduce stigma for our patients by providing equal access to timely information and compassionate care. This excludes testing of employees in positions with federal drug-testing requirements. Usually clinics are busy and impersonal, but everyone was so nice! It limits your ability to manage your medical condition.. Other firefighters have told Leech theyre drinking less alcohol, or theyve switched from federally approved prescription drugs, such as opioids, to medical marijuana because they feel its safer and less addictive. To be on the safe side, they cannot be using marijuana at work or be under the influence while at work. Addressing the topic, one can be drug tested even with a medical marijuana card. This excludes testing of employees in positions with federal drug-testing requirements. Christopher Baxter The Pennsylvania Supreme Court also has not issued an opinion that specifically clarifies protections for workers. In late August, Pennsylvania Superior Court declined to weigh in on the case, and it is continuing in Lancaster Countys court system. From giant corporations to predatory hedge funds, a small number of billionaire owners have a powerful hold on so much of the information that reaches the public about whats happening here. But he told Spotlight PA in July that uncertainty over workplace policies on marijuana limited his options. InvestigationUnimpaired, UnemployedWorkers in Pennsylvania cant be fired for having a doctors approval for medical marijuana but once they actually use it, its a whole different story.Sept. The departments safety rules are meant for people who work on a pipeline, not employees who do design work, the agency wrote. For now, attorneys like McCreary in Pittsburgh are keeping an eye on court cases, looking at how judges rule. Moyer said he had a medical marijuana card at the time. And unlike with the ADA and PHRA, there is no employee threshold, so even companies with only a couple of employees are subject to lawsuits if they violate its provisions. of Health and talked to workers at various . How do you get your medical marijuana card in PA? State Sen. Judy Schwank (D., Berks) said the measure could be especially burdensome to someone whos using medical marijuana for all the right reasons.The bill passed out of committee on a party-line vote with all Republicans in favor. Currently we've seen DOT physicals charged anywhere between $50 and $300. Longenecker asked if he could keep his old job if he took a drug test and the results came back negative, but a human resource manager denied the request, his attorneys claimed. He said several of the conditions that qualify people for medical marijuana cancer, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, and severe chronic pain are conditions that firefighters get as a result of things that happen on the job., I have had firefighters tell me that its changed their life dramatically, Leech said. While many of its neighbors are actively striving for easier access to medical marijuana, Pennsylvania is still adamant in confusing its patient community with its contradictory drug testing laws. His attorneys wrote that Longenecker selected products from the warehouse and helped load them onto trucks, a job that paid $22 an hour. So, while a Medical Marijuana card will not show up on a federal background check, if you've had any run-ins with the law that are connected to marijuana use and/or possession (even if it was medical), you can still face problems if someone performs a . Now join thousands of your friends and neighbors in supporting it. But what about work? Unfortunately, the answer is yes, they can. Pennsylvanias Department of Health oversees the states medical marijuana program, but an agency spokesperson said the law does not give it broad oversight of enforcement of employee protections, adding that changes to the law would require legislative action. Unsurprisingly, the employee tested positive for . people, places, and food of Pa. every Friday, plus events, guides, How long is marijuana use detectable in a drug test? Our readers keep us independent, beholden to no outside influence, and accessible to everyone whether they can afford to pay for news, or not. Urgent Care. Pittsburghs firefighters union worked out a deal with city officials that protects medical marijuana cardholders who use the drug off duty. Office of Drug & Alcohol Policy & Compliance. My confidence is still shattered, Clark said in an interview. We dont believe vital investigative and public-service journalism should be hidden behind a paywall or only for those who can afford a subscription fee. He started working for the company in 2013, and an email exchange included as an exhibit in the case shows how he lost his job. We still have the right to earn a living.Clark filed a wrongful termination lawsuit in the Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas, where the two sides have sparred over federal requirements and safety issues.Clarks counsel claimed he never used marijuana on the job, never worked impaired or under the influence, and never consumed marijuana within eight hours of the start of a shift.Meanwhile, attorneys for JRK Enterprises argued that he would expose the company to legal risks if an accident occurred.Employers cannot both be held accountable for maintaining a safe workplace and be unable to discharge employees for marijuana use, they wrote in court filings.In late August, Pennsylvania Superior Court declined to weigh in on the case, and it is continuing in Lancaster Countys court system.Unemployment benefits deniedAfter employees lose their job, they can run into other problems.Robert Moyer was a warehouse worker for Jack Lehr Electric in Lehigh County, earning $16.50 an hour, until February 2020, when he was fired because a drug test came back positive for marijuana use, according to unemployment board records.