Lake Superior is approximately 20-30 feet around the Black Rocks Cliffs in Marquette. We stayed to watch the time honored tradition of Maui's Chief Kahekili's leap from the rock. All Rights Reserved. Well, imagine getting your head struck by a rock falling from Mauis tall waterfalls, not really a spectacular ending to your Maui vacation. Cliff diving, or lele kawa as its known, was a popular sport for centuries in Hawaii. Late each afternoon (the sunset time doesnt vary much throughout the year in Hawaii), people gather along the beach and at the hotels Cliff Dive Grill to watch a young man dash across the black lava, torch in hand, before tossing his flowing lei into the ocean and making the 30-foot dive. Black Rock Beach (Ka'anapali) - All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go. Book Now Overview Set on 23 lush oceanfront acres on Kaanapali Beach and the famous Pu'u Keka'a (Black Rock), this luxury resort is perfect for all types of travelers. This number is based on the percentage of all Tripadvisor reviews for this product that have a bubble rating of 4 or higher. Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii 96761. He then runs onto Ka'anapali beach and up Black Rock. The Hawaiians were the first people to do cliff diving, the Sheratons cultural advisor, Jack Stone, explained. surfing What's a trip to K'anapali Beach without experiencing the daily cliff diving ceremony? We are located at the Sheraton Maui Resort & Spa on world famous Ka'anapali Beach, just steps away from the renowned Black Rock dive site. The Sheraton Maui Cliff Diving ceremony is a must-see for visitors to Maui. Il part du Sheraton et grimpe pied nu jusqu'au sommet de Black Rock (promontoire de lave), allumant des torches sur son passage.Il effectue ensuite une salutation dans les quatre directions, offre un collier de fleurs (lei) aux dieux hawaiiens et effectue ensuite un plongeon dans l'ocan.Cette crmonie cet endroit se perptue depuis 1963. wailuku west maui The Best Places To See The Maui Cliff Diving. It is best to avoid burn hours which are from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm and use that time instead to grab lunch or go shopping. We walked down to Black Rock via the boardwalk from the Hyatt Regency Resort. Magazine, The Black Rocks are a metamorphosed igneous peridotite about 1.7 billion years old. If you're not an adrenaline junkie, the clear waters and visibility make it a great spot for snorkeling and spotting tropical fish around the corals. Kaanapali Beach's most famous attraction includes the daily cliff diving ceremony off the beach's northernmost cliffs known as Puu Kekaa, or Black Rock. This is a wonderful, wide beach in the resort area (the beach is public). honeymoon Although it is still free to view the cliff diving, guests will be expected to buy a drink at least. The ceremony starts just before sunset, typically between 5:30pm and 6:30pm. We snacked on a huge plate of nachos that is easily sharable with four or more people. As elusive as they may sound, the Black Rocks are quite easy to find. When he reaches the edge, the diver offers a flower lei to the ocean, before plunging into the water. Black Rock Beach, Ka'anapali: Address, Black Rock Beach Reviews: 4/5. For example, it is illegal to feed the geese (Nene), touching the turtles (Honu), and swimming amongst the dolphins. This number is based on the percentage of all Tripadvisor reviews for this product that have a bubble rating of 4 or higher. In this guide, well cover popular luaus from Kaanapali to Kihei. The most popular activity at Black Rock is snorkeling. You Might Also Enjoy These Upper Peninsula Travel Destinations. Even seasoned daredevils can appreciate the 30-foot-high jump off point. hana Snorkel with turtles off the coast of K'anapali Beach and watch the . Sunset. Your friends and family will be amazed! Other than that, the length of the show and start/end time are pretty consistent. In fact, each night the Sheraton holds a lele kawa or cliff diving ceremony, which . Waikiki beach panorama view with palm trees. Out of all the breathtaking beaches in Oahu, Waikiki Beach gets the most visitors, and for good reason. Hawaii Hideaways is here to help you with all of your Hawaii vacation needs. The cliff diving torch lighting ceremony happens at sunset, which changes throughout the year. 2 . food trucks Additionally, its believed that Black Rock was one of King Kahekilis (1737-1794) favorite places to jump, Mauis last ruling chief and a prolific cliff jumper in his time. Guests will find the large lush lawns, 142-yard lagoon-style pool and nightly cliff diving ceremony ideal for creating perfect memories. After that, a professional cliff diver offers a flower lie to the ocean before taking the plunge. Los Angeles, Yosemite breaks decades-old snowfall record, closing national park indefinitely, Jaguars, narcos, illegal loggers: One mans battle to save a jungle and Maya ruins, Has wildflower shaming gone too far? paia Its doable and worth the experience. These magnificent cliffs of natural black rock towering over Lake Superior, located in Marquette County, are a perfect trip idea any time of the year. luaus See all 3 Black Rock Beach tours on Tripadvisor, Zipline & Aerial Adventure Parks in Ka'anapali, Points of Interest & Landmarks in Ka'anapali, Ao Dai Rental - Traditional Vietnamese Clothes, Full Day Seaplane Tour from Nadi Airport to Nanuya Island Resort Yasawa Islands, Canyonlands National Park Backcountry 4x4 Adventure from Moab, The Undead: Zombie Apocalypse Escape Room at Extreme Escape, Big Island Kohala Canopy Zipline Adventure, Small Group Glacier Wonders Adventure From Skaftafell. Great photo opportunity as well. , Here are five tips on how to stay safe in the water during your Maui vacation. One of the most evocative spots in Hawaii, Puu Kekaa, also called Black Rock, is located along the north end of Kaanapali Beach on the island of Maui. Although this place has a resort kind of vibe, you can still have a feel of nature and the serenity this place holds. Tiny public parking garage and a good walk to get to the beach. According to Health and Happiness U.P. Road to Hana Tours with Hotel pick-up, Black sand beach , waterfalls and more! Is there free parking at Black [] Maui is expensive. I enjoyed it. The memories of sunburns last longer than your tan which will probably last within a month. It only lasts for around 10 to 20 minutes, so it is best to get there early. Im a snorkeler and was not impressed by the waters around black rock and at the beach in general. Hawaii Hideaways presents one of Mauis many memorable activities that we are sure you will enjoy experiencing! If you click on one and make a purchase, we may receive a small commission at no cost to you. kapalua At Christmas sunset will be about 5: 50 or so. Right before sunset, around 6 pm the ceremonial lighting of the torches begins. You might also try Iron Bay Restaurant and Distillery, set in a cozy, historic building. A huge lava rock just out into the sea from where people jump off into the ocean! Thankfully, Maui cockroaches and cane spiders only bite when they are sufficiently provoked. I assume most people do not use eco friendly sun screen and its killing the coral. Ka'anapali Beach has 6.3 miles on West Maui's shore; a popular resort area for travellers to Hawaii with many hotels and condos. It's maybe 15 20 minutes total but a lot of fun if you're in the area! 2605 Kaanapali Parkway, Lahaina, HI 96761 Parking: Parking in the structure is $2 with validation, and valet for $5. So before lounging or camping out in that empty shady spot on Maui, make sure that the palm tree above it is not filled with coconuts waiting to unleash their nature terror. It can be seen easily from Black Rock beach, a public access beach which is popular with tourists. If youre unsure, hang out for a few minutes and you should see someone else making the climb to give you an idea of the path. The Sheraton Maui Cliff Diving ceremony is a unique and immersive celebration that gives visitors a glimpse into the history of Maui. It only lasts for around 10 to 20 minutes, so it is best to get there early. It is a favourite spot for its gorgeous views, rock jumping and snorkelling. Cliff diving at the Sheraton Maui is inspired by the dive made by Chief Kahekili from the same location location in the late 1700s. Tahquamenon Falls might be the place for you. Its 508 rooms and suites are being redecorated with colors that evoke the shades of Maui, as well as neighboring Lanai and Molokai. The show is 3 hours long, so it usually ends around 8-8:15pm. However, be careful when you prove your spiritual strength cliff diving as changing tides can easily move debris underwater. From the beach itself you have a clear line of sight to the dive, and theres plenty of space to get comfortable.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'mauihacks_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_12',158,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-mauihacks_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'mauihacks_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_13',158,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-mauihacks_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0_1');.large-mobile-banner-1-multi-158{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}. Yes, you read that right, death by coconut. Caught your attention! First, the location itself. Its extremely obvious that lots of novice people go there to snorkel. Happy Hour at Cliff Dive Grill at the Sheraton Maui - Ka'anapali, Maui, HI Updated 6/26/2021 by the Maui Happy Hours team Happy Hour at Cliff Dive Grill from 3pm-4pm Daily Aloha Happy Hour Menu Blue Hawaii $12 - White Rum, Blue Curacao, Pineapple Juice Kaanapali Lemonade $12 - Vodka, Chambord, Lemonade Chardonnay $12 - Sterling Vitner's Collection The geese no longer fear vehicles and are being killed at exponential rates. We had a wonderful trip last week- thank you for all your help. Pristine golden sands, exceptional surfing conditions, and views of the stunning Diamond Head State Monument all make it a wonderful spot to visit. Once at the top, he dives off the cliff into the calm waters surrounding the landmark. Then he imagines himself making the offering to the gods as he sprints barefoot up the jagged, volcanic rock, lights the torches that trace the westernmost point of lava flow on Maui, and ultimately dives headfirst into the abyss. I do want to mention that while it might be tempting to avoid the swim and instead climb the rocks starting at the shoreline, dont do it. It is very easy to fall in love with the beautiful island of Maui. Sun poisoning is a real thing. Every evening at sunset, a cliff-diving ceremony is held at the Puu Kekaa (Black Rock) cliffs, where a diver lights torches alongside the cliffs before diving off of them in a reenactment of a dive by a Hawaiian king. Choose from a menu of specialty cocktails and beers along with our Maui Brewing Company Black Rock Lager on tap. When you are ready for bed, there are many great hotels in the Marquette area. This has a great view of the black rock and you see divers climbing up and jumping off all the time. A torch lighting and cliff diving ceremony is enacted each evening right before sunset. kula The musical accompaniment by a conch shell blower completes the Black Rock cliff diving ceremony, honoring the souls of the departed. Cliff diving, scuba, and snorkeling with tropical fish are just the beginning - sea turtles are usually spotted here and the stunning scenery is a photographers paradise. andaz Cliff Diving at Black Rock. Once youve done that, find the path youre most comfortable with and make your way to the top. Enjoy live music in the evenings, hula lessons, and free wifi. From the moment we contacted Sunny, our every need and desire to create a dream trip was effortless. black rock, otherwise known as pu'u keka'a, forms one end of the popular ka'anapali beach. These days, locals and tourists alike can be found jumping off Black Rock and snorkeling in the water around the base. We jump to be connected to the past, Kainalu said, his dark, piercing eyes full of respect. Gates open at 5:15pm October - February, 5:45pm September and March - May, and 6:15pm June - August. As the sun begins to set each evening over West Maui, a tradition begun in 1963 the ceremonial dive off Black Rock continues at the Sheraton Maui Resort & Spa. celebrity Famous for its reputation for great snorkelling, swimming, scuba diving; this beach is the perfect place for relaxed morning walks and . A local diver then passes along the cliff, lighting torches as he goes. About the AuthorPatrick Crowley is a Content Manager with My Michigan Beach. We have a wide variety of lavish homes located throughout Maui and throughout the Hawaiian islands. Since 1963 the Sheraton Maui has put on a cliff diving ceremony at Black Rock to honor this ancient Hawaiian tradition enjoyed by King Kahekili. He insists its more than live theater. Went over spring break last time. Photo courtesy of Tim Wilson via Flickr. Take in Mauis beautiful sunset as your sitting on one of its many grand beaches. Organized by the hotel, this fabulous leap into the ocean has impressed visitors for decades. Try to firmly secure spots for your hands and feet before attempting to pull yourself up. Kaanapali is a popular area, attracting thousands of people annually because of its beautiful beaches and the daily cliff diving ceremony usually held at the beach's northernmost cliffs called Puu Kekaa, or Black Rock. lodging The. You'll. airport This means that if you are not careful a rock, a branch, or even a scuba diver may lodge itself directly under you. A torch lighting and cliff diving ceremony is enacted each evening right before sunset. Located just north of the old whaling town of Lahaina in West Maui, the leafy 10-acre Kaanapali Plantation condo resort nestles against the hillside overlooking the Pacific Ocean, with the white sand and clear waters of Black Rock Beach, a former retreat for Hawaiian royalty, just a few miles down the road. Super fun experience. Stick around when the sun sets and you will be treated to a local cliff diving ceremony that happens daily. Tons of locals and other vacationers (kids & adults) jump off the rock while many are snorkeling below. the cliff diving ceremony is. Or did you have something a bit more daring in mind? Black Rock Torch Lighting / Cliff Diving Ceremony - Ka'anapaliCoordonnes GPS: 20.926620, -156.696703Chaque soir, au coucher du soleil, il est possible d'assister une crmonie traditionnelle (Lele Kawa) qui se droule l'extrmit de la plage de Ka'anapali, proximit du Sheraton Maui Resort \u0026 Spa.En fait, il s'agit d'un homme qui reprsente un guerrier hawaiien. beaches The seats along the edge have a perfect view of the people diving off Black Rock into the water. The best snorkeling spot at Black Rock is around the lava rock edge. PRO-TIP: Sunset Point is a perfect spot to take in a Lake Superior sunset. Although some fruit looking plants look deliciously edible to visitors, there are various poisonous plants on the island. This 40-foot deep freshwater springhas water so crystal clear you can actually see all the way to bottom, and catch glimpses of the fish congregating among the limestone bottom as they search for food. Legend said he dove heights of 200 to 300 feet, but his dive at Puu Kekaa, commonly called Black Rock, was significant because others were afraid to jump at this eerie location. When Does The Sheraton Cliff Diving Ceremony Start? Menu items like the lau lau pork, Maui style fish, chicken long rice, roasted vegetables, island crab salad, taro leaf stew, poke, poi and assorted desserts are plentiful and delectable. We booked our stay at the Sheraton Maui to maximize our time snorkeling and playing on the beach by Black Rock and to explore this historic hotel on one of our favorite beaches. If you are a resident of another country or region, please select the appropriate version of Tripadvisor for your country or region in the drop-down menu. She took care of shopping, dinner reservations and answered every stupid question like a true professional. The iconic cliff diving ceremony at sunset, a resort tradition since 1963, is a must see and a great way to end the day. 95% of travelers recommend this experience. Presque Isle Park Marquette is set on a peninsula that extends into Lake Superior, surrounded on all three sides by the dark blue water. When youre ready to jump, be sure the area below you is free from other people. Its supposed to be one of the better beaches to go snorkeling. Pre-assigned seating at time of booking. Explore different ways to experience this place. Either way, take your time. No stop to West Maui is complete without a visit to . 44 Hawaiian and Pidgin Phrases Every Visitor Needs to Know, 20 Thoughts Every Hiker has had on the Trail Up Koko Head Crater, Shop These 5 Sophisticated Aloha Shirt Brands, Tips on How To Get To Lanikai Beach on Oahu, This New Cookbook by Maui Chef Sheldon Simeon is All About Real Local Food, Peek Into the $100 Million Transformation at The Ritz-Carlton Maui, Kapalua, Makawaos Popular Caf Returns in a Colorful New Location as Vida by Sip Me. Home 2023 Black Rocks Marquette Cliff Jumping Info (UPDATED). culture wailea-makena After you've had your share of cliff diving, it's time to watch the pros do it! However, as people fell in love with Maui and decided to stay here permanently, horrific creatures came along hiding in shoes, carpets, and clothes. restaurants We loved the house cockatoo, Lola. There are much better beaches on the island. It just is, and there isn't a lot you can do about it. One of Kanapali Beach's most famous attractions is the daily cliff diving ceremony off the beach's northernmost cliffs known as Puu Kekaa, or Black Rock. . when to go Nice sandy beach. Escape to paradise. You can also take a zip line trip with Kaanapali Skyline Eco-Adventures or go golfing on two championship golf courses: the Royal Kaanapali and the Kaanapali Kai. You can usually spot the locals as they are likely the ones scaling the face of the rock and doing backflips into the water. With live music, Hula dancing, and a narrated history of the ceremony, its a truly immersive experience. The Sheraton provides live music at the Cliff Dive Grill before and after the ceremony, with guided historical narration in between. Black Rock, otherwise known as Puu Kekaa, forms one end of the popular Kaanapali beach. I was the chosen one I guess.. 1) Black Rock Beach Cliff diving ceremony. The cliff diving ceremony is completely free to view. The rocks can be tough on your feet. haleakala In my opinion, the lower jump isnt that much lower. Where Does The Sheraton Cliff Diving Ceremony Take Place? Marquettes Black Rocks height is almost as striking as their dark hue, which, when combined with fall colors, makes a perfect subject for breathtaking photos. The sheraton cliff diving ceremony takes place at black rock beach, in ka'anapali. Legend tells us that the last Chief of Maui proved his spiritual stength by leaping off of the sacred Pu'u Keka'a, Black Rock, into the waters below. . Today, you can watch the daily sunset cliff-diving ceremony, which reenacts the feat of King Kahekili, who bravely dove from this sacred spot. Young kids Sat on the beach while older kids went diving. While two could not be more different, but you cant help but notice similarities. If you book with Tripadvisor, you can cancel up to 24 hours before your tour starts for a full refund. Just take a nice stroll along the beach if youre staying in one of the resorts. Add a Black Rock Mai Tai and the Kalua pork sandwich, and you have everything you need for an unforgettable night. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'mauihacks_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_10',149,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-mauihacks_com-large-leaderboard-2-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'mauihacks_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_11',149,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-mauihacks_com-large-leaderboard-2-0_1');.large-leaderboard-2-multi-149{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}Having conquered cliffs across the island, Chief Kahekili turned his attention to the black rocks of Puu Kekaa. The approximate deaths by shark attack worldwide every year is around 5 to 15 people. 17 things to do in Santa Cruz, the old-school beach town that makes for a charming getaway, Desperate mountain residents trapped by snow beg for help; We are coming, sheriff says, Winter storms ease drought conditions in California, report shows, 19 cafes that make L.A. a world-class coffee destination, David Lindley, guitarist best known for work with Jackson Browne, dies at 78, Best coffee city in the world? An all-time favorite Maui attraction for guests worldwide, at Old Lahaina Luau guests are treated like ohana and greeted with the gift of a fresh orchid lei to begin the night's celebration. Tags: In order to reach the waterfall, you'll need to hike along with the 1.8-mile Twin Falls Trail, which tends to be very overcrowded. While some DO cliff jump off of the Black Rocks in Marquette, it is not recommended or considered to be safe according to the City of Marquette Fire and Rescue Department, who cites Lake Superiors cold water temperatures and dangerous rip currents as risk factors. You might try hiking through the dense forests of the Porcupine Mountains. Check-in Location: On the Luau grounds at the Sheraton Maui Resort and Spa. lahaina Before watching the famed cliff diving ceremony at Black Rock, rent yourself some snorkel gear for a few bucks. Although, the terror that they bring may cause panic attacks to some people. The worst danger you must avoid when visiting Maui is entertaining the idea of ever leaving. Chief Kahekili, a monumental king of Maui and Oahu during the 1700s, popularized lele kawa and gained respect from his warriors by being one of the first to jump off the lava flow just outside of the resorts 23-acre property of present-day. Presque Isle Park is a short drive north from downtown Marquette, just past the ore docks. The only danger is when you forget to bring enough water for the journey and end up dehydrating in the middle of your trip. Choose from two spots . The coral is all but dead and there is algae all over it. snorkeling HOURS According to Battalion Chief Jeff Haile, "From a risk assessment, it's a high hazard . For example, avoid swimming in murky water as it attracts little fish which also attracts big fish. At Kaanapali Beach is the famous daily cliff diving ceremony held at the beach's northernmost cliffs, Black . Chief Kahekili, who ruled from 1766 to 1793, was known for making leaps from heights of over 200 feet, in a display of incredible skill. It welcomed its first guests at the end of January in 1963, inviting them to witness the cliff dive that has become the resorts signature celebration. I always knew I wanted to do that someday, he said. So make sure to avoid popping anything in your mouth unless you are completely sure it is safe. Any small issue with the house was taken care of promptly by Eric. The very best place to view the Maui Cliff Diving Ceremony is from the Cliff Dive Bar and Grill at the Sheraton Hotel. where to stay Food and beverages are a bit more speedy but that is the price of paradise. Black Rock is also the site of the nightly ceremony where a Hawaiian cliff diver honors their ancestors and dives into the deep waters. From this rock, spirits were said to leap, as they moved from the mortal world into the spiritual to join their ancestors. Hiking on Maui is one of the most popular activities that both locals and visitors love to do. 1. This number is based on the percentage of all Tripadvisor reviews for this product that have a bubble rating of 4 or higher. Black Rock (or the formal name, Pu'u Keka'a) is not only known for its amazing snorkeling, but also a great cliff diving spot! 94% of travelers recommend this experience. It was almost like a dream. Nido Huebl/Adobe Stock. Discover Maui Nui L'au, a beachfront l'au at Sheraton Maui Resort & Spa with a traditional ceremony and all-you-can-eat fare! I was hoping it would have been better. Delivery & Pickup Options - 165 reviews of Cliff Dive Grill "While the family is on the beach or snorkeling around Black Rock, The Cliff Dive Bar at the Sheraton is the perfect place to grab a drink. Smaller setting than most other Kaanapali Luaus Rates: Adult (Ages 13 & up): $172.80 Child (Ages 6-12): Reg. They will come up and check you out, but please do not touch them. These clear warm waters will give you an incredible view of Hawaii's tropical fish . You'll find this spot on the northern end of Ka'anapali beach. Since 1963, a diver still makes the plunge every night here, as part of a cultural ceremony put on by the Sheraton Maui Resort & Spa, which sits on 23 oceanfront acres that include Puu Kekaa. Watch as cliff divers prepare by lighting torches along the rocks before jumping. The second reason is due to what Puu Kekaa represented. wildlife, Copyright 2023 Mauihacks |Privacy Policy, Affiliate Disclaimer: Your support helps keep the site running! ALOHA! According to the legend, the last chief of Maui, Kahekili (Thunderer), tested his spirit by diving from the sacred Pu'u Keka'a cliff (the Black Rock) into the Pacific Ocean. This is an amazing very unusual black Rock beach. Check-in Time: Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays (currently) at 4:30 pm. Don't miss the spiritual and beautiful ceremony on Maui. How about a relaxing hike through the woods alongside a waterfall with the sound of calm, running water filling the air? You may occasionally receive promotional content from the Los Angeles Times. Snorkel with turtles off the coast of K'anapali Beach and watch the nightly cliff-diving ceremony at Pu'u Keka'a (Black Rock). So if you are on the beautiful island of Maui or plan on paying a visit, add this to your to do list. swimming But if the height doesnt impress you, then the twisted black rocks of the lava-formed cliff will. . The Ritz-Carlton Maui Rates start at $1500 and up/night. Cliff Dive Grill Multiple cuisines This open-air restaurant serves a range of tempting lunch and dinner options inspired by the flavors of Maui. Haleakala National Park is an expansive 30,000-acre national park that offers numerous hikes and activities from the coast to the summit. Links on this page may be affiliate links. The schedule allows for plenty of time to explore, whether you're a first-timer or a returnee looking to revisit favorite places. Ancient Hawaiians believed the souls of those who died would leap into the spirit world at this sacred spot. Black Rock is located at the north end of the beach, right outside of Sheraton Maui Resort and Spa, which provides a number of water activities for customers to experience during their stay. Tripadvisor. 99% of travelers recommend this experience. In Marquette, we have seven miles of protected beaches for beachgoers to explore. Goes Out newsletter, with the week's best events, to help you explore and experience our city. Unlike most beaches in Maui, it offered everything we were looking for. However, if you care about your life more than your likes, make sure to just swim next to the waterfalls as it will already be one of the most amazing experiences you will experience on Maui. Watch Traditional Cliff Diving at Kaanapali Beach's Puu Kekaa (Black Rock) Each night, The Sheraton Maui Resort & Spa in Kaanapali shares a treasured piece of Hawaiian history with the islanda traditional cliff dive or lele kawa. Offering 2 to 3 bedroom Maui vacation . Whether you decide to take the Peter White loop around the park by car or bike, keep in mind that youll want to slow down and take it all in. Ever since, these creatures also claimed permanent residence in paradise. food Pu'u Keka'a, or Black Rock, is a high volcanic rock cliff at the north end of Black Rock Beach. Black Rock Beach is one of Maui's most well known beauty spots. Haleakala, for example, is at such a high elevation that consistently drinking water is necessary to avoid major safety concerns like dehydration. How Much Does It Cost To See The Sheraton Maui Cliff Diving? The range Ive seen people mention is anywhere from 12 to 30 feet. Recommended for youMaui Activities the Kids Will Enjoy10 Ways to Piss off the Locals When Visiting MauiMaui Shark Attacks : 5 Tips on How To Stay Safe in The Water When Visiting Maui, Hawaii receives a huge influx of visitors each year, 8,308,114 in 2014 to be exact. Each year, thousands of visitors flock to this quiet spot along Lake Superior for hiking, sightseeing, and even cliff-jumping. Legend tells us that the last Chief of Maui proved his spiritual stength by leaping off of the sacred Pu'u Keka'a, Black Rock, into the waters below. During fall in Michigan, its a perfect destination for a fall color tour, with the contrast of the black rock against a blue sky and brilliant foliage of red and gold. According to Hawaiian legends, the last chief of Maui, Kahekili, proved his spiritual strength by jumping from sacred Puu Kekaa (now commonly called Black Rock) and into the ocean below. Maui and the other Hawaiian islands receive so many volcanic rocks and sand in the mail each year from visitors who smuggled Peles children away.