Lastly, in Chapter 10Juvenile Justice and particularly 10.6Due Process in the Juvenile Court the textbook acknowledged due process related landmark court cases from 1966 to 1976. Ultimately, these (police, courts and corrections) can be taught during any timeframe. It isn't too good to be true - it's Inclusive Access. Finally, in her free time, she runs SOAR Wildlife Center (, which is a non-profit organization, that rehabilitates sick, injured, or orphaned fawns and other baby mammals. Consistency can be an issue when relying on numerous authors (see comment to Clarity above) but this text does a good job blending the writing styles as well as the terminology/framework. David E. Carter joined the Criminology and Criminal Justice Department in 2008. Accounting
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PPTX. There were some graphics that appeared distorted but were still readable. The Criminal Justice Program is for 11th and 12th Grade students. 4.0. Chapter 5 is the chapter that probably needs to be improve with greater content information and illustrations, when possible, on theories that are popular in criminal justice, like Robert Agnews general strain theory; Gottfredson & Hirschs self-control theory/general crime theory; the developmental theories, such as latent theory by Moffitt or others, and life course theories (Aged-graded Theory) by Sampson and Laub. This text provides culturally relevant content. I know this can be a frustration for students. Overall, the authors used simplistic language suitable for an introductory course in Criminal Justice. I did not see any teaching resources available with the text. Haley received the 2001 Nikolai N. Khaladjan International Award for Innovation in Higher Education. Each chapter is broken down into digestible sections. Fort Hays State University. I would like to see this textbook expanded to include a few more chapters, such as terrorism, cybercrime and drugs. Missing potential chapters like drugs and crime, mental health and crime, terrorism, bias-motivated crimes, cybercrimes, and comparative criminal justice. Student Success
The problem is what is also accurate may be missing from the Textbook. The authors have done an excellent job of dividing each chapter into small reading sections. After considering the pros and cons, I believe that the casual writing helps distinguish this textbook from others in the field that are extremely dry (and they are all, almost without fail, extremely dry), and that this should be considered a strength. Film
The text is inclusive and does not alienate groups or individuals with specific backgrounds, however, it also pushes some of these major issues aside. $7.50. It will be easy to assign students to read additional material without them feeling overwhelmed as the sections are shorter than most textbooks which students these days will appreciate. ; Another strength of this textbook is the use of a modular approach to present the materials. .nav-contain-highered p{
Distortion may occur on different monitors, or on an e-reader, etc. This book has fairly comprehensive chapters, but lacks a conclusion or any acknowledgement of what it leaves out (gender issues in CJ, cybercrime, comparative criminal justice, etc.). I thought the text was logically organized and easy to follow. The authors of this book; "Introduction to the American Criminal Justice System", did a great job. Business Law
Career Development
We Are the Ants by Shaun David Hutchinson. While it is difficult to publish a textbook that remains up to date without a tremendous yearly effort, yet this book will certainly be relevant for the next few years. Anatomy & Physiology and Physical Science
This text employs the classic organization for an Intro to CJ textbook. Introduction to Criminal Justice, 10e, provides a comprehensive study of the criminal justice system. Bring the caption Mendelsohns Typology of Crime Victims from page 57 to page 58with the chartit makes for a better connection of the material. Certain chapters are referenced in other chapters and it was easy to understand the thought process behind it. This list includes the courses taught in the 2020-21 and 2021-22 school years. line-height: 1.5 !important;
However, one topic included in this textbook that is often integrated into other chapters is criminal justice policy. We have had very positive feedback about the required textbooks in the course but consistently heard how expensive the books were to buy. Education
Introduction In reality, there is no one criminal justice system in the United States. I did not see any distortion problems on my monitor. The text provides a good balance of examples that reflect the diversity of the community. The materials presented in the book are powerful, descriptive, well balanced with knowledge, pictures, illustrations, activities, and especially critical thinking that engages students in the discussions. Today, the criminal justice academy has 216 countywide students representing many of the 38 surrounding cities and offers four separate course levels of criminal justice. Thus, students will eventually cover these materials in great depth so these omissions do not necessarily concern me. While race and gender issues may not have been directly addressed in its own section, I think these issues can be easily inserted into other sections (i.e., police shootings, use of force, community policing, sentencing, death penalty, etc.). Some authors have a different writing style than others. Marketing
Computer & Information Technology
However, I found there to be some issues with accuracy of delivery of certain terms/subjects. read more. During her tenure in policing in Las Vegas she worked in patrol, the crime prevention division, community services, recruitment, special events, problem-solving unit (first ever unit/substation for her department in a high gang and drug area), undercover prostitution and narcotics stings, search warrant service assistance, mounted unit departmental work, CSI (crime scene investigator), forensics, Sergeant and Sergeant field training program and master trainer, Lieutenant and Lieutenant field training program, and finally Acting Captain. I commend the authors attempt to provide a resource available to fragile collegiate students. Biology - Majors
Having a consistent tone throughout regardless of the author would make the book easier to read. From 1973 to 1974, he worked for the Jackson County Department of Corrections in Kansas City, Missouri, first as a corrections officer and later as an instructor/counselor in the Model Inmate Employment Program, a Law Enforcement Assistance Administration sponsoredwork-release project. I find the style of the writing interesting for a textbook, as the authors refer to themselves in parts of the text. The modules were organized well and flowed nicely from topic to topic. The writing was clear and to the point with lots of examples to help demonstrate concepts. Criminal Law uses a two-step process to augment learning, called the applied approach. Because they knew how much they needed to read each week in order to complete each section. The text is consistent in the subject matter. Each chapter included boxes containing additional information and discussion questions or assignment ideas. Pricing subject to change at any time. Reviewed by Riane Bolin, Assistant Professor , Radford University on 1/29/20, This textbook is comparable to most other introduction textbooks on the market in terms of the content. Writing (i.e., a written reaction to a situationp.45 or p.187) and critical thinking (i.e., critical thinking questions or what do you think momentsp. Comparing it to my required textbook for purchase by other authors, this book covered most of the material and is comprehensive. She is the Director & Associate Professor of the Criminal Justice degree program at St. Thomas University in Miami, Florida. As a policing scholar, I wanted to see more of a historical and analytical overview of policing. Haley is also the secretary of the police section of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences. I would suggest including some more recent cases/examples from media sources to make the text more relevant to the reader. Overall, the content is accurate, but key details are missing in certain chapters. Each component (courts, cops, and corrections) were reflected of key elements essential to the operation of the justice system. While some reviewers wished to see more supplemental material, the lack of it does not bother me. Some students opt to go onto graduate school after obtaining an undergraduate criminal justice degree. This textbook is relevant to today's criminal justice system and addresses current issues and challenges with each component of the criminal justice system. Many current events and pop culture references are made. This is significant because often policy in Criminal Justice is a topic that is given a low priority or put-on-the-backburner in an Introduction course, nonetheless is vital. There is a dearth of OER textbooks in Criminology and Criminal Justice, which made creating this textbook all the more exciting. For example, Introduction to Criminal Justice Dussich, Lester Pincu and Candice A. Skrapec, By Freda Adler and William Laufer and Gerhard O. Mueller, Probation, Parole, and Community-Based Corrections: Supervision, Treatment, and Evidence-Based Practices, By Charles Swanson and Neil Chamelin and Leonard Territo and Robert W Taylor, Criminal Law for the Criminal Justice Professional, Juvenile Justice: Policies, Programs, and Practices, Annual Editions: Violence and Terrorism, 15/e, By Luke Ritter and J. Barrett and Rosalyn Wilson. 1.5. This text does a great job of covering a great majority of topics one would find in a typical Introduction to Criminal Justice textbook. The book covers all areas and ideas briefly. read more. Feedback on these lists and suggestions for . Keyboarding
Overall the text is internally consistent with minor terms discrepancies, which may due to multiple authorships. Lore has been married for over 27 years to her husband, Markus (a Swiss national). This modularity helped me to break the syllabus into weekly content that was consist throughout the semester. or Imaging sitting in the college classroom with (p. 17)). I didn't find many interface issues, most links work well, and moving back into the text was efficient, in that it brought you back to the place in the text you previously were. The only way we were willing to undertake this project as if it was as good, or better than the current books students read. The picture on page 340, which is labeled People Incarcerated in the U.S. and the same picture on page 353 (i.e., labeled Correctional Control by Type 1975-2016) are the same, However, on page 353 the caption underneath the picture says 'Correctional Control by Type 1975-2016', with no years are being shown. With four books released so far, Simon True is a go-to for true crime fans. While I do think these topics should have been briefly mentioned, I do realize that other Criminal Justice courses cover these topics in great detail (i.e., Police Systems and Practices, Judicial Processes, and Introduction to Corrections). The topics were presented in a clear and logical fashion. Physics Textbook - This high school level (grades 10-12) textbook was created to give students in South Africa a quality science education.
Akhil Reed Amar, from Yale University, is the instructor. She earned her Ph.D. from Indiana University of Pennsylvania and her MCJ from the University of Colorado Denver. Cell/Molecular Biology and Genetics
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Crime Victim Rights and Remedies, by Peggy M. Tobolowsky. I applaud that the authors can combine both theoretical and empirical context in the current book. Due to the nature of the criminal justice field, our terminology is steady and so is theirs throughout the book. This textbook covers all the major content areas required for an Intro to CJ class. At times we faced challenges about what or how much to cover, but our primary goal was to make sure this book was as in-depth as the two textbooks we were currently using for our CCJ 230 introduction course. For more information, visit our accessibility page, or contact us at Your text has great instructor tools, like presentation slides, instructor manuals, test banks and more. include staring, scorn, the cold shoulder, shunning, telling people they're doing something wrong. width: calc(100vw - (100vw - 750px) / 2);
Criminal Justice 101: Intro to Criminal Justice. The book is organized in a clear and logical way. Reviewed by Hollie Macdonald, Lecturer, Longwood University on 4/11/19, The book covers all areas and ideas briefly. Chemistry
The stats listed provided a historical context but also the current stats such as those listed in the probation section provide context to what is being discussed and can be kept up to date easily. Lastly, the addition of an Index section in the back of the book would be useful. The topics are presented in a logical and clear fashion. Nothing major though. The content is easy reading both in terms of the knowledge shared as well as on the readers eyes. Considering this is an introductory course, I thought this textbook did a nice job of covering a vast amount of material. Sociology
There are chapters for the main topics, including crime, measuring crime, policing, courts, and corrections. It functions as a clearinghouse of information from government agencies at all levels of government. I like the "Current Issues" displayed in the text. Connect Master
During this time, she was also chosen and paid by an independent firm to travel the country and conduct oral board interviews and assessment center testing and recruiting for law enforcement agencies and fire departments. This free online course is designed to take approximately 18 hours to complete the videos and readings, with flexible deadlines. Dr. Goodman hosts a radio podcast show on the iheartradio platform . Class Type 100% online, 8-week courses. Sentences started with the word "Because". This opens up more advanced criminal justice jobs such as: police supervisor and detective supervisor, correctional officer supervisor or warden, prison warden, forensic psychologist, and other management jobs in the FBI or DEA. Dave served in the U.S. Army for 8 years as a linguist prior to attending school. Health Professions
I have another with 300 students. Reviewed by Raymond Delaney, Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice, Southern University at New Orleans on 4/18/19, The book addressed the key areas of the criminal justice system. The index and glossary are adequate for navigating the information in each section. The textbook covers many similar topics as other introductory textbooks in the field, particularly in the areas of courts, corrections, and police. Since 2015 she has been a part-time Circuit Court judge in the Josephine County courts. Available for Introduction to Criminal Justice, Corrections, and Introduction to Police courses. I would definitely recommend assigning particular sections of this textbook, as opposed to assigning the textbook in its entirety.
I did not find any of the content to be culturally insensitive or offensive in any way. Journalism, Media Studies & Communications, 1: Crime, Criminal Justice, and Criminology, 2: Defining and Measuring Crime and Criminal Justice. The structure of the text walks the reader through the topics and explains the concepts in simple terms which are appropriate for students who are beginning a criminal justice I really like how the chapters were divided up into smaller sections, making it easy to skip sections, add sections, or vary the order. There are many similar systems. This text would benefit from writing with inclusion to other races, nationalities, genders, sexual orientations, etc. Although many professors already have some made up, having some come with the text ensures that all the information is relevant. Note:Connect can only be used if assigned by your instructor. Overall, the book looks promising. Average Lesson Length: 8 min. The textbook cites legal sources which indicate that the text has been thoroughly researched and therefore is accurate. The topics are presented in a logical and clear fashion. I also appreciate that there is a whole chapter on criminological theories as well. Selling high school textbooks has never been easier. The course prepares students for career opportunities within the criminal justice system as well as entrance into institutions of higher learning. The Theory chapter does not prioritize or attend to feminist criminology, which should be added to the canon of Very Important Theories. Experts on the subject with nearly 100 years of experience between them as both practitioners and teachers, authors Robert Bohm and Keith Haley present criminal justice students with an engaging narrative that encourages them to think critically about the subject.
The textbook is now free to anyone who wants to explore the subject. This OER source may need to be updated. I could not tell if there were any instructor resources for this book. With the ReadAnywhere mobile app, students can now read and complete SmartBook 2.0 assignments both online and off-line. .image-6x5 {
It would be very easy for a professor to tailor the textbook readings to meet the needs of how they teach the course. The authors had done an excellent job in modularity. Comparing it to my required textbook for purchase by other authors, this book covered most of the material and is comprehensive. The COAJ offers training, events, and other resources for legal professionals in Central Ohio. The current issues boxes will need to be updated as time goes on, but that is also something that can be done easily. We're here to help -Get real-world support and resources every step of the way. Get step by step instructions for requesting an evaluation, exam, or desk copy, Platform System Check
Chapter 7 Worksheet. The text is easily readable and is broken up into logical sections. As an instructor, I want a book that my students would pick up to read because it is quick and easy to read with clear understanding. Specifically, to highlight the critical ways in which race intersects with the criminal legal system. Developmental English
This text does a great job of covering a great majority of topics one would find in a typical Introduction to Criminal Justice textbook. The Criminal Justice Fellows Program is open to high school seniors and graduates seeking an Associate in Applied Science in Criminal Justice or other Committee approved related field of study. }
All of these assignments can be automatically graded and sent directly to the course gradebook, allowing instructors to spend more time teaching and less time grading. Open Oregon Educational Resources, Reviewed by Summer Diamond, Lecturer II, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley on 12/21/22, I was impressed with the wide range of areas this text covers. Each of the three components of the criminal justice system - law enforcement, courts, and corrections - is fully covered. Connect is available with all Criminal Justice titles. For example, the book listed defenses to a criminal charge, but did not provide explanations of these defenses. This book is an easy read and easy to follow and understand. Personalize learning and assessment, ALEKS Placement, Preparation, and Learning
Some topics that would usually be found a separate chapters were combined under more robust chapter titles. Consider including information that addresses the lack of reporting and tracking by law enforcement on excessive force. @media (min-width: 992px) {
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Perhaps the greatest strength/asset of this text is the ease within which the reader can move between different topics and subtopics. For example, the book listed defenses to a criminal charge, but did not provide explanations of these defenses. Reviewed by Geraldine Doucet, Associate Professor of Criminal Justice/Juvenile Justice, Southern University and A&M College, Baton Rouge, LA on 4/27/19, Extensive and thorough coverage of the three criminal justice segments, the functions, operations, interdependence and interrelation of the three are clearly addressed from the onset. Political Science
If I had to complain, the textbook authors should make the examples more inclusive of the national criminal justice system overall, rather than concentrating on Oregon. Question 1.6 Watson is charged with a crime. Chemistry
There is room for some improvement by showing greater diversity beyond black and white. 36. Credit Hours. Fort Hays offers four online programs in criminal justice with the choice to specialize by mixing and matching courses that best fit student's interests. The text is broken down into small blocks within the titles. by. Issues in Criminal Justice. Film
Business Communication
Some authors include lots of activities and external resources, while others include few to none. She has published a variety of journal articles and book chapters related to juvenile justice, delinquency, and gender, and her primary research interests involve women and crime, juvenile justice and delinquency, and pedagogy in higher education. The text is an easy read especially for undergraduate students. The book is aimed at readers with no or positive previous experiences with police and/or the criminal justice system as a whole. .nav-contain-highered{
This is a solid Intro to CJ book. Clarity would be an area or need for major or significant improvement. Keiser University's Criminal Justice programs cover topics that include but are not limited to deviant behavior, forensics, law enforcement, investigation, victimology, private security, corrections and juvenile justice and how components work together and are governed by our laws, the Supreme Court and the U.S. Constitution. All Rights Reserved. Each component (courts, cops, and corrections) were reflected of key elements essential to the operation of the justice system. This book gives me a great foundation on which to build. This is no different than with any other Criminal Justice textbook. Revisit pages 40 and 41 with the exception of the material written in the gray boxes (or illustration captions) the words on page 40 is the exact same as the words on page 41. While the print version of the textbook, provides a detailed table of contents the online version provides only the title chapters. Brian Fedorek earned his doctorate at the Indiana University of Pennsylvania in Criminology. National Association of Blacks in Criminal Justice. High School Textbook Categories. However, there are a couple areas throughout the text that I believe would benefit from further elaboration and explanation.
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