Describe at least two advantages of being in a group by using information from the passage Ans: Humans in groups from long ago were able to find more food. Humans in groups from long ago were able to more effectively battle animals that threatened them. Variety is the spice of life, they say. What problem do Measure R and J attempt to address? Ans: DQ3. Then, click on the "Question Set" tab. For example, students may communicate that peoples sense of job security impacted their view of immigration. Then explain how some of the tips listed in the passage could be used to deal with that particular situation. Ans: Answers may vary. Salas. Ans: BQ4. What does AI stand for? Ans: DQ2. Use evidence from the text to support your answer Ans: Students should explain that Los Angeles experience with the road closures was more positive than anticipated. Based on the text, what other direction or directions can someone figure out if the person knows the direction of north?. Ans: The person can figure out south, east, and west.Q10. Students should indicate that slavery was a contentious issue between the North and the South: the North was morally opposed to slavery by the 1850s and did not want to allow pro-slavery states to join the Union, while the South relied on slavery for their economic power. What kind of music does Ricky like? Ans: AQ2. Tenskwatawa was a religious leader. Students may argue that Joseph is a good brother because he is there for Philip when he overhears his dad say that he is bad at baseball and he comforts him when he breaks his arm. 4. Values are a summary of what the groups goals might be or a general idea of what is acceptable behavior; __, some groups might strongly believe in honesty and dislike theft. Ans: DQ8. The programs can then act without any further input from human beings, making decisions based on data.Q9. As used in the text, what does the phrase general direction mean? Use examples from the text in your answer. Ans: The roots of strangler figs wrap around the trunks of their host trees absorbing nutrients that would have entered the roots of the host tree. What situation has the narrator struggled through? Ans: AQ3. How do you think Abraham feels about his new life with the wild elephants at the end of the story? Make sure to address why these laws were passed. Ans: Answers may vary but students should accurately describe any two of the laws mentioned in the text.Q10. Students may want to discuss their own reactions to this descriptive passage and its implications. What evidence from the text supports this conclusion? Ans: Answers may vary, but students may note how many positive words he uses to describe Matt: confident, skilled, etc.Q9. Why is Kyle joining his mom on the tour she is giving of a wind turbine farm? Ans:Q9. Q1. Pick your tracks or playlist from Spotify or iTunes and let our AI DJ help you create a masterpiece. Why would the author include recipes in the text? Read the following sentences from the text: Based on this information, why was a set of trade routes connecting China and the West called the Silk Road? Ans: CQ4. What is this passage mostly about? Ans: AQ6. Buy Real Twitch Followers, Q1. Ans: AQ7. How have we made progress in using wind power since the first windmills? Students may also explain that most of the Earths freshwater is frozen in glaciers and ice caps and not accessible to humans. Education in America reflects the values and aspirations of the country. Read these sentences from the text: Today, people have learned how to get much more powerBased on these sentences, what does it mean if something is modern? Ans: BQ7. This means that the needle shows the direction of north. The title of this text is Groundhog Day. Based on the information in the text, what is Groundhog Day? Ans: BQ5. Why were some schools still segregated in 1960 even though the Supreme Court had ruled that segregation was unconstitutional in 1954? If scientists can figure out how to etch transistors onto graphene, _ they will be able to create much smaller and much faster computer chips. Ans: BQ8. Based on the text, what might have best prepared the three women to lead their countries? Explain why some methods may be more effective than others. Explain how the march from Selma to Montgomery helped raise awareness of the difficulty faced by black voters in the South. Use information from the story to support your answer. 1 root root 46 Jan 8 12:07 .. drwxrwxrwt. Instead B. In fact, without the help of the Wampanoag, it is likely that none of the colonists would have survived. Ans: DQ4. Avian influenza is a disease of birds that particularly affects domestic poultry such as chickens, turkeys and ducks. Choose the answer that best completes the sentence below. Ans: AQ8. Why is doing Quality Assurance the perfect job for the main character of this story? Ans: CQ5. Ans: BQ4. He didnt regret talking with Jessica, but he definitely regretted missing the game.Q10. The author contrasts the Blackwell family with other families. Ans: CQ8. . What is this passage mainly about? Ans: DQ6. Ans: DQ7. No worries! She stepped inside the chicken pen and stood with her arms crossed, looking at the dead hens and muttering about what it might have been that killed them all. A. Bertram and Glenda B. Brian and Stacey C. Brian and Mrs. Applegate Use details from both texts to support your answer. Along with the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act was one of the most expansive pieces of civil rights legislation in American history. Evaluate the lim (x 2 16)/(x Practice questions and answers for Class 9 Mathematics are available on Important Questions for Mathematics. Typically, the mayflower's cargo was wine and dry goods, but on. Please read the following sentences from the text. Where does Kyles mom work? Ans: Kyles mom works at a wind turbine farm.Q2. Describe how Abrahams experience as a circus elephant helped him to survive in the wild. In september 1620, a merchant ship called the mayflower set sail from plymouth, a port on the southern coast of england. Also, the new treatment isnt guaranteed to work. According to the passage, what two things do jewelers have to consider when making jewelry? Ans: CQ2. Choose the answer that best completes the sentence below._ kinkajous are small in size, their tails are longer than their heads and bodies combined! Ans: AQ8. Use evidence from the text to support your answer Ans: Each leader has experience working in government positions. 6. 10. Draw any percussion instruments Ans: Refer to Google images here, Q1. What is happening? According to Paul McLean, what is the most important drive an artist can have? Ans: According to Paul McLean, the most important drive an artist can have is an unbreakable resolve to make art.Q10. He learns how scientists can predict the movement of planets and moons. This fossil gives scientists more evidence that dinosaurs were the ancient ancestors of modern birds. [paragraph 1]Q8. Why might a person sending an email like this say they cant transfer money out of the country? The Fiction Partner Challenge - Comprehension Questions Answer Key 1. Ans: CQ4. Although Liberian quilts are similar in some ways to American traditional quilts, there are differences between the two. Grades PreK - 5 Browse photos and search by condition, price, and more. a more perfect union worksheet answer key, A More Perfect Union book. Read the following sentences. According to the text, what is more, long-lasting than words that are spoken in person? Ans: BQ2. Ans: for his hairstyle; Mya and Deanna Cook, who were banned from their schools prom for their hairstyles; and Alan Maloney, who was discriminated against at a wrestling match for his hairstyle.Q9. As used in the text, what does the word contract mean? Ans: CQ7. Include at least three pieces of information in your answer Ans: These brave men and women are- parents.- children.- grandparents.- friends.- neighbors.- coworkers.- an important part of their communities.Q10. What is this passage mainly about? Ans: CQ6. How does Billy return home from the majestic meadow? Ans: Billy meets a gnome named Gruff, who tells him that they dont have much time. What is this story mostly about? Ans: CQ6. What is the main idea of the text? Ans: BQ6. Why do kinkajous need excellent balance? Ans: Kinkajous need excellent balance in order to stay safe as they look for food in trees.Q9. Support your answer using information from the passage.Ans: Answers may vary and should be supported by the passage. The water trough had frozen solid overnight, the grass in the yard was crowned with whiteI caught myself just before landing on frozen chicken . What does the phrase to be free of mean here? Read the following sentences: As used in this sentence, what does the word endure most nearly mean? Ans: AQ7. Explain why there is truth to the saying, An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Use evidence from the text to support your answer. Give an example from the article that supports your answer Ans: The scientists were probably excited because the fossil shows that the bird had feet similar to those of the dinosaurs. Magnets are objects that produce an area of magnetic force called a magnetic field. What evidence from the story best supports this conclusion? Ans: BQ4. But something seemed off when he neared the chicken coop. Why are scientists working to predict the source of the next pandemic in humans? Ans:Q3. The question below is an incomplete sentence. Support your answer with evidence from the text. Clang! Ans: BQ8. Choose the answer that best completes the sentence. Wetlands serve important purposes for humans. chris_tran31. Based on these lines, what can be concluded about the addressee of this poem, thou? Ans: BQ4. For example, students may explain that in 2007, the Chinese tried to blow up one of its satellites with a missile. Ans: Answers may vary but should be supported by the text. Where are the question sets? The passage explains the sequence of events that led to the Civil War. Meet the Author. The author describes this conflict plainly: Sam felt conflicted: he had really liked watching the game with Jessica, but he had barely paid attention to the action itself. Ans: Answers may vary and should be supported by the passage. Based on the description above, what kind of stick was the man really holding? His confederacy was shattered after the destruction of Prophetstown. What right did it grant to American women? Ans:Q2. According to the text, what do health officials encourage? Ans: BQ2. How does the author in this passage define an artist?Ans: CQ2. When the abolitionism movement began in the North, the South saw it as a threat to their way of life, and politically fought against the North on this issue. Using comics, for instructional purposes, is highly engaging and effective. There is no longer a tree or a treehouse, and Billy walks home.Q9. What does the text describe? Ans: AQ3. Choose the answer that best completes the sentence below. Ans: BQ8. People in groups feel safer. People in groups enjoy a sense of companionship.Q9. Q1. Jul 15, 2016 - Explore Denise Harwood's board "assessment" on Pinterest. Based on the text, what should a volleyball player probably eat the night before an all-day tournament? Ans: DQ5. If the peer does not respect the decision, the person being pressured would do well to consider whether or not that peer is a friend and perhaps seek out other, more accepting individuals to spend time with. 4980 kb/s. Number of Views 3.86K. In the poem, a walrus and a carpenter convince a group of young oysters to follow them.As you read, take notes on how the different Oysters react to the Walrus and the Carpenter. Not so fast champ. Some teens choose not to participate in a trial _ theyre already exhausted from treatment after treatment and dont want to go through more.. Ans: BQ8. Why did Congress award the Little Rock Nine the Congressional Gold Medal in 1999? Ans: Congress awarded the Little Rock Nine the Congressional Gold Medal for their bravery in attempting to attend classes at an all-white high school, despite the many people who tried to prevent them from entering.Q10. Use evidence from the text to support your answer Ans: Answers may vary, but students are likely to conclude that Abraham feels happy and content. What evidence in the text supports this statement? Ans: AQ4. After democracy was restored in Chile in 1990, Michelle Bachelet entered public service. Ans: Kyle is enjoying his new life in northern California.Q4. Choose the answer that best completes this sentence Ans: AQ8. All forms of avian influenza are caused by viruses. Suggested answer: Exploration was a major goal for governments because it offered the prospect of new commercial operations and trade routes. Support your answer with evidence from the text Ans: Basic algorithms rely more on human input. If Spanish Leveled Books. A. writing fiction B. patience C. teamwork D. manners 2. Who are the two main characters in this text? halal fried chicken yelp kayla barron quotes. What is this passage mostly about? Ans: AQ6. Ans: AQ8. How does the author describe Matt? Ans: CQ3. The Tunguska meteor had more energy than the Chelyabinsk meteor1,000 times more powerful than the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima versus 20-30 times more powerful.Q10. Q1. What does the word harmonious most closely mean, as its used in this sentence? Ans: CQ7. Students may argue that it is important to study meteors, especially smaller ones like the Chelyabinsk meteor, so that we can learn more about them and prepare ourselves for future meteor strikes. Ans: When Billy returns home, Gramps isnt confused about the crown, or about where Billy was. Commentdocument.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a3416a7bc6b9b5fbc96570f39c8af807" );document.getElementById("d4264fba31").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Based on this evidence, what conclusion can you draw about the babys first-birthday game? ), and then have them spend the remainder of the class or session read- According to Dianne Fagan, what will happen if you are dehydrated? Ans: Answers should resemble the following. Find your new companion at What was abolitionism? Ans: Abolitionism was a movement that called for the legal end to slavery in all of the United States.Q9. What did you learn from George Washington? Ans: George Washington was one of the most influential Founding Fathers of the United States. Usually, this process kills the host, and only the fig tree is left. What conclusion can be drawn about strangler figs based on this evidence? Ans: AQ4. We rely on help from people like you to meet this need. The Great Barrier Reef is the largest coral reef on Earth; __, it may disappear within your lifetime. Hence there is an improvement in classroom level of learning. Why does the author ask the question, Have you ever seen waves crash against rocks on the shore? Ans: CQ7. 3? Ans: CQ3. Read these sentences from the text. PUR filtration makes filtering tap water easy. He (and others at the school) probably felt respect for her.Q10. The mayflower readworks answer key pdf indeed recently has been sought by users around us maybe one of you personally. Teacher Guide & Answers Passage Reading Level : Lexile 1110 Featured Text Structure : Descriptive - the writer explains, defines or illustrates a concept or topic Punjab Vs Mi : IPL 2021, PBKS vs MI: Punjab Kings snap three-match losing : Hello and welcome to our live coverage of match 17 between punjab kings and mumbai indians being. Eventually, the host tree often dies because of a lack of nutrients and sunlight.Q10. They can digest and sort huge amounts of data, but need human input to do so. What is this passage mostly about? Ans: AQ6. The Civil Rights Act was like a second emancipation because, by ending segregation and banning employment discrimination, it fully freed African Americans to be treated equally in the eyes of the law. Explain how having tiny, bound feet affected a womans reputation and social standing during the height of foot binding in China Ans: A woman with tiny, bound feet was considered more attractive and ladylike. Do you like reading in English? Based on the evidence in the text, why might the Civil Rights Act have been necessary? Ans: AQ4. How did women in China bind their feet? Ans: AQ2. Ans: AQ3. When asked, Why is making art important? Hadar Ahuvia answers by quoting choreographer Martha Graham. Read the paragraph that begins the Veterans Stats section of the article. Ans: Students should generally describe two of the following ways Black people were prevented from voting: Black people attempting to vote often were told by election officials that they had gotten the date, time, or polling place wrong, that they possessed insufficient literacy skills, or that they had filled out an application incorrectly. Why might humans want to gain access to a wider portion of the electromagnetic spectrum? What caused people to become part of a group a long time ago? Ans: BQ3. He quickly hands Billy some flowers and stems, and with the other gnomes, they make a crown. Conversely, students may argue that breaking stuff is harmful. Choose the answer that best completes the sentence below._ gold is softer than silver and needs to be blended with other metals for use in jewelry, gold is more valuable than silver. Ans: DQ8. How did many students and teachers at Elizabeths medical school feel about her being there in the beginning? Ans: Answers may vary but should resemble the following. Because of remote and hybrid learning, demand for ReadWorks free materials is higher than ever. AU $375.94. What evidence supports this? Ans: CQ4. Explain how the issue of slavery and the abolitionism movement helped to start the American Civil War. What conclusion can be made from this? Ans: BQ5. In general, they should list two of the following provisions: Under the Civil Rights Act, segregation on the grounds of race, religion, or national origin was banned at all places of public accommodation. Join us in Wonderopolis today for a game of high-tech hide and seek! make inferences and draw conclusions will be necessary when answering many short answer questions and most multiple choice questions as most will have some sort of primary or secondary source stimulus as well. mesh. [paragraphs 1, 2]Q2. Claire Curtiss grandfather was not afraid on the nights his family had to sleep in the basement during the air attacks on England. What is an ecosystem? Ans: An ecosystem is a complex system containing several species that interact with one another.Q9. Explain how Kyles moms career has impacted him. How does the author describe the changes transistors have undergone over time? Ans: DQ3. Who does the narrator blame for the loss of her job as editor-in-chief? Ans: The narrator blames Grady Maxwell for the loss of her job.Q9. What did the 15th Amendment do? Ans: BQ2. Percussion instruments can add a lot of energy and excitement to music, and they can also be very versatile, providing a wide range of sounds and textures that other instruments might not be able to produce.Q8. Downloads. Below you can find answers for Grade K topics: Q1. Q1. Example if you do not think you are fat and someone calls you fat you dont care. What is George Washington mostly about? Ans: CQ5. What did the United States flag look like right before the last two states joined the country? Ans: CQ5. Ans: DQ7. Can You Visit Gaylord Opryland Without Staying There. Created by. She stepped inside the chicken pen and stood with her arms crossed, looking at the dead hens and muttering about what it might have been that killed them all. A for example B as a result C most importantly D in contrast 8. How does the author describe the treasure that Terry Herbert found? Ans: CQ3. What can you infer from this paragraph about the strength of wind and how fast it wears down rocks? Ans: AQ5. Ans: It is a half moon. What did Madison love to learn about as a child? Ans: When Madison was a child, he loved to learn about math, geography, and languages.Q6. Q1. Class Discussion Question: Why was James Madison an important person in the history of the United States of America? Which of the following navigational instruments was not available to Christopher Columbus? Ans: AQ3. And Abraham was able to find food in places none of the other elephants had ever thought to look. Intrado Digital Media has a full suite of investor relations communications solutions, including IR Key Concepts: Terms in this set (84) Accounting is an information and measurement system that does all of the following except: Eliminates the need for interpreting financial data.ICAI - The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India set up by an act of parliament. MSM-Middle School Matters is designed for Middle School Educators. Being part of a group is an effect. Why might the author have chosen to use headings that start with Myth: throughout the entire article? Name two tips given in the passage for dealing with peer pressure. Ans: Answers may vary, as long as they come from the passage. Suggested answer: An octant was used to make accurate latitudinal calculations , and it replaced the quadrant. Imagine that you are describing Veterans Day to someone who has never heard of it. Quilts are an important part of the relationship between the United States and Liberia.What information from the text supports this idea? Ans: DQ4. How does Rickys attitude towards Stevie Wonders music change from before the concert to after the concert? Ans: Before the concert, Ricky is embarrassed to be going to see a concert with lots of older people, and doesnt think the concert will be very entertaining. Read these sentences from the text. vimeo micro bikini 2020 ford f150 lariat key fob. Reading Comprehension and Finding Evidence in the Text Easy Prep Activity!Reading Mystery Activity - Once Upon A Crime, Twinkle's Lost Shine!Your students will have fun solving this mystery while learning skills in reading, comprehension, synonyms, antonyms, Points; 7659 EN: Borreguita and the Coyote: Aardema, Verna: 3.1: 0.5: 9758 EN Download. As used in the sentence, what does the word analyze most closely mean? Ans: AQ7. Read this sentence about James Madison: James Madison is also remembered as the Father of the ConstitutionWhat does this tell us about who wrote the Constitution? Ans: AQ4. As explained in the passage, what problem does this solution address? Ans: AQ3. In particular, there are certain times of the year when figs are the only food source for some animals. For example, students may note that going to a baseball game with Jordan had been a disaster. Jordan had wanted to talk the whole time, while Sam had not. What does the word fatigued probably mean here? Ans: BQ7. As an example, students may argue that oil spills near the reef can cause the ecosystems there to be thrown off balance. Read the following sentence: What does the word diversity mean? Ans: AQ7. Support your answer using information from the passage. In China, having bound feet was a marker of wealth and status. What does moving pollen do for plants? Ans: BQ3. See If I Care Readworks Answer Key Pdf [Most popular] 1199 kb/s. Get free gift cards and cash for taking paid online surveys and free trial offers. Ans: Answers may vary but should be supported by the text. . Where do kinkajous live?Ans: CQ2. The passage states that rising ocean temperatures also affect the ecosystems in the coral reef, throwing off the delicate balance that allows so many species to coexist. Explain how rising ocean temperatures, pollution, or human interference could throw the ecosystems of the Great Barrier Reef off balance. able to move quickly, easily, and lightly. Read these sentences from the text. Your energy levels will diminish, and your thought processes and physical performance will be impaired.Q9. What does this suggest he feels? Ans: DQ5. Is this a good idea or not? Please read these sentences from the text: Ans: CQ4. They can be used to create a wide range of emotions in music, from the heaviest of metal to the most delicate of classical pieces.Q7. The author organizes the text by dividing it into sections with subheadings. For example, students may note that immigrants might move to the United States to escape the dangers present in their home countries.Q9. The author may have chosen to include all three interviews in order to provide three different views of the same war. Read these sentences from the text. After the answer is found, it is published on the Homework Answers page so that everybody can see it and get similar help. Find 350,000+ lesson plans and lesson worksheets reviewed and rated by teachers. Search thousands of FREE homeschooling resources & printables, round-ups, and homeschool curriculum. What did Jane Goodall help us learn about? Ans: AQ3. What did the pilgrims think of as a thanksgiving? Ans: To pilgrims, a thanksgiving was a religious holiday for which they would go to church and thank God for a specific event.Q9. How was the Blackwell family different? Ans: BQ3. What is this text mostly about? Ans: AQ5. Save money with coupons, promo codes, sales and cashback when you shop for clothes, electronics, travel, groceries, gifts & homeware. We would like to show you a description here but the site wont allow us. Who is the main character of this story? Ans: DQ2. Those arguing that Frank should Students may add that those pieces become smaller and smaller, and can eventually turn into sand.Q10. A dichotomous key is a way of identifying specimens based on contrasting statements, usually about physical characteristics. How does the author describe Earth? Ans: DQ3. 06/27/14; 1 FILE ; A Seed is Sleepy . Imagine a giant standing with his left foot in one world and his right in another. Her dad cooked her favorite food and it made the new apartment feel more comfortable.Q8. A Pen Pal for Max . Evaluate the effectiveness of Tecumsehs political leadership Ans: Answers may vary but should be supported by the text. Different countries have explored or are exploring different methods to clean up space junk. However, they may also note that he feels like he is on a stopwatch and cant fully pay attention to his guests. 1869 kb/s. Explain whether a group fighting a common enemy is a positive or negative thing. When the story ends with the line Abraham turned his back to the barge and ate, it seems to symbolize the idea that Abraham has turned his back on his former life, and has become part of the wild environment in which he now lives. What is this passage mostly about Ans: CQ6.
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