Winchester Model 1300 Speed Pump - 12 GA $395.00: 0 $395.00 5d 15h 14m 4 chilled shot.. I would think if you did shoot you proble flinch like heck becouse ther must be a lot of jerk in you. The slide lock is automatically released by the forward nudge of recoil in the Model 12. Also, it was the only 1 3/8-ounce magnum load available. Duck hunters bought 12-gauge doubles with 3-inch chambers to use the new Super-X magnum load, the Super Twelve as it was soon called. Alarm calls! the store. the shot gun is in very good condition , with a 28 in ventilated rib barrel with full choke. Winchester sent some M-12s to Simmons to have ribs installed, Simmons returned them to Win. Johnson designed the Models 52 and 61 rimfire rifles and the Model 54 centerfire rifle. 26" Vent Rib Barrels Choked SKEET. (no choke stamp on barrel). The number of pellet holes was divided by the average number of pellets in the load to produce the pattern percentage. I am planning on shooting it at the Grand Nostalgia shoot. Dave Riffle in his book, The Greatest Hammerless Repeating Shotgun Ever Built: The Model 12 1912-1964, states The Winchester Model 12 was, and still remains, the only gun that was offered in over 100 different variations or configurations during its lifetime. It is fair to say that Winchester produced Model 12 shotguns for every conceivable shotgunning special interest group, including duck hunters. These ribs have Simmons markings. seller description. The balance point is the takedown joint. The stock finish is original and excellent. Generally, a Simmons rib gun will bring a higher price than a plain barrel gun, and a lower price than a solid rib or Winchester vent rib gun, all other factors being equal. My wife shot her share of ducks with a 20-gauge autoloader bored Improved Cylinder shooting one ounce of #7 1/2-shot. Lay-a-way available for t, Excellent overall condition sporting original finishes. Winchester made changes to the stock of the Model 12 duck gun after its introduction. Edwin Pugsley, in charge of Winchester at the time of receivership, is quoted in Williamsons book: The purchase of the company by the Olin interests brought a breath of life to the institution and brought to Winchester many things. Simmons also removed Solid Ribs from barrels and added his rib to those barrels. The Model 12 was the first magazine repeater chambered for 3-inch magnum shells. The Model 12 duck gun came to market at the all-time low point of duck populations in the United States. Mar 24, 2023 Winchester Model 12 Shotgun $150 Mar 24, 2023 Two Winchester Pump Shotguns $150 Mar 24, 2023 L.C. Buttstocks of duck guns had lead slugs inserted into the wood beneath the recoil pad. His Super Fox 12 gauge magnum double averaged 83.7% (two-barrel average) of 1 3/8ounces of shot under the same conditions. When I dress Western, nothing beats the classic good looks of my Smith & Wesson (S&W) 586 .357 revolver. The barrels and receivers of Model 12 duck guns are made from Winchester Proof Steel. This steel was first used in the Model 21 double introduced in 1931. The $48 price tag was right. The takedown joints are tight (See the instructions in Madis book if your Model 12 has a loose take-down joint). Its even harder to find a 2-barrel set 16 gauge. Recent 3 1/2-inch 12-gauge shells will create dangerous pressure in the 3-inch duck gun chamber. I know the patent date for this rib was 1919. Just to add th the issue, here's a note that I copied from some time age. There are Simmons marketed guns with proper Winchester proof marks. It's what was refered to as a "Olympic Rib". John Olin wanted a new 3-inch .410 shotshell with 3/4-ounce of shot for Winchesters new Model 42. Very Good example of a Model 12 26 inch poly choke with vent rib 12 ga. Other conditions: Phone 715-478-0404 within 48 hours to confirm payment, . We join Buckingham in his ducking skiff as he is poled through the bayou by Ab, his black guide. so recall pads helped and they offerd hydro coil-stocks. Smith brand, by the A.H. Fox Company of Philadelphia, by Parker, and by Ithaca. A smothered roar from around the corner! It is general consensus that 10 patterns are required for an accurate appraisal of a given load and barrel combination. Two birds tumble all awry from among the leaders. My second blast bites off a dismayed climber. It is, somehow, not easy to avoid shoving shells wrong end first into ones gun. And our
Later pump guns, such as the Remington Model 870 and Mossberg Model 500, do not have the slide lock feature. Writing in the March 1927 issue of the American Rifleman, Askins reports that his Remington Model 10 12-gauge pump averaged 89% of 1 1/4-ounces of shot in a 3-inch circle at 40 yards. Its been debated over the years if the solid rib model 12 barrel were silver brazed or fused with heat? By signing up you agree to's 1935 3" magnum offerd, will convert all 12 gages if wanted to 3" magnums, the begining of the long forcing cone. The funds are returned to the states for wildlife restoration projects. This gun has been single family owned since bought used in 1967. I don't believe their ever was a royalty, actually Simmons kept selling his special vent rib model 12's after the 1955 introduction of the Winchester Special Vent Rib @ New Haven. organized, dont tell you a lot about what youre buying, and leave you on your
Johnson, at once one of the great gun designers and one of the least known, produced a steady flow of new firearm designs for Winchester. BARREL 30" CHOKE FULL 90% FACTORY BLUE ORIGINAL FACTORY HEAVY DUCK RECOIL PAD WOOD VERY GOOD. Winchester advises Do not use steel shot in any Winchester shotgun with a fixed choke. Use tungsten polymer, tungsten matrix or bismuth shot for waterfowl hunting with your Model 12 duck gun. Buckingham recorded his adventures in some of the best hunting stories ever written. The help you need is to get a life. All Rights Reserved, Winchester Model 12 Heavy Duck Gun 30" Simmons Vent Rib 1953 Pre 64 Rare 12 Ga. Magnum 3" Edition Proof Marking. In the 1950's Winchester's costs were losing pace with what they were ablle to sell their products for. Modified choke. I put one of those BIG soft foam risers on the comb and shot it that way for years. 3-inch Super Twelve Shotshell My copy of Winchesters Catalog No. See pi, Winchester Model 12, 28 gauge SKEET pump action shotgun, circa 1955. For small bores, there are still new factory wood sets available. His handload was a .heavy load of Herco powder and 2 ounces of shot, either 2s or 4s. In 1963, when production ended, Riffles book shows no options available. An 80% pattern they felt should make it a real 60-yard outfit with No. I believe that Stadt's book is one of the few that actually states that Winchester did produce M42s with Winchester vent ribs. Chamber marked 2 3/4", choke marked full, and 14" LOP. is built to be simple easily organized products, useful descriptions from experts, and support to guide you to the right choice. Learn how your comment data is processed. Ducks Unlimited was born in 1937 to aid in restoration of wetland breeding areas, primarily in Canada. The Olins soon added to the attractiveness of the Model 12 duck gun by bringing out a new 1 5/8-ounce load for the 3-inch shell. Add to Cart Winchester 12 12 Gauge (W9744) $995.00 Winchester 12 12 Gauge shotgun. 1938 lists the stock for a 12 gauge skeet grade as 14" with a Buttplate. IC CHOKED MIROKU MADE. Keep in mind that all of these changes in stock design were running changes and thus some overlapping of designs occurred in production. I found some they didn't. We have a
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Winchester 12
20 Gauge, Pump-Action Shotgun, 25" Barrel
Wood Stock, No Box. Results and Discussion The paired pattern percentages fired by the two duck guns with each of the five loads were not significantly different, judging by the overlapping standard deviations. Whether you're looking for a truck gun, something for the bug out bag, or a do-anything firearm we have you covered. Must be shipped to an FFL, New price, Listed is a like new Winchester DU, Model-12, 12 Ga Pump Shotgun. Beautifully figured wood is solid with only light handling marks and marks on bo, This Winchester Model 12 started life in 1924 and has been customized by unknown individual at some point. No. says Madis. . At a reasenable Price, you can have that gun you allways wanted without all this drama. Askins Ithaca 10-gauge double with 2 7/8-inch chambers averaged 86.9% with 1 5/8-ounces of shot. Winchester Model 12 28 Gauge (W9229) Price: $3,250.00 Item Number: W9229 Previously sold Winchester Model 12 28 Gauge shotgun. Western rapidly achieved a leading position in the ammunition industry through innovation and skillful management. The Model 21 double seemed the reasonable choice for Winchesters duck gun. Instead of buying a gun thats
Initially came a series of auto-loading rifles, including the rimfire Model 1903 and centerfire rifles, culminating with the Model 1910, chambered for the 401 WSL cartridge. Popularly named the Perfect Repeater at its introduction, it largely set the standard for pump action shotguns over its 51-year high-rate production life. The history of Oliver F. Winchester (1810-1880) and his endeavors in the manufacturing of fire-arm sat Bridgeport and New Haven, Connecticut, is filled with circumstances that could have led to corporate failure. It was Western that produced the 3 1/2-inch 10-gauge magnum with 2 ounces of shot in 1932. Both shotguns shot to point of aim and all patterns were contained on the target paper due to precise aiming, facilitated by placing a 25-pound sack of lead shot between me and the gun butt. Winchester Model 12 Skeet Gun 12 gauge with 25" Solid Rib Barrel - 12 GA: 0 1d 7h 25m 17240921. In an ad in the October 1952 American Rifleman, Winchester proclaimed. As to price, it will also depend on gauge, barrel length, choke, barrel steel, wood type, pad vs. plate, etc. It also got a new action slide. It is not as slow or pokey as one might expect. The staff shot skeet with the gun and concluded It is not as fast as the standard Model-12, but nearly so., In further shooting tests the staff found We could not discern any practical difference in recoil effect when shooting standard three inch heavy duck loads. Winchester supplied two boxes of 3-inch shells loaded with 1 3/8-ounces of #5 chilled shot pushed by four drams equivalent of powder. So here is a history lesson on the skeet grade. The point is the model 12 evolved. S/N 1,589,*** made in 1954. Mfg 1917, 25" Barrel, Mod, Correct Forend and Buttstock, Small chip out of toe of butt plate, Wood is not damaged, Good Bore, Pictures show condition, Buyer pays 50.00 shipping Pa residents add 6, This Winchester Model 12 is a post 1972 gun with a "Y' prefix serial number. Everything functions as it should. I have the wood all refinished. It has a Simmons rib, which is not out of the question for Winchester to have used according to Maddis in his book of the model 12's. The metal finish is superior to a field grade gun, higher polish and a matted receiver top and magazine tube. Has a Cutz on the end of the barrel. I pick them up through the interlacing covert, a bunch of suspicious mallards driving for safety. The 3-inch shell was chambered originally in the famous Super Fox long-range double. Although acquired many years apart, the two duck guns are of nearly the same vintages, 1952 and 1953. The lead slug added weight but more importantly maintained the balance point at the takedown joint. Important to note that this gun was made in 1956, the first year for the round post factory installed Special Ve, FOR YOUR VIEWING IS A VERY NICE WINCHESTER MODEL 12 in 20 GA. WITH A VENT RIBBED 26" BARREL AND IC CHOKED. *** RARE *** Winchester Model 12 HEAVY DUCK GUN limited production run that combines the pre-64 Model 12 with a 12 ga. Magnum 30" barrel, factory production 3" Magnum, with a factory Simmons Vent Rib on an upgraded wood stock! The Duck Stamp Law of 1934 was enacted to provide funds for waterfowl propagation. According to the Serial# 1439865, and Winchester manufacturing records, this gun w. 12ga, #366988, 30 inch barrel, 2 1/2 inch chamber, full choke, solid rib, blue finish, straight grip checkered walnut stock, checkered walnut forearm, 13 3/4 LOP with "newer" Winchester pad, 12ga, #1417110, 30 inch barrel, 3 inch chamber, full choke, blue finish, walnut stock and forearm, solid rib, original red rubber pad, 1954. ORIGINAL BOX INCLUDED. Smith & Wesson Model 586: Reviewing A .357 Revolver With Class.