It seems to me that Charlie Wards whole life prepared him to be a speaker of TRUTH in WWIII. You should have listened to that. They areHugo,Alexandro,Lee, andHartley. Im like you I dont know how people can believe the things these people are putting out there. Both Simon Parkes and Charlie Ward have said multiple times they have reliable sources and cant divulge them for obvious reasons. You are really not worth the time to ever listen to again. I would also assume that the deep state knows MOST of what the Q army knows, and therefore, we would be a valuable way to confuse, distract or relay 100% of the info we are given over and over to each other. 24.3k Followers, 1,281 Following, 903 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Charlie Ward (@charliewardofficial) This can include posts with support, info or practical advice. Charlie was born in England in 1960. As well, they are not permitted to reveal everything they know. Charlie Ward, for instance, has been under an NDA for a month. Dr. Peter & Anna Colla have spent their lives Treating Tens of Thousands of Individuals in the Natural & Physical Health Environment, Always looking to the causes of issues rather than just Symptom Management. They all died within 7 days of having it.". Both Simon Parkes and Charlie Ward have special memberships available for purchase for truth seekers. Cover-up, about The Crewe Murders UNMASKED!! Maybe its wrong? This guy is after attention, and that's all. He used the title Dr. My Latest Videos - Please allow a few seconds for them to load & stream from Bitchute LATEST . Read more about our work to fact-check social media posts here . In a recent video, Simon Parkes posted he was upset that truth seekers were using his videos,,,, Arrests and Executions of Famous people and GITMO, Arrests and Executions of famous people Updated, RABBI FINKELSTEIN - JEWISH CONTROL OF THE WORLD, Hollywood Pedophiles Exposed by Isaac Kappy, Arrests of famous people update and GITMO 2021. His autobiography, The C. M. Ward Story, was published in 1976. He occasionally will jokingly describe his wife as "95% perfect and 5% terrorist." (LOL. What do you think the reason for false dates is? Is the Earth Flat or Round Why Do the STARS NEVER MOVE?! Reported Damage: $850.00. Charlie Ward iPhone Video, from Marbella Spain, Saturday Morning March 28, 2020, I just love that. The post Charlie Ward SHOCKING "We're Making it Happen!" - Must Video appeared first on best news here. The Danger of Advanced Knowledge in Truthseeking, 21. Both Simon Parkes and Charlie Ward claim to have insider info from high ranking officials involved in the Deep State take down (draining of the swamp.). And when you say tunnels, just to give people an insight, the width of the tunnels would be 30/40 feet, the height would be 15/20 feet, there was electric golf buggies riding around down there like it was a main road; 40 km, 30 km of roads down there, shops down there, living quarters down there, storage facilities, safes, everything down there, and this was just 2 that Ive visited. I'm just on the idea that she has to somehow realise that what she's watching is bullshit. When Charlie spoke with the Police he told them, Youd better catch him before me because if I catch him first Ill kill him., The Police told Charlie, If you do that youll spend the rest of your life in jail., Charlie replied, I have absolutely no problem with that.. If you go back to his early videos that were made from his iPhone where he chats either from his home or on his walks, his message is the same. There are many truth seekers like Charlie Ward such as Mel K, Juan OSavin, Gene Decode, Michael Jaco and more. ! Simon Parkes talks about President Trumps speech at CPAC from feb 28, 2021. One of my friends was blabbering on about Italian army intelligence officers stealing the election from a Vatican satellite link or somethingffs. This article will address the main statements made by the speaker, which have been shared and repeated by other Facebook users (here). She is convinced of the same things your mother talks about. Did he own 1 or 2 hotels? Charlie Ward Ward, of Tallahassee, is a former professional basketball player and the current Head Coach of Florida State University Schools' "Florida High" boys basketball team. Many Q-Team were killed or disappeared along the way. Facebook: (for now) All Rights Reserved. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Charlie Ward currently resides in Marbella, Spain. Instead, the deep state/GHWBush killed him. According to Charlie Ward, March 2021 will be a crazy month with deep state arrests and truth coming out soon. A famous name in the business world, Dr. Charlie Ward. Analysing Military-based Conspiracy Information, 13. (Partially Transcribed by Kat),,,, Learn to heal, deal and deprogram. Interrogation of James Clapper Mike Pence is BAD. The speakers claim that the COVID-19 vaccine is being used for population reduction is not supported by evidence. OFFICIAL CHARLIE WARD SHOW ON TELEGRAM TELEGRAM GAB Get my FREE email . Apparently according to him there's a storm coming, trump is going to be president on the 4th March and there's something big happening with the Vatican and Italian satellites. The Wisdom of Circumspection, about Evil UNMASKED!! Dr. Charlie Ward, the author of I'm Just Charlie has been currently running his own business which is to move physical currency for celebrities worldwide. A key British YouTube influencer is Charlie Ward, who lives in Spain and began uploading QAnon-themed videos during lockdown. and then blow them up so theyll never be used again. So I have a very good understanding about brainwashing. Explaining Conspiracy In the 2020 US Elections, about 10. Charlie adds "Dr." to his name on his sites, showing Dr. Charlie Ward. Hutton, Head of the Snake, The Crewe Murders UNMASKED!! It is not even believable the dishonesty of the Fake News Media on the Arizona . Invalid Assumptions, about US Election Fraud UNMASKED!! Charlie is incredibly positive and uplifting. Peruse old posts, settle in and relax. Lens Autism, about The Crewe Murders UNMASKED!! This expertise has come in handy for the United States Government who have hired Charlie to be part of the team that are moving cash, gold and valuables around Earth to back the currencies that are part of the Revaluation and Global Currency Reset. ps..dont forget to buy his silver and his book on your way out. AstraZeneca published its peer-reviewed trial data in British medical journal The Lancet on Dec. 8 for public scrutiny (here, reported by Reuters here). A famous name in the business world, Dr. Charlie Ward. A video shared over 2,300 times on Facebook includes false information about COVID-19 vaccines, such as a suggestion that that one hundred volunteers died following a clinical trial. I do not know. I love videos, but I miss so much crucial information. It settles them into predictable patterns of response, occupying their minds while you wait for the extraordinary moment that which they cannot anticipate. Sun Tzu. Trust NO ONE especially if you dont know them. In a very important video with Robert David Steele on 8-7-20, Charlie described the DUMBs because he had personally been inside two of them. Partially Transcribed by Kat 7:18 Charlie Ward: They've actually been planning this [collapsing the economy] for 8-10 years strategically it's incredibly well-planned the people who planned it are absolutely brilliant at what they do they actually had to shift the dates around it 7:35 Where we're at right now they're actually ahead of where they'd expected to be The Militaries first save the children, video record everything, take whatever documentation they can, remove all the cash, gold, valuables etc. However, in recent months, Dr. Charlie Ward has gotten much attention from his Facebook updates, Instagram posts, Twitter, and YouTube channel with thousands of fans and dedicated subscribers. He never talks about that time of his life anymore. Charlie Ward says The Deep State is losing and March 2021 will be a crazy mental month. We are also focused on disclosing our lost ancient origins and extraterrestrial contact. Two deaths were among those who got the vaccine; the rest had received a placebo. Charlie Ward, Jaco, Mel K, Parkes, O Savin, all shills!!!! However, many others are increasing day by day as they are updated worldwide. For those of you who dont know I grew up, from birth, in a religious cult, which I came out of when I was 23 years old. In an 8-18-20 video, Charlie said What most people are oblivious to is this whole financial transition from SWIFT to QFS has been funded by the Dragons When the Dragon bonds were valued 6-weeks ago they were estimated in the multi-quadrillions.. We're being told we're going into another lockdown. Look here for support, resources and a place to vent. Simon should show his followers again in the present day all about being a mantid or mantis. Maybe its not time? IDIOTS! 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You wouldnt know the truth if it came up and bit you in the ass, A trafikked girl knew him,heard his voice,he denied it said he was on another plane duh took young girls to Jimmy Saville then denied it duh,fat bloke Ward lie after lie,mixes with toe rags in Spain,started go fund me had to give woman her money back,trued to get bloke in Australia to be next King,YOU TELL ME HES NOT MENTALLY UNSTABLE OR AFTER MONEY. But I think i can add a layer. Charlie said when he began to challenge their message, he was promptly cut off from the cult and his family. That sounds like the definition of a Goddess to me. The video transcription below will verify for you that right from Day One, Charlie Ward knew something was up behind the coronavirus BS, as he would say. In these videos, Charlie Ward and Simon Parkes say the Deep State war is being cleaned up. He used to say, If you think your vote counts youre seriously mistaken., In an 8-27-20 video with Tara, Charlie said, 12:07 Theyve had the Blueprints for the Blockchain Voting System attached to the Quantum Financial System with this system youll vote from your mobile phone youll have all your identity detailed in there youll know exactly who is voting and where theyre voting from, So it puts an end to all the Poster voting, vote-rigging, etc.