The first three days were spent on location scouting and securing the necessary permits. The insipid Lending Tree rhyming commercial gives me hives. CALL NOOOOOWWW. Here is a link to one commercial for this popular drug. Drug companies and their advertising agencies have perfected the art of distraction. The latest CarShield commercial that sounds like a Republican political ad. That bitch with the bangs in her eyes is a million times worse than Flo! Now that they're old it looks like she's taller than him. I am totally naming our rescue dog Skyrizi. That stupid Cars 4 Kids commercial has been going on the radios for years and it's a HUGE GRIFT. The cartoon commercial with the "Empty my gut" girl. Also the gay boy in the Warbly Parker commercial looks so much like Christian Walker, the crazy right winger with the fairy wings who sleeps with men but isnt gay. According to Charity Watch, they make over 30 million a year and it all goes to an Orthodox Jewish organization which runs day camps for kids to make "non-Orthodox Jews more observant, with 80% going to the NY and NJ area. Policy makers and regulators could consider limiting direct-to-consumer advertising to drugs with high therapeutic or public health value or requiring standardized disclosure of comparative effectiveness and safety data, but policy changes would likely require industry cooperation or face constitutional challenge.. They honestly have to think these things through before making these commercials cause I know Im not gonna be the only one making the comparison. They havent had any decent in their original programming since Chappell besides their obvious cash cow. Rinvoq is a prescription medication for adults with moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. Please get rid of Jon Mama. Dont know what insurance company its for, have to switch it off as soon as it comes on. I feel like we're losing them. I love the Lenda commercial, especially the doe eyed Judy CanovaI rememba! Could someone explain to me why telling everyone they may commit suicide or have a heart attack or stroke is a good selling point? But thats one trick pony Comedy Central for you. I want to punch both that woman and the friend because their attitudes are so catty -- you know those two whisper in the coffee room and are mean girls about everyone in their friends group. R72 its called live tv and a lot of people watch it everyday. But there was an asterisk next to the 36 percent. That snot bubble commercial seems to be in constant rotation! The data showed evidence of a dose-dependent increased risk for MACE, all-cause mortality, and thrombosis at both doses of Xeljanz when compared to treatment with TNF blockers. I saw one about them making clothes out of recycled bottles they pick up by all sewage near the beach, forgot the name of the brand but it sounds disgusting. The "vote no" ones far outweigh the "vote yes" ones. Has he quit the show? And well I do sell some commercial images via various stock agents and a couple small clients, I went back and forth between deciding whether I should get a permit or not. If only you all had gone to college. Go bump fuck yourselves (exclamation point/all-caps). Patients in the trial were required to be 50 years of age or older and have at least one cardiovascular risk factor. It's the Christian duty to help the Jews they say, Jews far away in other lands. And thats exactly who you see smoking more than anyone. [quote] The ads for stool softener Colace which feature cutesy tunes with a ukelele and lyrics like "pushin' out a porcupine" or a pineapple, and "Number Two should be easy to do. Guess it's never too soon to get kids thinking about Medicare. I feel the same way about patriotic Mesothelioma ads. The gigantic waves where Bodhi finally vanishes were actually Waimea Bay. UC symptoms like abdominal pain and frequent trips to the bathroom can get in the way of your day-to-day activities, so taking action is needed. Death or dead or passed away if theyre trying to be as sensitive as possible. south glens falls school tax bills mozart: violin concerto 4 analysis mozart: violin concerto 4 analysis good god yes that god damned Tovalo mess. I'm going to shoot the TV like Travis Bickle. All the pharm ads all the fricking time. The cutesy Chic-Fil-A commercials about a company that is vehemently anti-gay/trans. Everybody in drug commercials is fat now. We left early so I took the long way to the vet and we had a nice car ride. R277 / R279 Yes, the Lending Tree commercials are being shown in heavy rotation. Some features on this site require registration. You have seen the commercials where almost everyone seems to be in good health and having a great time. [quote]Get your docs in a row! Before posting or commenting, please check the rules in the sidebar. Hes annoying AND ugly. Soown up. Who is the actor in the invisalign commercial? The gross part is that his boobs sag down to his hips! Sometimes they play it with the Perseus line, sometimes they don't. Is that what passes for singing now? No, bitch, you're in the middle of nowhere. For malignancies excluding NMSC, the estimated hazard ratio and 95% CI associated with the combined Xeljanz regimens relative to TNF blockers were 1.48 (1.04, 2.09). I only watch youtube and occasionally hulu, but I don't think hulu has commercials?? Anyway, as an elderly guy, 60 I guess, he moved to New York (after being a theatre actor I think) -- anyway, he left his phone number in the phone book and encouraged just anybody to call him as he lived alone and loved to talk to people - just anybody. Isnt that virtually every healthcare plan out there? The lawsuit commercials are far less captivating to say the least. It's more race grievance, which is ridiculous. Actually, all the commercials with bratty, smart-mouthed kids. But hey Vanessa Ferlito has a solid career in Hollywood so maybe there are fucked-up nose fetishists out there. I have heard that "Security" song EIGHT TIMES in the past HOUR! Perhaps its a tranny but I have no idea which way it transformed. Here is an example that has blown our minds. He occasionally has patients on and he goads them into telling him/us how wonderful "Dr. Lederman" is. RINVOQ may increase your risk of certain cancers, including lymphoma and skin cancer. Parts of the slot canyon can be challenging to hike through but your reward is seeing these extraordinary striped canyon walls. Thats the first thing that crossed my mind when I found out they were bringing it back. So it makes me wonder a.) Current or past smokers are at higher risk for lymphoma and lung cancer. Thanks, OP, I'm moving over to the new thread. R186 - I didnt know who that was. The musical arrangement is just off by enough to be annoying. Win $10,000 for losing weight? You havent seen a commercial for 35 years. Only thing worse than these commercials airing nonstop is knowing that thin line between being open minded and gullible is going to be challenged. Sarah says that she will try to find one. WHY does the school bus driver allow the blind kid to sit all the way in the back of the bus when there should be handicapped seating near the front? It's a good cause with a bad method -- they probably do raise a lot of money for the hospital, just not from me. Why are you fags so intrigued by commercials? I dont believe they should be advertised. Here is just a smattering of comments we have received. But the tone of voice doesn't suggest your interpretation and I find it creepy. This is a gay website, so own up or shut up. Sigh. R188 No reason was mentioned, but it probably is because of his wife. Most patients were female (78 percent) and Caucasian (77 percent). Well hes 76 so who could blame him? Not only are they national but we have two local lawfirms joining in this fuckfest. The preachy safety belt commercial where they break the news to the mom that her son died in an accident because he wasnt wearing his seat belt. A series of four spots Slow Turkey, Camping, AC . The noninferiority criterion was not met for the comparison of the combined Xeljanz regimens to TNF blockers for the endpoints of MACE and malignancies since the upper limit of the 95% confidence intervals (CI) for these hazard ratios exceeded the prespecified noninferiority criterion of 1.8. Maybe one day I can find the gumption to do it, in honor of dear old Quentin). R29, that's one of my least favorites as well. And he refers to himself in the third person. Approved uses also being limited to certain patients, 12/2021 Update: The issues described below have been addressed in product labeling. But nothing beats Pedicure Pimp getting his mealy mouthed blonde gf to sell her car to "We Buy Any Car.". And his head is enormous. I'm not sure what that means since it appears you can only order vegetables from them. The lyrics are so difficult to understand and it's the same for many commercials. Never thought I'd miss the ads which primarily featured Flo and Jamie. The Rinvoq commercial features very active young adults. Now theyre going the polar opposite direction? Please click here to update your account with a username and password. Not as much as a hoax as this one other commercial that runs at night about miracle water they claim is beyond holy water that cures disease and illness. Saw this shit for the first and 100th times today. Stephanie Courtney is the woman in the progressive commercial with Flo. The other guests are seen running inside a house because hes about to sneeze. This said, I do not believe big pharma should be allowed to advertise their products on television or in print. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the official website and that any information you provide is encrypted and transmitted securely. R205 that Lume inventor bitch is the worst. They are defined as cardiovascular death, myocardial infarction [heart attack], and stroke.. I'm thinking of starting a GoFundMe so I can raise enough money to hire a hit man to kill the guy who does the voice overs for Gain. RINVOQ can help deliver visible colon lining repair, rapid symptom relief and lasting, steroid-free remission. Agreed, R478 and R479. Tastemaker . The trials final results also showed an increased risk of blood clots and death with the lower dose of Xeljanz. I dont get de-hy-DRAT-ed! What? The GMC pick up truck where the man smacks his friends hand before he touches his trucks command center with his Cheetos covered fingers. Me too, but Im afraid r223 will kick my ass, so I cant look it up. A health care system such as ours makes as much profit from their product as they can. You're feeding your kid sugar and you think you're a great parent? I believe they do many good things for the world. The .gov means its official.Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. National commercial coverage as of April 2020. It can also improve your overall quality of life. R125 A commercial with zero POC , that is rare. It makes the men look stupid, the daughter look like a cunt, and the Dad look like a Boomer luddite. I hardly ever see commercials? Seeing Ginni in sunglasses is far more preferable to seeing Giant bugging Marty Feldman eyeballs. I think they are going for clever and meta, and I bet the bear one with a beard is just as obnoxious in real life, as he seems in the ad. The fucking car commercial with the parents coming home from a PTA meeting and are so afraid of their teenaged daughter, Mom promises her use of the car to end the little shit's interrogation of them. I think it's a drug commercial. Speaking of Liberty Mutual, I want Doug inside of me *right now. As far as we can tell there has been no follow-up. He also told Bobby Brady it was ok to be a canary. Sarah is shown picking out a Rinvoq commercial from the shelves. FDA has consistently required that appropriate communication of effectiveness information includes any significant limitations to product use.. You like having a fucking health insurance company saying what doctors you can see, the drugs they will subsidize, and the types of care you can have? I am a remodeling contractor and there was an add with a guy in brand new work boots, gloves, as clean cut as you can imagine, and he was framing a wall with an air framing gun. I hate the employment commercial (UpWork) in which the announcer introduces Talia from Texas and "her favorite shade of green," and the bitch rudely corrects him with, "It's actually Salem Clover." Here is a link so you can see for yourself. Consider the benefits and risks for the individual patient prior to initiating or continuing therapy with Xeljanz/Xeljanz XR, Olumiant, or Rinvoq, particularly in patients who are current or past smokers, those with other cardiovascular risk factors, those who develop a malignancy, and those with a known malignancy other than a successfully treated nonmelanoma skin cancer. An official website of the United States government, : All the actors shilling for online slots, solitaire and bingo games.Sharon Stone, Jane Seymour, Drew Barrymore warbling "Shout!" You may also want to send this article to friends and family. The commercial in which some idiot is asked to name his favorite food and he names "buffet". How can it help you sleep AND get you hard? R534 Yet here you are, posting on a TV commercial thread. In addition, we see a DJ spinning records and a tattoo artist at work. If thats what they were going for, well, Its a common look to blend in with others so I guess things could have gone worse. Gina Pistol is a Romanian film actress and TV presenter.She was born on December 9, 1981 in Rosiorii de Vede, Romania. After all, who would know more about what chicken tastes like? Each and every Camp Lejeune lawsuit ad. I'm Jimmy "J.J." Walker for the Medicare Helpline. It is generally known as being a potent and novel JAK inhibitor with great potential in treating various cancers. A work-from-home dad is going to drive his kid 300 miles to show her the Pacific as the sun is setting. [quote]What? The boyfriend/partner/spouse turns to her and says But we have a and she brusquely interrupts him, shuts him down then turns to Dad to thank him for the gas card. That ad is targeted to the fox/trump viewers. Prissy friend is holding a Tupperware container and suddenly states he changed his mind on sharing the potluck dish he brought to the party. It's bad enough the Camp Lejeune crap is filling up my spam folder, but having to watch the commercials, especially from a company not composed of anyone with legal credentials, is pissing me the fuck off. Now I gotta look up Peter Brady lol. Please help me Jesus The commercial with the hyper suburban frau saying her butt crack smells fresh all day after using this god only knows butt crack freshener. Bullshit. In virtually every ad you will see people smiling and having a good time when the announcer starts listing horrific drug side effects. Omg r421! It's enough to make you wanna swear off television altogether and I can't even remember what the ads are even for? However, if you are a current or past smoker, or have had a heart attack, other heart problems, stroke, or blood clots in the past, you should tell your health care professional as these may put you at higher risk for serious problems with these medicines. Please click here to get full access and no ads for $1.99 or less per month. I feel for the actress, but at least she got to sit on those toilets with her pants up. Some tiny amount of the proceeds supposedly get routed to the State and used to fight homelessness, which is just a bullshit talking point to get people to vote yes. I blame Marlo Thomas for this. One of them is for a product called "Fruits & Vegetables" -- stupid supplements containing (you guessed it) fruits and vegetables, with the worst caliber of whiny, bogus "testimonials" delivered with awful faux sincerity by people who are supposed to be "everyday folk." The "You're Turning Into Your Parents" commercials. I don't even know what the commercial is for. Probably already mentioned but it's been playing a LOT recently. I closed him in and then had to listen to him meow for almost 30 minutes. The visual images during the announcements about adverse effects are arresting. Long Pond Henniker Nh, Notice, too, how they echo the Medicare messaging in loudness and the repetitive refrain of the CarShield telephone number. I just realized that the woman's nose wart moves from right to left back to right. After a brain tumor. Tired of that Keeps commercial with the guy with the misshapen nostrils. But the worst one is Dave Grohl screaming at Kevin Hart over and over again if he wants some lasagna. nausea *. I hate when I can't remember somebody's name. R86, I don't hear a British accent from the St. Bernard in the Chewy ad. It should be noted that I am also a poster on the "Signs You're Getting Old" thread. He is so appreciative and explains how much hes going to use it. ewan mcgregor's Expedia !!!!!! R336, those ads need to go full-on tragedy porn and show a dead lady with her eyes chewed out by dear Bitsy. This commercial is on during the local news every night. The floodgates opened. I hate that one too. Rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections including TB. In 1997, for reasons that remain mysterious to us, the FDA decided to make it easier for drug companies to advertise prescription drugs directly to consumers. Recommendations for health care professionals will include consideration of the benefits and risks for the individual patient prior to initiating or continuing therapy. If my dad said that, I would have fisted my brother. I thought he was supposed to me a rip-off of Little Richard. Apple has hundreds of physical stores dotted around the world, serving as stores, repair centers and community hubs where people can learn to be more creative. From Hispanics to Filipinos to fellow actors, one who even guest starred as his cousin. Than it shows this guy who drives sort of fast and shows this girl he hit with his car in the hospital fighting for her life. Current or past smokers had an additional increased risk of overall cancers. Car commercial where the dad is answering questions from his daughter in the back seat. The co-primary endpoints were major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE), defined as cardiovascular death, nonfatal myocardial infarction, and nonfatal stroke; and malignancy, excluding nonmelanoma skin cancer (NMSC). Lol r107. Why did Amazon get someone so ugly for their Prime day commercials. so shitty. [quote]One that I'm loving is the True Classic Tee commercials. I never said you created this one. and into the weekend. You can contact: Tell Dr. Califf that Joe sent you. Thanks R189. I can't remember the product but the one with two women speaking in overly exaggerated New Yawk accents. Before using Rinvoq, please consult your doctor to determine if it is right for you. ugh. There is one other tactic. I hate JJ Walker. Feed them!!! Importantly, a higher rate of blood clots and death was seen with both doses of Xeljanz compared to TNF blockers, whereas previous interim results showed the risk only with the higher dose. Then a new friend shows up, arms loaded with bags of McDonalds food and these two perk up and are now happy to be at this party. I don't even know what the commercial is for. I hate the car commercial using the song Wild World by Cat Stevens. So the new Shriners commercial has all the handicap kids singing If Youre Happy and You Know it. One girl didnt even have her other hand to clap come to think of it. "Shh! What the fuck do MAGAts have to do with commercial threads? Talk to your health care professional if you have any questions or concerns. That's will sound a bit psychotic but I wish someone would choke Jimmy Walker to death. If you are taking Xeljanz/Xeljanz XR, Olumiant, or Rinvoq, tell your health care professional if you are a current or past smoker, or have had a heart attack, other heart problems, stroke, or blood clots in the past as these may put you at higher risk for serious problems with the medicines. R299, it's a fun, guilty-pleasure kind of movie. Where exactly was that commercial filmed?. He'll come out around 11 or Noon and then spend the day with me. Hey, these NYC executives who promote these adds with the common guys kill me. [quote]Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse, we have the Liberty Mutual emu marriage ceremony. Im sick of Candace, who works from home. You're not alone! What have you created lately? I'm pretty sure they'd manage to champion on. See your doctor for more information if you experience significant weight gain while taking Rinvoq. Anybody else old? Pass me a large bucket. The Infiniti spot with the screeching musical instruments mauling "Thus Spoke Zarathustra". Not to mention she looks like your typical Kentucky trailer park trash after a Dillard's make up counter makeover. Overall, people seem to think quite highly of Rinvoq. If you do both your asshole won't stink. A higher rate of lung cancers was observed in current or past smokers treated with Xeljanz compared to those treated with TNF blockers. Ew. As if his sneeze would spray across 20-30 feet? Patients in the trial were required to be at least 50 years old and have at least one risk factor for heart disease. Oh brother! Little Caesar's pizza looks like shit to begin with but this ad just makes it that much worse. Based on a completed U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) review of a large randomized safety clinical trial, we have concluded there is an increased risk of serious heart-related events such as heart attack or stroke, cancer, blood clots, and death with the arthritis and ulcerative colitis medicines Xeljanz and Xeljanz XR (tofacitinib). RINVOQ can lower your ability to fight infections. Pharma ads should be banned for the simple reason that we are not qualified to make those decisions ourselves based on showing us happy people. Especially the way she talks to her daughter in that soothing because Ive made my final arrange voice. click ACCEPT. Can't speak and looks off into the distance as his wife tells him "it's all right." I think I remember his wife has leukemia. I get the impression that Caleb and Sebastian are forced to make these commercials for Shriners. Watching it here in my Montana Living Room is cool. R69 I loved her on In Living Color. The Lumi crotch, armpit and anus deodorant ads are pretty gross too. She's the new CEO of Pacific Gas & Electric, the monopolistic public utility that has been through Chapter 11 bankruptcy and convicted of crimes for causing wildfires that destroyed towns and forests while killing people. 855-543-DRUG (3784) and press 4 Report a Serious Problem to MedWatch Complete and submit the report Online. The newest Lume ad with Shannon demonstrating how to apply Lume inside your ass cheeks. We are also limiting the use of these medicines to certain patients who are not treated effectively or who experience severe side effects with another type of medicine used to treat serious inflammatory conditions called tumor necrosis factor (TNF) blockers. Rinvoq is currently available only through a prescription from a doctor. Competition for RINVOQ (Arthritis) includes HUMIRA [Arthritis | Psoriasis], Xeljanz, Enbrel, Orencia, Celebrex and the other brands in the Pharmaceutical & Medical: Rx: Osteoporosis & Arthritis industry. Rinvoqs packaging is thoughtfully designed to improve ease of use for patients, including a wide profile with easy-grip texture and an embedded tool to seamlessly puncture the foil liner. I had a serious allergic reaction to an arthritis drug. Healthy Perspectives. This one for Acura. Interesting. A study published in JAMA (Jan. 8, 2019) found that direct-to-consumer advertising went from $2.1 billion in 1997 to $9.6 billion in 2016. A lot of people react to the Molly Shannon Lenda commercial. Now that's a truly awful 'song'! When FDA first approved Xeljanz, we required the manufacturer, Pfizer, to conduct a safety clinical trial in patients with RA who were taking methotrexate to evaluate the risk of serious heart-related events, cancer, and infections. Why announce your presence in this thread? Just own up and leave it alone. R176 one Saturday at work a woman brought us a bag of jr whoppers and double cheeseburgers from Burger King. This 2001 Hollywood blockbuster filmed in Hawaii for just five weeks, and used authentic World War II planes belonging to various air museums alongside real battleships. For the new Focus Factor commercial they have who Im assuming is a former race car driver wearing a cowboy hat. In the produce section? And why does the song start over in the middle of the verse? A current commercial in California features the improbably named Patti Poppe (pronounced like the opium flower). There's no info online what gender the person in the Kleenex snot bubble ad happens to be. What a creepy ad, it looks like an outtake from "Midsommer'". And then you know what I said to my cats "oh do like half as old as you Marie. Im not straight, did go to college and I despise them. I hate them all. The yoga pants commercial or whatever it is with a fat black chick launching herself into the air and falling back down in slow motion.