I was nineteen years old at the time. I hope to hear from you. When I wouldnt resign the Phychologist wrote my resignation. At least I feel warmth and love in your writing. I know just the restaurant! Then, I search the scriptures and I see nowhere are we asked to give blanket forgiveness as a response to those who have done wrong to us. (Contributor) Destiny and Deliverance (companion volume to film The Prince of Egypt), Thomas Nelson (Nashville, TN), 1998. I think you should be careful, though, in declaring morally indefensible a position that the vast majority of scholars, religious and secular, have agreed on until very recentlyand that scholars such as Richard Hays and N. T. Wright maintain to this day. I recently read Whats So Amazing About Grace? and I find myself trying to apply the lessons I learned from it everyday. http://lifeisbynancy.blogspot.com/ . My brain is 25 and is constantly at odds with my 65 year old body. Thank you for your existence..!!! Smith was not happy at this decision.he did not want me in church Army , he hated YWAM. In my 34 year career in the Fire Service, Ive heard it countless times: Thank God for protecting me in this crash. On reflection later at the firehouse washing blood off my hands and face, it always occurs to me: how egotistical, conceited and exclusionary this statement really is. You warm my heart. Brand so is that the next book we will be able to read? PS as a fellow Coloradan enjoyed your post on elk mating season this morning. I now own and have read all of your books. And the sad part is that he did it to a priest before me and he told me he would write a letter about that priest so he never works as a priest again. I wrote of this briefly at the end of Disappointment with God. Suddenly, I remembered word for word the Twenty-Third Psalm. In regard to abortion and homosexuality, these are symptoms of a huge cultural and moral decay in our country, but judgmental Christians are crucifying the sinner, not the sin! Your book is helping me recover for that. I believe we can know. Not a miracle. I knew, from personal experiences, that the teaching of my church regarding homosexuality was a distorted and cruel doctrine. I happened to have a padded envelope that would be much be more suitable and sturdy, so I put the items into it and took it to V and C. I asked the guard in charge about how the item could be mailed out, as I did not know how. I have trouble using your books as curriculum because of your overt, explicit identity as evangelical and your constant implication that evangelical is the default setting for genuine Christianity. She was out of control and I was feeling anxious at her aggressive verbal attack. I wonder what you think now about this quote you shared in the book where a New York Times editorial warned that the activism of religious conservatives poses a far greater threat to democracy than was presented by communism. I know my books are in Indonesia, both in English and many in Indonesian language. Im reading through Reaching for an Invisible God, savoring it by only reading a few pages a day and really considering what you say and it occurred to me that I ought to be praying for this man who has, along with John Stott, been such a constant spiritual guide for me in the mornings when I pray & study the Bible. ", Yancey's books offer "no facile solutions, no panacea to suffering and misery," to quote Sawyers. Theres a fair use understanding in copyright that lets you quote around 250 words without applying for permission, as long as you credit the source. Im sorry it took a disability to teach you empathybut in the long run, which is more important? My children were safe. As much as I appreciate your dedication to the Lord, I have to say that your comments in CT recently are off base. [17]. The prisoners asked me to run other programs, but Paul always said no. I am angry at the indifference and cowardice that kept me silent for over twenty-five years while I was being honored as one of the best and brightest theologians at The Athenaeum of Ohio. Paul was not alone in expressing anti-Semitism in the prison. Reed Fleming a senior officer told me to watch my back as Capt. Those who gleefully told me what was happening had not missed the irony of my message being followed by the deans actions. If we receive all good things from God, it is hard to see what God receives from us. Wow! For weeks, social media were all over it. Philip. It whetted my appetite for moving to Colorado and hiking the mountains here. She told me in front of the class, You have remarkable resilience to be where you are today. She didnt do that. Things all came to a head a few weeks ago. I am writing a book about addiction and recovery and would like to quote some passages in this book. On earth as it is in heavenI pray for that, and work for it. And yet he was willing to undergo suffering in service of a higher goal. When I told him that it was a misunderstanding, he said, Yes, I agree. Hello Philip I have read a number of your books and listened to you quite a lot and I love your honesty and forthright way of writing about the Christian life. Here is the link to the podcast https://biologos.org/podcast-episodes/thomas-jay-oord-uncontrolling-love The firefighters didnt need a supreme being at their side. My Personal Pilgrimage, Zondervan (Grand Rapids, MI), 1998. Thinking of being depressed, beyond hope I had lost faith. I have now just re-read it (still inspirational!) I havent had anything published yet, but as someone recovering from bitterness, forgiveness, and legalism, your work has given me a reference point. many thanks, Even though I was not interested, she showed me the photo. I believe that is the biblical definition for a non-believer. Today is finally that day. And Perhaps until that fine day, He sees most of us as being just temporarily out of order. Ill make sure to get a front-row seat when you speak here, and to throw in some hurras and Amens , You make me want to return to Switzerland right away! I served as EX Dir of Hampstead YFC in MD. Thank you for taking the time to write, and remember that brokenness seems almost a prerequisite for God to use us. As a retired Mennonite Pastor, I can resonate with many of the stories you use to highlight what is so amazing about grace. Bless you, and the millions like you facing similar challenges during this crisis. You replied with encouragement that was so unexpected, that it was almost jarring. I keep asking those kinds of questions, and its encouraging to know that some of my readers do too. Philip. Recently a friend of mine deconstructed his faith, and then decided to leave entirely. I read Whats So Amazing About Grace and agreed with your message so much that I have both recommended it and used several references from it in my amateur writer article The Simplicity of Grace prepared for my Serra Club Newsletter to be submitted for October. I very much appreciate your books, your insights, your stories of others & your own. The next day the couple came in. In a world spinning out of control, people have little absolutes to hand on I said no and left . Thank you, Philip, for the honesty I see written into your books, not only regarding your faith journey, but your journey as a writer. I dont know why I left a comment at all, but its therapeutic to me somehow. Thank you for sharing your wisdom with all of us. It is my understanding that both of these practices are violations of Canadian and international human rights. Born November 4, 1949, in Atlanta, GA; son of Marshall Watts and Mildred (a teacher) Yancey; married Janet Norwood (a social work director), June 2, 1970. Thats something to believe in. Sorry, I dont know Polish. Thank you for being my friend these many years. Ive written a lot about this topic. Great to touch base with you. There is much wisdom in what you say, and your comments will give me something Before I learned about you, I sometimes wondered if there was anyone that asked the questions I asked, or saw the issues that I saw. First, some anger is appropriate. Goodness, you replied. Moreover, at no point did he say he was going to write an SOR. Your books make me feel as if we have spent a day in conversation on deeply held beliefs we both share. I got to hear firsthand many of the stories you talked about. You might try Writing For Your Life. What He taught men the Apostles simply referred to as The Way Disappointment with God: Three Questions Nobody Asks Aloud, Zondervan (Grand Rapids, MI), 1989. And I need to keep reading them. I met Philip Yancey when we both were 22, newly minted editors at Youth for Christ's Campus Life magazine. How can I I read this book over 10 years ago and have re-read it several times, and now I am reading it again, and it keeps getting better, like you have barely scratched the surface kind of better. Obviously youve given the subject a lot of thought, and Im glad you passed along some of your conclusions. You have wonderful insight into our faith. You, Ravi Zacharias and Max Lucado are my favorite authors. Moving forward, I will continue to read, pray, work hard, avoid sin, love everyone, and leave the rest to Him. Coming from that background, I know how difficult it can be to sort out what to retain and what to jettison. Being able to verbalize a description of my experience is a bit of a relief, frankly. All the editions of the book itself, regardless of cover, are the same. It was widely known that Don Westman, a Corrections Officer at the Fort Saskatchewan Correctional Centre (FSCC), made a habit of watching women prisoners through the camera in segregation as they sat on the toilet. In 1984, soon after becoming licensed, I got a job as chaplain at the Toronto East Detention Centre (TEDC). Im 39 weeks pregnant and we decided to name our boy Ephraim Yancey in your honour. No one knows a mans heart, except God. I knew Barry. We love your books and DVDs and use your Grace Notes each morning to start our day. I dont know. Do we live in a world with no religion and only the fit survive? I just read your comments about Donald Trump. He was there for me when I was that child, teen, young adult and now. I am not finished the book, or this process, but the knowledge that there are others who also wonder the same things is truly what I needed. The Director of the Church Army did nothing to stand up for me with the loss of my prison job. Close-mindedness has a horrible track record: slavery, priest abuse, mysogony, womens right to vote, etc. Improbable but true. Religion blends easily with the Truth and Christ is eclipsed, Youve been prophetic on this issue for years, Frank. Or better, prevented the ignition. Of course. Phil later has to correct himself with, No, Im sorry. I just could no longer handle the bullying and shouting. The Jesus I Never Knew, Walker and Co. (New York, NY), 1996. Spilsby claimed that it was my couch, but it was the old urine- and sweat-soaked couch from behind the gym. And my response is Yes! Its one thing to write these words, and quite another to live them out. Yancey knows whereof he writes. in translation into Croatian language. Its a very confusing (and contentious) topic. Check out the Books section on my website. He asked me about the rumor that I had breached security [44]. I really mean that. However as you can guess, the Evangelical section is against this. I am a mainline evangelical, currently using Vanishing Grace as curriculum in an adult Sunday school class. I have changed quite a bit since then. You are the one on the front lines of grace. I dont know what to make of him myself. Brandt Shelbourne. You said you understood that our church was going through a rough patch, but that God was not finished, that you were excited to see what God was going to do in the next chapter of Southeast. . I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Capt Smith contacted all the Bishops and lamblasted me with who knows what all because of my SSA and the deed was done. It will be always a pleasure to lean with your wise words and share everything I can with others. Sorry! Im still cringing all these years later!! Just curious because I would love to read about a biblical response to racial injustices that is coming from someone on the receiving end of it. I know that hurts deeply: grief is where love and pain converge. I have always been academically inclined, and more likely to resonate with intellectual discussions about faith than stories of emotional experiences. In the midst of my preparations, Dr. Beckner called to tell me that the need for my services was greater at the Edmonton Institution. I would be curious to know what (if anything) you make of the Jordan Peterson phenomenon. I was exasperated on coming to this summation. I am purchasing a copy of participants guide for all of the inmates in the class. He told me I was on my own. You referred to how you have repeatedly had to field questions revolving around pain, suffering, and doubt. Mourning and dancing touch each otherthis is a beautiful concept, straight out of the Bible, of course. Before the visit, Chaplain Paul tried to scare me about it, urging me once again to resign. So I wrote and am just now releasing a book that a local Christian publisher embraced. [5][6] After high school he attended Columbia Bible College in South Carolina, where he met his wife, Janet. Philip, I just want to say thanks. May your grace journey never end. They pass on ugly rumors and they gossip about things that are all stirred up at church, of all places! We had quite a trade: I gave words to his faith, and in the process he gave faith to my words. More recently, he has explored central issues of the Christian faith, penning award-winning titles such as The Jesus I Never Knew, Whats So Amazing About Grace? I know about the Old thing. I sent him an e-mail, requesting confirmation in writing. I cry all the time lately. Philip. Disappointment with God, Where Is God when It Hurts?, The Jesus I Never Knew, to name some, are brilliant titles as I most probably would not be so interested in reading them in the first place if they were not so titled. Before that time people saw him as grump but after that time he was a changed man. I also plan on emailing you further with a few highlights. I laugh, because I used to not believe in the glory signs like gold dust and things that happen, but one night, I was sitting, praying, telling God that I hated Him and I had gold dust show up all over my hands and I know that I cant explain it to my friends that God knows the difference between when one of His kids really hates Him and when they are in such pain that they need Him. Funny, isnt it, how those old houses like Downton Abbey and the Southern plantations, built on the backs of oppression and injustice, become such tourist magnets. After my conversation with Brian, Paul proceeded to tell me that the wardens had no confidence in me, that the prison management had no confidence in me, that the chaplaincy staff had no confidence in me and that the evaluation team had no confidence in me. He welcomes your prayers. Philip. So, at the end of the day, blaming GOD (who wants to be loved but does not partake in a two-way conversation) seems plausable. It turned my eyes to Gods goodness. I want to share with you about my discouraged experience. Snowy and Oliver were both shocked to hear about my dismissal, and Oliver said that it would be totally out of character for me for me to blow up at an inmate. Weve had a lot of struggles intense poverty and failed dream after failed dream. The Commissioners Affirmation But our resurrection bodies will be eternal. Pray for people of color first, along with undocumented workers and those particularly dependent on governmental services and assistance. It took me a while to finish the book as am I not only a slow reader; I also like to read books like this and then reflect on parts of them before continuing ; so as not to trivialize any one point. This is why I hope you find time to address this question. I think you are a money-loving hypocrite. Frankly we could use the tourism considering the nightmare our lawmakers have just created. Born 1939, in Chicago, IL; married Roger Winter (an artist); children: Jonah, Max. I still struggle with lack of self-confidence and procrastination when it comes to writing. . (With Brenda Quinn) The Jesus I Never Knew Study Guide, Zondervan (Grand Rapids, MI), 1997. I cant unsee a call to justice in the scriptures that I was blind to once. And frankly, obscene. had to buy new copies! Only relationships turn around lives." He would tell Chaplain Paul that some of the inmates Rabbi Ari had said were Jewish were actually not Jewish. Hi, Gordon, I think you spoke at a conference one week but I was unable to attend. Your references to catholics made me wonder what your perspectives are, on where catholics stand in the christian faith, and on whether differences can be reconciled? Thank you so much and may God continue to bless you and your writing! You may enjoy the book Without God, Without Creed, by James Turner, which explores how careless language raises expectations about what an encounter with God should look like. Two of my volunteers were present in my office at the time of this conversation, and one of them overheard my comments [34]. Here I was, trying to listen to the V and C guard in charge, and she was shouting. You are warm and encouraging with words, and Im truly grateful for you. Once again Paul was running the show against my wishes. The earth must become as it appears: blue and white, not capitalist or Communist; blue and white, not rich or poor; blue and white, not envious or envied. Michael Collins, Gemini 10 & Apollo 11. Why was that genicide, that killing of men, women, and children, that enslavement of survivors. I crossed the border into Canada and headed for Saint John New Brunswick where there was a YWAM base where I knew people. See resources from our past podcasts. (See http://qideas.org/contributors/gabe-lyons/) He directs a kind of think tank that works on building bridges between Christians and the culture around them. I was a Christian prior to the Reagan revolution in 1980 when Republicans deliberately confused Christianity with patriotism and capitalism to get their people elected. I understand what youre saying, Tom, and Ive had a similar frustration at times. I now view politics and religion cynically as a tool to maneuver people to an end that benefits their personal goals, not goals of a God whom might think differently. It opened my eyes to a new way of looking at the Lord, and it was a better way. As an Anglican priest and a Canadian citizen with German and British roots, I have a deep respect and admiration for Queen Elizabeth II. I went to her church and was in fact loved on by total strangers in a way I had never experienced in my life! On page 15 a man from Iowa said, I know there is a God: I believe he exists, I just dont know what to believe of him. These words rang true with me as I wonder if God set the world in motion and then decided to step away. His family was shocked I said that. I was destitute and deeply in debt. I identify so well with what you write. I wonder what Bannon now is doing and if there is any way to contact him. That is very exciting. I saw Reaching for the Invisible God. I am an avid reader with diverse tastes, but I have never bought a Christian book before. It was a toxic work environment, with so many people being mocked, bullied and bossed around on a daily basis. Hi Philip, It was appalling that something like this should happen to a small, elderly clergyman like myself. He is already on enough ballots to win or to take votes away from T and C so that the House can choose another. Again.thank you again for your response! But when it came time for me to return,they ignored my plea and left me stranded in the USA with no money and no place to go,the British and German Embassy would not help me. God has never seemed more distant and this passivity doesnt seem to be doing it for me any more. The Crucible ~ Aurthur Miller The Sympathy Cards And yet, my desire to help others comes directly from the Bible. Certainly there is nothing wrong with pointing out in love, errors to people you know well enough to do so. While listening to this I thought back to the time when I had reported to AWI Brad Sass that I had seen Imam Ramazan bringing a DVD player into the Institution without permission. No need to respond I primarily wanted to say that your books have helped and I wanted to thank you for that. He immediately calmed down. I am attempting to help a man who says he needs to forgive God. If you are interested in a chorus of thank yous, this is your spot. That all-important border would be invisible, that noisy argument silenced. I try to be honest about church challenges, but definitely come down on the side of the church. I would love to hear what you have to say about this. Much of my childhood prayer life was spent begging God to save me from the horrors of hell, in the fear that I was not sincere enough in my young faith to truly be saved. And I just want to let you know how right you are, You have no idea how hard it is for me to read without distraction. I did not I could not imagine anyone holding a grudge and hatred for 18 years, I had very high respect for the Bishops, and leaders of the Church ,too high it seems and it did not enter my head that some could be as ugly as non Christians or worse. I am thinking of Andrew Murray, Frank Laubach, George Muller, Thomas Kelly, Brigid Herman, and Rosalind Rinker. My Small Group is presently studying The Jesus I Never Knew. But the damage had been done for a life time . It can be watched for free via an app from Google Play Store or Apples App Store: The Chosen-TV Series.. Im afraid its not mine, David. After I lost my job there in December of that year under mysterious circumstances, I appealed to the Alberta Human Rights Commission. As I finish reading chapter 1, I told my mom that Im glad this book is thick because theres still more pages left. We do, of course, have one strong example of forgiveness offered even without apology or remorse: when Jesus prayed for his persecutors, Father, forgive them, for they dont know what they are doing. Back in the day, I loved What is so Amazing About Grace. I have read several of your books over the years, having just finished The Bible Jesus Read. Ive read the bible a couple of times now and dont remember Jesus seeking to change any Roman laws. All the best! Having read psychological views with my very limited understanding capabilities, sometimes I still wonder whether its an illness to be cured/managed or a diabolical influence to be resisted. Whats So Amazing About Grace ~ Philip Yancey But the bigger question is how do we effectively pass on the grace and the prerequisite knowledge of Jesus, to people caught in sexual confusion/slavery. So, Ive long wanted to thank you. Since I am only a couple of years older than you (I think your brother was probably in my class at Wheaton, but in a clean-out phase, I no longer have my yearbooks to check! I loved the guest post by David Bannon in the fall. One time Paul also deliberately scheduled his own services to interfere with my own, after a mutually agreeable schedule had already been agreed upon in writing [25] [26]. Im very sorry that you are burdened in this way. Cheers Paul used the tensions between Brian and me to demoralize me. Brett, Im in the midst of a memoir that revisits those days, with circumstances we share in common. The goal of parenthood is not to produce clones who replicate their parents, rather to produce mature adults who make their own choices. Finally you end the book with a statement that I had to reflect on, I have no problem believing God is good. their reasons are either personal (because they were going to see some friends not for listening the word of God) or unclear (they just dont go because they think the church is boring or not full-of-soul and one of them was telling me Yancey said its fine with Christianity not to go to church another said Im not afraid when I meet God tell him it wasnt ok with those churchs! ) None apologized ever even though I sought reconsiliation. My problem is this, Mr. Yancey. only to discover that it talks about people who suffer literal pain. Your work is very important. It is a million miles away from writing or anything creative in general. I dont buy it. Thank you for your time and for your sermon! i was introduced to your work by my lecture at Bible School in South Africa. Thank you for visiting Korea and giving a precious message. Only recently come across it and found it a fantastic insight, to give new eyes to our reading of the gospel and to understanding Jesus. I seek your wisdom as I am at one of the lowest points in my life. He was shocked by such a question, and said there was no security issue concerning me. The dream of Nelson Mandela is still only halfway fulfilled. So Id best decline. I encouraged prisoners to write down their feelings and to send letters and sympathy cards to their loved ones, to help both themselves and their loved ones through the grieving process. Thank you for taking your time writing this book and share your journey I could tell that you put considerable work and time into it. Suffering and pain has no boundaries and now, I could no longer pretend otherwise. Paul also frequently told me to resign, which distressed me greatly. You are a very gifted person. I have searched for your book in my city at all bookstrore. By the way, I have read all your books, I think. Thank you for all you do. Thank you. Even as the Christianity here is thoroughly European in images, tradition, rhythm (Christmas and Easter in Summer and Autumn makes no sense, symbolically or corporeally) and sensibility. The other is A Grace Revealed by Gerald Sittser, who lost three generations at once in an automobile accident. Yancey lives in Colorado, working as a freelance writer. Consequently I am no longer in church regularly and struggle with my faith in ways I never dreamed possible just a few years ago. Philip. Philip. I am a believer who has been in ministry until I retired; Ive read about Saul being instructed to not even spare the animals of Amalek; Ive read of Joshuas instructions, etc., but I still cant answer thes nagging questions. Everyone I know is still alive and so Im trying to honor my mother and protect christs bride. Traditionally, the fact that she was drawing water at noon, the hottest time of the day, is seen as a sign that shes viewed as a bit of an outcast by the women of the community, though thats rather presumptive. What ever happened to Richard? Any reasoning anyone gives for this is that we just have to wait until we die and then God will reveal himself. They finally threw me out saying God had told Ken Wright from New Zealand that I was to leave and be dependent on no one and to work. With kind regards Alison Veness, I do indeed get to U.K. now and then, so watch my Facebook site. Mr. Yancey, I just need something, I need to know youre there. Thank you for your challenging and engaging style of writing.N. Brand. Mackenzie Mully, You can reach me through this email: pyasst@aol.com. Carl Sagan popularized the phrase, Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Yes Carl, yes. Takes 2 seconds go check out kiva.org. or The good of God by Yancey?? And thank you for your message. He grew up a "New Testament, Blood-bought, Born-again, Premillenial, Dispensational, fundamental" Protestant just like me. Bravo! I expect many of these felt a twinge of guilt not being on the battle front, but they were just as useful at home in the USA building war materials. She treated me so badly like a a piece of rubbish totally disgusted with me, and all I had had was SSA thoughts . Ive stood in Eastern Samar in the Philippines were Typhoon Yolanda killed over 6,300 of Rubys countrymen and women. I have had open and helpful conversations with the leadership of the school I attended and we are on most excellent terms, so I havent gone behind their backs. More, I dont use the name of that school because Im aware that some of what I write might hurt them. I have only one advantage: I am still alive! I am sitting enjoying the sunset over Purgatory Lake with 2 of my favorite things: Rumors of Another World and Punch Neapolitan Pizza. As we talked he started to say the word preach the same word was forming in my mind at exactly the same time. We Americans have as hard a time understanding your president as most of the world has trying to understand our president-elect.