I applied online. Assure the interviewer that you can handle a situation like this with poise while keeping the customer happy and the needs of the company in mind as well. This employer has claimed their Employer Profile and is engaged in the Glassdoor community. They asked basic questions which were simple and easy to answer. Therefore, any date prior to 2019 might not be accurate. Hurts discussed many things in the video, but the most . I was invited to a teams online call to talk with a manager, and basically have a virtual interview. Perhaps another store in future. Really welcoming and straightforward, the interviewer was friendly. Be sure not to mention names and end on a positive note. From what I understand, if a customer is not happy with a product that has been bought in a Waitrose store, customers can return the item or package, along with their proof of purchase, within 35 days. I suggested we install a couple of cameras inside the store to deter anyone from stealing. I would avoid approaching the employee as I would not want to make it a personal issue. Try and focus on related work experience. If unsure of the best decision, I would ask my supervisor for clarification. Q8. Full Suggested Answer & Detailed Response, Question 8, I fully believe in honesty at all times.". Was given a task of creating meals for different people for differing occasions such as dinner parties. "I am prepared and committed to working the hours listed in the position's job description. ", "I do not require performance incentives to do a great job. The more you can find out about Waitrose, the better. This employer has claimed their Employer Profile and is engaged in the Glassdoor community. Then once got through that stage. Be sure to avoid sounding self-righteous in your answer. TIP #4 In respect of TIP#3 above, when answering these types of behavioural interview questions, we recommend you make good use of the STAR interview technique. Be complimentary of yourself - now is not the time to be super humble. Remember having related work experience will put you ahead of the competition. Having studied the job description for this role, I feel I have the required skills, qualities and attributes to not only perform the job to a high standard, but to also maintain the standards you expect of your employees and partners. I have solid references who will attest to that as well. "My ideal employer brings charisma and passion to their work. Stupidly hard questions for the role - it was like I was interviewing to be CEO. Sent to your email inbox within seconds of your order being placed. The interviewer wants to hear that you have the necessary communication skills for the role. Full Suggested Answer & Detailed Response, Question 4, "I have been passively seeking a new position for quite some time and haven't jumped on anything yet because I want to ensure it's the right fit. What is the interview process like at Waitrose? Many people like recognition in some way for their accomplishments in the workplace, while others do not require public recognition. Full Suggested Answer & Detailed Response. After assuming a management position, our turnover rate decreased by 30%. I applied online. Waitrose interview details in Sheffield, UK: 14 interview questions and 9 interview reviews posted anonymously by Waitrose interview candidates. I like to seek out diverse ideas, opinions, and thoughts from my team to build strategies and solve problems. Describe a stressful situation at work and how you handled it? Candidates applying for Shop-floor Assistant (Christmas Temp) had the quickest hiring process (on average 1 day), whereas Graduate Trainee roles had the slowest hiring process (on average 150 days). In addition to handling change, the interviewer wants to see if you can recognize when change is required and be confident enough to present that to your organization. It was fast and easy, asked several questions and had a group part before. Was quite a while ago now. Discuss with the interviewer why you want to make a change and how this particular role fits well with the changes you seek. I was late to work only once last year due to a snowstorm that stalled all of our employees' commutes - including those with personal vehicles. 4 answers . "There are many aspects of the job description that are appealing. The interviewer wants to ensure that all your questions about the company or job role are answered during the interview. I am someone who has lots of experience taking care of customers and I am able to work hard under pressure as and when required, and also work as part of a diverse team to achieve the daily tasks required in this role. Think about the constructive things your references have said about you in the past. Focus on describing what you like most about the job and provide your reason why. We do not claim our questions will be asked in any interview you may have. The group task will be a situational one with a scenario to answer, and the solo interview is with a set number of questions, went in for a group interview where we had to do a task involving discussing what order we would do certain tasks and then a quick 1-1 interview where they only asked a few questions, I applied online. GET ALL 12 QUESTIONS AND UNIQUE ANSWERS TO THE WAITROSE INTERVIEW, PLUS FREE 30-DAY ACCESS TO OUR ONLINE INTERVIEW TRAINING COURSE, Question 1, Tell me about a time you worked in a team. Really welcoming and straightforward, the interviewer was friendly. Q7. The process took 2 weeks. This employer has claimed their Employer Profile and is engaged in the Glassdoor community. They will think that it is respectful and it shows you have good manners. Give Me The Answers To My Interview! I believe this will help my confidence grow and my sales skills as well.". Be the first to find this interview helpful, - Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom Area. Glassdoor has millions of jobs plus salary information, company reviews, and interview questions from people on the inside making it easy to find a job thats right for you. I interviewed at Waitrose, Online assessment Group assessment looking at priority of tasks of a typical day and customer service tasks 1 to 1 interview asking uniform sizes and working availability, questions about hobbies and previous experience. However, small perks are always nice to have!". "I have solid communication skills and feel this skill is one of my greatest strengths. Assure the interviewer there is no reason why they shouldn't hire you. It is incredibly important to research the company's core values and mission statement before your interview. Stupidly hard questions for the role - it was like I was interviewing to be CEO. You may or may not like performance incentives. I have seen the uniforms worn by the retail employees at Waitrose and see that it adds a strong level of professionalism. Tasks required are mainly focused on show how you can organize stuff. Thereafter, its just 27+vat per month. Be sure to mention how you have handled rude or belligerent customers in the past while following company policy. It will not look good for you if you say nothing will show up during your reference check and something does. Tell me about a time you worked in a team. Was one on one and answered about the job I was the given scenarios on the shop and had to put jobs in priority order. No pressure at all. Interview questions and answers were first added on July 30th, 2018, 1 community answer was added by Lauren McCabe on October 31st, 2019, 304 questions and/or answers were updated by Krista Wenz on September 13th, 2022, Checked for grammar and spelling mistakes by Ryan Brown on September 13th, 2022. Before he took a massive jump as a complete player, the former Alabama signal-caller sat down with the Philadelphia Eagles in an unreleased Combine video. Candidates interviewing for Customer Service Assistant and Customer Assistant rated their interviews as the hardest, whereas interviews for Supermarket Assistant and Sales Assistant roles were rated as the easiest. The interviewer would like to know if anything negative will appear in your reference check to determine if they want to move forward in the hiring process. ", "This job will fit perfectly surrounding my school schedule. Why do you want this job and what can you specifically bring to the role? The customer will be required to give an explanation as to the reason they would like a refund and replacement, and if appropriate, one will be given. First is the psychometric tests followed by a group interview and then a solo interview. Most retail positions require a wide range of hours, including evenings, weekends, holidays, overtime, and split shifts. Finally, be sure to mention any successful outcome. Common stages of the interview process at Waitrose according to 42 Glassdoor interviews include: Find a Great First Job to Jumpstart Your Career, Stand Out From the Crowd With the Perfect Cover Letter, How to Prepare for Your Interview and Land the Job. Copyright 2008-2023, Glassdoor, Inc. "Glassdoor" and logo are registered trademarks of Glassdoor, Inc. I am energetic, dependable, honest, and have a strong work ethic. ", "I am very much self-driven and self-motivated. I have worked in a leadership capacity for the past five years and love sharing my knowledge and experience with others. I am excited to work for Waitrose because of the flexibility you offer students and the growth potential. Thank you for asking. Discuss what made them so challenging and rewarding. I did not miss one work day last year or the year before. Reliable transportation can be a personal vehicle, Uber, public transportation, carpool, motorcycle or bicycle, or walking. Asked 24 October 2017. Followed by some behavioural questions then a general chat about availability etc. I do not participate in drug use, and you can be assured that I will maintain a clean record if you hire me for this role. Even if the hiring manager describes their management style, it does not mean every manager will lead the same way. Q5. Had to do a task, too. The interviewer wants to hear that your references will positively describe you. Waitrose is the supermarket division of the John Lewis Partnership. The interviewer asks this question to see that you have read the job description in its entirety and determine what aspect of the role you like the most. Very laid-back, almost forgot I was in an interview. Discuss with the interviewer how you ensure that your customers receive the best service from you. I would not normally choose to leave; however, I need to find a position related to my newly acquired degree. I do my best always to be available and present when expected.". A job search isn't just a one-sided hunt. So there is no risk. In my current position, we have a leaderboard, and I like that concept because it creates a healthy bit of personal competition for me as well. Waitrose was updated by Krista Wenz on September 13th, 2022. Waitrose is the one of the biggest Supermarket company in the UK. Get started with your Free Employer Profile, Night Shift Stock Replenishment Interview, Customer Service Representative Interview, The Ultimate Job Interview Preparation Guide. ", "I believe with a little training, I could very easily create some attractive displays. PLUS BONUSESIn addition to the specific WAITROSE INTERVIEW Questions & Answers, you will also receive the following BONUSES: 150+ Page Interview Skills Guide packed full of interview advice, to tips from interview experts, and all of the most common interview questions with detailed answers. When responding, back up why you would like your requested salary based on your skills and experience. You must create your own answers, and be prepared for any interview question in any interview. Be sure to highlight your favorite and most challenging positions. ", "The three qualities that make me a strong fit for this position are my leadership, communication, and problem-solving skills. ", "I ensure that my customers' needs are met by actively listening to them and asking the right questions. What is your most important success so far? I am available to work whatever schedule I am given and am happy to work overtime as well. Waitrose Interview Questions. This position was also my favorite because it was such a great challenge. Everyone needs to remain respectful, and I would not hesitate to ask a customer to offer that respect in return. They keep employees motivated to do a great job and ensure they are on top of their KPIs. Well structured and flexible: few questions about how to deal with difficult situations and how to deal with team work. Was asked a variety of questions on how I would or had dealt with past situations with customers and colleagues. If you hire me for the position, you will not be disappointed in my performance. First is the psychometric tests followed by a group interview and then a solo interview. Finally, we have eliminated all risk for you. The main thing the hiring manager wants to hear is that you are responsible and organized. If you are interviewing for a leadership position, they want to hear how you handle the issue with the employee. Copyright 2008-2023, Glassdoor, Inc. "Glassdoor" and logo are registered trademarks of Glassdoor, Inc. ", "My most challenging position, and also my favorite position, would be my current role as a customer service representative with company ABC. Q4. 304 questions and/or answers were updated by Krista Wenz on September 13th, 2022. I feel this job is right for me, at this point in my career, because it offers an opportunity for me to utilize my recent education in Communication while allowing me to advance in my management skills. We coach each other on sales techniques and share success stories. He is about to become a wealthy quarterback, but at that time he wanted to sell Philadelphia on why he is the guy they need as a leader. What plans do you have over the coming 5 to 10 years? Examples of good questions are asking the interviewer how you performed in the interview or if you need to clarify anything, asking what the interviewer likes most about working for Waitrose, or if they have any hesitancy about hiring you. The actual interview took around 45min, again give examples of good customer service, time when you went out of your way to help, how you cope under pressure etc. Common stages of the interview process at Waitrose according to 7 Glassdoor interviews include: Glassdoor has millions of jobs plus salary information, company reviews, and interview questions from people on the inside making it easy to find a job thats right for you. I was taught to treat others as I want to be treated, which is what I do daily.". Be sure to end your response on a positive note and tell the interviewer how you are excited to have the opportunity to interview for the position with their company. I did not rate myself higher because I feel everyone can improve their skills as no one is perfect.". Some individuals prefer a close working relationship with a lot of accountability, while others prefer space and autonomy. It felt excellent to go above the call of duty that day.". PassMyInterview, Suite 4, 2 Mount Sion, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, TN1 1UE. Most Waitrose job postings have many job duties you will be asked to perform. If you have unique ideas for creative displays, let the interviewer know your thoughts. I always try to be at least 10 minutes early for my shift. Talk to the interviewer about any times you have been required to wear a uniform and your thoughts on this. How would you deal with an angry or frustrated customer in store? I would tell my manager immediately. If I could express a preference, I feel that I am best with a manager who allows me autonomy while still investing time in me through mentorship and training. Im on step two ! "I have researched your core values online and feel your values align with mine to a tee. I know how to deliver amazing customer service, have excellent interpersonal skills, and have been the top cashier for the past six months in my current role. "I have worked in retail for the past eight years. I communicate effectively with diverse groups and know how to bring out the best in people. Focus on describing your written and verbal communication skills. I do not have a criminal record and have never even had a ticket or citation issued.". When researching the company, you must have found several reasons why you want to work for them. Waitrose offers a collaborative environment where ideas are shared, and all employees are encouraged to help the company succeed. That shows you are proactive and value workplace relationships and communicating with others. Glassdoor users rated their interview experience at Waitrose as 40.0% positive with a difficulty rating score of 2.60 out of 5 (where 5 is the highest level of difficulty). 3. Interview. Our interview questions and answers do not represent any organization, school, or company on our site. If security needed to be called, I would do so. I always try to arrive 15 minutes early, but unforeseen circumstances can arise. What is your most important success so far? This online course will instantly be free for you to access for 30-days. I am excited to bring these qualities to this position with Waitrose.". Was quite a while ago now. Upvote 2 Downvote Retail environments are competitive, and a business can go down with one honest mistake and poor review. I feel that having a satisfied customer is most important, and sometimes refusing a return is not worth the bad word of mouth or risk of negative online reviews. Then once got through that stage. If you are lucky enough to secure an interview them then carry on reading this post. In my current position, the hours are great, my coworkers are nice, and I receive fair compensation.". "Last year, when I was managing our weekend shift, I noticed a pretty solid opportunity for us to save on overtime hours. "I am best motivated through the occasional words of praise and recognition for a job well done. Whatever the reasonor no reason at allyou can have a full refund if this resource isnt right for you. My most challenging position was with Company ABC. At the same time, Waitrose provides an environment for professional growth and mentorship. Even if you're not expected to drive for the job, you will need to have some form of reliable transportation. I learned a great deal during that time. I feel confident that, if you hire me in this role, you will be very happy with my performance, contribution to the wider team and my ability to uphold the strong values Waitrose adheres to., First and foremost, I would follow my training and the Waitrose principles in regard to customer service and care. "I am more than willing to cover a shift for a coworker if possible. The displays I have seen in your stores are fascinating, and I would love to be a part of that creative flair. How would you manage food temperature in the freezers/ fridges? This is so helpful. Heres the FULL LIST of interview questions for the WAITROSE INTERVIEW: Waitrose has an exceptional, high-quality presence in all of its stores. Be sure you have an example for each and every one of these scenarios prior to your Waitrose interview. I consider myself to be a team player and always help when I can. Walk the interviewer through your career history in retail. The hours were just not right for me in the end which is a shame. They asked basic questions which were simple and easy to answer. ", "I am very committed to my employer and am only absent in events of sickness or the odd family emergency. "I have reliable transportation. It's great to be 10-15 minutes early rather than just showing up on the dot. These skills make me a strong fit for this role as this position requires a high level of organization, interpersonal skills to effectively interact with customers and coworkers, and integrity to always do the right thing. Your interviewer is looking to see that you are proactive and that you can handle the stress of unexpected situations that can arise. I was invited to a teams online call to talk with a manager, and basically have a virtual interview. 2023 PassMyInterview.com. Some staff complained that they didn't have their work schedule yet. I meet and exceed your requirements and have the knowledge and experience you are looking for. The only time I was unable to cover a shift was when I had an exam at University that I could not miss. The interviewer wants to see that you are self-aware and understand the type of manager or employer that brings out the best in you. Be diplomatic and refer to company protocol in these situations. Glassdoor users rated their interview experience at. Application form followed by basic aptitude test. To help you prepare for a Waitrose job interview, here are 40 interview questions and answer examples. Full Suggested Answer & Detailed Response, Question 11, While the interviewer would prefer someone with experience, the question asks if you are a creative person capable of creating attractive displays. Tell me what you know about the Waitrose supermarket brand in respect of our core values and ethos? During my research in preparation for this interview, I studied your website, and I have been especially concentrating on your customer service guidelines. Assure the interviewer that you can commit to a wide range of hours. Sick children, traffic, car breakdowns the list goes on. Strong customer service abilities and a customer-focused approach to work; Be able to resolve customer complaints and deal with queries in line with company policy; Follow your training and operational procedures to meet the requirements of your role; Demonstrate effective team-working skills and complete tasks thoroughly and efficiently; In certain Waitrose roles, you will be required to work unsociable hours and also at weekends; Wear the Waitrose uniform with pride and act as a positive role model for the organisation; Meet the expectations of customers with a view to encouraging them to return to the store time and time again. Full Suggested Answer & Detailed Response, Question 5, Q6. Describe a time when you managed multiple tasks all at once? Honesty is incredibly important when working with cash transactions and valuable merchandise. The questions were easy to answer on the spot and required little to no preparation. Interview questions and answers were first added on July 30th, 2018. Was one on one and answered about the job I was the given scenarios on the shop and had to put jobs in priority order. If the customer was being verbally abusive, I would tell them that I want to help them if they would please be less aggressive. So many notes already, would have went into this interview the wrong way. I have my interview in exactly 2 weeks and these helpful tutorials are absolutely perfect for those who don't know. Company Information. It costs quite a bit of time and money to conduct reference checks, so they want to know ahead of time if there will be a reason for you to be disqualified as a viable candidate. Strictly Necessary Cookie should be enabled at all times so that we can save your preferences for cookie settings. FREE 30 days access to our BESTSELLING online Interview Training Course! I am a social person and enjoy making my customers happy.". ALWAYS: We're quirky, proud and at our best when we are free to be ourselves.WE NOT ME: When we work together anything is possible.Be sure to memorize these values before your interview so you can answer this question with ease. The interview was a simple exercise looking for ideas on how to improve a hypothetical store. MORE TESTIMONIALS FROM OUR SUCCESSFUL CUSTOMERS. ", "In the past, I have worked best with managers who are strong mentors but also offer autonomy when it comes to the tasks they know I am well versed in.". Focus on being honest in your response. Most companies have policies in place for handling rude or aggressive customers. Discuss with the interviewer how you would handle an aggressive customer while remaining calm and professional. There are many different leadership styles: autocratic, democratic, servant, pacesetting, coaching, collaborative, affiliative, and more. You had a group task to do, and then an individual interview with a manager. Great response; an interviewer will appreciate your willingness to be flexible contingent on school responsibilities. Thank you so much..i have an interview laterit helped a lot to boost my confidence. "I can be productive in most work environments, so long as the mentality is positive and teamwork is encouraged. ", "I have some dispute resolution training from my previous retail position and fully believe that flexibility needs to be offered in extreme situations. It is a definite plus if you have cheered on your competitors and helped them along the way. "I have a lot of qualities that transfer well into a retail-based position. If you were fired, they want to know if you will admit why you were fired, if you take responsibility, and what you learned from the experience. There were scenario based questions but with lots of others stemming off them. ", "The store where I currently work is a family-run shop where they operated based on trust and didn't have a loss prevention plan. The best way to discuss your salary expectations is to use your current earnings as an example. I took two years of communications courses in college and have honed my verbal and written communication skills over the years. Thank you so much! How would you manage food temperature in the freezers/ fridges? Share with the interviewer how you would like to be recognized for your hard work. Be sure to give a more in-depth answer than the typical 'I am looking for growth' answer many interviewers hear. Focus on giving an example of going above and beyond the typical job duties that will make you stand out from other candidates. Focus on reviewing Waitrose's return policy before your interview. Super nice interviewer and easy questions. If you gave notice, were laid off, or fired, describe the circumstances behind your leaving. 9 answers. Waitrose is a British employee-owned supermarket store with over 3009 shops across the United Kingdom. Focus on describing the attributes that make you a great employee and how they will benefit Waitrose if hired. Merely share that you have the means to get to work consistently and on time. Read our Terms of Use for more information. "I feel that performance incentives are a great idea. The interviewer asks this question to see what type of employee you will be if hired. Waitrose Interview Questions and Answers 1.