Must Pass Background Check. Quick Apply. Additional fees may apply. Registry Registrant ID: Not Available From Registry Registrant Name: Registration Private Registrant Organization: Domains By Proxy, LLC. All the necessary security elements: Scannable 1D and 2D Barcodes, 2D holograms and magnetic stripe. [Company X] is searching for a detail-oriented tax preparer to assist with tax planning and filing in a full-time role. If they ask you to purchase items up-front, ask you to pay a fee in order to be hired, or ask you to purchase gift cards, it is an advance-fee scam. You'll have the flexibility to change paths and solve customer problems as a remote accounting expert for TurboTax, QuickBooks, or Mint. All deposit accounts through Pathward are FDIC insured. Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Intuit is proud to be an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer. Remote Tax Preparer No Experience jobs. Complete E-filing, provide printed copies of returns for clients to review, signing and e-file these forms to IRS and state agencies. Valid at participating locations only. State e-File for business returns only available in CA, CT, MI, NY, VA, WI. Handle Bookkeeping needs of young and modern Client base. 100 miles, Aberdeen, WashingtonAbilene, TexasAda, OklahomaAkron, OhioAlamogordo, New MexicoAlbany, GeorgiaAlbemarle, North CarolinaAlbertville, AlabamaAlexander City, AlabamaAlexandria, LouisianaAlice, TexasAlpena, MichiganAltus, OklahomaAmericus, GeorgiaAmsterdam, New YorkAnaheim, CaliforniaAnniston, AlabamaArcadia, FloridaArcata, CaliforniaArdmore, OklahomaArkadelphia, ArkansasArlington, VirginiaAshland, KentuckyAshtabula, OhioAtchison, KansasAthens, GeorgiaAthens, OhioAthens, TennesseeAthens, TexasAtlanta, GeorgiaAtmore, AlabamaAugusta, GeorgiaAustin, TexasBainbridge, GeorgiaBakersfield, CaliforniaBaltimore, MarylandBatesville, ArkansasBaton Rouge, LouisianaBattle Creek, MichiganBay City, MichiganBay City, TexasBeaumont, TexasBeckley, West VirginiaBeeville, TexasBennettsville, South CarolinaBerea, KentuckyBerlin, New HampshireBig Rapids, MichiganBig Spring, TexasBig Stone Gap, VirginiaBiloxi, MississippiBirmingham, AlabamaBlacksburg, VirginiaBluefield, VirginiaBluefield, West VirginiaBlytheville, ArkansasBogalusa, LouisianaBonham, TexasBoone, North CarolinaBorger, TexasBossier City, LouisianaBoston, MassachusettsBradford, PennsylvaniaBranson, MissouriBrenham, TexasBridgeton, New JerseyBristol, TennesseeBristol, VirginiaBrookhaven, MississippiBrownsville, TennesseeBrownsville, TexasBrownwood, TexasBrunswick, GeorgiaBucyrus, OhioButte, MontanaCalhoun, GeorgiaCambridge, MarylandCambridge, OhioCamden, ArkansasCampbellsville, KentuckyCanon City, ColoradoCape Coral, FloridaCarbondale, IllinoisCarson City, NevadaCedar City, UtahCedartown, GeorgiaCentral City, KentuckyCentralia, IllinoisCentralia, WashingtonCharleston, IllinoisCharleston, West VirginiaCharlotte, North CarolinaChicago, IllinoisChico, CaliforniaChillicothe, OhioChristiansburg, VirginiaChula Vista, CaliforniaClarksburg, West VirginiaClarksdale, MississippiClearlake, CaliforniaCleveland, MississippiCleveland, TennesseeClewiston, FloridaClovis, New MexicoCoffeyville, KansasColumbus, IndianaColumbus, OhioConnersville, IndianaCookeville, TennesseeCoos Bay, OregonCorcoran, CaliforniaCordele, GeorgiaCorinth, MississippiCornelia, GeorgiaCorning, New YorkCorsicana, TexasCoshocton, OhioCraig, ColoradoCrescent City, CaliforniaCrossville, TennesseeCullman, AlabamaCullowhee, North CarolinaCumberland, MarylandDallas, TexasDalton, GeorgiaDanville, IllinoisDanville, KentuckyDanville, VirginiaDavie, FloridaDayton, TennesseeDecatur, AlabamaDecatur, IllinoisDel Rio, TexasDeming, New MexicoDenver, ColoradoDeridder, LouisianaDetroit, MichiganDodge City, KansasDothan, AlabamaDouglas, ArizonaDouglas, GeorgiaDublin, GeorgiaDubois, PennsylvaniaDumas, TexasDuncan, OklahomaDunkirk, New YorkDurant, OklahomaDyersburg, TennesseeEagle Pass, TexasEast Houston, TexasEdinburg, TexasEl Campo, TexasEl Centro, CaliforniaEl Dorado, ArkansasEl Paso, TexasElizabeth City, North CarolinaElk City, OklahomaElkins, West VirginiaEmporia, KansasEnterprise, AlabamaEscanaba, MichiganEspanola, New MexicoEufaula, AlabamaEureka, CaliforniaFairmont, West VirginiaFallon, NevadaFarmington, MissouriFarmington, New MexicoFayetteville, North CarolinaFitzgerald, GeorgiaFlorence, AlabamaFlorence, South CarolinaForest City, North CarolinaForrest City, ArkansasFort Dodge, IowaFort Drum, New YorkFort Lauderdale, FloridaFort Leonard Wood, MissouriFort Payne, AlabamaFort Polk, LouisianaFort Sam Houston, TexasFort Smith, ArkansasFort Worth, TexasFortuna, CaliforniaFredonia, New YorkFreeport, IllinoisFresno, CaliforniaGadsden, AlabamaGaffney, South CarolinaGalesburg, IllinoisGallup, New MexicoGeorgetown, South CarolinaGlasgow, KentuckyGloversville, New YorkGoldsboro, North CarolinaGrants Pass, OregonGrants, New MexicoGreeneville, TennesseeGreenville, MississippiGreenville, North CarolinaGreenwood, MississippiGreenwood, South CarolinaGrenada, MississippiGulfport, MississippiHammond, LouisianaHanford, CaliforniaHannibal, MissouriHarlingen, TexasHarrison, ArkansasHattiesburg, MississippiHelena, ArkansasHenderson, North CarolinaHereford, TexasHickory, North CarolinaHillsdale, MichiganHinesville, GeorgiaHomosassa Springs, FloridaHonolulu, HawaiiHope, ArkansasHot Springs, ArkansasHoughton, MichiganHouma, LouisianaHouston, TexasHuntingdon, PennsylvaniaHuntington, West VirginiaHuntsville, TexasIndiana, PennsylvaniaIndianapolis, IndianaIndianola, MississippiIrvine, CaliforniaIrving, TexasJackson, MississippiJackson, OhioJackson, TennesseeJacksonville, AlabamaJacksonville, FloridaJacksonville, IllinoisJacksonville, TexasJamestown, New YorkJennings, LouisianaJesup, GeorgiaJohnson City, TennesseeJohnstown, PennsylvaniaJoplin, MissouriKansas City, MissouriKennett, MissouriKerrville, TexasKingman, ArizonaKingsport, TennesseeKingsville, TexasKinston, North CarolinaKirksville, MissouriKlamath Falls, OregonKokomo, IndianaLa Grande, OregonLa Porte, IndianaLake City, FloridaLake Havasu City, ArizonaLakeland, FloridaLamesa, TexasLaredo, TexasLas Cruces, New MexicoLas Vegas, NevadaLas Vegas, New MexicoLaurel, MississippiLaurinburg, North CarolinaLawrenceburg, TennesseeLawton, OklahomaLebanon, MissouriLenoir, North CarolinaLewistown, PennsylvaniaLiberal, KansasLincoln, IllinoisLittle Rock, ArkansasLogansport, IndianaLondon, KentuckyLong Beach, CaliforniaLongview, TexasLongview, WashingtonLos Angeles, CaliforniaLufkin, TexasLumberton, North CarolinaLynchburg, VirginiaMacomb, IllinoisMacon, GeorgiaMadera, CaliforniaMadisonville, KentuckyMagnolia, ArkansasMalone, New YorkMalvern, ArkansasMansfield, OhioMarietta, OhioMarion, IllinoisMarion, IndianaMarion, North CarolinaMarshall, MissouriMartin, TennesseeMartinsville, VirginiaMaryville, MissouriMassena, New YorkMattoon, IllinoisMayfield, KentuckyMaysville, KentuckyMcalester, OklahomaMcallen, TexasMccomb, MississippiMcminnville, TennesseeMeadville, PennsylvaniaMemphis, TennesseeMerced, CaliforniaMeridian, MississippiMesa, ArizonaMexico, MissouriMiami, FloridaMiami, OklahomaMichigan City, IndianaMiddlesboro, KentuckyMilledgeville, GeorgiaMilwaukee, WisconsinMineral Wells, TexasMission, TexasMoberly, MissouriMobile, AlabamaMonroe, LouisianaMorgan City, LouisianaMorganton, North CarolinaMorristown, TennesseeMoultrie, GeorgiaMount Airy, North CarolinaMount Pleasant, MichiganMount Pleasant, TexasMount Sterling, KentuckyMount Vernon, IllinoisMountain Home, ArkansasMountain Home, IdahoMuncie, IndianaMurray, KentuckyMuscle Shoals, AlabamaMuskegon, MichiganMuskogee, OklahomaNacogdoches, TexasNashville, TennesseeNatchez, LouisianaNatchez, MississippiNatchitoches, LouisianaNew Bern, North CarolinaNew Castle, IndianaNew Castle, PennsylvaniaNew Orleans, LouisianaNew York City, New YorkNew York, New YorkNewark, New JerseyNewberry, South CarolinaNewport, OregonNewport, TennesseeNogales, ArizonaNorth Houston, TexasNorth Vernon, IndianaNorth Wilkesboro, North CarolinaOcala, FloridaOgdensburg, New YorkOil City, PennsylvaniaOkeechobee, FloridaOklahoma City, OklahomaOlean, New YorkOntario, OregonOpelousas, LouisianaOrangeburg, South CarolinaOrlando, FloridaOthello, WashingtonOttumwa, IowaOxford, AlabamaOzark, AlabamaPaducah, KentuckyPahrump, NevadaPalatka, FloridaPalestine, TexasPampa, TexasParagould, ArkansasParis, TennesseeParis, TexasParkersburg, West VirginiaParsons, KansasPascagoula, MississippiPayson, ArizonaPecos, TexasPeru, IndianaPhiladelphia, PennsylvaniaPhoenix, ArizonaPicayune, MississippiPine Bluff, ArkansasPittsburg, KansasPlainview, TexasPlano, TexasPlattsburgh, New YorkPoint Pleasant, West VirginiaPonca City, OklahomaPontiac, IllinoisPoplar Bluff, MissouriPort Angeles, WashingtonPort Arthur, TexasPortales, New MexicoPorterville, CaliforniaPortland, OregonPortsmouth, OhioPottsville, PennsylvaniaPrice, UtahPrineville, OregonPueblo, ColoradoRadford, VirginiaRaleigh, North CarolinaRaymondville, TexasRed Bluff, CaliforniaRedding, CaliforniaRexburg, IdahoRichmond, KentuckyRichmond, VirginiaRio Grande City, TexasRoanoke Rapids, North CarolinaRockingham, North CarolinaRocky Mount, North CarolinaRolla, MissouriRome, GeorgiaRoseburg, OregonRoswell, New MexicoRuidoso, New MexicoRussellville, ArkansasRuston, LouisianaSacramento, CaliforniaSafford, ArizonaSaint Louis, MissouriSalem, OregonSan Antonio, TexasSan Diego, CaliforniaSan Francisco, CaliforniaSan Jose, CaliforniaSanford, North CarolinaSanta Monica, CaliforniaSarasota, FloridaSault Ste. From set-up to sign-off, everything you need to know for a successful interview with Intuit, including how to request reasonable interview accommodations. _*Our Seasonal Tax Preparers will need their own laptop and printer.*_. Hire as soon as you're ready. You can buy a car while being self-employed as . HRB Maine License No. *. A qualifying expected tax refund and e-filing are required. Marie, MichiganScottsboro, AlabamaSearcy, ArkansasSeattle, WashingtonSebring, FloridaSedalia, MissouriSelma, AlabamaSeneca, South CarolinaShawnee, OklahomaShelby, North CarolinaShelbyville, TennesseeShelton, WashingtonShow Low, ArizonaShreveport, LouisianaSierra Vista, ArizonaSikeston, MissouriSilver City, New MexicoSomerset, KentuckySomerset, PennsylvaniaSonora, CaliforniaSouth Houston, TexasSpringfield, MissouriStamford, ConnecticutStarkville, MississippiStatesboro, GeorgiaStephenville, TexasSterling, ColoradoSteubenville, OhioSturgis, MichiganSulphur Springs, TexasSummerville, GeorgiaSumter, South CarolinaSunbury, PennsylvaniaSusanville, CaliforniaSweetwater, TexasSylacauga, AlabamaTahlequah, OklahomaTalladega, AlabamaTampa, FloridaTaos, New MexicoTaylorville, IllinoisTerre Haute, IndianaTexarkana, ArkansasTexarkana, TexasThe Dalles, OregonThibodaux, LouisianaThomaston, GeorgiaThomasville, GeorgiaTiffin, OhioTifton, GeorgiaToccoa, GeorgiaTroy, AlabamaTucson, ArizonaTulsa, OklahomaTupelo, MississippiUkiah, CaliforniaUnion City, New JerseyUnion City, TennesseeUvalde, TexasValdosta, GeorgiaVernon, TexasVicksburg, MississippiVidalia, GeorgiaVienna, West VirginiaVincennes, IndianaVineland, New JerseyVisalia, CaliforniaWaco, TexasWalla Walla, WashingtonWashington Court House, OhioWashington DC, District of ColumbiaWashington, North CarolinaWatertown, New YorkWauchula, FloridaWaycross, GeorgiaWeirton, West VirginiaWest Helena, ArkansasWest Plains, MissouriWest Point, MississippiWheeling, West VirginiaWichita Falls, TexasWilmington, OhioWilson, North CarolinaWorthington, MinnesotaYakima, WashingtonYuba City, CaliforniaYuma, ArizonaZanesville, OhioZapata, Texas. Enjoy the best in class perks and benefits at Intuit. H&R Block has been approved by the California Tax Education Council to offer The H&R Block Income Tax Course, CTEC# 1040-QE-2662, which fulfills the 60-hour "qualifying education" requirement imposed by the State of California to become a tax preparer. If youre a potential match, a recruiter will schedule a call to learn more about you, your skills and experience. Pathward does not charge a fee for this service; please see your bank for details on its fees. Tax Preparers (Seasonal) Arlington, TX. Posted. \* Ability to obtain your own PTIN through the IRS. . State restrictions may apply. and Ingo Money, Inc., subject to the Sunrise Banks and Ingo Money Service. Earn more and learn more . .css-30w4xf{display:none;}@media screen and (min-width: 48em){.css-30w4xf{display:inherit;}}Sign In / Create Account.css-1edzhxc{display:inherit;}@media screen and (min-width: 48em){.css-1edzhxc{display:none;}}Sign In / Sign Up. By submitting this form, you acknowledge that Intuit may process the data you provide to contact you with information related to your request/submission as described in our Privacy Statement. Self-Pace training avilable weekly 1on1 calls. Tax experience: 1 year (Required). If you file more than 10 tax returns, the IRS requires tax preparers to file tax returns electronically. H.S Diploma or Equivalent. EOE AA M/F/Vet/Disability. Search Immediate hire no experience required jobs in New York, NY with company ratings & salaries. -February 1st - May 1st. And is it really possible you dont need to have experience to do this? We also consider qualified applicants regardless of criminal histories, consistent with legal requirements. The student will be required to return all course materials. Even the link to their Yelp page lacks a physical address, despite stating they're open and you can visit them. Full-time +2. A Power of Attorney may be required for some Tax Audit & Notice Services. Fake job scams come in many different varieties, though most share common characteristics that you can use to spot the scam before becoming a victim. Management of Company's outside tax advisor to ensure tax compliance and optimization of tax benefits. Salary information comes from 1,710 data points collected directly from employees, users, and past and present job advertisements on Indeed in the past 36 months. Transferring funds from another bank account to your Emerald Card may not be available to all cardholders and other terms and conditions apply. Conrad leverages tools like natural language processing and machine learning to help tax analysts and small business owners use TurboTax and QuickBooks more efficiently. Remote. Merck Innovation Cup Summer Camp. By authorizing H&R Block to e-file your tax return, or by taking the completed return to file, you are accepting the return and are obligated to pay all fees when due. While we have been on the tax scene since 2015, our family has been providing high quality marketing materials and business solutions since 2007, with operations in Texas, Oklahoma and Michigan. with a minimum of 30 tax returns prepared Prior tax preparation experience in a tax practice or retail setting Knowledge of tax laws, . Assist both internal associates and our tax clients with their technical, product, and general services questions. A Power of Attorney may be required for some Tax Audit & Notice Services. Our Intuit work from home jobs provide growth and development opportunities that support your career journey and goals. Additional training or testing may be required in CA, OR, and other states. Youll not only get significant guidance and mentoring, but youll also learn to work independently and bring innovative ideas to life. Additional fees, terms and conditions apply; consult your, For a full schedule of Emerald Card fees, see your. The ideal candidate will have a background in business, finance, accounting, or tax, Ability to work within a team to assist in preparation of accurate tax returns in a timely manner, Strong Research skills and the ability to quickly use online resources to find answers, Willingness to utilize audio/visual tools to communicate with customers, Comfortable interacting with customers through video, in a professional way that represents the Intuit TurboTax brand well, Bilingual (English/Spanish) communication skills (written & spoken) a plus, This is a seasonal position providing assistance to customers both assisting them in preparing their own returns and/or fully preparing customer tax returns, Compiling/preparing tax returns for TurboTax Customers, Gathering/organizing and accurately entering customer data in the federal and state tax returns for review, Communicate directly with the customer as needed, Coordinate customer meetings and follow-up, Communicate updates to credentialed tax experts on assigned customers, Will help customers who are working on their tax return with both product/software inquiries, as well as with tax questions and calculations, Apply defined practices, procedures and company policies to troubleshoot and resolve product and tax support customer inquiries, Will interact with customers utilizing strong written and verbal skills as well as deep customer empathy, Accurate and complete customer data entered in tax returns for credentialed tax expert review, High quality customer interactions and experiences, Application of defined practices, procedures and company policies to troubleshoot, resolve issues and address routine Tax Support customer questions. Is something like this legitimate? SimplyHired ranks Job Ads based on a combination of employer bids and relevance, such as your search terms and other activity on SimplyHired. Limitations apply. For more information, see the .css-73vru1{transition-property:var(--chakra-transition-property-common);transition-duration:var(--chakra-transition-duration-fast);transition-timing-function:var(--chakra-transition-easing-ease-out);cursor:pointer;outline:2px solid transparent;outline-offset:2px;color:var(--chakra-colors-neutral-700);line-height:var(--chakra-lineHeights-shorter);size:md;-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;}.css-73vru1:hover,.css-73vru1[data-hover]{-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;color:var(--chakra-colors-neutral-1000);}.css-73vru1:focus-visible,.css-73vru1[data-focus-visible]{box-shadow:var(--chakra-shadows-none);outline-color:var(--chakra-colors-magenta-800);outline-offset:2px;border-radius:var(--chakra-radii-sm);}SimplyHired Privacy Policy. In some cases you may prepare their return, sign, and file their taxes. You will work primarily as a preparer on the firm's tax clients and contribute to developing the tax firm. Join our corporate finance team to provide strategic and tactical planning, decision support, financial discipline, and financial planning. Search radius The minimum for passing is 70 and you will be contacted for a job based on high your score is. Post your resume and find your next job on Indeed! Once you apply online, you will be contacted by a recruiter who will then complete a phone screen. Fees for other optional products or product features may apply. $15,000 to $20,000 Yearly. PROFICIENT TAX IS HIRING TAX PREPARERS. Manage Cookies. Performance depends on customer feedback, issue resolution, and completion of the assigned season. H&R Block Free Online is for simple returns only. A Red Ventures company. Available only at participating H&R Block offices. Please indicate which option below applies to your level of tax prep experience: *. It's good experience for one season or two, then maybe finding a tax prep firm in a year or two to do it for actual money. There are limits on the total amount you can transfer and how often you can request transfers. Full-time +2. .css-as7amh{font-size:var(--chakra-fontSizes-sm);font-weight:var(--chakra-fontWeights-semibold);line-height:var(--chakra-lineHeights-base);display:inline-block;}All 310, Sign in or create an account to save jobs, .css-lvyu5j{margin-right:10px;}Money Matters Tax Pros.css-1t92pv{margin-right:20px;color:var(--chakra-colors-neutral-700);white-space:nowrap;}Remote. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. $73K to $82K Annually. Businesses send out the form to independent contractors who do more than $600. Year-round access may require an Emerald Savingsaccount. During an internship at Merck you will gain valuable experience in an international atmosphere and find lots of 2022 Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany and/or its. Post a job (it's free) Tell us what you need. H&R Block does not provide immigration services. Have 3+ years paid experience? This benefit is for those associates who dont prepare returns for H&R Block. Professional Tax Pro Service BureauRemote, \* Informing clients or employers on the tax preparation process \* Collecting relevant financial records, including pay stubs and income statements \*. 17 Tax Preparer No Experience $100,000 jobs available in Downtown+remote on Posted: over a month ago. Brothers Henry and Richard Bloch founded the company in 1955. Approval and loan amount based on expected refund amount, eligibility criteria, and underwriting. You will need a dedicated high-speed internet connection. As a junior tax preparer, the cordial reception environment she created contributed to the company's 5-star Yelp rating. Comparison based on regular price for standard paid DIY products on as of 3/1/2023. In the meantime, you can access the Intuit Expert Resource Hub for additional information. Emerald Card Retail Reload Providers may charge a convenience fee. How hiring on Upwork works. Federal pricing will vary based upon individual taxpayer circumstances and is finalized at the time of filing. Caldwell CPAs - Certified Public Accountants. _*We are taking all COVID-19 precautions during this time.*_. Experience Level. Post your questions here and have them answered by people who are knowledgeable about all types of scams. SimplyHired ranks Job Ads based on a combination of employer bids and relevance, such as your search terms and other activity on SimplyHired. 30d+. Virtual Tax Preparer. If you need assistance and/or a reasonable accommodation due to a disability during the application or recruiting process, please talk with your recruiter or send a request to NO Covid-19 restriction applicable. New USPS Virtual Entry Assessment (VEA) Program. Remote. Once positions become available we will be in contact to discuss tax expert roles. Oversee more than 12,000 company and franchise tax offices, and be responsible for recruiting talent and attracting and retaining clients. We offer rewards that include everything youd expect, and even more that you wouldnt. To apply just click Get Started and fill out our short application form. Familiar with posting to Social Media. Intuit's company culture is rooted in our core values, which promote an innovative and inclusive environment where diverse perspectives and new ideas are celebrated. We reward those who look for ways to shake things up. One Cent Financial Services. Your wireless carrier may charge a fee for text messaging or data usage. The courses need to relate to your job and required for a degree in a field related to H&R Blocks business. During the Income Tax Course, should H&R Block learn of any student's employment or intended employment with a competing professional tax preparation company, H&R Block reserves the right to immediately cancel the student's enrollment. State e-file not available in NH. To qualify for the H&R Block Maximum Refund Guarantee, the refund claim must be made during the calendar year in which the return was prepared and the larger refund or smaller tax liability must not be due to incomplete, inaccurate, or inconsistent information supplied by you, positions taken by you, your choice not to claim a deduction or credit, conflicting tax laws, or changes in tax laws after January 1, 2022. 234 East Washington Street, Rockingham, NC 28379. The applicant must be 17 years and 6 months old to be eligible for the position, but candidates cannot be appointed a police constable until they are 18. Skip to main content Home Fees apply to Emerald Card bill pay service. Previous office experience preferred. Tax Specialist locations Remote US Full time Posted Today R-3176 With general supervision, prepare federal and state income tax returns, other tax returns, and estimated tax payments.preparer Act as liaison with external auditors to provide tax return, accounting information, documentation, and answer questions and resolve reporting issues Act as liaison with internal audit for controls testing Prepare tax provision workpapers and. All Rights Reserved. Join our Talent Community for H&R Block news, events and job updates. In addition, our Annual Reboot week in July is when associates are encouraged to disconnect, get away, and spend time with family and friends. New York State General Services Office - CLOSED (315) 793-2207 30 S Pearl St Albany, NY 12207 17. 350 remote tax preparer Jobs. Self-Pace training avilable weekly 1on1 calls. In addition, H&R Block tax courses are offered to associates at a nominal fee. Sincere Tax Service. Online, offline, email, or postal. A Red Ventures company. I just have a ser. Were centrally located in the heart of downtown, and offer amenities like free parking, an onsite fitness center, coffee shop and restaurant. \* Proactive on reading tax law to make you proficient within this recession proof industry. If the job involves posting advertisements on Craigslist or eBay, they are using you and your account to scam people. Maybe you can try this detection tool next time! Registration with the IRS with a valid PTIN. Remote. We take every step to safeguard your files and personal information by utilizing secure, encrypted portals to exchange documents and data. We make employment decisions without regards to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, age, veteran status, disability status, pregnancy, or any other basis protected by federal, state or local law. We're dedicated to making a positive impact for our team, our environment, and our community. Tax Audit & Notice Services include tax advice only. Must Pass Background Check., Communicate with clients to begin and complete, Bachelors degree in Accounting or related field a plus! Note that by clicking on these links you are agreeing to this Consent Form. Payments you authorize from the account associated with your Refund Transfer will reduce the net proceeds of your refund sent to you. Supporting Identification Documents must be original or copies certified by the issuing agency. com, the world's largest job site. We will train you in the process, no experience necessary. Take a few deep breaths if you find yourself getting stressed out. easyweb online banking Aps-mmmod - Possible breakout - stocks 25% lower that 52 weeks high or trading higher than 52wkh. Utilize and leverage government websites and toolkits to seek out and deliver the right answer to the customer, Represent the Intuit TurboTax brand and spirit by demonstrating empathy for the customer, empowering and partnering with the customer, personalizing the experience, and providing them the confidence that they can do their own taxes. E-file fees do not apply to NY state returns. $45 to $60 Hourly. Remote. If the job invovles Bitcoin ATMs, it's a scam. If you need assistance and/or a reasonable accommodation due to a disability during the application or recruiting process, please talk with your recruiter or send a request to