Due to this, it is easy to compare and contrast the Tainos, who have the dubious distinction of being the first to come in contact with the white man during the Age of Discovery. These dyes have been found to be contaminated with carcinogens, such as benzidine(2) In the U.K., these dyes require a warning label that says May Have an Adverse Effect on Activity and Attention in Children (7). Traditionally in France, as well as England, Spain, Germany and other countries, it was a way to put stale bread to good use. UK version: Glucose syrup, sugar, gelatine, dextrose, fruit juice concentrates (pineapple, apple, raspberry, strawberry, orange, lemon), citric acid, fruit and plant concentrates (nettle, apple, spinach, kiwi, elderberry, blackcurrant, aronia, grape, orange, lemon, mango, passion fruit), flavourings, glazing agents (vegetable oil, beeswax, carnauba wax), fruit extract (carob), invert sugar syrup. is actually a lighter meal of bread and some kind of spread like butter, honey, or jam. . Crackers didnt taste like cookies and tomato soup didnt taste like a dessert. Satisfactory Essays . This is similar to the Hispanic food culture because these foods are usually also predominantly carbohydrates. The Average Calorie Intake by a Human Per Day Versus the Recommendation, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Adult Obesity Facts, The Week: Why the French Are (Finally) Getting Fat, Frontiers in Psychology: Broad Themes of Difference Between French and Americans in Attitudes to Food and Other Life Domains: Personal Versus Communal Values, Quantity Versus Quality, and Comforts Versus Joys. France and the United States have been feeding off of one another since the French Revolution, and the French woman has been an icon ever since Joan of Arc marched into battle in chic, form-fitting armor (or so popular renditions would have us believe). While many Americans spend copious amounts of time and money looking for next low-fat diet trend, the French are laughing on the other side of the Atlantic while they enjoy a healthy portion of rib-eye steak. When Columbus left the island he left forty of his men and those men raped and fought the Tainos after they helped them out.2 On his second trip Columbus set up a permanent colony and again his men raped, stole gold ornaments and food that provoked war with the Tainos. We whine about the regulations here,but they are meant for our safety. The US is in bed with the Petrochemical industry. Thank you for your continued hard work Vani. Keep it up and well be able to make big improvements in the food we buy. Thank you so much for your commitment and diligence! Before the Spanish ship that changed it all, which arrived in the New World in 1492, there was a vast population of native people who had lived on this land for centuries prior. France and America share a long-lived and unique connection. People in comments, remember these comparisons arent about nationalism bs. Together we will get these companies to get rid of the bad ingredients in the food. France, a . Although Americans include less alcohol in their diets than the citizens of any other developed country -- including the French -- they have a high rate of alcohol-related deaths. According to The U.S. State Department, the two allies have supported each other ever since with "parallel policies on most political, economic, and security issues." The French don't eliminate any food groups altogether and instead live by the everything in moderation rule. Here in the States, instead of using natural colors to give it a tantalizing look, Mountain Dew is artificially colored with a petroleum-based dye called Yellow #5. Mealtime is a social event enjoyed in the company of friends and family. And if they do splurge on a pastry, it's a smaller portion than Americans might be used to. The Aztecs decided this was enough and take out Cortes and his men. And it gets worse. Meal Plans, Grocery Lists and More, Food in America compared to the U.K. (Why is it so different?). Im very sensitive to it. Stews boiled for hours, wine andcheese aged for year, you name it. Thanks for the info Tony! French fries, on the other hand, are chunks of fried potato. If those in the US choose to keep eating this way then there isnt going to be a change in the ingredients. This laid-back way of eating couldn't sound more delightful and gets anyone ready to cook up a pot of beef bourguignon, invite over some friends, and disconnect the wifi. A trip to the market in France might include fresh vegetables like mushrooms, leeks, eggplant, and a variety of cheeses like Brie and Roquefort. Oh, childhood. Even when they tried to help them out by directing them to find gold or help them when they got hurt. Throughout early history, beginning with 1492, exploration was well on its way. Its usually a hot three-course meal that lasts at least an hour long. packaged food than fresh food. Start Cooking! The evidence of this runs the gamut from fast food places to boxed cake mix to cereal to candy and even oatmeal you cant escape it. Pourquoi? But whether or not you know the provenance of a roux or whats in bearnaise sauce, there are plenty of French foods that have snuck into the American repertoire. Companies like Kraft-Heinz, Kelloggs, PepsiCo, and Quaker sell safer, better products oversees while making inferior versions to sell to Americans. Both explorers had various different encounters with the indigenous people that they made voyage with. You do know that labeling in the EU was basically voluntary until 2016 so depending on when your college buddy was there could have a huge impact on what the differences are. I am a born US Citizen and I love this country, but every time I hear someone say this is the greatest country on earth I want to laugh. They also abused the Natives, enslaving them, taking land from them, and raping their women. French 101. Read all the labels. Such an extraordinary event, future voyages were sent off to explore the rest of the New World by Spanish, French, and English ships and explorers. These people were at war with other inhabitants and carried their wounds made from people that came from various islands who wanted to make them their prisoners. English is a West Germanic language, while French is a Romance language from the Indo-European . as well as other partner offers and accept our, Americans seem to have a fascination with. She has served as a book columnist since 2008 and is a member of the National Book Critics Circle. Has anyone else noticed how much more the food in the United States costs? "Mealtimes are not rushed, they are savored and seen as opportunities to connect with family and friends," Crenn continued. They don't go heavy for breakfast. The prices of eating these processed foods are not worth the pay. As long as people, here or in Europe keep on making the choice for convenience instead of health, it will not change. . To some Ive met apparently eating Chinese is going to a Chinese buffet or having a processed supposedly Chinese/Asian style frozen dinner (in a box by Nestle) or for Mexican night a box of frozen tacos or taquitos, etc. My daughter moved to Mass from california/ hawaii 2001 with boyfriend from there. Cortes played a large role in the conquering of the Americas, and both Traditions and Encounters and The Broken Spears document his actions. Here are six of those differences: 1. The evidence of this runs the gamut from fast food places to boxed cake mix to cereal to candy and even oatmeal you can't escape it. It is the main reason that asians are able to ingest so much sodium without the added heart disease or hypertension. One similarity being that both wanted to escape the rule of their king. The Doritos in the U.K. are alsonon-GMO, while the American versions are made with GMO corn contaminated with glyphosate weed killer(8). They are more formal in nature, especially if they are meeting somebody for the first time. It would really be great if you one time did a petition abut the McDonalds fries in the US and/or the Mountain Dew. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Yours look made up. Heck, I even know people who eat at 5:00 pm. Theyve somehow figured out how to cook their fries without all these extra ingredients overseas, so why not here? I found the same thing. I just returned from spending several years living in Australia. Typically, processed foods not only are high in calories, fat, saturated fat and sodium, they also contain a number of additives, preservatives and colorants. Thank you Jesus for letting us have the opportunity to live a fun life. Due to unexpected discoveries and evidence that say otherwise, many scholars now question and argue about their time in the Americas before Columbus. Capitalists make money by making and selling stuff, not by _not_ making and selling stuff. Many French children are also introduced to the kitchen at an early age, learning how to make many dishes and desserts like a pro. Should I move to England? What could be easier than getting healthier through good food and great company? The difference in produce consumption is the same for adults: A study published in the research journal Appetite in 2015 found that both French adults and children eat more fruits and vegetables. That email doesn't look right. While trying to adapt Native Americans to European customs, Columbus and his followers took advantage of the Indians. Also, Cortes had led their leader hostage and demanded for jewels. Growing up just outside of Paris, she inherited a love of fine dining from her adoptive parents (via StarChefs). In the US, the typical American family sits down to dinner around 6:00 pm. Snacks It can be very harmful in food. You might assume that the French have to spend all their time in the gym working off those heavy meals, but you'd be wrong. Despite the fact that they are not, in fact, French, fries are still very popular today in France, where they are called pommes frites. The primary problem the explorers faced was with the current inhabitants of the lands they wanted to conquer, especially with the cultural differences between populations. This articles reader would be, Cortes and Columbus Views on the Indigenous People During the Age of Exploration, Christopher Columbus and Hernando Cortes are two of the most recorded encounters of Native Americans. We love food Babe! Some credit Thomas Jefferson with coining the term when he referred to potatoes served in the French manner in 1802 (apparently the term French fried was used at the time to refer to anything that was deep-fried). I dedicated an entire chapter in my latest book, Feeding You Lies, to this subject because there is so much more you need to know! During the 15th, 16th, and 17th centuries, the Europeans decided to embark on many journeys that would change their way of life forever. Each encounter was by a different explorer and were 27 years apart as well as many miles apart. Many of the families I know (including my own) here usually make home cooked meals, we check out restaurants and their ingredients before going (and going out to a restaurant is a occasional treat), making juice/smoothies at home for the sweet fix from real fruits. I would also like to see corn syrup, sugar and palm oil removed from all products. They pay way more for their food. Both have unique traditions, customs, and art that reflect the unique history, values, and beliefs of each country. Similar to French fries, potato cuts may come in the form of little wedges, hunks, or even blocks. Lunch in France is like the dinner in America its a pretty big deal. As they went into the New World, they had found new discoveries but their purpose of the journey lead them down paths that would give off two different perspectives. Rubbish, The laws in Europe and the UK are much stricter than in the US. Eclairs, mousse, and macarons are all popular French treats, but the French don't typically have them for dessert. So the options are here. In the 16th century Spaniards Herman Cortes and Christopher Columbus set out on endeavoring journeys in search of new worlds. Come on, we all know homemade chicken soup is way better than the canned version, right? MSG and Corn oil, Gum Arabic to name a few are just as harming to people as all the other stuff. The American Revolution started in the year of 1775, and was set out to break away from Britain. And very little of what they serve even resembles real food. While the the French and Haitian Revolutions, inspired by the American Revolution, were alike in many areas such as social class struggles, economic inequities, and personal freedoms. According to "Bringing Up Bebe," French parents generally keep a routine in which kids eat three meals a day, plus one snack in the afternoon. I actually felt like I was eating more, but looking back, while the volume might have been more, the calories were a lot less. I do notice the word flavoring on some of the European brands, which opens up a whole other can of worms. Average train speed here is 65 mph! They had no way of protecting themselves. It's not uncommon to find Americans eating a sad lunch at their desk or scarfing down a granola bar in the car. Following our 2015 petition to get BHT out of American cereal(11) Kelloggs removed BHT from several brands (like Rice Krispies), but still use it 4 years later in Frosted Flakes despite selling it BHT-free in the U.K. Ill tell you why. Adults can have an aperitif, which is served an hour before dinner to open ones appetite, and finally a dner (dinner) to finish the day. French and American culture might have much in common, but some notable similarities define each country, with one being food. At-a-girl Vani, Get started with these tips and tricks to make this transition a whole lot easier. At daycares, there arecheese courses for the kids with new cheeses everyday to tantalize their little taste buds. Unreal! Many Americans, including myself, have struggled to set a regular schedule for mealtimes. "It's about appreciating our ingredients and their source." Although artificial dyes are common in America, that doesnt make them okay to eat. Chantal, 27, says the biggest difference between the diets in the US and the UK, to her, is the drinking culture. Buffets and food comas aren't par for the course in France like they are in America. The French folk hero and Catholic saint Joan of Arc has been iconic on both sides of the Atlantic for centuries. I would like to not use the word fat but obese would be better. Columbus believed that his people were preparing well on becoming Christians, even though these people had no religion. In America we're told breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so we often make it a heavy meal of meat, cheese, and potatoes. Photo courtesy of @crematology on Instagram. Damn. Hernan Cortes had a different view of the indigenous people he made his voyage with. Nice job Vani! Your email address will not be published. They eat what their parents eat, and thats that. Execution Clise sees a fundamental difference between U.S. and French decision-making: Americans tend to focus on execution, whereas the French are more likely to emphasize the deliberative process, she says. Another major difference between how Christmas tends to be observed in France vs. traditions in North America lies in the timing of the main celebrations. Soo sorry for the sheep-way of living in the US!!!! Look what happened to Kraft Mac & Cheese! To figure out why, we took a look at some of the differences between French and American diets to see what we could learn. They all dont have the extra crap companies are putting into foods that are sent to America. In the US, it is $2.29. food babe preach it you are so strong and beautiful, keep being the best you can be. Next up is a warm main dish, which almost always includes another veggie. France is considered by many to be the birthplace of gourmet cuisine, which Julia Child introduced to millions of Americans in the 1960s with her seminal cookbooks and spirited TV show. Kerns studied English literature and neurology at UC Davis. Food does not come in packages or bottles, it grows in your garden and is not doused in round up or glyphosate, what are the real killers and the real issue with all the strange illnesses we have, that did not exist 50 years ago. While only 10 percent of all American children and teens meet their recommended daily intake of fruits and vegetables, over 40 percent of their French counterparts consume adequate amounts of produce regularly, reports Karen Le Billon, author of "French Kids Eat Everything." Americans seem to have a fascination with other countries' diets. She mentions how French parents always say, You dont have to eat it all, just taste it. And voila, their children have become some of the most ethically diverse eaters in the world. Way back in 2014, PepsiCo announced they would remove BVO from all of their American drinks following a successful petition by activist Sarah Kavanagh (4). In the United States, beer is the most common alcoholic beverage of choice, and it is rarely consumed as part of a sit-down meal. I miss all the petitions that you used to do that inspired big changes. Why cant we have the same rules or food laws as Europe does. Even today, labeling requirements in the EU are not as strict as they are here. French and American cultures are two of the most influential and widely studied cultures in the world. Start studying Similarities & Differences: French & American Schools. Required fields are marked *. France was also one of the first countries to recognize the new nation of America as free and independent from the British crown. It does not remove additives from our food supply until they have been proven dangerous which can take a very long time and a lot of red tape. Im English. of course there may be a way to get the UK versions online but its doubtful people will pay more for the product, shipping possibly included and wait two weeks or more for it to arrive. So if you order a meat dish in France, you may not want to ask what it is. But from Brittany to Bourgogne, the French eat dinner much later. In Traditions and Encounters, Cortess role as captain of Spanish expeditions was detailed. Its like saying because radiation is natural, you can add as much of it as you want to your food. Check out this. In 1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus, Mann uses the latest research, along with his own results from his travels, to provide eye-opening information on the Indians and what they were really like before the Europeans. The U.S. government allows food companies to largely police itself, deciding which ingredients, chemicals, and additives are safe to use in their products (12). So, not only is the food in the US inferior, but it costs more. Thats becausemost see dining as a social activity, not just a race to shove everything into your mouth all at once. On article that exemplifies the cultural differences between the Native Americans and the Spanish Explorers is the third-person biographical narrative called The Collision of Cultures. The narrative gives the reader insight on what the indians and the explorers pre-judgement of one another, based off of what the parties believed with their religion and moral. Youre doing great!! But I still DO EAT a lot of junk. Oil, gas, and petrochemical companies make fabulous profit off all that plastic packaging that would not be possible if the food was packaged more responsibly. It's normal to include wine in most meals in France, but unlike America, it's less about binge drinking and more about a cultural experience. It is better, I have to admit, but not near to natural as what all our food should be. I cant seem to stop!! Photo courtesy of @tallulahalexandra on Instagram. After flying to Europe I can fully attest to this. The U.S. takes the opposite approach. Meanwhile, PepsiCo sells a very different version of Mountain Dew in America. France even provided economic assistance, ensuring the American War of Independence's successful outcome. But the French take these suggestions as requirements, and regardless of how delicious that fancy cheese is, they are only going to eat 1 oz of it, give or take. The French diet, however, is focused primarily on unprocessed foods prepared at home. Today I heard the report on the radio that the US ambassador said that we should abandon the European Museum of agricultural practices and accept chlorinated Chicken, hormone filled Beef, GMOs etc if we want a trade deal with the US post Brexit. "The French have a different approach to food," Crenn said. As a new and mysterious world awaits to be discovered, daring conquistadors leave their home country of Spain in a journey of exploration. Try swapping out your fatty favorites for bettersubstitutes, like adding avocado onto your toast instead of butter. Dont kid yourselves, most of europes food is no better than here and you can buy the same terrible or great food in both places. Instead of moving to another country, you should probably just look for change in the food systems here. Just because the ingredients list is longer doesnt mean that its any less healthful, and certainly doesnt mean that its somehow less safe, right? If we read countless books about the French and flock to France, it's often in the hope of shedding that cultural baggage and living out the sensual attributes evoked in that proverbial Je ne sais quoi. But short of a revolution in this country (and whos got time for that?) 10 Ways the French View Food Differently Than Americans Bon apptit! I dont understand why America can get away with poisoning the population. Each revolution shares an adequate amount of similarities, however, differences are pronounced and seen throughout each revolt as well. The French are serious about eating, and it clearly shows through the amount of time they spend just doing it. The portion who said there is nothing wrong with MSG, is a victim of food industry propaganda. This clearly isnt a wise approach is it? In the narratives, Letter of Discovery by Christopher Columbus and Castaways by Alvar Nez Cabeza de Vaca, they exemplified the overall environment of the New World. With each encounter comes a difference in sophistication and how technologically advanced the Native Americans by Hernando Cortes in the Meso-America to those of the Native Americans encountered by, Columbus and the people had no weapons to use, besides a javelin made of wood. Should you end up in Paris, look for soup a loignon on menus (simply onion soup). Throughout the expedition, future encounters between the Native Americans and conquistadors were heavily influenced by the personalities of the individuals and past experiences the Native Americans faced. SheKnows is a part of Penske Media Corporation. Very, very few organic restaurants or restaurants that arent using these toxic ingredients. So if you order a meat dish in France, you may not want to ask what it is. A lot of these examples are only longer because they further delineate which spices or flavorings are used, or say high fructose corn syrup instead of sugar, or list what ingredients comprise other ingredients. Photo courtesy of sapphicscience on Tumblr. Helen Buxton/ Shutterstock Most of those same products had no or very jucious amounts of sweeteners in them fifty years ago. in France, but unlike America, it's less about binge drinking and more about a cultural experience. Thank you. They are too and there is still way too much garbage in their food too. She was always eating proper food before moving there. We visited several states and it seems like many of the surrounding cities we been to almost all had a McDonalds and the rest of the restaurants were mostly junk food places. In America we're told breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so we often make it a heavy meal of meat, cheese, and potatoes. Such as a frozen pizza in the oven, mini pizza rolls in the microwave, those telly (TV) dinners or egg sandwiches in the microwave, a box of mac and cheese, a can/jar of tomato sauce for pasta, cookies in a bag/package/box, giant bags of chips/crisps, juices in big plastic bottles in shops, frozen cakes/pies, or sweets like cupcakes, muffins, brownies in the shops, etc. French and American food policies or the political and policy processes in France and the U.S. with respect to food policy.4 Though clearly there are significant cultural differences between the two countries that affect people's attitudes toward food, the policy landscapes They make their iconic french fries in the U.K. with a few simple ingredients: potatoes, oil, dextrose, saltbut in the U.S theyre made with natural beef flavor and sodium acid pyrophosphate, and are fried in oil laced with the anti-foaming agent dimethylpolysiloxane the main ingredient in silly putty (1). Homemade butter and chocolate croissants Basic crepe batter recipe Make a perfect souffle with Joanne Weir. I cant wait to return to Australia. In both the U.S. and France, stale bread is typically soaked in a mixture of eggs, milk, sugar and, sometimes, cinnamon and vanilla before being fried and served as brunch fare. The French had a desire to put an end to the French Monarchy and develop a more improved government that allowed people to have more rights in the society. https://www.quakeroats.com/products/hot-cereals/instant-oatmeal/strawberries-and-cream. The French set out time to eat up to six times a day, each meal time with a special name and purpose. Christopher Columbus encountered, in the Caribbean islands, a group of extremely simplistic Native Americans. The films 1492, Christopher Columbus and Christopher Columbus: The Discovery are unique in that they all cover the same time period, the same Native Americans and the same general story, which should be common to nearly everyone in North America. A trip to the market in France might include fresh vegetables like mushrooms, leeks, eggplant, and a variety of cheeses like Brie and Roquefort. According to Wikipedia, although ancient in origin, this dish underwent a resurgence of popularity in the 1960s in the United States due to a greater interest in French cuisine. Traditionally made with caramelized onions and beef stock and topped with toasted bread and melted gruyere cheese, in the U.S., youll often find all manner of cheeses on top. Its interesting to note all the differences when comparing the French perception of food to that of Americas. Theyve been linked to several health issues and may be contaminated with carcinogens (2). It doesnt work like that. My point exactly. Kids may express themselves more in the US. Photo courtesy of @emilieeats on Instagram. Thats why they dont use artificial dyes in Doritos overseas and instead color Doritos more simply with paprika extract and annatto. It's also common for Americans to speak loudly even to just chat with a friend.