The directions are designed to complement existing legislation, rules and regulations and may refer to issues including the use of the court precinct, appearances by practitioners and parties, and case management. for Use the search feature to find something specific. [2023] QIRC 70, 01 Mar 2023Workers' Compensation Appeal Against Decision of Workers' Compensation Regul [2023] QIRC 66, 28 Feb 2023Public Service Employees and Servants of THE Crown Generally, [2023] QIRC 63, 28 Feb 2023Public Service Employees and Servants of THE Crown Generally, [2023] QIRC 64, 28 Feb 2023Public Service Employees and Servants of THE Crown Generally, [2023] QIRC 65, 28 Feb 2023Public Service Employees and Servants of THE Crown Generally, [2023] QIRC 67, 28 Feb 2023Public Service Employees and Servants of THE Crown Generally, [2023] QIRC 71, 02 Mar 2023Workers' Compensation Entitlement to Compensation, [2023] QIRC 72, 15 Feb 2023Public Service Appointment Under Public Service and Similar Acts, [2023] ICQ 2, 24 Feb 2023Workers Compensation Entitlement to Compensation, [2023] QIRC 59, 23 Feb 2023Public Service Employees and Servants of THE Crown Generally, [2023] QCHC 2, 21 Feb 2023Criminal Law Sentence, [2023] QChCM 4, 15 Feb 2023Catchwords not supplied, [2023] QChCM 3, 06 Feb 2023Catchwords not supplied, [2023] QCHC 1, 31 Jan 2023Child Protection Act 1999 Appeal, [2023] QChCM 2, 24 Jan 2023Catchwords not supplied, [2023] QChCM 1, 19 Jan 2023Catchwords not supplied, [2022] QCHC 30, 13 Oct 2022Magistrates - Appeal and Review, [2015] QMHC 15, 25 Nov 2015Mental Health Declaration or Finding of Mental Illness or Incapacity, [2018] QMHC 6, 23 Apr 2018Catchwords not supplied, [2021] QMHC 4, 21 Jun 2021Catchwords not supplied, [2021] QMHC 2, 04 Jun 2021Catchwords not supplied, [2018] QMHC 9, 18 Oct 2018Catchwords not supplied, [2020] QMHC 3, 10 Feb 2020Catchwords not supplied, [2019] QMHC 4, 02 May 2019Mental Health - Appeal, [2019] QMHC 3, 19 Mar 2019Catchwords not supplied. Contact QCAT or your nearest Magistrates Court for more information. . 2022 > 001-099 100-199 200-299 300-345. . is using a security service for protection against online attacks. Information about programs available to address the underlying causes of offending behaviour by linking defendants with vital health, cultural and social services. Help us improve the content on our website or tell us what is working really well. 2017: 001-042. You will be redirected once the validation is complete. Apply online for court listings in the Brisbane Supreme and District Courts Online Application for a court event (Magistrates Courts) New Criminal Case Lookup service for all Queensland courts Search by keyword. The most recently published judgments and decisions are listed on the NSW Caselaw homepage launch . Each Court is independent of the Queensland Department of Justice and Attorney-General and Queensland Government. Use tab and cursor keys to move around the page (more information), Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal. Note: Not all court decisions are published. Rule 975B - REPEALED by 4 of 2018, 2005/01B - Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 1999. To obtain free access to the Queensland Reports on this website, we would ask you please to register first. The State of Queensland (Queensland Courts) 20112023, 2023/01 - Designation of Court Holidays - Registry - 27 December 2023 to 5 January 2024, 2022/05 - Digitally recorded proceedings: Means of identifying proceedings, those appearing, and witnesses, 2022/04 - Domestic and Family Violence - Including Annexures A,B, C and D, 2022/03 - Repeal of Practice Direction 6 of 2021 COVID-19, 2022/02 - Designation of Court Holidays - Registry - 28 December 2022 - 6 January 2023, 2022/01 Practice Direction - Repeal of Practice Direction 5 of 2021 COVID-19, 2021/05 - Covid-19 Court Arrangements - REPEALED BY PD 01/2022, 2021/03 - Protected counselling communications, 2021/01 - Online court event applications, 2020/08 - Repeal of Practice Directions Queensland Magistrates Early Referral into Treatment (QMERIT) Program and Queensland Integrated Court Referrals (Repeals 1 of 2016 and 4 of 2016), 2020/07 - Online Court Event Applications - Repeals 5 of 2014, 2020/06 - COVID-19 court arrangements - REPEALED BY PD 06/2021, 2020/05 - Covid-19 Court Arrangements REPEALED BY PD 2021/05, 2020/04 - Court arrangements (COVID-19) in the Childrens Court when constituted by a Magistrate - Amended, 2020/03 and 04 - Notice in accordance with paragraph 6 of Practice Direction No. Each Court is independent of the Queensland Department of Justice and Attorney-General and Queensland Government. The Queensland Judgments website is a joint initiative of the Incorporated Council of Law Reporting for the State of Queensland and the Supreme Court of Queensland Library Committee, with the support of Queensland's courts and tribunals, and the technical assistance of Optimised and CaseIQ. Courts judgments which are available to the community free of charge. . Go to Magistrates Court decisions The court was established on 23 December 1999 by the Australian Government as the Federal Magistrates Court of Australia, as a result of royal assent of the Federal Magistrates Act 1999 (Cth). Queenslands courts and tribunals, and the technical assistance of Optimised and CaseIQ. The State of Queensland (Queensland Courts) 20112023, Apply online for court listings in the Brisbane Supreme and District Courts, Online Application for a court event (Magistrates Courts), New Criminal Case Lookup service for all Queensland courts, How to request transcripts and audio using the QTranscripts portal, Queensland Civil Administration Tribunal (QCAT), District Court Practice Direction 10 of 2014 - Amended, Supreme Court Practice Direction 8 of 2014 - Amended, Document filing in Supreme Court Commercial List matters, Supreme Court Practice Direction 6 of 2023, District Court Practice Direction 1 of 2023, Magistrates Court Practice Direction 1 of 2023, Supreme Court Practice Direction 5 of 2023, Supreme Court Practice Direction 4 of 2023, Supreme Court Practice Direction 3 of 2023, Magistrates Court Practice Direction 3 of 2015 - Amended, Supreme Court Practice Direction 2 of 2023. Rule 975B - REPEALED by 4 of 2018, 2004/05 - Uniform Civil Procedure Amendment Rule (No 1) 2003 - REPEALED by 4 of 2018, 2004/04 - Recording devices in court rooms (Amended by 16/2013) - REPEALED by Practice direction 2014/01, 2004/03A - Guidelines - Evidence of Affected Children, 2004/03 - Ex officio callovers - Ex officio indictments, 2004/02 - Committal matters requiring evidence from child and intellectually impaired complainants of sexual abuse 'Fast Tracking', 2004/01C - Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 1999, Rule 975B - REPEALED by 4 of 2018, 2004/01B - Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 1999, Rule 975B - REPEALED by 4 of 2018, 2004/01A - Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 1999, Rule 975B - REPEALED by 4 of 2018, 2004/01 - Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 1999, Rule 975B - REPEALED by 4 of 2018, 2003/01C - Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 1999, Rule 975B - REPEALED by 4 of 2018, 2003/01B - Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 1999, Rule 975B - REPEALED by 4 of 2018, 2003/01A - Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 1999 - REPEALED by 4 of 2018, 2003/01 - The Uniform Civil Procedure Amendment Rule (No.1) 2003 - REPEALED by 4 of 2018. Federal Magistrates Court of Australia 2000-2013. Latest QMC Decisions - Magistrates Court - Queensland Judgments Queensland Reports - Latest Latest Reports Next Reports HCA Appeals Recently Published Queensland Reports Published 24 Feb 2023 2620 Ipswich Road Pty Ltd v Dn Holdings Qld Pty Ltd (2022) 10 QR 439, 08 Apr 2022 Contracts General Contractual Principles Terms of Service apply. 2). Every effort has been made to comply with non-publication (suppression) orders or statutory provisions prohibiting publication that may apply to this information. Check the details you have entered are correct. Provides an index to decisions, judgements and case law from both federal and state courts. Related information Possible penalties and sentences The website includes a complete set of the authorised law reports of the Supreme Court of Queensland For information about these cases please contact the court registry where the case is to be heard. 3 of 2020 (amended) and paragraph 4 of Practice Direction 4 of 2020 (amended), 2020/03 - Court arrangements COVID-19 - Amended and 2020/04 - Court arrangements (COVID-19) in the Childrens Court when constituted by a Magistrates - Amended; Guidelines for Criminal Proceedings, 2020/03 - Court arrangements (COVID-19) - Amended - Repeals 2/2020, 2020/03 - Court arrangements (COVID-19) - Amended - North Coast Region Magistrates Court - (Maroochydore Nambour, Noosa, Caloundra and Gympie Courts) - Protocol for having matters listed - REPEALED by practice direction 2020/05, 2020/03 - Court arrangements (COVID-19) - Amended - North Coast Region Magistrates Court - (Maroochydore Nambour, Noosa, Caloundra and Gympie Courts) - Domestic Violence Protocol - REPEALED by practice direction 2020/05, 2020/03 - Court arrangements (COVID-19) - Amended - Guidelines for civil proceedings (Brisbane) - REPEALED by practice direction 2020/05, 2020/03 - Court arrangements (COVID-19) - Amended - Guidelines for Cairns and Far North Queensland - REPEALED by practice direction 2020/05, 2020/02 - Court arrangements (COVID-19) - REPEALED by 2020/03, 2020/01 - Designation of court holidays - Registry - 21 December 2020 to 1 January 2021, 2019/03 - Use of video-link or audio-link appearances in the Childrens Court when constituted by a Magistrate, 2019/02 - Designation of court holidays - Registry - 23 December 2019 to 3 January 2020, 2019/01 - Magistrates Court closure Ingham, Palm Island, Townsville - Registry closure - February 2019 - Amended, 2018/06 - Application for an extension of a court assessment order, 2018/05 - Registry to compile list of outstanding offences - Amended, 2018/04 - Repeal of practice directions - electronic filing of documents in the Magistrates Court, 2018/03 - Non-party access to bail files before hearing, 2018/02 - Designation of court holidays Registry 24 December 2018, 2018/01 - Referral to the Drug and Alcohol Court Drug and Alcohol Treatment Order (Treatment Order) - Amended, 2017/07 - Mental Health Act 2016 proceedings in the Childrens Court when constituted by a Magistrate, 2017/06 - Engaging interpreters for domestic and family violence civil proceedings in Magistrates Court, 2017/05 - Applications made under the Peace and Good Behaviour Act 1982, 2017/04 - Designation of court holidays - Registry - 26 December 2017 to 5 January 2018, 2017/03 - Designation of court holidays - Registry - Thursday 30 March 2017, 2017/02 - Case conferences and callovers to conclusion in criminal matters in the Childrens Court, 2017/01 - Mental Health Act 2016 proceedings in the Magistrates Courts - Amended, 2016/04 - Queensland Integrated Court Referrals - Amended (Repealed by 8 of 2020), 2016/03 - Designation of court holidays - Registry - 26 December 2016 to 6 January 2017, 2016/02 - Queensland Murri Court - Amended, 2016/01 - Queensland Magistrates Early Referral Into Treatment (QMERIT) Program - Repeals 2/2008 - AMENDED (Repealed by 8 of 2020), 2015/03 - Proceedings using - video link facilities and audio link facilities - Amended, 2015/01 - Designation of court holidays - Registry - 21 December 2015 to 1 January 2016, 2014/06 - Bail proceedings using video link facilities and audio link facilities - Amended - Repeals 14/2013 - REPEALED by 3/2015, 2014/05 - Electronic adjournments for committal and summary callovers - REPEALED by 7 of 2020, 2014/04 - Serious drug offence certificates, 2014/03 - Management of controlled items in court precincts - Amended, 2014/02 - Designation of Court Holiday - Registry - 22 December 2014 to 2 January 2015, 2014/01 - Electronic devices in courtrooms - Amended, 2013/21 - Contested bail applications - amended 28 November 2014, 2013/20 - Designation of Court Holidays - Registry - 23 December 2013 to 3 January 2014 - Repeals Practice Direction 18/2013, 2013/18 - Designation of Court holidays - Registry - 23 December 2013 to 1 January 2014 - REPEALED by Practice direction 20/2013, 2013/17 - Proceedings for damages for personal injuries arising out of motor vehicle accidents against Suncorp Metway Insurance Limited or Australian Associated Motor Insurers Limited: Substitution of AAI Limited, 2013/16 - Recording devices in courtrooms (Amends 4/2009 and 4/2004) (Repeals 5/2001) - REPEALED by Practice direction 2014/01, 2013/14 - Bail applications by remote communication device - Queensland Magistrates Courts - REPEALED by Practice direction 6/2014, 2013/13- Bail applications by remote communication device - Southport, Maroochydore and Townsville, 2013/12 - Bail applications by remote communication device - Brisbane, Ipswich and Mackay, 2013/11 - Bail applications by remote communication device - Mackay, Proserpine and Cairns, 2013/10 - Bail applications by remote communication device - Toowoomba Magistrates Court, 2013/09 - Bail applications by remote communication device - Toowoomba Magistrates Court, 2013/08 - Bail applications by remote communication device - Maroochydore and Caboolture Magistrates Court (AMENDS 2012/30), 2013/07 - Bail applications by remote communication device - Ipswich Magistrates Court, 2013/06 - Change of address - McCormicks Law, 2013/05 - Bail applications by remote communication device - Roma Magistrates Court, 2013/04 - Bail applications by remote communication device - Brisbane Magistrates Court, 2013/03 - Bail application by remote communication device - Magistrates Court Townsville, 2013/02 - Bail application by remote communication device - Magistrates Court Ipswich, 2013/01 - Bail application by remote communication device - Magistrates Court Ipswich, 2012/30 - Bail application by remote communication device - Maroochydore and Caboolture Magistraes Courts - REPEALED by Practice Direction 2013/08, 2012/29 - Changes of Name in accordance with Practice Directions of the Supreme Court, 2012/28 - Bail applications by remote communication device 2012-13 Christmas New Year, 2012/27 - Designation of court holidays Christmas/New Year closure 2012/13, 2012/26 - Party transferring business; substitution of transferee, 2012/25 - Designation of court holidays - Christmas / New Year closure 2012/13, 2012/24 - Bail applications made by remote communications device - Ipswich Magistrates Court, 2012/23 - Bail applications by remote communication device - Brisbane Central Magistrates Court, 2012/22 - Judicial Registrars - Power concerning prescribed applications and matters (Repeals 1 of 2008), 2012/21 - Bail applications by remote communication device - Townsville Magistrates Court, 2012/19 - Bail applications by remote communication device - Ipswich Magistrates Court, 2012/18 - Electronic filing of documents - REPEALED by 4 of 2018, 2012/17 - Bail applications by remote communications device Townsville Magistates Court, 2012/16 - Bail applications by remote communication device - Townsville Magistrates Court, 2012/15 - Bail applications by remote communication device - Maroochydore and Caboolture Magistrates Courts, 2012/14 - Bail applications by remote communications device Townsville Magistrates Court, 2012/13 - Bail applications by remote communication device - Ipswich Magistrates Court, 2012/12 - Bail applications by remote communication device - Townsville Magistrates Court, 2012/09 - Bail applications by remote communication device - Ipswich Magistrates Court, 2012/08 - Bail applications by remote communication device - Townsville Magistrates Court, 2012/07 - Bail applications by remote communication device - Brisbane Magistrates Court, 2012/06 - Bail applications by remote communication device - Southport Magistrates Court, 2012/05 - Bail applications by remote communication device - Toowoomba Magistrates Court, 2012/04 - Bail applications by remote communication device - Townsville Magistrates Court, 2012/03 Bail applications by remote communication device - Townsville Magistrates Court, 2012/02 - Bail applications by remote communication device - Maroochydore and Caboolture Magistrates Court - AMENDS Practice Direction 2011/28, 2012/01 - Bail applications by remote communication device - Ipswich Magistrates Court, 2011/29 - Bail applications by remote communication device Townsville Magistrates Court, 2011/28 - Bail applications by remote communication device Maroochydore and Caboolture Magistrates Courts - AMENDED by Practice Direction 2012/02, 2011/27 - Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 1999 - REPEALED by 4 of 2018, 2011/26 - Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 1999 - Christmas closure, 2011/25 - Bail applications by remote communication device, 2011/24 - Bail applications by remote communication device - Townsville Magistrates Court, 2011/23 - Bail applications by remote communication device Ipswich Magistrates Court, 2011/21 - Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 1999 - REPEALED by 4 of 2018, 2011/20 - Bail applications by remote communication device - Coolangatta Magistrates Court, 2011/19 - Bail applications by remote communication device - Townsville Magistrates Court, 2011/18 - Bail applications by remote communication device Maroochydore and Caboolture Magistrates Courts, 2011/17 - Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 1999 - REPEALED by 4 of 2018, 2011/16 - Bail applications by remote communication device Ipswich Magistrates Court, 2011/15 - Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 1999 - REPEALED by 4 of 2018, 2011/14 - Bail applications by remote communication device Ipswich Magistrates Court, 2011/13 - Notice of change of name - Notice of address for service, 2011/12 - Bail applications by remote communication device Persons refused bail by police in the Charters Towers and Hughenden Magistrates Court districts, 2011/11 - Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 1999 - REPEALED by 4 of 2018, 2011/10 - Bail applications by remote communication device Southport Magistrates Court, 2011/09 - Bail applications by remote communication device Ipswich Magistrates Court, 2011/08 - Bail applications by remote communication device Ipswich Magistrates Court, 2011/07 - Bail applications by remote communication device Ipswich Magistrates Court, 2011/06 - Bail applications by remote communication device Ipswich Magistrates Court, 2011/05 - Bail applications by remote communication device Ipswich Magistrates Court, 2011/04 - Bail applications by remote communication device Townsville Magistrates Court, 2011/03 - Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 1999 - REPEALED by 4 of 2018, 2011/02 - Bail applications by remote communication device Maroochydore and Caboolture Magistrates Courts, 2011/01 - Approval of approved entity for electronic filing - REPEALED by 4 of 2018, 2010/25A - Special Circumstances Court Diversion Program - Annexure - Repealed on 26/06/2017, 2010/25 - Special Circumstances Court Diversion Program - Repealed on 26/06/2017, 2010/24 - Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 1999 - REPEALED by 4 of 2018, 2010/23 - Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 1999 - REPEALED by 4 of 2018, 2010/22 - Designation of Court holidays Christmas/New Year closure, 2010/21 - Bail applications by remote communication device Magistrates Court Christmas/New Year period 2010/2011 - amended, 2010/20 - Changes of address for service in accordance with Practice Directions of the Supreme Court, 2010/19 - Judicial Registrars - Power concerning prescribed applications and matters - amended, 2010/18 - Fixed costs or costs to be assessed, 2010/17 - Consent orders of the Registrar - Amended, 2010/16 - Referal to alternative dispute resolution or directions conferences, 2010/14A - Registry committals - Annexures A and B - Amended, 2010/14 - Registry committals - Amended April 2017, 2010/13A - Disclosure - Annexures A and B, 2010/12A - Witnesses giving Evidence in Committal Proceedings - Annexure A, 2010/12 - Witnesses giving Evidence in Committal Proceedings (Amended), 2010/11 - Continuity and applicability of existing practice directions, 2010/10 - Times and procedures for callovers, 2010/07A - Form 1 Application for an interpreter for a criminal proceeding, 2010/07 - Interpreters - Magistrates Court criminal proceedings, 2010/06 - Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 1999 - REPEALED by 4 of 2018, 2010/05 - Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 1999 - REPEALED by 4 of 2018, 2010/04 - Judicial Registrars Power concerning prescribed applications and matters, 2010/03 - Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 1999 - REPEALED by 4 of 2018, 2010/02 - Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 1999 - REPEALED by 4 of 2018, 2010/01 - Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 1999 - REPEALED by 4 of 2018, 2009/18 - Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 1999 - REPEALED by 4 of 2018, 2009/16 - Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 1999 - REPEALED by 4 of 2018, 2009/15 - Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 1999 - REPEALED by 4 of 2018, 2009/14 - Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 1999 - REPEALED by 4 of 2018, 2009/13 - Designation of Court holidays - Christmas/New Year closure, 2009/12 - Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 1999 - REPEALED by 4 of 2018, 2009/11 - Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 1999 - REPEALED by 4 of 2018, 2009/10 - Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 1999 - REPEALED by 4 of 2018, 2009/09 - Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 1999 - REPEALED by 4 of 2018, 2009/08 - Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 1999 - REPEALED by 4 of 2018, 2009/07 - Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 1999 (amended) - REPEALED by 4 of 2018, 2009/06 - Reopening or rehearing of applications at the Brisbane Magistrates Court, 2009/05 - Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 1999 - REPEALED by 4 of 2018, 2009/04 - Recording devices in courtrooms - Magistrates Court (Amended by 16/2013) - REPEALED by Practice direction 2014/01, 2009/03 - Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 1999 - REPEALED by 4 of 2018, 2009/02 - Costs assessment - interim arrangements, 2009/01 - Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 1999, 2008/10 - Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 1999, 2008/08 - Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 1999 - REPEALED by 4 of 2018, 2008/07 - Part heard matters at the Brisbane Magistrates Court, 2008/06 - Appearance of persons in custody - use of video link facilities, 2008/05 - Multi-day hearings case management at Brisbane Magistrates Court, 2008/04 - Drug Court Act 2008 and Drug Court Regulation 2008, 2008/03 - Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 1999, Rule 975B - REPEALED by 4 of 2018, 2008/02 - Queensland Magistrates Early Referral into Treatment (QMERIT) Program - REPEALED by 1/2016, 2008/01 - Judicial Registrars power concerning prescribed applications and matters - Amended - Repealed by 2010/04, 2007/11A - Attachment to Practice direction 11 of 2007, 2007/11 - Summary hearings case management at Brisbane Central Magistrates Courts, 2007/10 - Approval of registrar to assess costs, 2007/09 - Designation of Court Holidays Christmas/New Year Closure - 2007, 2007/08 - Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 1999 - REPEALED by 4 of 2018, 2007/07 - Committals and Ex Officio Sentences: Ipswich Magistrates Court, 2007/06 - Costs Assessment Interim Arrangements - Repealed by 2009/02 - Costs assessment: Interim arrangements, 2007/05 - Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 1999, Rule 975B - REPEALED by 4 of 2018, 2007/04 - Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 1999, Rule 283, 2007/03 - Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 1999, Rule 975B - REPEALED by 4 of 2018, 2007/02 - Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 1999, Rule 975B - REPEALED by 4 of 2018, 2007/01 - Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 1999, Rule 975B - REPEALED by 4 of 2018, 2006/11 - Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 1999, Rule 975B - REPEALED by 4 of 2018, 2006/10 - Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 1999, Rule 976, 2006/09 - Conduct of Customs Prosecutions, 2006/08 - Means of identifying proceeding, those appearing and witnesses - REPEALED BY PD 05/2022, 2006/07 - Direct access briefing (Amended by 2012/20), 2006/06 - Recording Devices in Courtrooms: Magistrates Court, 2006/05 - Appearance of Persons in custody on video link facilities at the magistrates Court at Richlands - SUPERSEDED by Practice direction 2008/06, 2006/04 - Queensland Magistrates Early Referral into Treatment (QMERIT) Program, 2006/03 - Adjournments for Indicative Assessment to Drug Court Magistrates, 2006/02 - Appearances of Detainees on video link facilities at Magistrates Courts at Maryborough and Hervey Bay - SUPERSEDED by Practice direction 2008/06, 2006/01 - Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 1999 - Uniform Civil Procedure Amendment Rule (No 1) 2003 - Division 4 Electronic Court documents - REPEALED by 4 of 2018, 2005/04 - Appearance of Detainees - SUPERSEDED by Practice direction 2008/06, 2005/03 - Appearance of Detainees - SUPERSEDED by Practice direction 2008/06, 2005/02 - Committal and Ex Officio Callovers, 2005/01C - Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 1999.