When in backrow: Grant Front Row automatic SP regen (20). Extend duration of augmenting effect granted by Self for 1 turn (does not stack). A Warmaster Olberic wouldnt be bad, but Haanit consistently outperforms Olberic as a Warmaster, so if youre interested in having the absolute best Warmaster around, Haanit should be your first choice. +104 Phys. You can then talk to the person behind the counter of the arena to fight that NPC more times if you want more belts The belt gives 100 physical attack and critical, so with "Better Accessories" you get 150 of each. The chapter will come to a close soon enough and bring Primrose's story to an end. Physical Belt +65 +50 6,500 1,300 Physical Belt +50 Phys. Raise Elem. Evil West Review A Promising, Vampire-Killing, Carnage-Fueled Adventure, Marvels Midnight Suns Review Superhero Demon Hunting, Need for Speed Unbound Review Its Got Wings, Steelrising review more like gold rising for Spiders, Octopath Traveler 2 Cait Farming Guide: How To Find And Capture Them, How To Craft A Club In Sons Of The Forest, How To Get Serpent Flotation Cutis In Wild Hearts, How To Get Giant Kemono Gems In Wild Hearts, Sword, Axe, Fire, Light. Limit from support skills and equipment effects: 30%. Limit from support skills and equipment effects: 30%. +80 | Elem. Where Gustav Is Hiding In Octopath Traveler 4,687 views Aug 14, 2018 39 Dislike Share Collector Togami 18.3K subscribers So, let's be real, we all want to know where in the world Gustav Sandiego. Not to worry though, we have your back with his weakness list! Sort by values, or search for key terms like "Fire Res", "EXP", "Leaves", or by locations like "Cragspear", "Valore", etc. This leads to a "Balcony" area, but it is very much a true balcony (unlike other areas here). Triggers once even during a Boost. Explore. Pick what you will (I brought him along). As a rough rule, about 3 speed = 2 P.Atk for Aeber's damage, although that can vary a lot depending on various factors. When reporting a problem, please be as specific as possible in providing details such as what conditions the problem occurred under and what kind of effects it had. There's also a Save Point here you can use if you so wish. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. These should be the best accessories for offense and defense, but there's situations where others can come in handy, especially the elemental amulets like the Thunderstorm or Inferno Amulets which can help versus Galdera or Sprightly Necklace if you want higher chance of going sooner in turn order. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. We're supposed to go east, but let's head west instead. Physical Belt 1,600 Phys. Is that worth it? Warmaster gains access to every equipment slot and you basically want to fill those up with all the most powerful pieces of equipment you can get your hands on. Def. Be sure to heal up here, HP and SP, as once you go to the left you know what's coming! This page contains a list of known Accessories you can find and wield in Octopath Traveler. Raises light and dark resistance by 10%. Raise own HP recovery skill by 15% (no regen). The physical belt requires Olberic's story to be complete, while the mental belt requires Ophilia's story to be complete. Atk. Both are featured on this page. Side Stories are optional side quests scattered across Solistia in Octopath Traveler 2 (Octopath 2). There is a banter with Alfyn in same spot as with H'aanit. Awww he's in love with her! Follow that list to make sure you are hitting his weaknesses. +76 | Elem. Octopath Endgame Gear Guide. HP +600 (Limited to 1; from A Royal Secret quest), Empowering Bracelet - Max. +100 (Limited to 3; Purchase/Steal from Elderly Shopkeeper in Stonegard Valley anytime; from Therese in Atlasdam Royal Academy after Cyrus 4; from Scaredy Sheep quest that requires Ophi 4 done), Mental Belt - Elem. Full Emberglow Slopes Map for Octopath Traveler: Champions of the SQEX accidentally released a Therese teaser on YouTube before hiding Octopath Traveler COTC Tier List of All Units by Roles. Browse at your own discretion! Def. NOTE 2: You can get some more "Party Banter" here by pressing the Travel Banter button. Stats: Phys. +180 | Elem. Tier list database for every unit in Octopath Traveler: Champions Full Rippletide Coast Map for Octopath Traveler: Champions of the We use cookies on our website to run ads to pay for the server, hosting and the rising cost of cat food. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. On your way up, you'll see a chest on the right. Extend duration of some inflicted status ailments by 1 turn (does not stack). Some people in the casual Octopath discord asked about endgame gear, so I thought a short guide might help. When he does this, you'll see "You can spot a crack in Simeon's defenses" and he'll then swap out weaknesses and change which ones are blocked (less and less). When breaking an enemy, lower their Fire resistance by 15% for 3 turns. Nab it and head out of the room (either door) and head to the right. Be advised, many pages may contain unmarked spoilers! Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Ha! Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Octopath Traveler Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. +183 | Elem. The Cursed Armor is the best body armor in the game, granting its wearer a massive +222 to physical and elemental defense. +50 (Limited to 3; from Orlick after Therion 4; from Elderly Woman in Noblecourt anytime; from Townsperson in Everhold anytime; this is the best for elem attack), Dragon's Vest - Phys. Octopath Traveler has a ton of bosses to find and defeat over the course of your adventure. At 50% SP or less: Lower SP consumption by 20% and 10% chance to attack twice when using an elemental skill. Path Actions Guide: All Path Actions Explained. Path Action in Sunshade and Cathedral of Tytos. For the physical belt you can challenge Gustav in The Whistlewood (near North Atlasdam Flats. He also features a massive health pool, and abilities to silence your characters. There's also Mental / Physical Belts that can be stolen in Primroses campaign off of the adds during her Chapter 4, final boss. +65 | Phys. Def. Easiest thing to do is give both a . What, free play in the theater trumps death threats? +80 (Limited to 3; from Grandport Markets' Guard anytime; from Masalim Knight Ardante; from Reggie in Riverford after Olberic 4), Protective Bracelet - Phys. Def. List of Contents Walkthrough Side Stories Path Actions Chests Related Guides Agnea Chapter 3 Walkthrough Once you regain control, you may get some banter here: NOTE 1: As you regain control, you can get some "Party Banter" here by pressing the Travel Banter button. Note the save point above us probably our destination, huh? In order for us to make the best articles possible, share your corrections, opinions, and thoughts about List of All Side Stories and Side Quests | Octopath Traveler 2 (Octopath 2) with us! You want to use items to make sure your casters can keep casting as needed, which may waste some of your time but is very necessary (consider putting on Silence accessories before the fight on your casters). It's up to you, really Anyways, enjoy the scenes as Primrose comes to terms with her life and what she's done. Not that it helps him out too much (you still see where Simeon goes, and you already likely have a feel for your own party's turn order). He also starts to add more shields (just like other boss fights). Octopath Traveler has sold over two million units! Monster Trainer's Hat - Phys. How to Get Protective Necklace: Stats and Effects. As with the Battle-Tested Axe, the Battle-Tested Bow has a low drop rate of 2% so do not forget to save . The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". Timberain. Our Best Character Tier List is out now! See our Story Walkthrough and Side Story guides! Best Starting Character | Best Secondary Jobs Easily farm Money, EXP, JP, and Octopuff Travelers! All Guild Locations and Altar Locations Turn Rusty Weapons into Divine Weapons! "Simeon sits back and enjoys the show" (does nothing), "Simeon strikes a pose" (adds 2 shield to breaking point), "Simeon flashes a leery smile." (blocks most of Simeon's weaknesses), Boiling Blood (increases physical and magical attack for 4 turns), "You can spot a crack in Simeon's defenses" (changes Simeon's weaknesses and removes 1 block on them at a time), Master of Silence (chance to inflict silence on multiple allies), Things Octopath Traveler Doesn't Tell You. There's a chest here at least, so open it for an Inspiriting Plum (M). Well, Simeon definitely looks like a Puppet Master. This will protect you from Master of Silence, so that you can continue to attack using your special moves. We've got enemies to fight! When you regain control, head to the right (to the chest) for an Inspiriting Plum Basket. Still, this first part is substantially easier. After completing Primrose's Chapter 4, you can find Jan Forsythe outside the Forsythe estate. Note that they have more elemental stones you can steal, and these ushers seem to have more powerful abilities if you want to take them with you (steel defenses or mental degredation!). Atk. Finally, you can Inquire/Scrutinize Jan. You will find that he and Primrose are childhood friends and that "he wishes for her happiness from the bottom of his heart". Endgame Gear Guide. Octopath Traveler Wiki. You'll also want each of your characters to be able to do both physical damage and magic. As we enter town (after the story sprawl), Primrose will reflect on her journey and the large stage in the back of town. So how do you make the best Octopath Traveler Warmaster Haanit? Def. Go ahead and enter it though, as you can check the the back of the room (in the middle) to find a chest with some Refreshing Jam. Def. After taking out Simeon and his marionettes, we will of course get some scenes. When reporting a problem, please be as specific as possible in providing details such as what conditions the problem occurred under and what kind of effects it had. If you Challenge/Provoke Jan, he has a 10% chance of dropping a Physical Belt. Raise light resistance by 5%. Atk. Thieves come in handy for their 2 for 1 hit of HP and SP thief special moves when decreasing Simeon's shield. Atk. You'll want to have at least one Apothecary to proactively apply Rehabilitateon as many of your allies as you can. Raid wind resistance by 5%. The reason you want accuracy accessories is because Guardian Liondog and Arrowstorm have humongous accuracy penalties, but if youre able to pump your accuracy up high enough, youll be able to overcome those and really increase your damage. Lower enemy encounter rate 50%. Your source for original, high quality databases for mobile games. Be advised, many pages may contain unmarked spoilers! +115 | Equip: Slightly reduces wind damage taken (limited to 1; from Ashlan questline), Crystal Helm - Phys. Octopath Traveler. Still, with party-wide healing this is a pretty easy fight (especially this late in the "Chapter 4" chapters). This won't go over weapons and will just focus on armor and accessories. Limit from support skills and equipment effects: 30%. Atk of Self by 15% when bleeding enemy is present (Limit from support skills and equipment effects 30%). Certain Treasure Chests have been discovered to contain Protective Necklace. We'll get control back soon, with a possible party banter here: NOTE 1: As you regain control, you can get some "Party Banter" here by pressing the Travel Banter button. All Gramophone Locations and How to Unlock, All Legendary Arms Locations and How to Get, Pokmon Sword and Shield Walkthrough Wiki, Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP) Walkthrough Wiki, Animal Crossing: New Horizons Walkthrough Wiki, Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion Walkthrough Wiki, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (MW2) Walkthrough Wiki, The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Walkthrough Wiki, We are currently gathering all Side Stories. Def. He can do hefty amounts of damage, but since he only attacks once per turn, as long as you break him he probably won't overwhelm you. Both of these characters can ask NPC's to join them on their adventure so long as their . Fortitude (3rd Warmaster Skill) Damage goes up as HP goes down. Start of battle: Lower lightning res of all enemies by 15% for 3 turns. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. As you go north, you'll transition to the back of the theater. chang3ling 4 years ago #1. Def. Its a lot better to hit 10/10 hits at 800 damage than hit 4/10 hits with 1000 damage. This table contains accessories found in the global version of Octopath Traveler: Champions of the Continent. +103 | Elem. Def. When breaking an enemy, lower their wind and light res by 15% for 3 turns. Grab it and use the save point. Continue on through the screen transition to continue. That's a good thing. Limit from support skills and equipment effects: 30%. Really quickly though, we wanted to touch on the battle rewards here, before the chapter comes to an end. Turn Rusty Weapons into Divine Weapons! In this back area, check the room above you to find that it is a large room with two exits. Simeon is a boss associated with the final chapter of Primrose's story.