What is the safety culture like? The following seven questions, submitted by pharmacists via social media and online forums, are considered to be particularly problematic. If it was a life-threatening situation, and you did your research, and they still dont accept it, what then? What is the lost non-academic book you read? It is easy to list several positive traits but the question does not elicit examples or evidence from the experience of the individual., Chief pharmacist Gurjinder Bhella emphasises that he would rather candidates did not guess if they did not know the answer to a question, Lauder agrees, noting that, with preparation, anyone should be able to give the correct response. Honesty with my performance x[kobKE|r$;IZn@OF! Preparing to interview for a post-graduate residency or position? What was it and what did you do to correct it? - College, *I always knew this is where I'd end up* (and that makes me a passionate candidate) What makes you stand out amongst other applicants? Listen Here. How do you envision incorporating this into your future practice? Id also encourage you to jot down notes after each interview too about what you liked and didnt like from your day- this will also be super helpful. Secondary outcomes included VTE recurrence and a composite of major plus clinically relevant non-major bleeding (CRNMB). Can you tell us about something not on your CV? They are often needed with other medicines so imply you would be part of a bigger team.. Id refrain from using a virtual background- they have the potential to be distracting to others if you move around and stuff, and everyone can tell they are fake! He said that they may be taught in the philosophy department. Do you consider yourself good at managing stress-why or why not? DO think about how you would work up and present a patient, and be prepared to do this out loud. How have you kept up with all of the information? 2 Based on: Top 10 pharmacy interview questions and answers Updated To: Top 101 pharmacy interview questions and answers On: Mar 2017 3. TRUST THE PROCESS. I share my resources with others once I am done with them Characteristics of the ideal clinical pharmacy residency candidate: A survey of . What would be the title of your autobiography? Stress management and dealing with controversy. What Does It Mean To Precept Responsibly & What Is The Precept Responsibly Podcast? For anyone out there applying to pharmacy residencies this year, your applications are most likely all submitted and you are in the weird in-between time of waiting for an interview invite to appear in your inbox, and simultaneously trying to find the motivation to prepare for your interviews. o The main reason I attribute to why I am here today What things do you need to get better at? @ If there are definite training opportunities, for example, a postgraduate diploma or independent prescribing qualification, that are part of in-house development then explain how achieving this will provide additional experience for future moves. Wait until your partner finishes their whole answer before you start yours. - very receptive about feedback, very good at giving feedback History with the college and PGY1 in the area . Why are you interested in our residency program? So when I asked one resident last year how they ended up making their rank list, I heard a great tip that I wished I would have used. Frequent feedback If you have a definite idea as to how you want to specialise then it is okay to mention it, but dont limit your options, he says. Professional engagement Passionate education and PGY1 pharmacy . How did you handle it? What are the key skills needed to succeed in this residency program? Kristine_Hoang3. n_;B8&z&5^i+%OQ[K:+2OU6:&IS^] uZT?H/l|WY~9qVfYb9~y3VVpvA$,mKDVl"-%r6Q%98Svm:ZUY>HO= \%A ~a=A|"h4-tMEWj:O G%q3LYYWw2i9365{"P|B+ /nkoxVHnsw}#Noo>\o75B dJyjzEqsLZ'th{]Q%K01>UA. What areas of pharmacy most interest you? Hi do you mean if you didnt know the answer you said.. like oh I dont know that but I could look _____? I definitely wanted to throw this in here- as this is seriously an exciting time that you should seriously enjoy. It is always interesting to reflect on how we come across to others, explains Brown. BCOP - Clinical Pearls. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Ive divided this post into a few sections to highlight different portions of the interview day, each with a Do and Dont associated with it. Are there opportunities to have non-pharmacist preceptors? Review CV and LOI, career goals/interests, clinical knowledge. What makes you a good fit for this program? On-site interviews include: Site tour; 1:1 time with the current resident; Three formal interviews with leaders in the department The purpose is to kind of simulate if you were asked clinical questions on rounds, by nurses, preceptors, etc. Stage 5: Evaluating the Interview. Are there opportunities to be on-call during this residency year? I made this list from many different resources- guides I found online, a guide my school gave me, and lists I had made over the years from attending residency information sessions. 478 0 obj <> endobj If you saw a peer cheating on a test, what course of action would you take? Do you consider yourself good at managing stress? Most of the time, a program will send you an itinerary at least the day beforehand that may list out who each of your interviewers are. What was the most significant intervention you made during pharmacy rotations? What are you hoping to accomplish by pursuing Pharmacy Residency training? I was told that residencies might ask clinical questions during interviews. Key points to note include raising concerns, how pharmacists were as culpable as other healthcare professionals, and the duty of care to patients that is shared by all, he adds. References. stream OH and if youre presenting off your laptop, dont hit that spacebar too loud when you switch to the next slide (that one got me when I gave my CE presentation virtually this year!). Tell me about a time when you made a mistake. If you could change one thing about the profession of pharmacy, what would it be? Keep it brief and include your email signature, and try to send within 1-2 days after your interview (or else they will just pile up!). What was the last journal article you read? Tell me about a time you had to choose something else over doing a good job. . jjamesb2001. I think the usual Zoom rules apply- get yourself set up with a nice background in a well-lit room. DONT stress about getting every question exactly right! Make sure you can be totally focused and not distracted during the interview. If you discovered a co-worker was stealing property from the pharmacy, what course of action would you take? 113 terms. Think about how you typically do it in real life- you can review the general aspects of the medicine with the fake patient (indication, how to take it AKA just read the instructions, what to do if you miss a dose, expected therapeutic effect, any common side effects). OBJECTIVESThe primary outcome was major bleeding. How would you describe the teaching philosophy of this residency program? But, dont focus so much on hitting all those points and in a specific order, that you forget about your demeanor and how you are interacting with the patient. This button displays the currently selected search type. Before the interview, I thought this program was my top choice based on their profile: they're an AMC with . There can be so many different components to a pharmacy residency interview, as every program has their own unique format, requirements, types of interviewers, etc. Im pushing for simple clinical questions that are moreso behavioral based. Lauder would not personally ask potential employees this question, though: There are newer, hotter topics in the world of the NHS and hospital pharmacy, such as the Carter review**., A common pitfall is focusing an answer based on what the candidate thinks the organisation is looking for, says the Boots spokesperson. Stage 1: Preparing for the Interview. Just make sure you are up to date on guidelines and therapies pertinent to the program (depending on if it's hospital, amb care, etc). Tell me about a time you had to collaborate with a coworker who was tough to please. If I can see a way to help them progress and give them the opportunity to flourish, they are much more likely to want to be with my company in five years., A common pitfall is focusing an answer based on what the candidate thinks the organisation is looking for. Because we work in big teams in community pharmacy, both in the pharmacy and the broader primary care settings, we have to have a level of self awareness. She would encourage candidates to reflect on why their friends might say particular things about them: If they give good examples to back this up it means that they are considerate of others., However, Bhella believes the question is limited in nature. What is the rotation selection process like? What did you do to prepare for this interview? Applicants are asked to prepare in advance a 10-minute presentation on a topic of their choice (not related to pharmacy or healthcare). Would you see yourself more as a hunter, gatherer, or farmer? Why? Brown says she would be more likely to ask candidates to tell her about a situation with staff or customers where something unexpected took place and explain how they handled it. There can be so many different components to a pharmacy residency interview, as every program has their own unique format, requirements, types of interviewers, etc. Passing the first test: how to impress on the residency interview. Have a thorough understanding of what is unique about each residency and why you are interested in it. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. What was your favorite class in pharmacy school? At my PGY1 we had to do a case and then the preceptors would have you walk through the answers. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, how do you think that might impact your residency training? As this Pharmacy Interview Questions And Answers For Freshers Pdf , it ends occurring beast one of the favored books Pharmacy Interview Questions And Answers For Freshers Pdf collections that we have. Things will definitely be even more different this year, as they are all (most likely) going to be virtual, so I'm sure many programs are even switching it up from their usual Having a thorough knowledge of how prescriptions affect each other and how their side effects may interact to create a variety of symptoms will help you be confidently prepared for a pharmacy residency interview. Tell me about a time you had to persuade someone to see your side of things. He believes that candidates should give a brief summary of what led to the inquiry, including a few highlights that caused such a public reaction. Questions to Ask During an Interview. I would say review PNA, HTN, CHF, DM. Complete a PGY2 What expectations do you have for the residency program director? Tell us about a time when you had to take initiative. He explains that the question may be looking to see if the candidate is self-aware and will indicate how the interviewee would like to be perceived. You may have to engage in a fake patient counseling scenario, particularly if you are interviewing for community or ambulatory care-focused scenarios (I had to do one of these last year). What lessons can we take from theCOVID-19 pandemic to help drive the pharmacy profession forward? How do you adapt and deal with the continually changing pharmacy environment? Evaluating Interview Responses. You never know if youll have to stand up on camera for anything! What was your favorite clinical rotation and why? Alright if I had to give only ONE piece of advice to residency applicants when it comes to interviews, is to prepare SO so many questions for your interviewers. 526 0 obj <>stream What was the last pharmacy related article that you read recently? If you do not match to a residency program during phase I of the match, would you plan to enter into phase II of the match? J present the biography of Defoe's life. If you discovered a co-worker was stealing property from the pharmacy, what course of action would you take? Suppose you had an unmotivated student, what would you do as the preceptor? 5. What do you do for fun? Dont leave the response hanging on a bad or negative experience always turn it into a positive one.. Be ready to ask questions, such as whether off-site rotations are allowed if you are interested in doing work in another country. Describe your biggest failure. Interview at the program you want the most later in your interview schedule (mid/late February; try to avoid March for scheduling interviews). Do you consider yourself good at managing stress? I have to be honest- I dont know if Im truly team thank you email or no thank you email post residency-interview. u$ u9c)7o\6Ux}*uS?V7Q60/p 8pt6.l8}xWVw 3gge+y,%59=]}p^`jjYZV5/%9E pI.bU/sb]n^2r]>>$C?54oC-5-ZQ)C2]=y!u_otQ|d%|26)dAtv5Eg What was your most favorite class in pharmacy school? hbbd```b``5 idS ,"`5L`;XXVId6 ID?H2l_9@*]`{)Q@ tm is there a shortage? No absolutely not. Offering mock interviews and Saudi Pharmacist Licensure Examination practice tests and involving pharmacy students in clinical research may increase their chance in securing a residency position. Tell me about a clinical intervention that you made on rotation. Doing drug information questions. If you could change one thing about the profession of pharmacy, what would it be? Teaching. Tell me about a time you gave a great presentation. Its officially that time of year! 6. Any answer to such a question should consider how to demonstrate confidence and assertiveness in the situation and how they would maintain a dialogue with fellow professionals, he adds. Tell me about a time your workload was very heavy. n.d; Detroit, MI. Is there anything we have not talked about that you would like to discuss? DONT read straight from your slides- make sure youre talking to your audience too! Passion for teaching, passion for oncology Make sure they are rested as well (ie avoid March). And sorry, I didn't apply to amb care programs. Can you describe the components of your continuous professional development plan? However, right before rounds you are told you must skip rounds and go help staff the outpatient pharmacy, because they are short-staffed and there are many patients waiting. And remember the golden rule= BE RESPECTFUL and professional with absolutely everyone you interact with! Tell me about a time you reached a big goal. If your patient asks you a question you dont know the answer to, dont make something up, and instead say, I actually am not sure of that answer, but I will look it up and get back to you. Dont rush through your whole spiel and forget to check if your patient is following along. Around 1 minute I think is a solid time frame. Chief pharmacist Dennis Lauder says candidates should try to demonstrate an all-round optimistic attitude with a desire to succeed, but with a degree of humility. If a program doesnt send you an itinerary, thats okay too! Questions are standardized for both interviews and assess overall fit with the PGY1 residency program based on personal career goals, ability to discuss information presented in the applicant's curriculum vitae, ability to answer clinical and non-clinical questions, oral communication skills, and interpersonal skills. Does anyone have any insight on what kinds of questions might come up and how I should prepare? 2 links: UCSF https://career.ucsf.edu/sites/g/files/tkssra2771/f/PDF/Pharmacyresidencyinterviewquestions.pdf, https://pharmacy.ucsd.edu/sites/pharmacy.ucsd.edu/files/docs/current/archives/Residency_Interview_Prep_Suggestions_Dr_Juan_Toledo_Nov_2013.pdf, CAD, HTN, AFib, warfarin/DOACs, calculate CrCl (from memory) to renally dose, PNA, IBW calculations, lots of NAPLEX stuff. PATIENTS/METHODSPatients with cancer-associated VTE were randomly assigned to receive either apixaban 10 mg twice daily for seven days followed by 5 mg twice daily for six months or subcutaneous dalteparin (200 IU/kg for one month followed by 150 IU/kg once daily). If you do not get a residency this year, would you consider trying to re-apply next year? What are some example patient cases/ clinical assessment questions you have gotten during your interviews? Study: If you are interviewing for a clinical position, brush up on topics pertaining to the specialty of the position. How can residents contribute to the pharmacy departments strategic objectives? If you saw a peer cheating on a test, what course of action would you take? I truly did not think the clinical components were bad last year- trust me, you will be fine! Lezcano et al. Red Flags vs Poor Interview. If your friend and co-worker repeatedly called out of work "sick" even though you knew they were not sick and just wanted to have a day off, what would you do? Read PDF Pharmacy Interview Questions And Answers rofessional Skills for the Pharmacy Technician aids technicians in viewing themselves as professionals within the health system. Strengths finder --> intellection --> self-aware and self-directed . It was actually kind of fun to put together! This question should be anticipated for junior or newly qualified [pharmacist] posts, says Dennis Lauder, chief pharmacist at NHS Frimley Health Foundation Trust. 0 Pharmacy Clinical Specialist- Pediatrics or NICU/PICU bmc.wd1.myworkdayjobs.com When theyre speaking, try to genuinely listen to what theyre saying (instead of sitting there blank-faced trying to come up with your own answer). If you could opt out of the staffing component of this residency, would you? Roles of a Pharmacist in a Hospital Pharmacy, The University of Texas College of Pharmacy: Surviving the Residency Application Process, Wilkes University College of Pharmacy: Interview Questions, General Surgery Residency Interview Questions. What was your most favorite rotation in pharmacy school? Fast forward to your retirement party. Not getting enough hands-on clinical education during residency Grand Rounds. Did you complete the project on time? They work hard, are dependable, and you could not do without them. Can you describe your experience working in the pharmacy profession? Am I able to request rotation changes throughout the year? BCOP - Indications. Congratulations to everyone out there who will be interviewing for a pharmacy residency position in the next few weeks! will be told their debate topic prior to the interview but the side of the debate will be revealed on the day of the interview. December 20, 2022. 12:30 pm - 1:00 pm. How did you come to decide to apply to our residency program? Recurrent VTE occurred in 0.7% of apixaban, compared to 6.3% of dalteparin patients [HR 0.099, 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.013-0.780, P = .0281). But again, if you dont send thank you emails, I sincerely doubt that it will go against you (I mean Id be shocked if it did- if anyone has experience to say otherwise then please let me know). How can I contribute to your mission? However, my PGY2 interview this year was a mix of both in-person and via Zoom, so I do have a bit of experience! You are preparing for rounds and have identified several interventions that you feel will improve the care of your patients. It is of the utmost importance to be rested. While we had assignments and topic discussions, making therapy recs was not a part of it. Being interviewed for a new job can be intimidating at any stage of a pharmacist's career. Remember- all of this only comes from my experience and what I think worked well for ME last year. What was your least favorite rotation in pharmacy school? What areas of pharmacy most interest you? But, even more of a reason to make sure your top torso is looking professional and put together! What was your most favorite class in pharmacy school? And dont over think it. You should be overprepared for these! Try to demonstrate an all-round optimistic attitude with a desire to succeed, but with a degree of humility., He adds: Avoid the standard honest, reliable, friendly, approachable type responses that everyone would give thinking this is what the interviewers want to hear.. DO focus on having a friendly/helpful/patient demeanor. There may be one or many interviewers, and the duration may vary from less than 30 minutes to more than an hour in length. If you were stranded on an island and you could only have 3 drugs with you, which ones would you pick and why? Career Services: Wayne State University. What do you see them progressing on throughout the year? The official journal of The Royal Pharmaceutical Society, International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, Journal of Pharmaceutical Health Services Research. 2022 Newly Approved Accreditation Standard and Related Resources My presentation last year was on myself, and I had to answer like 10 questions including my background, favorite and least favorite rotation, career goals, projects I worked on, etc. What changes do you anticipate for the residency program from this year to the next year? What are you most proud of achieving during pharmacy school? CAP, sepsis, heart failure, afib, copd exacerbation, etc. because that is something I've really been learning in residency that has vastly improved my overall clinical skills. One was 20 minutes on site for a small and straightforward case. Visual learner; constantly making tables, guides, and visuals Also, never hurts to throw in a classic teach back at the end! DONT let your obsession with 1-2 programs prevent you from being invested at all of your other interviews. American College of Clinical Pharmacy (ACCP) - an international association of clinical pharmacists dedicated to optimizing drug therapy outcomes in patients by promoting excellence and innovation in clinical pharmacy practice, research, and education. N|(4OGgaXo"Dl ?!G2C F recount the entire plot of the novel What strategies do you use to stay organized? Why? When are they verifying orders/seeing patients independently in the rotation? What makes you the best candidate for our residency program? What strategies do you use to stay organized? Why or why not? I need people who are calm and can build relationships with my GP colleagues so that, if faced with a difficult conversation, it can be done in a supportive and friendly yet assertive manner.. Grand Rounds. Likely, most interviews will focus more heavily on behavioral questions and a smaller emphasis on clinical questions. Even if youre interviewing with a program that you may consider to be your back-up, really stay engaged and excited with whomever you are interacting with, as some programs will definitely surprise you! Decisions to interview or not interview despite a relatively high or low score were made through discussions between the reviewers who screened the applicants, the residency interview team, pharmacist preceptors, pharmacy management, and the residency program director. You will want to know about the commute, suggested places to live and the cost of living. If youre asked a clinical question, like Well how would you monitor that or Well what dose of enoxaparin would you recommend, dont be afraid to say I dont know, but I would go to Lexicomp/the prescribing information/these clinical guidelines/etc. 2. Although some questions are asked in almost every interview, knowing how to answer them honestly while showcasing the traits that employers are looking for can still be a challenge. Are there any projects you would prefer not to work on as a pharmacy resident? To elaborate the idea in sentence 3 , the student could What do you perceive to be the greatest strengths of this residency program? Why? What are 3 areas in which you could improve? What would you do if one of you witnessed one of your co-residents treating a patient unfairlydue to the patientsreligion, sexual orientation, or race? Press J to jump to the feed. Just because youre chilling in your apartment doesnt mean you should look like it! What did you do? Im not an RPD (residency program director) and have zero experience evaluating candidates during interviews. Describe a situation where you saw a problem and took steps to fix it. When doing group work, what role do you tend to take on? Residency Interview Advice: Study Clinical Questions. ASHP is the only programmatic accreditor in the United States for pharmacy residency programs. What do you expect to get out of doing this pharmacy residency? Teaching, clinical practice, or research? What makes you the best candidate for our residency program? Cross out each incorrect verb or pronoun form, and write the correct form in the space above the error. Answering behavioral style questions and clinical questions. Lauder notes: Usually interviewers asking this question are looking for drive, ambition and a clear statement about a career path. He suggests beginning with the job you are being interviewed for and explaining your reasons for applying. Behavioral 3. Below I have listed a TON of questions based on a list that I compiled last year when I was going through this process. Get a lot out of staffing, - *Feel like I'm just getting started* I'm having a hard time judging a residency program because my interview left me unsure of whether it was just rushed and badly set up or if it raises serious questions about the program's values and culture. - Patients How has the COVID-19 pandemic impacted your training? What would you do if one of you witnessed one of your co-residents treating a patient unfairly due to the patient's religion, sexual orientation, or race? Can you recalla time when you identified an opportunity to improve efficiency at work? If you could be a drug, which drug would you be? %PDF-1.3 What would you do? Where do you see yourself, experience-wise (how would you evaluate your own clinical abilities at this time, and identify your growth areas)? So this is really not as applicable this year, due to interviews being virtual. What do you expect to get out of doing this pharmacy residency? Doing a presentation. 2009 Apr 26; Orlando, FL. Become BCOP certified Do you think grades have anything to do with how well you perform in your career? How did you communicate your concerns?, She explains that she would be disappointed if candidates said they would dispense a product despite being concerned about the patients safety. - *Want a more individualized experience* Was there ever a time where you were late on an assignment? Do you consider yourself a procrastinator? o Utility as a pharmacist My English teacher said that ethics might be very interesting for me to study in college. What was your second most favorite rotation? Lauder emphasises: This has become a common question so there is no excuse for not having knowledge of the report and some insight into the relevance to pharmacy.. What attracts you to this organization/setting/position? What is your role in your current rotation? What expectations do you have for the residency program director? but I often hear about those who achieve a clinical position quickly without a residency. Can you tell us about your support system outside of school/work? %%EOF See the "Required Competency Areas, Goals and Objectives of Postgraduate Year One (PGY1) Pharmacy Residencies." The residency program is designed to offer an individualized training plan for each resident based on their interests, goals and past experiences.