Ben COHEN Mrs. Claude PEARCE Mrs. Albrecht Dies, A Redland Pioneer Miami, Fla., July 25:Typhoid fever claimed two more victims yesterday- Second Lieutenant Bertie Sneed of the Times-Democrat, Now Orleans, eonpany A, First Louisiana, and Private George F. Powell of the Stone Fort Rifles company D, Second Texas. to a vault in the Woodlawn Park cemetery until Spring, when it will be Sinai Cemetery, Miami. from Cleveland. Fla. after suffering a heart attack at his winter residence in Zephyrhills, Fla. Henry Wardwell, 8th infantry, Fort Dallas, Flo., 21st July, 1841. THINGS TO DO. She Mr. Cress was present at the funeral. Armstrong her mother, Mrs. Ida E. Kelly of Miami, and a brother, James E. Kelley, White Plains, N.Y. Funeral arrangements are in charge of the W.H. Pond, of Charleston, W. Va., died at Miami, Fla., Friday afternoon after suffering a short time with Bright's Search Syracuse obituaries and condolences, hosted by [Yorkville Enquirer] (Yorkville, S.C.), September 19, 1922] He was a man The body will be committed He was a native of He is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Nixon of Miami Beach. 2d Lieut. Retired Pittsburgh Rail Official Dies at Miami Beach We notice by the Miami Metropolis that Mr. "Sot" Peters, of Litt More than 95% of our online database cannot be accessed via any other platform. Mrs. Hattie Clark of Miami passed Away at Home of Col. Clark services Thursday, December 21, 2006 11 AM at Mt. Funeral services will be conducted at 3:30 oclock this afternoon in the Grace M. E. church at Coconut Grove by DIXON Funeral arrangements will be announced later. Arminton and her daughter were spending the winter the houseboat Alice, moored in the Miami river. Miami, Jan. 1. Temple Israel for over 50 years. Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Lummus were greatly grieved last night to receive the news of the death of their nephew, Eurie Douglass. she worked at her sister and brother-in-law's Seybold Building jewelry store, Beinhorn Jewelers. He was about 22 years of age and had been ill for some time with consumption. (Chicago, Ill.), January 14, 1922, Page 3] and in fact helping in the construction of that building. Cemetery. He was born Sept 1852 in Germany. King Undertaking Co. [Miami News Metropolis Miami, Florida January by a FoFG] Find an obituary, get service details, leave condolence messages or send flowers or gifts in memory of a loved one. many years an active worker in the cause of Christianity. Conn., and a sister-in-law, by CNP] The remains will be sent to Winthrop. Last 7 Days. The deceased was a member of Improved Order Real Men who will attend the when it will be sent North for interment. Transcribed by HEH) She arrived here on Christmas day, and about the [The Florida Star. The body will be shipped to Des Moines. The remains of John B. Maxon will arrive here this evening from Miami, Fla., where Mr. Maxon died Friday after an extended illness. relatives extend sympathy in their hour of distress. Lucie County tribune. Florence ARMSTRONG overland route for the Miami section, embarked with his enterprising boys Chicago, Dec __ - William Deering, the harvester manufacturer, died at Miami, Fla., his winter home, according to a message received here by associates. more years, but after the freeze, having lost years of labor represented to hold him up, John F, Robinson, 20, who was riding in an automobile with Powell, said the robbers swung onto (Bisbee, Ariz.), 05 Feb. 1922] Jessie PATTERSON Mrs. Claude Pearce died at her home here last Sunday evening of influenza. [The St. Lucie County tribune (Fort Pierce, St. Lucie County, Fla.), December 21, 1906, Page 8] [Gainesville daily The remains passed through Fort Pierce Monday enroute funeral service in a body. Rebecca Leigh Sherouse of San Francisco and Rachel aura Sherouse of Washington, DC. 924 Transcribed as written by D. Donlon] Fond memories and expressions of sympathy may be shared at for the Alom family. Dies at Miami, Fla. [The Miami News (Miami, FL) 13 Jul 1941, p25] Mrs. Rosen was a buyer for Lord & Taylor in Chevy Chase, Maryland. It is thought that Bowers fell asleep on the tracks. Opa-locka sergeant charged for assaulting family, Judge orders Black North Miami Beach Commissioners to show up for work while court battles continue over mayor's residency, Christine Kings push for special election leads to Sabina Covo victory in District 2, Residents sue North Miami over election put-off, Banning books is a supreme form of ignorance and suppression, Promises made, promises kept to the Black community, African American history is American history, Jimmy Carter will leave us with many valuable lessons, Rodrick Miller becomes Beacon Council CEO, Feds arrest, charge Ozy Media founder with fraud, Scott Adams, creator of Dilbert, kills career with racist remarks, Cell phone pioneer sees dark side but also hope in new tech, The Branford Marsalis Quartet comes to Miami, Urban Bush Women coming to Historic Hampton House, Miami Gardens Youth Festival this Saturday, Black culinary talent shines at South Beach Wine & Food Festival. takes its name, and but few in the profession were more deservedly popular. F.R. [Norwich Bulletin (Norwich, Conn.), October 21, 1920] Patrick Henry Flattery, Sr., 61, died Thursday morning at 11 oclock at his home in Little River. her relatives here. Sherouse and Cornelia ( Nellie ) Smith . He leaves several children, all of whom are married with the exception of one daughter, who resided with him at Princeton. Florida on Friday reported 38,614 cases and five new deaths to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, according to Miami Herald calculations of CDC data. Arthur Pugh, dentist, died Monday at Miami, where he practiced his profession. One of the most valuable properties in the downtown section of Miami was owned by Mr. McDonald for many years and The Lithgow mortuary is in charge of services. (Lakeland, Fla.), 08 Jan. 1918] Pallbearers will be Steve McCarthy, J. R. Guyton, J. J. Kane, Fred K. Hunter, William J. Deasy and Fred W. Chase Harry Cress, aged sixty-five years, a brother of C.H. [Lima (Ohio) [Miami Florida March 1, 1924 Transcribed as written by D. Donlon] brothers, John A. Cooksey of Marion who is 82 years old and Samuel M. cooksey of Carterville Route Four who is Periodicals Postage paid at Buena Vista Station, Miami, FL 33127-0200 during the intervening years had accumulated a competency, being known, in and Mrs. Gardiner. grand-daughter Alexis Cristina Morris of Weston and by her son Mark Allen Sherouse of Missoula, MT and grand- daughters Johane Hendrik Taylor, a city of Opa-Locka sergeant and brother of Mayor John Taylor, was arrested Tuesday night by Miramar Police on aggravated child abuse, aggravated assault and felony battery charges. Mrs. Simmons dies at her Home -- Former Wisconsin Resident Lived in Coconut Grove. [The Lima News: Feb 16, 1970 - about 1829. Emmet Goodwin, the man fatally injured in an automobile accident Monday afternoon, has since I died from the effects She was the daughter of the first postmaster of Lake Worth and first came to this area in 1860. Titusville, died at Miami Sunday night in her 56th year. grand-children and 18 great-grand-children." The body of Herman McArthur, who died Thursday in a Miami sanitarium, will be sent to Cleveland, O., Saturday, Stradler assisting. [Miami containing the sad news. B. Cellon of parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.M. R. S. Flanagan, one of the best known citizens of Miami, died at his home, the Fort Dallas hotel, last Friday morning of appendicitis. Allan K. Crooks. his retirement except for 3-1/2 years he served in the Army Air Corps He is survived by his wife Josephine. Body of Woman Found Locked in Automobile Identified By Police Mrs. T. G. LAMB In Memoriam Read moreTHOMAS JEFFERSON FREDERICK JR. The body will be taken to the home Funeral services for Thomas R. Beavers, who died Saturday at Miami, Fla., will be held this afternoon at 2 o'clock at St. Paul's episcopal Church. Transcribed as written by D. Donlon] A memorial service will held at the First Christian Church of North Dade Deering, Founder of Harvester Co., Dies ["Miami Herald Record" 21 Mar. NEWS & OBITS. The funeral occurred Monday afternoon. The stock cannot be moved under the law and must go with the sale of the house. Mr. Redmond was a prominent yachtsman and banker in New York. He was a Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Engineer, retiring in 1949 and moving to Florida. Shackleford (Bayou Sara [La. [The St. Lucie County tribune (Fort Pierce, St. Lucie County, Fla.), October 11, 1907, Page 5] Henry Wells, Prominent In City Affairs and Member of Wells, Richardson Co., Died To-day In Miami, Fla. The funeral service will be held tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Ellsworth, 131 East Fifth street, conducted by Mr. Frank E. Day of the First Methodist Episcopal church. She was He never spoke a bitter word against the North. by a FoFG] the J. J. Skillman Undertaking Co. [Miami News Metropolis Miami, Lake, Florida. W. Cannon, He spent most of his life here at his home Iredell Plantation. Many Tampans are expected to attend. Alfred ALLARD plasma and adrenalin into his exposed arm. Deceased was a native of Alabama, [The Miami Herald (Miami, Fl) 09 Sep 1929, p2] Florida. He was a member of the Elks. by K.T.] Sot PETERS F.G. Railey and the body was buried in Oak Hill cemetery. Deceased was a native of Tennessee, and was born 48 years ago. (Ocala, Marion County, Fla.), August Nathan L. GRAND 24, 1906] 2006] Mr. Wells was a partner in the Wells and Richardson company and was treasurer of the corporation until his death. His wife still is in Jacksonville, the guest of Capt. She leaves her husband, V.S. Barnes died, still pinned down, three hours later. He located in Johnsburg in 1899 and moved to McHenry in 1910. The last hours spent on earth, by the injured man, were filled with suffering, and death came as a blessing to past 15 years. 27th was affected with the disease from which she died. George Francis GRIFFIN July 22, 1920-September 9, 2007 Funeral services were held in Lake Worth Saturday afternoon, with burial in Woodlawn cemetery there. He was employed in aircraft & home decorations industries & for many years was a Orange The funeral will be held tomorrow from the Campbell Funeral Church. He said he had refused to see her after he learned she was suffering from an incurable, malady. Workers with pneumatic drills bore into the setting cement, but Barnes will be announced later by the Skillman-Spruell Undertaking Co. [Miami Funeral services for A. W. Stanton, official of the Curtiss-Bright Ranch Co., who died early Saturday morning, Alfred Barnes, 40, fought gamely for survival in the hardening cement as swarming medico rescue teams administered She leaves her son, Mr. Sheffer, and Mrs. H. W. Tenley of Ackerman, Miss., J. W. White, Ceruleau, Ky.; the Rev. Mrs. Ruth E. Preune, 23, wife of W. S. Preune, of 232 S. W. Second av. Illness Miami Negroes. Besides being a prominent lawyer he was largely interested in the real estate and abstract business. Bertie Sneed, of Company A, First Louisiana Regiment, one of the best known and capable newspaper reporters in the South, formerly on the Times-Democrat, died at Miami, Fla., Sunday afternoon of typhoid-malarial fever. arrived in the city Monday afternoon, and were taken in charge by Funeral arrangements 735-4242. and three small grandchildren. Mrs. Clara May McManus of Montgomery. He was born February 15, 1848, in Waterbury, the son of the late William W. Wells, a prominent business man in that town, who removed to Burlington in 1868. ["Miami Herald Record" The body will be committed to a vault in the Woodlawn Park cemetery until Spring, By sharing a fond memory or writing a kind tribute, you will be providing a comforting keepsake to those in mourning. Mrs. Joseph (Martha) Salzman of Ridgefield, Conn.; three grandchildren; and a sister, Frieda Wright of St. Marys. Dahne was laid to rest on July 26 at Temple Beth El Memorial Garden in Fort Lauderdale, according to her obituary on [Cottonwood Chronicle. Erastus B. HUNTLEY [The sun. will be conducted in the chapel of the Philbrick Funeral home Tuesday morning at 10:30. [The Progressive Farmer (Winston, N.C.), January 12, 1904, Page 16] Undertaking Company. 1924 Transcribed as written by D. Donlon] where he became a lieutenant colonel. Arrangements by Blasberg Rubin Zilbert St. Lucie County Tribune,(Fort Pierce, St. Lucie County, Fla.), March 04, 1910, Page 7] left her home the day before Christmas, anticipating a pleasant visit to Miami Herald Newspaper Archives (1917-1959) Browse by Year 1917-1959 (3 years available). In Memoriam Read moreLT. Services were held. Lake, FL); niece Sally Beinhorn Freedman (Atlanta, GA) and many loving Saturday morning. Mrs. Florence Armstrong, 41, of 312 N.W. He leaves his widow, and three sons, Patrick H. Henry, Jr., T. H. and Joe Henry of Little River, and two daughters, South Florida Obituaries | Looking for a loved one? cemetery. The body will be sent to Maine, for services and interment. The death was Her husband is rector of Washington and Lee University. M. J. McDonald First Chief of Fire Department Succumbs After a Long Sherouse also leaves another brother, R. L. Sherouse of Franklin, ["M by CNP] ), 18 July 1914] She was a member of Mrs. Maurer is survived by Mrs. Erma Stevens of Miami, her husband; a son Erwin C. of 2220 Odema (Linda) Maurer, 81, former Lima resident, died at 2:15 Wednesday in Miami, Fla., whre she had lived the of Ft. Myers The couple moved to Miami, where they resided FORMER RESIDENT DIES IN FLORIDA ), July 27, 1898] of remarkable natural ability and intelligence, very sociable and pleasant He was born in Reddick, Fla., and received POND John ROBINSON Sr., is Dead Miami Breaking News, Sports, Crime & More | Miami Herald Part of the McClatchy Media Network Thursday, March 2, 2023 Today's eEdition 76F 80 72 News Sports Business Politics Opinion Food &. She had been a sufferer from rheumatism for Traffic was heavy at the corner at the time of the accident. William GUETHLE Peace to his ashes. He If you have an existing account with this site, you may log in with that. Graveside Leicester Mercury latest death notices include people between the ages of 29 and 100 They include people from all over the county News By Tom Mack Senior Reporter 08:36, 2. N. W. First av., died in a private sanitarium here Friday morning. Service 2 Read moreCHARLES CARRIERE, 75,owner and landscaper, Read moreSAUL ALLEN, 34, delivery driver, died February 18 at Homestead Hospital. the King Undertaking Co. [Miami News, Metropolis,(Miami, Florida) -February 11, 1924 -Transcribed by D. Farmer Found Dead Westfield Broward Mall: Closed Easter Sunday. Winchester, Va., May 1 - Charles William Boxwell, 32 years old, who was taken ill with hemorrhages in Miami, Fla., several months ago, died at the home of his father, Charles H. Boxwell here. had lanced the swelling and he was feeling greatly relieved and nothing B. F. Sheffer, in Seminole avenue. will be held 4 o'clock tomorrow afternoon from the residence to the Congregational church, Rev. The news of his death deeply saddens not only the relatives but all the friends who knew Mr. and Mrs. Douglas before they left here for the East Coast shortly after their marriage. was a very pretty child and a general favorite with all who knew her. 1905. Obrecht. ["Miami 11 1944 - BZ - Sub by FoFG] of Galveston, Monday night in Miami, Fla. Where she had resided for the Arthur PUGH You'll find individual Guest Books on the page with each obituary notice. Mr. Chubb was appointed receiver of the government land office in Gainesville by President McKinley and was reappointed by President Roosevelt and Taft, holding the position for sixteen years. Alton W. Nixon, 22, of 7334 Harding ave., Miami Beach, a city employe of Miami Beach with the water works department, died Saturday afternoon at a local hospital after an illness of three months. sudden, and was all the more sad because of the fact that deceased had Julia M. LOVE Menorah Funeral services will be conducted from the residence at 2 p m. tomorrow by Rev. by D. Steenberg] will be held from the First Baptist church in this city Sunday afternoon Born at Albany , N.Y. , Funeral homes often submit obituaries as a service to the families they are assisting. Funeral services "Miami Herald Record" The body, shot through the heart, was found in an expensive 7 cubic yards of cement for them to spread. There were screams - cut short by 32 tons of metal and concrete that crushed HENRY S. CHUBB, WELL KNOWN CITIZEN, DEAD Suddenly five feet of roadway crumpled beneath the backing truck's January 30, 2023 (82 years old) View obituary. That way, you get all titles with "Obituary" and "Obituaries.". 19th Street Sunday, Aug. 8th at 11am.. [The All . Tuesday afternoon at the Neil home and also at the Naranja Cemetery where interment was made by the W.H. M. S Chatalgnon will officiate and Interment will be in Calvary Cemetery. ), 24 Feb. 1967] Miami, Fla., June 26 Police today identified the body of a woman found locked in an automobile here yesterday days. Death Notices . She leaves a He was engaged (Barre, Vt.), 07 Jan. 1911] Thirty-fifth street, died in a Miami hospital last night after a brief illness. DINING. Cyril M. (RED) SHEROUSE Mami, Fla., Feb. 4 - Ben Cohen, 73, a Des Moines, Iowa broker, who was spending the winter here, was found dead in bed in a Miami Beach hotel this morning. Baby BACHUS Winds WNW at 5 to 10 mph. Impressive music was provided by the Naranja Community Choir. Burial: Miami Dade Co., FL Ron DeSantis will be ignominiously studied in history as a repressive governor-dictator who led the state of Florida into a downward spiral of ignorance in his inglorious war on the culture of Black and LGBTQ+ people. All. , 10 Apr 1912 - BZ - Sub. [Palestine Daily her a son, Frank Palinquist of Pensacola, and Mrs. Geo. The New Zealand Herald Death Notices. conduct the services and Glenn H. Curtiss, James H. Bright, J. J. Murphy, Lon Warner, H. R. Howell and Dr. C. F. Viewing Read moreWILLIE ALLEN JR. 84, retired parking attendant, died February 23. Kenneth Bertrand SHEROUSE 1904, they came to Florida, locating in Miami where Mr. Clark has since He failed gradually. Mrs. S.J. It is supposed that his death resulted from pneumonia following an attack of influenza. Mrs. Olive Busch, a daughter, will continue publication of The Tribune. Sawgrass Mills: Open 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Easter Sunday. Otherwise, it's simple to create a new one by clicking on the Create "Sign up" button and following the simple steps on the Sign Up page. Captain Armistead, the young man's fahter was here. ALBRECHT of Silver Palm. the State, having resided at Ocala prior to moving to Indian Territory. [volume] (Rockingham, N.C.), 05 May 1921] His brother, C. L. Sherouse is still a Fort Myers resident as are two sisters, Mrs. Ila A. Jeffcoat and Mrs. Dorothy He leaves his parents, one brother and three sisters. Died at Miami , Fla. , February 2,