1/2X20. A faulty solenoid is among the frequent ICON golf cart problems. Taking batteries out of charge for prolonged storage may cause them to degrade and lose capacity over time. Wait 10 seconds and turn the key to the on position, wait 10 seconds and turn the key off. Check the wires and other connections to ensure that they are okay. The Eagle Performance is one of the most well-known charging systems for golf carts, and it even comes with a 3 year warranty from the factory. Consider replacing the carts battery if you have used it for a long time. It does not only transport you and the golf accessories to the golf field but also it is very fun and relaxing to ride on. You will know it when it starts to move a lot slower. Yes. The wearing out can be due to a high current passing through the coils. You will not hear a whirring clicking sound while starting the cart if the solenoid is damaged. Loss of electrolyte due to heat or overcharging. Hello! Yes. Never get the voltage enough by only charging 1-2 batteries and then plugging your golf cart charger in to solve this solution. For instance, you will not be able to charge your car on the same circuit as your refrigerator or other high amp appliances. Last but not the least, a problematic solenoid can ruin your journey with a Icon golf cart. These can happen when a solenoids gets problematic: Since a solenoid helps to start your cart, it becomes impossible to move your cart if the solenoid has any problem. Follow the steps above to charge each battery one by one to bring up the voltage.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'betterplaygolf_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_9',122,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-betterplaygolf_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0'); Many golf carts use Floating Lead Acid batteries, which require topping up because they are the cheapest and most readily available. Now that we have unravelled three of the four reasons, its time to explore the final potential cause of why your golf cart isnt charging, and this is because there may be problems with the golf cart electronics. Clean the overflow with a rag or paper towel by wiping directionally away from the ports. Even though the direction switches are built for thousands of uses, if you drive your cart a lot or bought it used, there will come a time when this switch will fail. Depleted batteries will have minimal charge, which will prevent the charger from operating, as discussed above. That may tear up the tires. I talked to the dealer and they said that when you charge an ICON you need to switching the power switch (the one under the seat) to the "OFF" position and then recharge. Additionally, they drive smoothly, ideal for a day out on the golf course. 36v Golf Cart using 3 12v Batteries - Surprising range. Water is lost during charging. Schedule your yearly service with your ICON dealer for critical fluid changes, grease the front end and other serviceable fittings, electrical services, overall inspection, tire rotation, etc. Still, some high amperages and voltages run through the electrical system, and if the wiring is poor, thin, or frayed, it adversely affects the charging and output. Golf carts run on either 48V or 36V and some newer ones 72 volts and usually have 6 volt, 8 volt, or 12 volt batteries to power them. Delta-Q serves the golf industry with reliable charging solutions. That is why you should always handle and maintain your vehicle according to the user manual. Some of them may include battery or brake problems, saggy tires, problematic solenoids, defective accelerators, etc. The snag is mainly burnout, resulting from overheating, overloading, and pushing the cart past its operational limits. If the indicator does not show, it signifies a problem with the battery or charging system. Check the electrolyte levels and add distilled water, if required. For example, a battery with an average of 50% DoD will last twice as long or more as an 80% DoD; a 20% DoD battery will last five times longer than a 50% DoD. When golf carts are driven and used to the point where the batteries are discharged below the recommended levels, they will struggle to charge as they dont have enough voltage left in them. There may well be no problem with the wiring or the batteries, but the charger itself may be having issues, and this is the reason your golf cart isnt charging. Ensure there are no leaks or acid build-up around the battery or in the battery compartment, as this will indicate a leak, which needs to be fixed without delay. The terminal cable can be clogged with corrosion and debris which is causing the problem and cleaning them will solve it. You should consult a professional or visit the nearest ICON service center for a faulty charging system. Our family in a golf cart community with many courses just a short walk away and have been golfing, modifying golf carts, and playing with golf simulators for most of our life. For complicated situations, let an experienced mechanic take charge. What Size Garage Door Do You Need For A Golf Cart? Here is where the use of the battery and discharge levels play a role in the battery health as lead-acid batteries should only be discharged to a maximum of 50% capacity; beyond that, they can rapidly lose performance and reduce their ability to charge. The Icon I40 is an electric vehicle hence it eliminates some of the problems that plague gasoline golf carts such as noise, pollution and the increasing cost of refueling. Your golf cart may not be charging because you have a battery problem, your charger itself is faulty, the connections on the batteries, wiring, or charger cable are faulty, or there are faults with the golf cart electronics. Recharging slowly and keeping your battery well maintained are the best ways to extend the life of your battery. In addition, so many individuals improperly maintain their water level in the batteries and destroy them. Find a dealer. Tampa, FL 33619, Check all lights (headlights, taillights, turn signals), Check and fill battery water levels (serviceable batteries only/distilled water only), Clean battery terminals of corrosion and apply anti-corrosive spray/gel, Tighten battery terminal connections (95-100 in. It may be better to refer them to a qualified technician to resolve solenoid or direction switch issues, especially if you have thoroughly checked the other possible charging problems. If you are a golf lover, then golf carts are a must-have vehicle for you. ). In order to keep your golf carts batteries fully charged and always available, manufacturers recommend charging your golf carts batteries while the cart is plugged in all the time. Distilled water only. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Classic 2 PLUS. Just charge them up, and they're ready to go. #4. Lithium-ion batteries (72 lbs.) Always wear plastic gloves to avoid electrical accidents. So it's definitely fair to say that if you're looking to buy a cart that boasts impressive speed without having to make any modifications, an ICON model is a good . You need to untangle the wires inside the cart. If you fail then just move to experienced service providers. If the water runs too low, it can shorten the life of your batteries. If the water inside the battery chambers is finished or insufficient, the battery will not work. If none of the above doesnt work then your motor is fully damaged and needs to be replaced by another one. Share your questions, share your pictures, share your customizations, and share your knowledge of ICON Golf Carts. Its better not to try any DIY process to solve solenoid related problems unless you are an expert. Dont fill the battery above the plates as it needs space for the liquid to expand, so you need to be very careful not to get the acid on your skin or in your eyes, so protective gear is recommended.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'betterplaygolf_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_8',121,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-betterplaygolf_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0'); If they are, then top up the battery (usually with distilled water) and see if that works on the charger; if the charger still doesnt pick up the batteries, you may have damaged the cells and need a replacement. The main difference between FLA and the Gel and AGM batteries is that Gel and AGM are sealed and essentially maintenance-free. Whereas the Icon i20 is limited to just two people. If your golf cart tire is flat, then replacing it is the best option. If the OBC does not clear the fault the controller will not power up or the solenoid will not engage. Can one use a RXV state of charge on a TXT. Table of Contents It won't push you back in your seats but its a decent time. Positive grid corrosion or growth due to high temperatures. It turns out that there is good reason for the confusion. You can avoid most of the problems by routinely servicing the golf cart. Yamaha 48 Volt Charger Troubleshooting Guide With Easy Solutions, Troubleshooting Club Car Gas Golf Cart Common Problems, 5 Most Common Tracker EV IS Problems & Solutions, 7 Most Common Club Car Subaru Engine Problems [Easy Solution], 5 Most Common Yardsport YS200 Problems [Easy Solution], 6 Most Common Star EV Golf Cart Problems [Easy Solution]. Lithium Ion batteries can weigh anywhere between 70 and 80 pounds. For optimum life and performance, we generally recommend a discharge of 20% 50% of the batterys rated capacity even though the battery is capable of being cycled to 80% discharge. There can be several issues that may prevent the ICON golf carts from running. We bought it from the original buyers at the end of last. This is another item you will need to check to determine if it is a reason your cart is not charging. Therefore, the best time to water your batteries is always at the end of the charge cycle. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Overcharging Batteries Make sure not to overcharge your golf cart batteries because overcharging may damage them. But why not learn some tricks to solve some common ones? If the reset works but the gauge continues to act abnormal, please contact your dealer for a replacement unit. Wait 10 seconds and turn the key to the on position, wait 10 seconds and turn the key off. My cart is a 2020 i40 originally bought in August of 2020. If you still need help, please contact your local dealer, or our support team, and we will be in touch as soon as possible. Putting smaller or larger tires can affect the ride height of the vehicle, but the suspension height will remain unchanged. But sometimes, the air in tires can be less than it was supposed to be and that creates tire pressure problems. If you convert your golf cart to lithium ion batteries, you could potentially lose almost 300 pounds of weight. Uncover the motor to access the reset button located near the power supply. However, if you decide to make the switch to AGM batteries, you just have to keep in mind that you will need to have your dealer update you chargers algorithm for proper charging. One of the biggest problems of the ICON Golf Cart is a motor-related problem. When it comes to charging a golf cart, usually its the, Read More Yamaha 48 Volt Charger Troubleshooting Guide With Easy SolutionsContinue, Everything you need to know about Yamaha G29 clutch upgrade. Plug the vehicle back in and repeat the charge cycle. After my cart was charged overnight I went to drive it this afternoon and noticed the SOC % was reading 71%. Said that will reset the charger. If you are using the Cart for a long time or under the scorching sun, your engine, wiring, and other components might get overheated. When your golf cart doesnt charge, go through checking the batteries first to establish whether this is the problem. On the other hand, overinflated tires are also problematic. To solve battery-related problems, the following procedures can be followed:if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'golfertroop_com-box-4','ezslot_6',105,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-golfertroop_com-box-4-0'); Firstly, check whether the battery is charged or not. To check this, remove the charger from the wall and inspect the connector and see if the pins are all up properly. In these situations, keep calm and try your best to solve them. how to do a Harley Davidson golf cart engine swap? Even though they are more expensive than FLA, the lack of maintenance and better performance persuades many golf cart owners to use them. The following issues are the probable reasons. Repeat this for the first 10 20 cycles. It is very important you let it charge until it is completely done. When you plug the charger into your Club Car, the OBC will tell the battery charger when to start and stop charging based on the voltage levels in your batteries. The I40L has a high torque 14:1 rear. Welcome! An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Additionally, the complications are minor and fixable. Because this is an electrical environment, any loose or faulty connections, frayed or old wiring, or residue build-up on the connections or terminals can create issues with current flow. This will reset the meter. Although the price of the motor varies market to market, the present unit price is 330 $ 350 $. This is a common issue behind a problematic brake. The following are the probable solutions to the overinflated tire problem. The next step is to check the golf cart charger itself. A visual check of connections is the first option for wiring issues. The following procedure will ensure they reach their full potential. Windshield repair/replacement is not covered when damage is a result of breakage from road debris or a strike from an outside source, or if it has sustained damage due to misuse, abuse, or excessive wear & tear. Posts: 64. The best thing to do is to park the golf cart on a flat surface while you change the tire. You may not consider yourself a professional expert in fixing these problems. Pour the solution over the terminals and let it work; you should see some bubbling, especially if there is residue, and then use an old toothbrush to scrub the terminals clean. This is mostly achieved through, Read More Everything you need to know about Yamaha G29 clutch upgradeContinue, We understand how dealing with any issue of a premium golf cart like EZGO 48 volt can be really heartbreaking. Also, a burnt solenoid is never repairable. A 36V cart may have six 6V batteries, or three 12V batteries, while a 48V cart can have eight 6V batteries, four 12V batteries, or even six 8V batteries. Dealer reprogrammed the charger software and so far so good. The warranty period of the batteries is 2 years. It's extremely easy to hook your batteries up to the charger and forget about it. If not, tires will lack traction. For most people, watering lead acid batteries on a monthly basis is a hated task. ICON Electric Vehicle models all come standard with; On board charger (Delta Q), head lights, brake lights, turn signals, horn, DOT tires, seat belts, side view mirrors, and digital gauges. Failing to start is a frequent problem with electric vehicles, which you may encounter due to various reasons. Solving problems wont take much time if you know them beforehand. Fast charging - Lithium batteries can be fully charged within 1-3 hours. Check that each connection is tight on the terminals and that the golf cart wiring is tight. For example, golf cart batteries will average 225 cycles at 80% DoD and increase to 750 cycles at 50% DoD. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. It is good to follow the standard air pressure level. If you decide to get warranty work done outside of the dealer who sold you your cart, the parts will be supplied to the non-selling dealer from the Manufacturer, however, the non-selling dealer may or may not charge labor. We had to replace the charger for our cart as it was not functioning properly. The tire might get flat due to a lot of pressure or vibrations. If you bring your capacity less than 50% just once you can prematurely damage your batteries. This is a common phenomenon for having a battery-related problem in your Icon golf cart. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'golfertroop_com-leader-2','ezslot_14',111,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-golfertroop_com-leader-2-0'); ICON Golf Cart uses AC motors. Re: 2020 Icon I40L Review. VERY IMPORTANT If your vehicle wasnt originally equipped with AGM batteries and you decide to make the switch, make sure to have your dealer update the chargers algorithm for proper charging. Tampa, FL 33619 (866) 426-6380 Any and all expenses incurred in transporting the vehicle to and from ICON or an authorized dealer will be the sole responsibility of the cart owner unless otherwise noted by the service provider. So, in this article, we are going to talk about the common problems and solutions of Icon Golf Cart so that you have the basic guidelines to solve the problem. Please contact your dealer for warranty transfers. Symptom 1: Low voltage. An excessive amount of flashing suggests a faulty connection between the battery and the charger or an issue with the battery pack. ICON golf cart issues are not necessarily a deal breaker, considering they are regular occurrences with other electric golf cart models. As the state of charge in a battery decreases, the electrolyte becomes more like water and the freezing point increases. Remove the battery from the charger and then wipe the metal contact terminals on the battery with a dry cloth or cotton wool to ensure they are free of corrosion. These variants are Icon Golf Cart i20, i40, i40L, and i40F. Might give that a try. If you press the pedal very frequently like a racing car and hit the metal part of the cart, then it will put pressure on your motor, and ultimately, it might get burnout. If the voltage is below 2V, the internal structure of lithium battery will be damaged, and the battery life will be affected. Once the cord is plugged into your outlet, you may now plug into your cars charge receptacle. By the 12th cycle you will notice an increase in power, speed, and run-time. Step 2. As discussed above, you need to top up or refill your distilled water and only use DISTILLED WATER for your batteries; never use tap water. However, the charger does not act as a trickle charger and once it is off it will not turn back on unless it is unplugged from the car and plugged back in to the car. AGM batteries are a good option to be used in golf carts. I think they only began selling ICONs just a short time ago so I'm sure they are figuring things out as they go. 25 mi Distance per Charge < 20 ft Breaking Range 19 mph Max Speed (DOT Available through Dealer) 6.7 Min. Resetting the motor can help in such a scenario, particularly if the damage is not severe. However, it will not cost more than 10$ -30$ to repair leaked or damaged tires. Get new tires if the ones you have are severely out of shape.