I am committed to building on that legacy as we work to fulfill our fundamental mission: to organize every worker in the electrical industry.. | Reithel hails from a union family that included workers with the IBEW, Teamster and Boilermakers, and well as Machinist father. International Officers and Representatives. In 2010, his local sent him to the AFL-CIO's first Next Up summit in Washington, D.C., for young union members, an experience that helped fuel his passion further. Civic and Community Engagement 11. to help ensure an appropriate response. Get 5 free searches. Zachary Kotai Local 2003 Business Manager Montreal QC . There are _____ International Executive Council Districts in the IBEW. After seven months of intensive chemotherapy in Chicago, an hour's drive away, the cancer was declared in remission, and Reithel has been cancer-free ever since. Cooper began his career in 1985 at Local Union 688 in Mansfield, Ohio, where he served a four-year apprenticeship to become a journeyman wireman. International Representative Juanita Luiz, IBEW Political/Legislative Department, retired effective Dec. 1. Stay up to date on the Code of Excellence SPARQ newsletter here! Spencer believes he will be continuing that care through his support of Cooper and Chief of Staff Ricky L. Oakland. OConnor was appointed IBEW International Representative assigned to the Sixth District staff in January 1987. . You will not be a scab.". Cooper, also a first-generation journeyman inside wireman, grew up poor in rural Ohio in a family filled with love, but without many of the comforts most children are accustomed to, including indoor plumbing and adequate insulation. On July 15, IBEW 11's newly elected officers took the oath of office before a crowd of over 250 members and their families at the Pasadena Convention Center. When he was 13, what doctors at first dismissed as growing pains were diagnosed as tumors resulting from Stage 4 Burkitt lymphoma, a rare cancer. "President Cooper is on the road a lot," he said, "and when the time came to select someone to help make sure that no part of this union gets overlooked, whether he's at home or away, he and I both were certain that Louie was that someone. In 1993 he was elected business manager. Today, the IBEW is a union ready to ensure that the electrification and energy transition of the North American economy will create a better, cleaner and more reliable future built, run and maintained by the kind of jobs working people used to be able to take for granted. It employs 5,001-10,000 people and has $250M-$500M of revenue. "I really feel the weight of history in the Ninth District and all that John and Mike Mowery before him accomplished," Reaves said, describing a legacy of growth and inclusion. SA: Aformer union bossindicted by a federal grand jury in August 2019 for rigging a dues hike vote and using his members money to pay for his familys lavish lifestyle was found guilty on all counts this afternoon. International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, AFL-CIO, CLC 900 Seventh Street, N.W. We protect railway signals and communications employees throughout Canadasite, Jason SommerLocal 2010Senior General Chairman 25 Lake St. Picton ON K0K 2T0 613-827-4613 ibewsommer@proton.me, Gurpal Badesha Local 2049General ChairmanWestern Canada60 Walker BlvdRed Deer AB T4N 7E4 403-872-9934, Daniel BlakeneyLocal 2057Regional RepresentativeCN West147 Trader Cr.Prince George BC V2M 4M7 250-981-2233 ibewblakeney@gmail.com, Brad KaukLocal 2002Regional RepresentativeCP Rail West ibewkauk@yahoo.ca, Brendan McCueLocal 2010Regional RepresentativeCN Great Lakes ibewmccue@gmail.com, Nick DuncanLocal 2008Regional RepresentativeCP East nickduncanibew@gmail.com, Joe AlbertLocal 2024Regional RepresentativeCN East124 South Shediac River Rd.Shediac River NB E4R 1Y3 506-860-0282 ibew.jalbert@gmail.com, Sam Pelota Local 2029Regional RepresentativeTTR 416-209-2722 spedota.ibew@sympatico.ca, Patrick MuellerLocal 2010Chairman Board of Trustees 613-827-6708 patrick15322@aol.com, Wayne NelsonLocal 2049Trustee waynernelson@outlook.com, Ryan SprouleMember Board of TrusteesLocal 2010 ibew.1.sproule@gmail.com, Steve MartinLocal 2008IBEW International Representative119 Wheatland Dr.Cambridge ON N1P 1E2 519-465-6248 steven_martin@ibew.org, Cole MazurikLocal 2002Business Manager / Local RepresentativeWinnipeg MB 204 806-2688 colemazurikIBEW@gmail.com, Zachary KotaiLocal 2003Business Manager Montreal QC 514-531-9224 zacharykotai.ibew@gmail.com, Maxime MontyLocal 2003Local Representative, Brendan McCueLocal 2010Business Manager / Local RepresentativeKingston ON 705-507-7170 ibewmccue@gmail.com, Heather KeanLocal 2019Business Manager / Local RepresentativeToronto ON communications@ibewlocal2019.ca, Joel AlbertLocal 2024 KamloopsBusiness Manager / Local RepresentativeMoncton NB 506 860-0282 ibew.jalbert@gmail.com, James CongdonLocal 2049Business Manager / Local RepresentativeEdmonton AB jamescongdon001@outlook.com, Blair MasonLocal 2050Business Manager / Local RepresentativeSaskatoon SK Mason_306@yahoo.com, Jamie TaylorLocal 2052Business Manager / Local RepresentativeSudbury, ON jamietayloribew@aol.com, Sebastien BessetteLocal 2054Business Manager / Local RepresentativeQuebec QC 514-713-1213 seb_bessette@outlook.com, Darrell KleebaumLocal 2055Business Manager / Local RepresentativeKamloops BC 250-674-1807 dkleebaum@gmail.com, Daniel BlakeneyLocal 2057Business Manager / Local RepresentativePrince George BC 250-981-2233 ibewblakeney@gmail.com, Antonio DesandoLocal 2058Business Manager / Local RepresentativeThunder Bay ON a.desando@hotmail.com, Brad KaukLocal 2002Business Manager / Local Representative ibewkauk@yahoo.ca, Nick DuncanLocal 2008Business Manager / Local Representative nickduncanibew@gmail.com, Chris CampbellLocal 2017Business Manager / Local Representative campbell220@hotmail.com, Steve ChartrandLocal 2039Business Manager / Local Representative articat800@hotmail.com, Randy RobertsLocal 2042Business Manager / Local Representative ibewroberts@gmail.com, Sam PedotaLocal 2029Business Manager / Local Representative 416-209-2722spedota.ibew@sympatico.ca, Mike KrywiakLocal 2029mike.krywiak@yahoo.com, Ryan SprouleLocal 2010 ibew.1.sproule@gmail.com, Kevin CarptentierLocal 2017Montreal QC Local2017kc@outlook.com, ABOUT USThe IBEW Canadian Signals and Communications System Council No. Cooper has been steward of the IBEWs financial resources, including the IBEWs pension and health and welfare funds, for the last six years. It was during his time as a Local 697 leader and activist that he met the future international secretary-treasurer. "You are not crossing a picket line. "He is the most welcoming person. The IBEW has members in both the United States and Canada and stands out among . Throughout his union career, Brother Noble has been committed to grassroots union political action. After seven years as International President of the IBEW, Lonnie R. Stephenson is retiring. 9 talking about this. This is an International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Local 1245 represented classification, which has over 100 years of experience representing employees at PG&E . "Amy is 100% supportive of the IBEW," he said. Sixth District International Representative Mike Clemmons will complete the remainder of Nobles term. Please include your name, a physical address, and phone number in your correspondence IBEW Statement on the Convictions of Brian Ahakuelo and Marilyn Ahakuelo Fax: 713-868-6342. We will build all of that, Noble said. Reaves' family is from the Deep South, but his parents put down roots in Alaska when his father was stationed at an Army base there. In his retirement, O'Rourke is looking forward to more fishing, hunting, skiing and motorcycle riding. Railroad A journeyman lineman out of Anchorage Local 1547, Reaves did telecom line work and outside construction throughout Alaska. "Additionally, we're looking to build certifications for some of the new technologies to make sure that work is done by IBEW members.". Site Map | President Biden conveyed just how close that relationship was when he became the first sitting president to address an IBEW convention last May in Chicago. Delegates to the 40th International Convention unanimously elected him to a full term later that year. "When you love what you do, it's hard to leave," O'Rourke said. These convictions are the direct result of the IBEWs vigilance and dogged pursuit of justice for its members. Together they have raised five successful and intelligent children, three daughters and two sons. Fax: (609) 426-9709 2020 International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 400 | All . In 2006, IBEW International President Edwin D. Hill recognized his leadership skills when he asked him to serve as an international representative for the Fourth District of the IBEW, which covers Ohio, Kentucky, West Virginia, Maryland, Virginia and the District of Columbia. "I made it a goal to tear down the impediments to signing with us, to take away any reason for contractors to say no," he said. MembershipDev@ibew.org. Washington DC 20001 Telephone: 202-833-7000, . 307 likes. The son of a St. Louis Local 1 IBEW wireman, Noble got his first IBEW job in in 1986 as a material handler. Spencer went on to serve as chairman and chief steward of his bargaining unit. | Stephenson and Cooper on stage together at the union hall of Chicago Local 134 in May 2022. A native of Rock Island, Ill., Stephenson started as an apprentice wireman in 1975, joining Local 145. "We've all seen a lot of open calls in all classifications, and to fill that workforce, we're going to have to do things differently and think outside the box," Reaves said. I'm proud to be her friend and IBEW sister," says International Representative Kelly Foster, who worked with Luiz at the water district and followed her onto the Ninth District staff. The IBEW has members in both the United States and Canada and stands out among the American unions in the AFL-CIO because it is among the largest and has members in so many skilled occupations. . Prior to his appointment as an international representative, Fenton was a panel member of the Council on . Reithel then worked the tools at Sweney Electric in Merrillville from 2000 until 2008 and was an area foremen before becoming a full-time business representative for Local 697. He's laser focused on what he wants to accomplish, but he genuinely wants to hear everyone's thoughts and feedback. He served many roles at his local union, including steward, vice president, president, chairman trustee for the Pension Fund, chairman trustee for the Annuity, and chairman of trustees for the Health and Welfare Fund. read Former IBEW Local 1260 boss found guilty of fraud, embezzlement, Hawaii Coalition Against Legalized Gambling, Hawaii's Partnership for Appropriate & Compassionate Care, Hawaii Free Press - All Rights Reserved, A jury found Local 1260s former business manager and his wife guilty of all charges, Ex-labor leader who used union money to fund lavish lifestyle found guilty of 69 counts, Former electrical workers union leader found guilty of using union dues to live the high life, Former union boss found guilty, bail revoked. That work experience helped Reithel stand out. Section 5. Privacy Statement. Stephenson gavels the IBEW's 40th International Convention to a close in May 2022. Pension & Reciprocity The department makes its greatest contribution through its involvement in improving the productivity and quality of work life for all staff and employees, reinforcing the belief that our greatest asset is the people who work here. 5 general branches of IBEW are: inside wireman Outside wireman Safety & Health He experienced the breadth of the IBEW's sectors as business manager of the eclectic statewide local, which includes wiremen, linemen, tree trimmers, telecom workers, public employees and more. This was never about me, but about all of us working together as a team to make the IBEW bigger, stronger and more effective for improving the lives of our members and future members. "But it's also exciting.". The IBEW represents approximately 775,000 active members and retirees who work in a wide variety of fields, including utilities, construction, telecommunications, broadcasting, manufacturing, railroads and government. "I've got big shoes to fill, and that can be daunting," he said. He resides in Clarksburg, Maryland, with his wife, Gina. The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) represents approximately 775,000 members and retirees who work in a wide variety of fields, including construction, utilities, manufacturing, telecommunications, broadcasting, railroads and government. - Tel. Recognized as a progressive labour leader, I've spent my time working hard for my members and their families- skillfully representing them in all aspects of labour relations, as a spokesperson with the media, and in dealings with . "I thought he was a great guy who had a lot of energy. My name is Kris Anderson and I work as an International Representative for the IBEW's 3rd District. CN LOCAL REPRESENTATIVES.