It connects to Pinwheel Circus, by going into the green tent (purple in earlier versions) after the Browboy fight. All. [getWidget results='3' label='recent' type='list'], Part Seven: Pinwheel Circus and Pinwheel Funhouse, in which case you'll find a portal to one of the endings in the tiny space between the trees. It's not just a random date that the food company picked out of thin air. These are the only two choices a player can make after entering the fourth Glitched Object, unless resetting the game counts. FNAF World Wikia is a FANDOM Games Community. Return to the water and sail north, sticking to the east as much as you can. Five Nights at Freddy's Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. - Walk into the water and Freddy will hop onto a lily pad and start cruising on it like a surfboard. This key can unlock all the buttons to defeating Security. Three boxes will appear, each trigger a code; you need to stand on the middle box, with the code '395248'. Once there you're treated to a reminder from Fredbear. Theyre spread throughout Animatronica, and will require a fair bit of backtracking and exploration to locate. Where do I go after Lilygear Lake is avaible to jump to? Glorious Bytes. There's a small, hidden chamber in here that leads to a hidden boss. No big deal. He. Save view resource pack show . If youre not careful, they can deal a significant amount of damage. Animdude is a powerful opponent, and can only be defeated by using the correct strategy. There are many mushrooms and some bushes in the water. Nothing terribly notable about em. Healing away its normal attacks is okay, but youre better off going on an immediate offensive with all characters and doing what you can to decimate the bastards health in a hurry. He is the main antagonist and can be defeated in Hard Mode by entering the tent. Theres a Lolbits Byte Store up here, this one selling. It is important to avoid his attacks and stay on the offensive in order to defeat him. First and foremost, watch out for obstacles. Take the key and head to a portal located in Choppy's Woods (this section is accessible from the northwest of Lilygear Lake (Jump 4). Security is a character in FNaF World Simulator. A slip into a Subtunnel will bring you round to this new area. Beartraps. It is an water based area which is unique as compared to most areas in game. There is also secret entrances from one of tents in Pinwheel Circus and a tombstone at the end of secret passage above Blacktomb Yard. Go to the tent at the top when you first enter the funhouse. Were you looking for the core series character, Pigpatch? Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! You control a lily pad/boat to move around and find things. Its important to note that several of these chests require you to glitch into the landscape, allowing you to walk over trees, rocks, tents, and so forth without impediment. - Upon defeating Security youll gain access to its tent. Originally, Geist Lair was firstly in FNaF World, where it was introduced in Update 2. (In truth, this lock is only useful if you've gotten all of the clocks. The third lock is in Choppys Woods, though its accessible only from Lilygear Lake. The second lock is in the southwest corner of Dusting Fields. Head back there via Jump and youll find that the glowing gates near the Lolbits Byte Store have vanished. I have been in pinwheel circus though, but all that seems to be there is lolbit. Splinkle is the only fan-made animatronic included in Geist Lair, as the others are enemies and Supreme Fredbear is from the Universe End in FNaF World. Animdude is the creator of the Five Nights at Freddys series, and is therefore responsible for the events of the game. Ironically, all of the enemies are named and based off creatures found in the sea, These includes crabs, squids and seaweed. But I remembered he worn me not to go more than 3 sub tunnels down, or I could get stuck or something. They are the only way of entering the sub-tunnels that helps the player get to unreachable places, such as the Blacktomb Yard and the location of the Key. This battle is awful. It is an water based area which is unique as compared to most areas in game. A Green and White Plant found in Lilygear Lake. He is a giant pig animatronic made entirely out of tan, purple, pink, and green-colored patches . Go outside of the Screen to the right and around Blacktomb Yard. The Key can be found in an area of Lilygear Lake that can only be accessed by going through a sub-tunnel in Pinwheel Funhouse. Lilygear Lake is a lake full of trees, lilypads, mushrooms and wide open water. To get here you need to head through a few Subtunnels, outlined in the previous article. Pizza Roll is excellent for dragging its health bar down to zero in a hurry. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. How do I get the key to Lilygear Lake? Despite looking like the Beartraps you were just fighting, these guys are. From area4 go to north, then go left and then find a gitctched tree at south when you re-enter in the second part of area1 Wait, what do you mean by "second part of area 1"? Once there, press up against the third grave from the bottom in the far west of the graveyard. But he's nowhere I've seen. Press up against the stump from below to get glitched into the landscape. Take a right where you come in, then head south when you hit an intersection to find the clock. Contents 1 Fazbear Hills 2 Choppy's Woods 3 Dusting Fields 4 Lilygear Lake 5 Mysterious Mine 6 Blacktomb Yard 7 Deep Metal Mine 8 Pinwheel Circus 9 *& TWRE 10 Pinwheel Funhouse 11 FOXY FIGHTERS 12 FNAF 57: FREDDY IN SPACE 13 FOXY.EXE 14 CHICA'S RAINBOW Fazbear Hills Adventure Balloon Boy Adventure JJ They are the only way of entering the sub-tunnels that helps the player get to unreachable places, such as the Blacktomb Yard and the location of the Key . Theeeey will smack you. FNAF Plush: Toy Bonnie Plush 8. Walk around the right side of the Mines entrance and touch the bottom of the nearest rock. Theres a secret path in the plants along this path that will allow you to debark on the northeastern shore of Blacktomb Yard. There are a few things to keep in mind when traversing the sub-tunnel. 3D 29 Withered Bonnie 2022 Pin By Barrelisred $3. - Blacktomb Yard is located in the south of Lilygear Lake. The tombstone youre looking for is snugged up beside a tree. link to How Do You Get Rid Of Hard Calcium Deposits In The Shower? If you hit Security with a strong attack, it will counter with an even stronger one. This thing can hit for upwards of 500 points of damage, which is. Seaweed. Okay, well, unlock it if you want, I guess. There are three entrances, one in Choppy's Woods on the right from Jump 2, one in Dusting Fields and one in Choppy's Woods from Lilygear Lake. Originally, when entering Lilygear Lake, Freddy would ride a lily pad, but this was changed in the 1.1 Update to a boat. There are several things to keep in mind when facing Animdude. Colossals. The black section of the Subtunnel contains a warp point, but its kind of a false friend, and youre looking for a flashing tree on your right as you head south. In the lower left-hand corner is the boss Porkpatch and the key, which is required to finish the game. Overclock doesnt hit very hard, considering its size, but it uses Unscrew. Be careful of its counterattack. Instead of Splinkle, all the other characters are original. The expiration date also labeled Arew is the go-to source for all your home improvement, gardening, cooking, and family needs. Surf north from the entrance of Lilygear and check the trees to the south as you walk west. From area4 go to north, then go left and then find a gitctched tree at south when you re-enter in the second part of area1. - Lilygear Lake is the fourth major, mandatory area youll encounter. You'll also speak to Fredbear - Walk into the water and Freddy will hop onto a lily pad and start cruising on it like a surfboard. Instead of just walking around, you ride a boat through the lake. Let the BossDrain and UFO Bytes do most of the work. Eventually youll pop out in a new area: Blacktomb Yard. It contains the, The first red chest you see is the second you can collect. Show more Show more FNaF. - Dont start exploring this new area just yet, though. Upon touching them, they lead to the Sub-Tunnels. Welcome to the FNaF World Wiki, the one and only true encyclopedia on all information upon the newly released RPG FNaF World, based off the Five Nights at Freddy's series. Fight a Mad Endo and you can claim a chest containing the. Nightmarionne has a somewhat identical appearance to its counterpart in the core series. Porkpatch is a character in the game Lilygear Lake. Lilygear Lake is the fourth area in FNaF World. Finally, his tent is surrounded by a field of electricity that will damage anything that touches it. A self-taught DIYer, Tammy loves nothing more than tackling a new project in her own home. Check the edge of the trees abutting Lilygear Lake near the entrance and youll find a hidden path that winds down to the edge of the Circus grounds. Five Nights at Freddy's World Wikia is a FANDOM Games Community. Once they are defeated, the player should then focus on attacking Animdude himself. Upon defeating Porkpatch youll gain a Key. Be prepared to go through most of the game again to find em all. 2D Yet another Lolbits Byte Store is waiting over yonder, this one selling the. You get to Security by defeating Chica and Foxy in Pinwheel Circus. As ever, the enemies get a bit of a change-up once youre on the water: In addition to the normal enemies above, theres a decent chance youll randomly run into one of. She can sell the player a party member, Golden Bouncepot, whose attacks are customizable. The scenery is a lake with lily pads, dead plants, and rocks. Head east in the Subtunnel and keep your eye open for a flashing tree in the southeast. You want to stand on the middle box, which displays the code '395248'. Once Animdude is defeated, the player will be able to access the true ending of the game. He is the boss of the game and can be found by swimming to the bottom of the lake and entering the cave there. Use the arrow keys to move around the area. Five Nights at Freddy's Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Hit the button nearby to open a path back to Lilygear Lake, and speak to Fredbear if you like. Lilly pads are also scattered around the map No NPCs have been confirmed so far. Fredbear's waiting for you when you arrive, at which point you're free to explore. To reach this ending, the player must first travel to the most northern area of Choppy's Woods, accessed through Lilygear Lake. This is the only . Animdude is the final boss in FNaF World. Need help with lilygear lake I've been exploring the are for a few minutes, I've found out where the key is, but I can't get to it, I haven't found any glitched areas either. In the 2D version, they traverse on a lilypad. Here's my list of Creepypastas that should be made into movies in my opinion!