Unlocking the mission and the first visit in Butcher Creek. Alternatively, take the long path around the Foreman's Office, behind the Annesburg and up the hill towards the mines. Where can I find the special miracle tonic pamphlet. MORE:BioShock is a Good IP for a Western Game like RDR2, Red Dead Redemption 2's Bennett Brothers Mystery Explained, Pokemon Scarlet and Violet DLC Expansion Pass, Red Dead Redemption's Strange Man is Still the Franchise's Most Interesting Mystery, Red Dead Redemption 2 Player Makes Ida B. The Jameson Mining and Coal Company is a coal mining company featured in Red Dead Redemption 2. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Micah then gives Dutch some business documents he stole from the Jameson offices which reveal Cornwall had purchased a major stake in the coal company and had ordered much of the mine's dynamite supply to be moved to Saint Denis and resold. Head inside and you will eventually get to a plunger connected to some dynamite. ti raleigh 40th anniversary replica. Yeah Annesburg is full of angry people, the people of Van Horn are far nicer and more timid. There are three locations you will find the Ember of the East, and it'll be determined randomly each time you run the mission. It has a red roof and a green door. Effectively, you need to make your way to the location where the second letter spawn is, as detailed above. Players are still uncovering mysteries in Red Dead Redemption 2 years after its release, including the story of the Bennett brothers' gold. During "The Delights of Van Horn", Arthur and Bill steal a company coach loaded with dynamite passing through Van Horn Trading Post. Simply open it to loot the gemstone, and quietly make your escape. //