It should be noted that in the low series, the quality of the Squier tuners and the bridges are a common complaint, but it does not apply to the Classic Vibe line. Can you sort out all of your reject wood that you haven't touched so we can come get back to work a little quicker?" The Fender American Performer Stratocaster is an American-made guitar with more affordable components. The brand was Fender's budget solution, giving them the ability to use their classic guitar designs at affordable, entry-level prices. Made in India Squier IIs seem to follow the made in USA serial numbering scheme. Automotive Services. American Ultra is our most advanced series of guitars and basses for discerning players who demand the . #2. stratocaster made in mexico squier series, stratocaster made in mexicosquierseries, stratocastermadeinmexicosquierseries, stratocaster made in mexico squier. Normally, the differences between the standard Fender brands and the Squier brands of guitar are clear and plain, but in the '90s, a number of guitars were released by Fender that blurred this distinction. But which one to choose, Fender or Squier? The Fender "Squier Series" Stratocaster - Not A Typical Squier! Jan 12, 2010. We will tear down all the hidden myths and secrets. All previous models were made in Japan, Korea, Mexico, and a rare US model. New Chinese guitars, the Classic Vibe model with an alder body and alnico pickups, have little to envy the Fender Mexico of the Player Series, at the same time that they cost 40% less. This makes the tonal differences between the true and its alternative less than what happens with Gibson and Epiphone. I have the same 1/2 inch long indentations in the neck pocket also. How do I know this? As the Mexican plant production ramped up, Fender supplemented output by building some Squires in their U.S.A. plant in 1989-1990. Hi. Fender has used the Squier brand since 1982 to market inexpensive variants of Fender guitars to compete with Stratocaster copies, as the Stratocaster became more popular. Both guitars have Medium Jumbo frets, although some versions of the Squier like the new 70s have Narrow Tall, which is great news. Fender factory hardware will last longer and may not require replacement. RelativePitch56. Change of tuner machines, noisy potentiometers, selectors with false contact, etc. i have both japanese fender squier series 93/94 with spaghetti logo and mim 95 the japanese one is definitely the better guitar,i gig with it often,but the mim is a good strat the body and neck are really good beidge,tuners not so though i dont really have any major tumimg problems with for it mainly being played by beginners lol while irs nor my main strat,those being a usa g and l legacy,japon fender foto flame strat 97 and the afore mentioned japon squier series the mim squier series still gets playrd and ive been playing for years,my mim has staggered pole pups on when i bought not sure if they are originals but as far as i know the pups on the mim squier series are the same as the mim standard of the time only difference being tuners,bridge and scratchplate. It's not known if all the "Squier Series" guitars feature the logo on the ball of the headstock, but the solid black logo along with the other features should be a strong pointer. It just says Squier by Fender and stratocaster written out in smaller print..ill post a pic if i can. Fender players can be fiercely loyal and highly knowledgable about their guitars - and for good reason! The Korean companies Young Chang (famous Piano maker), Cor-tek (Cort guitars), Saehan and well known Samick made the Squier's and Squier II's also from 1988 thru 1998. Electronic components are of the lowest quality as well as the bridge and tuners but it sound very good. E-Gitarre Fender Squier Classic Vibe '50s Stratocaster MN - Fiesta Red Gitarre ist neu. Brand new condition Squier Stratocaster . I have a guitar that says "Stratocaster" on the headstock. Squier has incorporated this species of wood as a replacement for ash, a tonewood with quite scooped characteristics, that is, with good high and low frequencies, and soft mids. As someone above stated learn to play really well and maybe you will be blessed with a sponsorship from Fender. Fender Stratocaster v Fender Telecaster. Since the last thing that we want is disturbing your diet 990 $ 999. Squier stamp in the neck pocket - yet to confirm if this is typical of "Squier Series" bodies. Actually, about to trade it so it can get some use and I can get some gear I have been eyeing. The Squier Classic Vibe series captures the authenticity of original Fender designs in a "greatest hits" collection of models that are easy on the eyes and ears, easy to play, and impossible . Squier Catalogs listed the Fender Squier series as Standards. One of the most important cost adjustment variables in a guitar is the components, including the pickups. For a couple years, Squiers were even made in the US by two undisclosed companies that Fender has hidden well. I have a 96..Im guesiing traditional series..unless the head stock was sanded, but read some didnt even have the marking so w/e. All 90s MIM necks and bodies were CNC cut in the US. The body and neck are solid and the hardware is rusty. We did not wait for a law to make us respect our members and visitors' privacy. M serial. However, later in the early 90s, they were replaced by laminated bodies of the same wood, which meant a significant drop in quality. Not the black label "Squier Series" ones. Although the finish on the lower-priced and lower-end Squier is consistently less accurate, more expensive models like the Classic Vibe, Vintage Modified, Deluxe, and Standard feature good quality. People have a habit of buying one of these and immediately bastardize it before even playing it. But the Fender company would never and should never label a product to be anything than what it represents. Squier has done the same with its finishes. Since there are differences in size and measurements -imperial vs metric-. They are the same thing as MIM Strat Standard models, except for some downgrades to allow them to be sold at a lower price point. It is simple to analyze the differences between the two guitars roughly. Some even claim that in general Fender MIM guitars tend to weigh less than Squier models. So while, in general terms, Squier uses lower quality metals for most of its components, but in the case of the Classic Vibe they do their job well. Presently available in several languages including French and English, with over 700,000 registered members, AudioFanzine offers, free of charge, and for over 10 years, content and services in the fields of audio and musical instruments. with too much fat or too much sugar, you'll be glad to learn that we made them ourselves with fresh, organic and fair ingredients, My opinion. But Fender has done a great job with Squier and has expanded the line enormously. Before I'd played with this guitar, I hadn't suspected that it was anything other than a Fender Stratocaster. As the Squier label carries its own baggage due to its budget nature, it's widely thought that many of the people who owned these "Squier Series" Fenders took steps to hide the name, despite the fact they owned proper Fender guitars. Yep this is exactly the guitar that's for sale. Maple fretboard, red body. I couldn't believe that this was actually a cheaper-built Squier; it felt too good! I was not aware that there was a "Squier Series" Strat model. If you have one of these "Squier Series" Fenders, you do own a proper Fender, and not a lesser Squier. Thanks for the info! Examples - the First was FujiGen Gakki of Japan that made Squier's and Fenders FOR Fender from 1982 - 1996. It has the big Fender Logo in either gold or silver script with black outline (guitar is at home so can't recall which) & tiny little Squire Series on the ball. Gotoh Tuners, '54 Alnico Pickups, New Electronics, Vintage Tremelo, the works! On the other hand, if you take a poplar one or a Nato one, the differences will be more noticeable. My opinion is just that. Strange that there is no mention of Fuji Gen plant or Fender Japan. I have, in fact, a 94 Squier series and I upgraded every single part, from the tuners to the nut to the pickguard, trem, etc. Sounds good to me!! -the tuning machine holes weren't drilled to 25/64", -the bridge mounting isn't drilled for 2-point tremolo. Your email address will not be published. item 1 Fender Stratocaster Made in Mexico Squier Series 1994 Fender Stratocaster Made in Mexico Squier Series 1994. Presumably, this was another cost-cutting exercise to bring the price of the guitars down. I've had cheap and expensive guitars. Any guitar has a cost to maintain, and cheaper guitars usually require higher expenses. First, I know this is an older subject but remains relevant as more and more of these still somewhat on the scarce side (atleast in the US) fine guitars are being discovered in closets and under beds with their owners seeking info on just what they have.collecting dust. On the back they say "Made in Mexico". After cleaning it up s a really nice axeanyone else with info on this would be appreciated..can send picsthx dave. Today, the new Classic Vibe 50s features this wood. I'll also mention what I found to be the case on my guitar and a number of others I've seen dissected on the forums. What I didn't know, and nor did the seller, was that this was in fact a "Squier Series" Stratocaster. This isn't necessarily so, as not all "Squier Series" guitars are thought to have had the black logo on the ball of the headstock. Stratocaster: 25th Anniversary Stratocaster (1979) 1954 Limited Edition Stratocaster (Catalog Copy, 1994) 2014 American Deluxe Strat Plus Tutorial Eric Clapton Stratocaster (1988) Hellecasters Jerry Donohue Stratocaster (1997) Hellecasters John Jorgenson Stratocaster (1997) Reissue '68 Stratocaster (Japan 1986) Reissue '72 Stratocaster (Japan 1986) I know that the electronics/pickups are ok, but the body is alot heavier than squire strats I have played at guitar center. The Series is considered to be a great guitar for mid-level guitar players. (4 all together) Like american tooling holes from that period, but not the the flat bottom hole found on mex guitars & squires. Selling my Fender Squier Strat Affinity 2004 Overall good condition Newly restrung and serviced Happy for you to come and try it out Pickup Ingleside 2101, 1309247953. In short, Fender makes guitars in the USA, Mexico, Japan, Korea, Indonesia, and China. Maybe some day those very large expensive Manufacturing Companies will be giving those guitars to you for your autograph. Those that are made with an Alder body really are excellent music instruments. The volume knob has been replaced. Which is why I laugh at anyone who looks at my MIK SS and passes it off as a cheap mislabeled Squier. Kostenlos. Electric guitar giant Fender manufactures countless instruments from really inexpensive models like Modern Player Made in China, to expensive Custom Shop guitars made in the USA, in addition to its production from Japan and Mexico. Boss Katana 100 Mk . Free shipping for many products! In '96 Fender stopped calling them the "Squier Series" and renamed them the "Traditional Series". It plays and feels great. If you have a very limited budget, you can go for a Squier Stratocaster CV, both new or in the used market. I t was very dirty and had obviously not been played in years. I own one of these guitars left-hand bought in the '95. Will never eve sell it.. Per Dan Smith of Fender (see interview on reverb), the Squier brand wasn't originally introduced to be a budget brand but was introduced in 82 to differentiate branding between the Japanese and American production lines due to complaint of the lack of such by distributors and vendors. Anyone knows if these are decent for $150. And the best part: got it at a pawnshop for just 90 bucks. Anyway, some of these old Squiers or Fender-Squiers are true gems for the price, they just might need upgraded pots and hardware. Fender "Squier Series" Standard Stratocaster 1992 - 1996. no country of origin or serial number..nothing under neck or body. Although there are also veneering techniques that serve to conceal the number of wood pieces of the body with translucent finishes. I found a guitar on my local craigslist, and it says it's a "Squier Series" on the headstock. These "Squier Series" guitars carry a couple of prominent features that easily allows them to be recognised, provided those features haven't been tampered with. only the mexican tremolo fits. BODY AND ARM. Regarding this, the Mexico has a two-pivot Fender Stratocaster Standard bridge, while the Squier brings the vintage-type tremolo of six pivots. 7 years ago. Your purchases also help protect forests, including trees traditionally used to make instruments. What is the difference between the black labeled Squire Series strats that were made in Mexico and the silver labeled Squire Series strats made in Korea? Check the pots on your silver label MIKs. As good as Squier guitars can be, most musicians will use them until they are able to afford a proper Fender. Neck is 1 piece maple with skunk stripe and microtilt, but drilled for tiny cheapie tuners. The humbuckers used by Squier are also built with ceramic magnets, with more emphasis on output than tonal clarity. It is also used by Gibson in its entry-level models. The MIM Fender Strat "Squier Series" had a short production life in the nineties, sharing bodies and necks with the MIM Standard Strat. Fender Stratocaster, Squier Series, Made in Korea, with a CN2 S/N. This is probably where you will find the biggest difference between the different brands. I finally replaced the neck on it this year, since the frets were very worn. Cars, Trailers & Excavators Hire; Not all had Squier bodies some had locally made Standard series bodies. the 6 tremolo mounting screws are different spacing than american. This was quite informative and interesting. 1 of 200 made Fender Strat 1 of 200 made Fender Tele Both in amazing condition per photos. I actually found this article as I've been trying to dig up more on it but haven't had too much luck. I bought a Silver label Squire Series in 93 and upgraded everything. Nov 13, 2009 #14 C. Carl Dummann TDPRI Member. 7.25. It was black with a maple neck. The wood is easily as good as the standard Fender counterparts. A new Fender American Professional Stratocaster guitar can cost up to $1500. Among these models are the Classic Vibe, which are the top of the range, which has included models with Alder, thus offering the same tonewoods as Fender: alder and ash. as they are all 21 frets. The nato is used today for the new Squier Stratocaster Classic Vibe 60s, replacing the Alder. The guitar was decent, very good, it had the perfect neck (satin, thin but not too thin, rosewood fingerboard and faultless workmanship) and played and sounded great. Made in Mexico decal on the back and solid maple neck. You might be able to discern a price that way. Fender also made an American, Mexican and Korean version of the Squier Series all of which are nice guitars and of course in that order. Typically, the "Squier Series" Stratocaster is a Fender guitar, roughly on a par with the current Mexican Standard. Poplar is a tonewood used in cheap model guitars. It has a single ply pick guard. These cookies do not store any personal information. I have a "Squire Series" myself and have been looking for all the information I could find on this guitar. Standard Stratocaster Squier Series (1994-6/1996) MEXICO - Squier Standard Series, "Black Label Series" MODEL NUMBER 013-3600- (Color#): rosewood 013-3602- (Color#): maple 013-3620- (Color#): rosewood, left hand - Only (506), (580) finish BODY Body Material: Poplar Body Finish: Polyurethane Body Shape: Stratocaster NECK Neck Material: Maple . Fender began making guitars in Mexico in 1989 intending to replace guitars that were previously made by Fender Japan. This seller has not set a shipping cost for United Kingdom. So I swapped ALL the parts. "Squier series" were made in Korea, Mexico and Japan. As it turns out, Squier, in this case, signifies something different to the Squier brand. Anyway my question is the stock pickups..anyone have any idea what they are.I switched mine out for noiseless, but never really knew what they were..they didnt sound half bad as I recall. It had cheap diamond tuners. In the video below, Miike from Made by Miike, gives an interesting review of the Squier Stratocaster Classic Series 60s, and a comparison with Fender guitars. The last Squier made in N America 25 years ago before finally moving to Indonesia. I recently acquired one of the Korean Cor Tec Squire Series FENDER Strat. The same happens, to a lesser extent, but also between Fender USA and Mexico. A gold with black out line Squire logo. Where are Guitars Made - fun. However, it must be demystified and clarified that although there are many detractors of basswood, the reality is that it is a more prejudiced than objective position. As part of their drive to expand the budget side of the business, presumably to increase sales turnover, Fender brought out the Made In Mexico Fender "Squier Series". Mexican Standard Stratocaster squier series. Its on its 3rd set of fret wire. Verkaufe E-Gitarre Squier by Fender Stratocaster + Roland Cube 60 Verstrker funktioniert.,E-Gitarre Squier by Fender Stratocaster + Roland Cube 60 Verstrk in Niedersachsen - Buxtehude. I think the TS guitars were made until '98 or '99. The Affinity Series Stratocaster combines the classic features that made the Stratocaster a rock and roll favorite: sonic flexibility, authentic Fender sound, vintage style and eye-catching finishes. of Frets: 21 Scale Length: 25.5" (648 mm) Width @ Nut: 1.650" (42 mm) Hardware: Chrome The neck is too narrow at the heel to accommodate a vintage spaced tremelo. I bought a 1989 replaced the pickups mojotone texas pickups fender tuners on of the best necks i have ever played squireq1 stratocaster the best guitar love it. Hey! Zero buckle rash. The twins. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. I purchased my Fender Squire in 1989 . When I got a decent hand at building I sold my American Standard (for way too cheap) and regretted it the day after. It doesn't have the same tooling marks as a MIM Strat body, and as stated peviously, was made in USA. Given I paid $205 including a tweed hard case it's pretty hard to say I got "ripped off" but I was clueless about these at the time. Squier Bullet Stratocasters I bought a Squire Series Tele years ago, it plays as well as any Fender I've played. Apparently it was a 1994. $106 b/c they thought it was a cheap ol' Squier. The new Squier Stratocaster Classic Vibe cost around EUR 370/380 in Europe and USD 400 in the United States. I've got several of each and love them, i just recently bought a Squier by Fender "Stratocaster" from what i believe is the early nineties. A free one! Made for 10 months only. He was the companies equipment engineering manager for production. Fenders, on the other hand, use the traditional tonewoods, maple and alder. Color: 3-Color Sunburst. The Guitar sounds so Sweet that it will bring Tears to your eyes! Fender Squier Bullet Stratocaster HT - Dakota Red Visit the Fender Store 222 ratings | 16 answered questions $13999 In stock Color: Dakota Red See more About this item SUPERIOR COMFORT: The easy-to-play mapleC-shaped neck profile provides extreme comfort while playing. can someone tell me what i got? For example, a 1990 made in India Squier II serial number would start with N0 plus 5 digits. Firstly, Fender have been producing guitars since the 1940s. color then but is now. But that's hardly the reason it feels, and plays, and sounds as amazing as it does. Historically, the Fender was an expensive American guitar and the Squier its cheap Asian version. Ive been unable to find much info on obvious sanding off of logos came with 500k pots for volume and tone. Don't get me wrong, it is a lovely guitar, but I uncovered a surprise when I took the neck off to make some adjustments. Looks like Alder. However, the USA plant is rumored to have helped pick up some of the slack until the Mexican factory reopened. According to internet lore, these guitars were the same American bodies and necks the base Mexican Standards used, but with Japanese or Korean electronics. I have a Squier Series stratocaster but the logo isn't solid black, it's black outlined silver and the pick guard is a 3ply.. Any info on this particular model?