On-line through Amazon. Hi. 3D Printed Futuristic Space Age Wall Clock. Take a high-layer bar and press it between dies that have been drilled full of almost-touching holes, then grind the resulting bumps off. For etching, you'll find a confusing array of products, including standard muriatic acid as well as products such as Klean-Strip Green Muriatic Acid ($7.84 per gallon at Home Depot) and. on Step 8. Don't touch it with your hands. Using muriatic acid is no joke, and many DIYers believe it to be a . You can repeat 5 and 6 steps for a deep etch if you wish. this works well as a etchant but i have found ferric made this way is not as stable as store bought. You can make a reasonable facsimile of ferric by dissolving steel wool in muriatic acid. I know the website says not to mix it but we're also not using it to make custom circuit boards Here is a link to some interesting information regarding concentrations Begin the etching process. However by simply etching the look will not be correct for gun barrels, and will be a relatively light contrast. The strength of the acid generally determines how quickly the steel will be etched, the stronger the acid, the faster the process. Water down with 4 parts water to 1 part ferric. hey guys, i used the lovely search function with pretty much no results. When etching Damascus steel, it is important to use an acid specifically formulated for this purpose. Muriatic acid needs no dilution. Electronics supply stores. No matter how effective it is. KMT 106 - Etching Damasteel knife blades with muriatic acid JohnGrimsmo 76.1K subscribers Subscribe 126K views 7 years ago Damasteel is a powdered metallurgy stainless damascus steel. I degrease with multiple wipes of acetone on new paper towels each time, but some guys prefer dish soap and water or alcohol. Ferric Acid will result in a double grey pattern (dark and light grey pattern) on either a matte or polished finish. Any form of agitation not only helps the etch to even out, it also helps the acid work faster by removing oxides from the surface of the steel. Michael, my advise would be to dilute it down subtantially with distilled water. Ferric Chloride - 1 Quart - 1000 ML - Copper Etchant Solution - Stainless Steel Etching Cream 4.6 (203) $2499 $22.49 with Subscribe & Save discount FREE delivery Tue, Feb 28 on $25 of items shipped by Amazon Small Business MG Chemicals - 415-4L Ferric Chloride Copper Etchant Solution, 4L Liquid Bottle 4.7 (269) $4835 - $6862 FREE delivery A place for all things chef knives. Generally speaking, you want to be at about a 400 grit finish or better to get an even etch across the pattern. A standard strength for a careful etch on copper is 42 baume, above this and the ferric will etch more slowly as the solution is viscous. The generally accepted shelf life of ferric chloride solution is approximately six months. Klean-Strip Muriatic Acid can be used to etch concrete, brighten concrete and masonry, or remove excess mortar from bricks. Aside from being beautiful, Damascus steel is valued because it maintains a keen edge, yet is hard and flexible. We therefore recommend you check the strength of you solution and if necessary gradually dilute with water until you reach a strength of 42 baume. Damascus Steel the two give much different results. Report. Then sanded to 400 grit, I took the Muriatic Acid from the bottle that was 32% strong as the bottle says and placed 24 oz of water in a plastic tub, I then added the acid about 8 oz . I dont own any Damascus and this is my first, so is that normal? It is. With clean water, dampen the surface to be etched. Weapons made from Damascus steel are vastly superior to weapons formed from iron! It will rust almost immediately if you don't. In your well-ventilated area, mix together one part muriatic acid to two parts hydrogen peroxide in a container thats big enough to fit the whole blade. Yes. [woocommerce-login-nonce] => 1. For most projects and uses, though, its plenty strong and durable. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdJMFMqnbLYqv965xd64vYg, https://www.etsy.com/shop/JStatesBladesmith. After 10 minutes take it out and give it a quick dip in the bucket of water. Of course, it is possible for any smith to have an improper batch, but any frequency of Damascu, Damascus1 creates the best products in America made of Damascus steel. How do I heat-treat 440C/CPM-154 Damascus billet? Chaotic Neutral: Give me liberty, or receive death. Even polishing hard will remove the pattern. Using expired acids creates problems with your etching, and you do not want to get it after you have started your acute too old to work properly. You must log in or register to reply here. Every time Hi all, I just completed a dagger, but after I was done RE: New Bladesmith Skill Development And Evaluation. 03-25-2007, 09:56 PM. It won't hurt glass or plastic, but the fumeswill eat a metal lid. You can do this by first mixing a small solution in your watering can starting at a 5:1 ratio. If not, dip it in the acetone (see lovely photo) then repeat the previous step until you're happy. How To Acid Etch Metal With Vinegar The Art Of Weapons. It is a common mistake that when you work with Damascus, the risk of extinction - the layers of separation - is just what you should do. Technically, most of the time, we laser etch the knife if lasering on the blade, and engrave it on the wood handle (if the knife has a wood handle). Phone Number: 541-684-4623E-mail: info@rideable.orgMailing Address:P.O. Muriatic acid will strip the galvanizing off, Ospho, which is phosphoric acid can be used to etch the zinc to get the paint to stick, it is also a 'rust reformer' changing ferric oxide 'rust' to phosphoric oxide, which is stable and can be painted with out worry about latter rusting. Cheers Johnno Damascus etching is completed with either ferric chloride or muriatic acid. Keep it submerged for 10 to 15 minutes. Don't mess with muriatic acid! Etch in Muriatic Acid from the local hardware store. Step 1: Sanding Bring your Damascus to a 400 to 600 grit finish. Now we're using muriatic acid and loving it. Bubbling air through it hastens the re-oxidation. The best quality Damascus does not end. Muriatic acid; Baking soda for neutralizing the acid; pH test strips . Mix baking soda with distilled water, using a lot of cooking soda so you can dip your piece to reduce acids and stop acne action. Etching Damascus steel is usually to bring out the contrast between the layers; if that's not what you want, you might be better off with a mechanical etch that ignores the layers. Ive never gotten a uniform etch on an HI khuk, even when soaking the blade completetly in the solution. Pour 1 part acid into 10 parts water to make an acid solution. Very carefully pour your acid in, being sure not to cause any spills or splashes. The concentration from such sources is typically ~8.9M, or 32% (by mass). Hose down or dampen the entire area. ), but here's my thoughts: The acid only reaches the surface, so it's natural that the pattern will sand off. Complete etches in a well ventilated space and wear gloves, eye protection, and an apron or old clothes. Place your board to be etched in your new solution and watch it go! What products are often used? I etch pretty deeply (3-4 soaks at 15-20 minutes, scrubbing oxides off between soaks) then a light buffing with pink scratchless rouge to bring out the contrast. The only bad experience is the one from which you learn nothing. This chemical solution needs to be heated to a temperature of between 160-185F (71-85C) in order to properly etch the metal. Cleaning and Etching Concrete It easily dissolves the efflorescence on the concrete surface and removes other stains as well. Etching with muriatic acid and hydrogen peroxide Flash001USA 9.59K subscribers 87K views 9 years ago This video covers etching circuit boards with a mixture of muriatic acid and hydrogen. Unless you get the vinegar to 400 degrees (Fahrenheit) or higher. you're good on temper. Joshua C States. Ferric Chloride is an iron "salt" of HCl that is nonetheless very acidic, though not as "strong" as HCl. As with all chemicals, make sure you are wearing the appropriate protective clothing and gear. We are limited on the number of characters that can be used as the knives vary in size. Muriatic acid is a powerful and corrosive acidic liquid made from hydrochloric acid, water, and other trace minerals. Mix your Ferric Chloride 1 part to 3 parts of distilled water and put in suitable container. Etching acids can range from powerful hydrochloric or sulfuric acid to much weaker acids even household vinegar, citrus fruit, or mustard can be used effectively. Etching of Damascus is done after manufacturing or grinding of the blank to bring out the contrasting steel patterns. Pretty much unreadable due to very poor English. Stainless Steel and Damascus, Kitchen Knives and Other Specialty Knives, Knife Making Parts : Finger Guards and Butt Caps, Metal Buffing, Grinding and Sanding Tools & Supplies, Knife Sheaths, Cases, Edge Guards & Displays, Hock Handplanes, Draw Knives & Spoke Shaves, Special Order & Construction Grade Products. If you add additional HCl, the etching solution eventually (after many PCB's) becomes mostly cupric chloride, which is also an excellent etchant. This prepares your steel for an even etch. Ecommerce Site by NeONBRAND. Possible acids include muriatic (hydrochloric) acid (HCL), nitric acid (HNO3), or sulfuric acid (H2SO4). Mix the muriatic acid with water (1:10 ratio) in a bucket with the water before the acid, as the other way around will damage the bucket. Ferric chloride is a common acid used for etching Damascus steel. Which type of steel you etch will determine the best acid or chemical to use to etch it with. It is a matter of strength and timing. Then I remembered I'd been thinking of switching to re-usable etchant, created on the bench using muriatic acid (the store name for hydrochloric acid, HCl, used for cleaning swimming pools). You could use clear coat lacquer instead if you like. 7. It is a corrosive salt. My question at the moment is, will hot vinegar ruin the temper on a knife? [_wpnonce] => Powered by Invision Community, good movies, good books, smithing, leatherworking, woodworking, guitar. Once you have gathered all the necessary supplies and safety gear, you will be ready to begin etching your garage floor. Never put acid on the microwave! Sorry for the repeat. If you need to warm your acids to be used, the best way to place your acids container is in a large amount of warm water. Go MINIMUM of 3-1 dilution with DISTILLED water only. Be sure to always wear the appropriate protective gear when you're working with acid. The knife in the photo had 3 ten minute dips. Share it with us! After being etched the blank can be polished to give a stepped or contrasting look. Muriatic also contains some other stuff, typically iron, which is already starting to become ferric. Etching of Damascus is done after manufacturing or grinding of the blank to bring out the contrasting steel patterns. Dilute it about 4:1 water to acid. But in Vegas Forge, they give that and more. It is the readers responsibility to seek out qualified instruction and to research all the health and safety risks involved and take the proper precautions associated with this activity. Then on the last etch , take it out, neutralize the acid without touching the blade, rinse with cold sater, dry the blade with compressed air (I use dust off) and oil . It looks beautiful, I figured it'd have to be more complicated, You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. Dilute by adding 1 part of Muriatic acid to 10 parts of water or 1 cup of acid per liter. Your email address will not be published. There you are, done! Tweet. Then you can either just let the solution be open to air for a few days or add a bit of the hydrogen peroxide and boom, ferric chloride. . Chemicals that form acid in water, such as ferric (iron) chloride or copper sulfate can also be used as etching chemicals. It's not the only way. A short emersion (2-3 minutes) in diluted ferric chloride will show the pattern without etching too deep. That's where I just got a bottle, $14.59 for a quart. etching is completed with chloride with ferric or muriatic acid. Muriatic acid is also less potent because it's diluted with water (usually around 31.5 percent HCl) and contains impurities like iron. 2 Remove any burrs on the edges of the steel. This is how I do it and it works for me. You are using an out of date browser. Our first Etching Damasteel video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=inzrn7kL-2UHere is more information about Damasteel and where to order it from. When you have mixed the acid solution you can start acid etching the concrete. 5. To warm your acid more quickly, the best method is to place the container of acid into a large bowl of warm water. Any help would be greatly appreciated thanks guys. this makes Ferris chloride, you need to add hydrogen peroxide to convert to ferric , go slow in an over large container is is an energetic reaction the ferris will be a green color, add peroxide until it turns brown and it is ferric, add distilled water until it etches nicely. You can also make it, by adding Fe to HCl. Two popular acids to use are Muriatic acid or feric chloride. Damascus Steel rings are made of two alternating types of stainless steel, AEB-L and 302, forged together and worked by hand to produce vivid patterns. How long does ferric chloride take to etch? Makes the material look like carbon steel Damascus. Since you have muriatic acid, its really easy to make ferric chloride. Clean the blade. Using an old dental rubber, dial Drums into acids to help remove any fat or fats that may not be available during cleaning, and remove removal materials as acids do their work. No odor, no smell, not a skin irritant, non-corrosive. How do I heat-treat 3V/CPM-154 Damascus billet? Muriatic acid is diluted hydrochloric acid; it should be handled with extreme care. It still retains enough corrosive quality to etch your steel blades. This is for academic purposes only and should not be considered in any way a thorough instruction on this subject. It also reduces the surface alkalinity of the concrete that can cause some paints to adhere poorly. When someone feels their ferric chloride batch has "gone bad", you can add a tablespoon or so of muriatic acid and regenerate it. Radio Shack sells it online as PCB Etchant. It's often used in swimming pools to lower the pH of the water. Be sure to always wear the appropriate protective gear when youre working with acid. You can etch stainless steel, mild steel, or high-carbon steel. For the Fe, you get some very fine steel wool and dissolve it in the Muriatic until no more will take. I agree on the hammer ski Hello Jesse, Ferric chloride is very popular. Vegas Forge. and wear gloves, eye protection, and clothing. RadioShack carries pcb enchant, aka ferric chloride. Before you begin, check the expiration date on your acid of choice to be sure that it's not too old. How do I heat-treat my stainless Damascus after purchase? rideable.org is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com. Damascus steel is a famed type of steel recognizable by the watery or wavy light and dark pattern of the metal. As soon as you're done, oil it. We have Added Apple Pay, Google Pay & Facebook Pay to our check out. It is done by submerging the blade in an acid. The difference between steel metals creates those different ways, especially when used again. By far, the best way too pickle blades is with white vinegar, just be sure and degrease them first. Toch in Damascus, it should be completely clean. Thoughts? Add clean, clear water to a plastic bucket. #5. For example: "You can also use Windex with this step, but do not try to break your piece. Congratulations on your progress. Remove the Damascus from the acid and dip it in a bath of baking soda and distilled water to neutralize the acid. You can get an even etch if it's random. If too late.no problem that is how we learn. Add the acid to the water to avoid harmful splashing of acid. Tungsten, vanadium, and carbon impurities in the metal formed carbon nanotubules and stretched cementite spheroids that gave the blades their pattern and mechanical properties. This goes with us, but it produces remarkable visibility, and it's good to fix your pieces of photos. I have noticed that Muriatic will produce a much shinier surface than Ferric, without a lot of the black that you would expect. For ferric acid, keep the grit between 400 and 600. If you are using ferric acid, lift it with a compact juice until you are so close to 50/50 acid ratio for water supply. Cleaning the concrete surface with Muriatic Acid is how to Etch Concrete. Whats the proper technique for etching Damascus. Putting acid on your travertine will cause it to initially bubble and fizz (CO2 escaping in the reaction). Use a sprayer or watering container to distribute the acid, scrubbing in as needed. Either will etch any high carbon steel, eventually. . Mix an acid solution by pouring 1 part acid into 10 parts water. In fact, it is not. Can you use muriatic acid to etch a knife? This advanced formula incorporates a custom blend of surfactants, organic minerals and derivatives of a plant based extract for the most effective concrete etching solution available. Essentially you forge weld 2 contrasting types of steel (I used 15N20 and 75Ni8) then manipulate it to make a pattern. Then you will find that you travertine will feel rough and maybe have some pits forming. -- Theodore Roosevelthttp://stephensforge.com. [save-account-details-nonce] => If youre using ferric chloride, dilute your acid with distilled water. and I did neutralize with baking soda bath as directed. i can't wait to mess with it. It truly is one of the best, if not the best, stainless damascus steel in the world. Our mission is preserving and promoting the ancient craft of forged knives through education, testing and certification. Possible acids include muriatic (hydrochloric) acid (HCL), nitric acid (HNO3), or . Following. Posts: 199. I should mention that this should be done outside since the vapors are stinky and it produces hydrogen gas. Etching Concrete: The Process. We are currently having phone problems but we are open normal hours, ** total_quantity ** | ** unit_price ** / ** unit_measure **, Premium Full Tang Stainless Steel Knife Kits, Premium Folding Knives. Mix cup of baking soda with 1-2 quarts of water and spray the muriatic acid to neutralize it. For example, you would use 1 cup of the acid to mix with 2 cups of the peroxide. . I know at least one ABS Mastersmith that used muriatic acid to etch then blue their bladeshe doesn't much care for Floric Chlorideit isn't deep enough. Forseti Steel is a fairly new company that imports what appear to be high quality, handmade knives from Pakistan. How do you prepare ferric chloride solution for etching? Ferric Acid will result in a double grey pattern (dark and light grey pattern) on either a matte or polished finish. Muriatic acid acts like liquid sandpaper by roughening the surface of the concrete. How do you make ferric chloride etching solution? Do not change before creativity! Always use a 1:10 muriatic acid to water the mixture so that the acid is not too strong and difficult to neutralize. I have cleaned with soap and water, acetone, etc. Question For Sale: Custom & Semi Production Knives (Dealer), KnifeMaker's Market: Knives & More for Sale, Wanted: Knifemaker / Craftsman / Related Services, Busse / Swamprat / Scrapyard Knives For Sale, For Sale: Traditionals, Slipjoints, "Old Timey", International (Non-US) For Sale & Trade Forums. Swishing the steel around in the etch to break up the bubbles is not a bad idea either. Toss the PCB into the solution and itll take off. Everything you need to know about ChatGPT. Those rods and shoes represent an unlimited example made of synthetic steel derived from the art combination, a great quality of dedication and, above all, hard work. The "active ingredient" in ferric chloride solution is hydrochloric acid. I don't know if you need a specific concentration of ferric chloride for etching, but I can explain how to make any concentration of ferric chloride as well.