THE Derrico family officially returned to TLC in 2021 for their second season of Doubling Down. How big of a house do the Derricos need? Now, shes pregnant for the sixth time with her fourth multiples pregnancy in a row. The Derricos are a big family, too. My 600-Lb. Just make sure you match the timings to avoid missing the fun. The West Coast family are the latest super-sized family to get their own show on the network. Doubling Down With The Derricos airs Tuesdays at 10pm on TLC. Many are wishing the young woman good luck and some are offering to pray for her. The space is large enough for a family as big as Karen and Deons to live in on a regular day. This time, it was probably a relief to find out that they were having another set of twins. And Im supposed to pamper her. Deon posted the family in the house in December while opening presents on Christmas. She rocked a super-tiny bikini as she showed off her killer physique. Show Alum Steve Howey Is Ready, Police Ram Alana Thompson & Dralins Car Carrying Drugs & Guns, Carlin Bates Makes Drastic Change & Chops Off Long Locks. The petition for foreclosure mediation assistance was dismissed and the foreclosure was to be issued in the normal course of business. Use of these names, logos, and brands does not imply endorsement unless specified. This means that the Derricos have to make a lot of adaptations to take care of the family. Being a real estate investor helps the Doubling Down with the Derricos father win this challenge as well. Not only does the family of 16, plus grandma GG, live in the house but they must require a whole lot of storage space at home, too. While the Derricos family IG account is still racking up followers, father of the family Deon has a huge Instagram following of over 42k. ET. Doubling Down with the Derricos: Where do they live? Read More How Did Karen Derrico Conceive So Many Children? Each episode of the show gave fans a sneak peek into how a life with 14 kids doesnt actually have to be chaotic, as long as the kids are raised right. Then he added, "I honestly believe that she could become a dancer.". SW History: Why Did Robyn Brown Leave Her First Husband? These four women have worked as hard as they can to be where they are today! People may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. In the caption of her post, Karen informed fans that Darian has applied for the summer program at New York Universitys Tisch School of the Arts! 2020 THE SUN, US, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED | TERMS OF USE | PRIVACY | YOUR AD CHOICES | SITEMAP, Derrick and Karen Derrico are the parents of 14 children, The super-sized family call North Las Vegas, Nevada, their home, The Derricos think they might be pregnant with their 15th kid. However, Deon Derrico has teased fans on social media and revealed that the series will return in early 2023. With Karen delivering the triplets at 28 weeks along, everyone had a case of the nerves. When the show airs, youll see that this is a season in which the family is growing. Though the Derricos have not made any public statements as to whether or not they plan to continue having children, its entirely possible that they might. TLCsDoubling Down with the Derricosstars are embarking on a new chapter. TLC's Doubling Down with the Derricos stars are embarking on a new chapter. Prosecutors have indicated they will seek life in prison . All articles, images, product names, logos, and brands are property of their respective owners. More so, they wanted to know how Mama G was doing. February 18, 2023 by Zoe Barlow 0 Comments. Baby Dawsyn has heart issues and needed two surgeries. Because let's be honest it takes a special kind of home to accommodate 14 kids. Episode 4. ET. The family of 16 gives viewers an insight into what life is like with multiple sets of children. To accommodate all the fourteen kids, Karen and Deon transformed the theater room into a nursery and also set up bunk beds for each kid. Their large family is moving forward with lots of big changes. Doubling Down With the Derricos Season 4 will premiere Tuesday, May 30 at 10 p.m. on TLC. Premieres Wednesday, June 14 at 9 p.m. According to the deed, the bank purchased the property for $441,842.06, which is the amount of unpaid debt on the home, on September 10, 2021. As she clicked the button, the whole family cheered. Required fields are marked *. However, this is a family who is willing to share that all of their sets of multiples were conceived naturally. Fans and viewers will know about this home full well as this is where all the action unfolds on the family's reality show. Its not something that shocked them, to be honest. Season 3 of Doubling Down With the Derricos has shown the family visiting Karen's family in Kingstree, S.C. During their trip, the matriarch kept not-so-subtly hinting that she'd love to move her kids to be near her family. Doubling Down with the Derricos is a reality series that follows the daily lives of Deon and Karen Derrico as they try to navigate the rough waters of parenting 14 children. In previous episodes, we have seen them pushing themselves to the limit. According to social media Deon, 51, and Karen, 41, are still posting from their North Las Vegas home that was sold to Bank US Trust National Associationin a foreclosure sale in October. Karen and Deon star in 'Doubling Down With the Derricos', along with their 14 children: Darian, 16; Derrick, 11; 10-year-old twins Dallas and Denver; 8-year-old quintuplets Deonee, Daician, Daiten, Deniko, and Dariz; 4-year-olds Diez and Dior; and 2-year-old triplets Dawsyn, De'Aren, and Dyver. Related:Doubling Down With the Derricos: Karens Multiple Deliveries May Be Ovary-Related. If we check out the listings under their name, E Austin Pale Ave, North Las Vegas is listed as Karens address, while Copper Light St, North Las Vegas is stated as Deons address. Others are requesting an update once she finds out whether she got into the program. Doubling down with the Derricos Has anyone seen this show? Complete with four bedrooms to fit in all the tiny Derricos, Deon also upgraded the space by transforming the theatre room into a nursery with bunk beds for all. Real estate investor Deon from Doubling Down with the Derricos stays in Las Vegas with wife Karen and their 14 kids. The large family consists of several groups of multiples (children born at the same time), all with names starting with D: Adopted son Derron (the eldest), singletons Darian and Derrick, twins Denver and Dallas, quintuplets Deniko, Dariz, Deonee, Daician and Daiten, triplets Diez and Dior (and their sadly deceased sibling Carter), and triplets Dawsyn, DeAren, and Dyver. Comment * document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "af8788bfa622d3e26eb574c4ac1fcdd2" );document.getElementById("eedd789636").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Copyright 2023 by TV Shows Ace. By following the family, fans can stay up-to-date with all the latest goings-on in their life. . Your favorite reality TV family is returning to TLC. Required fields are marked *. In the episode that aired on August 4, Karen revealed to fans that she suffered amiscarriage. 10 Things You Didnt Know about Doubling Down With the Derricos, Five Reasons Why Lisa Vanderpumps Exit Is Still a Big Loss for the RHOBH Franchise, Midseason Television Review by TVOvermind Staff, Adam Devine and James Corden Create Parody Audition Tape For The Amazing Race, Lethal Weapon Season 2 Episode 6 Review: Gold Rush, Undeclared Season 1 Episode 13 Review: Truth or Dare. . Of course, we know that Deon cant say too much since he has an NDA with TLC. Copyright 2023 Endgame360 Inc. All Rights Reserved. Hence, fans were instantly attached to Karen and Deon Derrico with their 14 extraordinary and adorable children. TLC has always been a network that knows what the people want. While waiting forDoubling Down with the DerricosSeason 4 to debut, fans have enjoyed keeping up with the family via social media. . Yes, you read that right, they are parents to fourteen kids, including a set of quintuplets, two pairs of twins, and one set of triplets. Hopefully, the Derricos will have good news to share soon enough. The filing is to provide a remedy of last resort for the homeowner to avoid foreclosure and loss of his/her home through a mediation process with negotiations between the lender and owner. Show Alum Steve Howey Is Ready, Police Ram Alana Thompson & Dralins Car Carrying Drugs & Guns, Days Of Our Lives Steve Burton Return Date Revealed, Wild & Dirty Grandma Leaves Steve Harvey Speechless. Doubling Down with the Derricos: An Exciting Season This season is already off to an exciting start. :). After watching their favorite Doubling Down with the Derricos family onscreen, fans are curious about the family's house, which has multiple multiples mingling under its roof. From the first episode of Doubling Down with the Derricos, TLC viewers were smitten with Karen, Deon, and their 14 children which include four back-to-back sets of multiples. During Tuesday night's show, audiences watched as the Las Vegas-based parents. They even went to a weight loss boot camp to see if this could help them drop the pounds faster. For fans of the Derricos, they have been trying to get an official answer if there will be a fourth season. Before they started their super-sized family, Deon was originally from Detroit, Mich., and Karen was from Kingstree, S.C. Today, however, the Derricos live in the city of North Las Vegas, Nev. Their home is 2,400 square feet and in order to logistically accommodate their 14 children, the busy parents decided to turn the house's theater room into a nursery (this is in addition the four bedrooms already in the house). Are they identical? My husband and I can actually answer most people before they ask their questions, and it never fails to shock us when they ask us about our sex life. My current Situation . On Tuesday, Karen, Deon and their 14 children will invite audiences back. 'Doubling Down With The Derricos' Stars Talk About Motherhood, Watching Their Children Grow Up On Television, And Share Motherly Advice The stars also share an update on GG Derrico's health. Survivor 44 Generates Outrage In Its First Episode. At the time, the show was about the Derrico family and their 11 children . A jury found Murdaugh guilty of murdering his wife and son. Something else that could keep the Derricos in the area is Karen and Deon's hope to build a family recreational center called Derrico Pavilion at Atlantic Beach. Right now, new episodes of the show arent airing on TLC. . However, when it comes to dealing with the coronavirus, it can be agreed that no house is big enough. When you look at the shows promo photos, you cannot tell the difference between mom and her 14-year-old daughter. Now, the TLC show has been renewed for a second series in 2021. Distractify is a registered trademark. Lets find out where in Nevada was the show filmed? Where do the Doubling Down with the Derrico family live? Zoe loves all things reality television! They are not strangers to bringing some controversial stories to the world, and we are excited that they have decided that we need something calling Doubling Down with the Derricos, and that its everything weve ever wanted and more. TLC's latest offering 'Doubling Down With the Derricos' puts the spotlight on the heads of the Derrico family - Deon and Karen Derrico - as they navigate the unpredictable trials and tribulations that arise while raising fourteen kids, including a set of quints, a pair of triplets, and two sets of twins. Her writing gained recognition and since 2009, she's written for sites such as What to Expect, Where'd My Sanity Go, and dozens more. This family, however, has multiple multiples. The kids relive the chaos they cause when Karen is out of town. Do you follow them on social media to see what their family is up to? The principal photography of the first season concluded on September 16, 2019. The show that premieres next month, will showcase the endearing couple who are all set to welcome a set of triplets while raising the elder 11, their ages ranging from 2 to 14. Multiples are notoriously early, and they can be quite small, and a triplet pregnancy is much harder than a twin pregnancy. This is a woman who has given birth to 14 kids over the course of six pregnancies, and she looks amazing. He argued that the home is the primary residence of Karen andtheir 14 children. Karen had shared pictures of the space on her Instagram with a caption, Thank you, baby! Season three of Doubling Down with the Derricos premieres tonight at 9pm on TLC. The TLC show was shot at the Karen and Deons Las Vegas pad, and thats where the family with 16 children and Gigi are quarantined at present. The new episodes will showcase more love, fun, family, and of course some crying moments! Karen and Deon Derrico's Favorite Black-Owned Brands. RHONJ Bill & Jennifer Aydin Not Acting Married Anymore? 5 Karen Derrico and her husband, Deon Derrico, will soon be gracing our TV screens with all 14 of their children in the new TLC series Doubling Down With the Derricos. The Doubling Down with the Derricos stars also has a vacation home in Myrtle Beach, SC, which Deon had gifted Karen on her birthday last February. Father of the Derrico family, Deon Derrico is 49 years old and was born and raised in Detroit. Karen hopes to raise awareness about breastfeeding in the Black community. In order for all the kids to be able to be seated together for meals, Karen and Deon have placed a large table right up against their kitchen island, which also has tall stools for seating. On a trailer for this seasons Doubling Down with the Derricos, Deon struggles with his wifes desire to move their family of 14 children to South Carolina after vacationing there. "Although our vacation home is situated in Myrtle Beach, it actually has a look and feel of Nevada!!!" Doubling Down With the Derricos started airing on TLC in 2020, and became quite popular in a short amount of time. In love with this layout! Deon also flaunted his new house by posting, Although our vacation home is situated in Myrtle Beach, it actually has a look and feel of Nevada.. Next:Doubling Down With the Derricos: Family Names & Ages, Source: Trulia, Karen Derrico/Instagram, Deon Derrico/Instagram, Deon Derrico/Twitter. And the family still worries about the health of baby Dawsyn. For fans of Doubling Down With The Derricos, there is some pretty great news. Her writing has allowed her to visit NYC for Fashion Week events since 2015, and she's worked with clients in almost every field, from dentistry to law and family to entertainment. January 12, 2023 by Aubrey Chorpenning 0 Comments. While there are some health risks to this amount of pregnancies, Karen seems to be in good health today, and the two have found a way to make this family work. Of course, with a brood. Enjoys spending her spare time binging her favorite horror films, crime docs, and exploring local coffee shops. Doubling Down with the Derricos Season 2: Karen and Deon Grapple with Son's Potential Brain Surgery. Courtney Waldrop Heads To Hospital With Saylor, What Happened? Karen posted a video in the home, which is featured on the show, earlier this month. The show features plenty of parenting tips and life lessons that fans learn from, whether it's the way the Doubling Down with the Derricos father cuts hair or Karen Derrico's ability to manage the job of 10 nannies all by herself. Amber, Trent, Alex, and Emma also head to Finland to visit their former exchange student, Joose. However, now it is official. Lets take a look at where the Derricos call home. She became a stay-at-home mom and writer with her own blog. Despite being located alongside the Gambling Capital of the World, North Las Vegas is home to some of the places that can offer you major adrenaline rushes at a lower price. TLC star's job explored Tags: Deon Derrico, Doubling Down with the Derricos, Karen Derrico, Your email address will not be published. Featured On Doubling Down With The Derricos Family Members Parents While no one knows exactly how the Doubling Down with the Derricos family caught the virus, the silver lining is that theyre all safe together in their spacious house. Edited June 10, 2021 by CrazyInAlabama 7 Twopper June 10, 2021 7 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said: Derrico Family View source The Derrcio Family have at least sixteen children from parents Karen Evonne Carter-Derrico and Derrick Deon Derrico. "Doubling Down" of course follows Karen and her husband Deon as they navigate life with fourteen kids, including four sets of naturally conceived multiples. Disgraced South Carolina attorney Alex Murdaugh was sentenced Friday to life in prison after being convicted . He shared, They already had four babies at home, and now shes pregnant with quintuplets. Are you ready to see all of their new adventures together as a family? There's Deon and Karen's two singletons, Darian and Derrick; twins, Denver and Dallas; quintuplets, Deniko, Dariz, Deonee, Daician, and Daiten; twins, Diez and Dior; and triplets, Dawsyn, DeAren, and Dyver. Read More: What does Deon Derrico do? Doubling Down with the Derricos: Net worth. With well-planned routines from bathtime to bedtime, mom and dad Derrico are acing the parenting game and they've become superstars. Take a peek at their family home. On a trailer for this season's Doubling Down with the Derricos, Deon struggles with his wife's desire to move their family of 14 children to South Carolina after vacationing there. The Derrico family lives in North Las Vegas, Nevada. Father Deon and mother Karen both wanted a large family, so their tendency towards multiple births is probably a blessing for them! Obviously. She needs to do this to protect herself and her babies, and we get it. espresso accessories. Doubling Down with the Derricos (TLC, May 30, Tuesdays at 10). A mediator was assigned to the parties, but they were unable to agree to a loan modification and the negotiations were terminated. 1000-Lb Best Friends- YouTube. Anyone watching Doubling Down with the Derricos may well wonder where the family lives. If a family has 17 members that all live together, how big does a house need to be? Derrick and Karen Derrico are the parents of 14 children. ET. Fans seem confident that Darian will make it in. Jeopardy! Mayim Bialik Crossed Over To Travis Scotts World? Use of these names, logos, and brands does not imply endorsement unless specified. The Derricos think they might be . On top of this, the family has a vacation house in Myrtle Beach! However, aside from being a stay-at-home mom, Karen's Instagram says she's a breastfeeding advocate. The Derrico family lives in North Las Vegas, Nevada. Deon's net worth is $6 million, while Karen's is $500K. Before filming wrapped up in September 2019 for Season 1, it looks like that nursery was overtaken by the production crew and used as a temporary studio. When she isn't writing, she is hiking, tubing, or snowshoeing in the mountains that she calls home. What happened to Diez on Doubling Down with the Derricos? The family will be featured on a TLC reality show "Doubling Down With the Derricos." (K.M. While there are a lot of houses that might fit the criteria, the show is shot in their Karen and Deons own house, located in Nevada, the United States. In the photo, baby Dawsyn wore a cute pink tee-shirt and a cute pigtail. The network has also announced premiere dates for several other shows. I think we found a winner! Our oldest,@darianderrico has officially applied to her very first college!, Then, she added, We are so excited for her! Keep an eye out for an update about Darians application soon. The fourth season of Doubling Down With the Derricos which follows Karen and Deon Derrico and their 14 children premieres this May. Where do the Doubling Down with the Derrico family live? . Double Take: Never-Before-Seen . Karen sadly had two miscarriages recently, but the couple has given subtle indications that they would like more children. Deon has shared photos of himself and his family with the crew for the show on his Instagram. The family reportedly burns through $2,500 to $3,500 a month on groceries, including 15 boxes of frozen waffles and 20 rolls of toilet paper a week. When asked by the defense, multiple witnesses testified that Alex Muradugh would always pick up the phone if . Doubling Down with the Derricos features a Las Vegas couple Karen and Deon that have had four sets of multiples back to back, with all of them being conceived naturally. All articles, images, product names, logos, and brands are property of their respective owners. Theres Some Momentum To Bring Back the Ghostbusters Animated Series, British Reality Show Eden Leaves 23 Contestants in a Remote Island Despite the Show Being Cancelled, The Mindy Project 3.04 Review: I Slipped, One Piece Hollywood Live-Action TV Series: What We Know, POV Video of An Eagle Hunting a Fox is Incredible, Review: Breaking Bad Season 3 Finale Full Measure, The 10 Best PBS Childrens Shows From The 90s. GRV Media Ltd, 18 Mulberry Avenue, Widnes. Each kid (the children range in age from 1 to 14) has a special personality. A large family requires a large house! Watch Doubling Down With the Derricos: Divide and Conquer Photos 35 Top cast Edit Deon Derrico Self 18 episodes 2020-2021 Karen Derrico Self 18 episodes 2020-2021 All cast & crew Production, box office & more at IMDbPro More like this 6.9 OutDaughtered Watch options 6.7 Love After Lockup: Life After Lockup Watchlist 2.8 Darcey & Stacey Holding a snack and smiling, she. They live in Las Vegas, Nevada where Deon invests in real estate. They are a constant party of 16, and they love their life as a big family. DOUBLING Down with the Derricos stars Deon and Karen's living situation has been revealed after their Las Vegas foreclosure and plans to move to South Carolina. However, their claim to fame is they have four sets of multiples born back to back. Deon and Karen also have to adjust as their oldest child, their teenage daughter Darian, continues to seek more independence, including searching for her first job. #DEONDERRICO #LargeFamily #Television #Love #Children #Babies #Fun #Entertainment #DERRICOStrong #VegasStrong, A post shared by DEON DERRICO (@deonderrico) on Sep 7, 2019 at 7:32am PDT. See All Weddings. In addition to their family home in North Las Vegas, it seems the Derrico family also has a vacation home. Together, they share a daughter, a son, twin boys, quintuplets (three girls and two boys), two more twin boys and triplets (two girls and a boy). They have a lot of multiples and as a multiples mom myself, I get that they are a lot of fun. Though many of these large families are from religious fundamentalist sects, there are also large families with healthier relationships to religion, and many fans of reality TV have wanted to see examples of these family dynamics. Are David Schwimmer and Jennifer Aniston dating. Now, we cannot imagine how difficult their every day lives must be (or how exhausted they are at the end of the nightand we are the parents of four!). Not only is the home conveniently located near a beach, but it's also not that far away from where Karen grew up in Kingstree. On Monday, April 17, 90 Day Fienc: Love in Paradise returns with stories of love set in and around the Caribbean, with appearances from familiar faces such as Valentine and Carlos, Lidia from The Family Chantel, and Jessica and Juan, who are expecting a baby. Doubling Down South. This was not the true filming of Season 4 and after seeing this, fans were let down. Dr. Sandra Lee offers an inside look at the most extreme issues in dermatology in a new season of Dr. Pimple Popper, premiering Wednesday, April 5 at 9 p.m. The Sun can exclusively the Derrico familys living situation today. Darian, Derrick, Dallas, Denver, Deniko, Dariz, Deonee, Daician, Daiten, Diez, Dior, and the new triplets Dawsyn, DeAren, and Dyver are joined by parents Deon and Karen on the TLC reality show. They decided to have baby number three, and they had a set of twins. On top of that, the way the Derricos handle the logistics of raising so many kids and how they teach each child to be caring, responsible members of the family is admirable. Deon has offered a few behind-the-scenes glimpses of their home while his family was still filming for Doubling Down with the Derricos. I had two singleton pregnancies followed by the twins, and I cant imagine for the life of me experiencing another multiples pregnancy and mine was as easy and as healthy as they come. Karen revealed that the family spends around $3,000 on groceries every month and that they go through 15 boxes of waffles and 20 rolls of toilet paper in a week. The truth is that they are not disappointed that they have so many kids. It is a part of the Vegas Valley and ranks fourth among the largest cities in the state of Nevada. It turns out that Deon has made posts before that have confused fans. Follow the real estate investor @deonderrico. Raising this many children can be a struggle for various reasons, but one thing that fans wonder about is space. The North Las Vegas couple are the proud parents of 14 children. The reality series, following parents Karen and Deon and their children, will return for a second season on June 1. Her fans have applauded her for showing off her new look. [Source: YouTube] The 25-year-old model and the 48-year-old television host traveled to Miami, Florida this past weekend. In the comments, Deon stated his desire to buy some land in the area. Although we are not sure if they still reside in one of the two addresses, one thing we are certain about is they live in the city of North Las Vegas, in Clark County. Seeing Deon, Karen and the kids try their best to keep GG . Karens most recent Instagram update included a peek at the new chapter her family has entered. Karen and Deon Derrico, who have 14 biological children, are at the heart of the Derrico family in season three of Doubling Down with the Derricos. 'I'm not playing games with you': Judge questions whether accused murderer acting as his own attorney is a wise move,A judge questioned whether it was wise for accused murderer Robert Telles with no criminal law experience, to represent himself in his trial. However, a family that requires a $3,000 spend on groceries each week also comes with the added requirement of a sufficiently large space. And, honestly, lets be a little bit excited for Karen about one. Apart from dealing with 14 sets of toys and 14 sets of tantrums, a family like the Derricos needs 14 times the typical family home space! One can take a trip with 702 Helicopters and fly 500 feet above the city, to catch a broader view of the location and even catch a glimpse of the world-famous Bellagio fountains and the Mirage volcano show. However, due to his job, Deon also owns several other houses in the community, one of which is the place where his friend Eric Jefferson resides. !, A post shared by Karen Derrico (@karenederrico), The comments section of Karens new post is filled with positive messages for Darian. Luckily, Karen is back active on social media showing signs of recovery though fans are starting to wonder if having more children is a good idea for her health. He's the Reason Diez and Dior Are Called "Triplins", Did the Derrico Family Use IVF? Well, we have got you covered in that regard. Of course, most of their fans talked about how they have been waiting so patiently to see the family. Finaly, when a long-lost relative reaches out claiming to be GGs grandson and Deons nephew, the Derricos head back to Deons hometown of Detroit in search of the truth. Seeking Sister Wife Fans Get the TLC Show Theyve Been Asking for With Seeking Brother Husband. Copyright 2023 Endgame360 Inc. All Rights Reserved. Email us atexclusive@the-sun.comor call212 416 4552. In 2019, the couple spend some time at their vacation home in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. The kids are growing up quickly and their family is going through new changes each day.