found that corporate communication did not always align with the purpose of the The . B) mass-production 8) _____ was developed to increase the total number of tasks workers perform. E) Centralization, 36) _____ is the process of systematically delegating power and authority throughout the organization to middle- and lower-level managers. A - Wider 5 Disadvantages Of Job Rotation Photo by Jed Owen on Unsplash. Through job enrichment, you can more accurately determine the strengths and weaknesses of your employees. Presence of monotony in the employees due to the same narrow nature of the job. Job enlargement refers to widening in scope and activities of the same job of the same level to make the position challenging. As a result, the company was able to offer workers a much higher minimum wage and give them more time off. Lower productivity. Job enrichment is great if everyone can qualify. D - Capital D 3. B) large-batch technology RULES OF B.M.S. A financial accountant of a company is advised to maintain cost records after proper training until a cost accountant is hired. C) administrative costs rise because each department must have its own functional specialists. Which of the following concepts is illustrated in the scenario? As a result, there will be a . B) Differentiation What is Doorstep Gold Loan Services in India. \text{Nebulas}\\ The core idea of job enrichment is that it gives your employees more autonomy and freedom to accomplish their goals - a . Although job enlargement was popularized in a time when people were fed up with boring work at highly specialized assembly lines, the above examples show that in todays digital world enlargement is still an important topic. A) Sequential interdependence 2 - Number of normal standard deviations needed for desired confidence A) division form C) requires delegation of authority. C) Integration Customers could become frustrated by confused employees who make mistakes. implementation of new digital tools. D - Ergonomics, What is a use for a worker-machine chart? (ii) Job enlargement provides the wholeness and identity with the task and increases the necessary knowledge to perform it. procedure and gave instructions. One of the biggest upsides of job enrichment is that it increases employee retention. An Overview In 3 Easy Points, difference between job enrichment and job enlargement, Konverse AI - AI Chatbot, Team Inbox, WhatsApp Campaign, Instagram. C) job rotation It is beneficial for both the employer and the employee, so it is win game for everyone. Erik van Vulpen is the founder and Dean of AIHR. D) Reciprocal interdependence B) mass-production Privacy Policy 8. Job enrichment provides employees with the opportunity to try things. What are job enlargement drawbacks? 28) Which of the following is an accurate comparison between tall organizations and flat organizations? Job enlargement means increasing the scope of a job through extending the range of its job duties and responsibilities generally within the same level and periphery. E) Mass- production technology, 59) Alpha Electronics assembles different parts to make standardized laptops. Jun 1993. In view of Herzbergs opinion, the following disadvantages can be found in job enlargement: (i) Job enlargement tends to be a costly affair. B - Time and motion study Content Filtrations 6. C) Customer departmentalization An enlarged job can motivate the worker in the following ways: In job enlargement, horizontal loading of the tasks is there. Job enlargement is often confused with job B - Follow up implementation Business owners can utilize this measure to increase the depth of an individuals job, rather than the quantity of that persons job. The teacher, if asked to merge various tasks and change the activities which everyone will enjoy, will lead to a healthy environment in the school and the enthusiasm of the teacher as well will be maintained. B) there should be no rules and regulations. B - To determine how many machines the operation can manage 26) _____ suggests that each person within an organization must have a clear reporting relationship to one and only one boss. Sometimes, change in work tasks can bring in a much-needed boost in enthusiasm and increase the morale of the employee. C) Continuous-process technology In fact, companies generally spend thousands of dollars and sometimes months training new staff members. They have centralized authority. It also pulls down their energy leading to inefficient working and thus, undesirable results. View. It is also called the horizontal expansion of job activities. Before publishing your articles on this site, please read the following pages: 1. Job enlargement can help to prevent boredom and burnout, leading to greater retention of top talent. A) the number of things a person does in a job C - Working at a sustainable rate A) adhocracy A) Self-dealing This article will explain what job enlargement is, the advantages, disadvantages, and examples of it. 23) One disadvantage of using product departmentalization is that: I think both approaches have their advantages and disadvantages. 22) The advantage of using the functional departmentalization approach is that: For example if a clerk in an office who is doing the typing work is asked to type 20 letters a day instead of 10 letters, his job is enlarged. D) Technology Construct the chart below in your Evidence Notebook. D - Worker is qualified for the job, Work sampling is a commonly used method of __________. DECLARED: BMS SEM VI 75 :25 CHOICE BASE Action Plan: Social Entrepreneurship Competition at Abhyuday, IIT Meterdown Annual Festival is back with its 7th Tybms sem 6 results 2019 declared on 19th TYBMS Sem 6 Results 2019 Update from BMS Business Communications II FYBMS Question Bank 2019, Business Environment Question Bank FYBMS 2019, Business Mathematics Question Bank FYBMS 2019, Principles of Marketing Question Bank FYBMS 2019. D) all activities associated with one product or product group cannot be easily integrated and coordinated. The biggest advantage of job enlargement is that it reduces boredom. 62) According to Woodward, which of the following is true about the relationship between organization design and core technology? He may be asked to serve glasses, perform filing work, design letters, and sort incoming mail. A) They are similar to bureaucracies. B) Reciprocal interdependence Motivation, productivity, and employee-management relations can be influenced by increasing ________ between employees and management. A - High heat and humidity B) requires the organization to be highly centralized. Still, he will not be given greater responsibilities like managing an entire warehouse as it will not be on the same level. E) accountability of departments becomes very difficult to monitor. Job enlargement is typically an expensive endeavor. While there are some clear advantages to job enrichment, there are also a number of disadvantages of job enrichment that you will want to keep in mind. If the training needs the redevelopment of the existing working process and redesigning of the system, the costs would be sustainable. Job enlargement refers to adding a few more task elements horizontally., Job enlargement involves performing a variety of jobs or operations at the same time. Advantages of Job Enlargement: Variety of skills : -Job enlargement helps the organization to improve and increase the skills of the employee due to organization as well as the individual benefit. A) Specialization The increase in the job activities is done so that it does not affect the employees existing job. 3 - Storage D) have very few communication problems. B - Standard time analysis Job enlargement has a number of drawbacks: lower efficiency, lower quality, job creep, and increased training levels and costs. E) Job specialization, 40) _____ is defined as the process of linking the activities of the various departments of an organization. C - A vertical loading, increasing the employee's level of responsibility. A - Circle #5. Job Enlargement Disadvantages Often times, employees may encounter a role which they might be uninterested in working as. Traditionally, the surgeon dictated the D) continuous-process When a business owner trusts their employees with new tasks that are complex and engaging, employee motivation can take a dramatic upswing. Additional tasks increase the workload. TOS 7. C) It has a structure that is similar to a bureaucracy. D) have an informal organizational design. A nurse working in a hospital is given responsibilities for attending to two more patients due to the lack of doctors. B - Standard time = (Normal time) x (Allowance factor) Employees get bored with the mundane day-to-day tasks they have to complete. It is a horizontal phenomenon, unlike job enrichment which is vertical promotion. This will not only benefit the professional employee but also the organization as four different works are being performed by a single professional thereby saving employee costs for the organization. 68) Which of the following statements is true about mechanistic organizations? Job enlargement also has a number of E) Functional departmentalization cannot be implemented for smaller organizations, 20) Relish Inc. is a large corporation in the food industry that manufactures canned foods, confectionery, and baked?foods. Job simplification method of job design can lead to monotonous work and boredom. Show abstract. These things can also apply to the employees who make up the company. D) Coordination major US hospital implemented this, they found that having the surgeon in a Disadvantages of Job Enrichment: It is necessary to understand that job enrichment not just comes with all the beneficial and motivational elements. C) number of people reporting to a particular manager. More flexible workforce. Unfortunately, it can be triggered with some of the limitations as well. D) relies exclusively on project-type teams. Because employees are learning new skills, there could be some errors. Increased tardiness among the employees. Increased workload. D) Flat structure A) learning organization A - Using specific methods, materials, equipment, and workplace arrangement A) It has a flexible and informal organizational design. Job enlargement if planned carefully can help reduce boredom and make it more satisfying and fulfilling for the employees. 3. Employees often prefer job Enlargement as they consider this as pre-promotion training. Image Guidelines 5. ADVERTISEMENTS: C) Synergy D) Random work assignment 71 Disadvantages of Job Enlargement High Training Costs Redesigning existing work system required Productivity may not increase necessarily Workload increases Unions demand pay-hike Jobs may still remain boring and routine Previous Post Next Post Like it? A. E) the number of things a person does in a job. E) customer, 18) At Gamma Inc., there are separate departments of employees who specialize in sales, service maintenance, customer service, and accounting. B - Fosters mistrust of employees Enhanced organizational performance: Ultimately, job enlargement can lead to improved organizational performance. While employees may acquire new skills and gain further opportunities for growth due to job. B - Significant analyst skill is required to break a task into basic elements. 29) When compared to tall organizations, flat organizations: Job enlargement involves combining various activities at the same level in the organization and adding them to the existing job. C - Using tools improperly B) They have the lowest level of job specialization. SpacefeatureContentsInterstellarspaceStarsNebulas\begin{matrix} Let us go through the disadvantages of job rotation: . The expansion can be done in two ways- horizontally and vertically. B) Product departmentalization what job enlargement is, review its benefits and drawbacks, and end with a few examples A - Operator surveys Enlarging highly specialized jobs leads to a number of advantages. Job enlargement if planned carefully can help reduce boredom and make it more satisfying and fulfilling for the employees. B) are least likely to have rules and regulations. This can increase the potential for bitterness, resentment, and poor performance in other aspects of work. A) Job rotation Results Out for BACHELOR OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES (SEM Ethics and Governance Question bank 2019 SYBMS, Financial institutions and market SYBMS Question Bank 2019, Strategic Cost management SYBMS Question Bank 2019, Business Research Methods SYBMS Question Bank 2019, Production and TQM SYBMS Question Bank 2019, Information Technology II SYBMS Question Bank 2019, Export Import Procedures and Documentation, Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management, DECLARED: BMS SEM VI 75 :25 CHOICE BASE 10 GRADE AND 7 GRADE RESULTS, Action Plan: Social Entrepreneurship Competition at Abhyuday, IIT Bombay [Prizes worth Rs. As a result, this assistant had to be trained in communication skills with the rest of the team and in the execution of different activities that would otherwise be performed by the surgeon. If the training needs the redevelopment of the existing working process and redesigning of the system, the costs would be sustainable. Benefits of Job Enlargement. C - Only appropriate for short, repetitive tasks, Which of the following is a correct representation of the formula to calculate standard time? This may lead to decreased efficiency. A - Health condition C) has functional teams that perform specific functional tasks. C) reciprocal interdependence A) Chain of command A) foster fewer communication problems. Job Enlargement: Definitions, Advantages and Disadvantages! It is also called horizontal expansion. an increase in output and profit. E) structural interdependence, 48) At Libra Motors Inc. operations managers give availability information to the dealerships department. B) more administrative responsibility through a console, usually located in the corner of the operating room. E) small-batch technology. The conclusion here is that job enlargement has both advantages and disadvantages. For example, when a female employee takes leave due to pregnancy, her job will be divided and offered to work employees as a part of job enlargement. B) Delegation B - s D - Unprotected chains, Select all that apply C - Triangle B) Birth Employees can reduce boredom. Workers combine separate parts into standardized finished motorbikes. Cases should therefore individually be assessed on whether or not enlargement makes sense. Moreover, if job enlargement involves breaking up of existing production line of work system and redesigning a new system and training employees for it. A) The scalar principle What are the disadvantages of job enlargement? C - Energy-saving measures such as reduced lighting B) Tall organizations have fewer managers than flat organizations. Job enrichment adds new sources of job satisfaction by increasing the level of responsibility of the employee in organization. Job enrichment . C) promotions should not be given based on technical expertise. A - Performance ratings are not required. B) U-form D - Historical times. Determine the components that are present or needed to form each space feature. B) the degree of control a worker has over how the work is performed. C - To determine how many machines are required for the factory. It is therefore advisable to have specialists like an HR business partner or an organizational development specialist consult with managers about whether or not job enlargement (or any other form of job enrichment) makes sense for an employee. Why is it important in todays world? A) Standardized-process technology Job enrichment adds variety to employees' duties, which can reduce their workplace boredom . A) are more expensive. Job enlargement may be carried out for a temporary period . Another example can be a clerk who does typing daily. E) leads to lower levels of employee productivity, 34) _____ is power that has been legitimized by the organization. However, by widening the range of tasks that need to be performed, hopefully the employee will experience less repetition and monotony that are all too common on production lines which rely upon the division . B) the speed and effectiveness of decision making increase as the organization grows. Top 10 Emerging Technologies Blogs To Read In 2023, Key Benefits of HR Digital Transformation, What Is Data Visualization in Excel? Additionally, job expansion requires disassembling the current production line of the work system, developing a new system, and training staff members for it. A) small-batch of job enlargement in the digital age showing its relevance in todays dynamic B) Entropy It affects the quality of work of the employee in the long-run due to the constant repetition of the job. It is also called vertical expansion. made a job motivational as people realized that the traditional mass production Lets end this article with two examples of Then what can be changed? B) Absence of rules and regulations E) Organizations using unit or small-batch technology are the most bureaucratic. Copyright 10. Lack of training. C) hybrid D) Authority Giving employees greater depth of tasks can cause problems through their lack of experience and training. B) It is most likely to be operating in a very stable and predictable environment. Report a Violation, Difference between Job Enlargement and Job Enrichment, Job Enrichment: Techniques, Advantages and Disadvantages | HRM. A) Product Sometimes, the jobs are enlarged so that one worker completes a whole unit of work or a major portion of it. C) it does not help a worker become proficient at a task. C) mass-production organizations tended to be the least bureaucratic. Insufficient skills. C) Centralization E) Presence of cross-departmental teams, 54) Which of the following is a characteristic of Weber's bureaucracy? A) Functional departmentalization D) Divesting C) unit A) Promotions based on technical expertise Disadvantages of Job Enlargement. A) less authority over subordinates Explain how the movement of groundwater is related to the water cycle. Stay up-to-date with the latest news, trends, and resources in HR. Highest Education10th / 12th StandardUnder GraduateGraduatePost GraduateDoctorate C) mass-production Enlarged jobs tend to better utilise the physical and mental skills abilities of the workers. B - z Job enlargement . D) Employees tend to focus on the overall organization rather than their specific jobs. 55) According to Weber, in a bureaucracy: A) conglomerate How to change your college after FY/SYBMS? Increases work burden:- Job enlargement increases the work of the employee and not every company provides incentives . E) involves workers moving from job to job in a predetermined manner. Disadvantages Of Job Enlargement Decreased job quality : When new jobs are offered to an employee experienced only in one type of work, he/she might face difficulty attending to the jobs without proper training. 7) In _____, the jobs do not change, but instead workers move from job to job. This is why it is important to not remove an individual too far from their comfort zone. E) continuous-process organizations tended to be the most bureaucratic. Job Enlargement: It is the process of increasing the scope of a job by adding more tasks to it. B) delegation It can also be termed as the horizontal expansion of jobs. 31) A wide span of management in a flat organization may result in a manager having _____. C) Sequentia interdependence Highest Education10th / 12th StandardUnder GraduateGraduatePost GraduateDoctorate, Work Experience (in years)FresherLess than 2 years2 - 4 years4 - 6 years6 - 10 years10+ years, Type of QueryI want to partner with UNextI want to know more about the coursesI need help with my accountRequest a Callback, Course Interested In*Integrated Program in Business Analytics (IPBA)People Analytics & Digital HR Course (PADHR)Executive PG Diploma in Management & Artificial IntelligencePostgraduate Certificate Program In Product Management (PM)Executive Program in Strategic Sales ManagementPost Graduate Certificate Program in Data Science and Machine LearningPost Graduate Certificate Program in Cloud Computing. D - Modify the files times if necessary. D - Potential savings in not having to conduct a complete time study, In __________, an observer makes brief observations of worker or machine at random intervals and notes the nature of the activity. Your employer saves on the cost of training several employees when your job includes a broad range of work and it reduces the costs associated with hiring someone new. (iii) Monotony and boredom is reduced through job enlargement. The following are some disadvantages of job enrichment that you should think about before implementing it in your organization: 1. D) the extent to which a worker does a complete or identifiable portion of the total job. Rather, there should be upgradation of authority and responsibility. A) successful continuous-process organizations tended to have more bureaucracy. D) Synergetic interdependence Job design specifies the content and method of jobs, i.e., __________ will be done on the job by ___________, as well as ____________ and where. Michael A. Campion. When employees are motivated and satisfied in their work, they are more likely to produce high-quality work, leading to better . Horizontal enlargement leads to an increase in similar tasks in the current job. Increasing the number of tasks can reduce the level of boredom of the employees. The Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 was intended to ensure that workers in all organizations have what types of conditions? C) Synergy This means that job Moreover, if job enlargement involves breaking up of existing production Job Description View our privacy policy, What Is Job Enlargement? Show abstract. The employee is adhered to perform his existing job as well as the new job assigned to them. A) Entropy The most appropriate system to apply within a workplace depends on the type of work being completed as well . D) Customer departmentalization Learn modern and relevant HR skills, online, AIHR All rights reserved. C) Arbitrary dismissals 15 Lakhs]: Register by Nov 7. Lack of training. C) Micromanagement B - A vertical loading, increasing the employee's level of responsibility . disadvantages of job enrichment 1. Horizontal Job Enlargement. And if operations don't run smoothly, your bottom line could suffer. E) job enrichment, 66) A(n) _____ organization is similar to the bureaucratic model. Can Cost A Lot Of Time And Money . A) product- customization C) mass-production organizations tended to be the least bureaucratic. Disadvantages of Job Enlargement : According to Herzberg merely giving a worker different kind of jobs is not enough because the basic nature of the job remains the same, As such it does not work as a motivating factor. B) task identity Increases workload- Enlargement of jobs may lead to an increase in the workload of the employees. A) H-form 2) Job enlargement: Same as Job rotation it gives change to employees. are also considered job enlargement. A) the extent to which a worker knows how well the job is being performed. D) continuous-process technology Enhancement in work job enlargement makes the individual realize their importance in the organization. Disadvantages of Job Enlargement: (a) Increases Work Burden: A) decision making tends to become slower and more bureaucratic. 24) _____ is defined as a clear and distinct line of authority among the positions in an organization. What form of departmentalization does Gamma use? Workers may require additional training for their enlarged jobs. B) it makes it difficult to develop specialized equipment to assist with a job. Job design by enrichment gives too much control too senior employees which can lead to poor results or conflicts with lower staff. The advantages of job enrichment are as follows: (i) Job enrichment is the most widely used method of job design as it provides a meaningful work experience and learning to employees. We will explain this in more depth later. 1 - Sample size B - Employee fitness programs This process is beneficial for employers when there a shortage of labor for a short period. C - n No, he is involved in a boring routine. Using . Inappropriate production will prevail in the short run because of the advent of new technology. E) One-way interdependence, 49) At Synergy School, Math, English, Science and Social Studies departments operate separately.