Sign up to receive the top stories from Guardian Australia every morning, Having an abortion made me realise Australia must do more to make it accessible and affordable | Georgie Purcell, Original reporting and incisive analysis, direct from the Guardian every morning. But within hours, his ascension was overshadowed when former deputy premier Vickie Chapman announced she'd quit politics and force a by-election. When it comes to amendments to those items, my voting record was very, very similar to Peter Malinauskas," he said. Ans: David Speirs was born on December 15, 1984, which makes his birth sign Sagittarius. Eric Tsang Data Center Expert Contact Me . View David Speirs' professional profile on LinkedIn. Thats the model well be looking at consulting on.. As for spelling his name, it's spelt Speirs. Now 37 years old, Speirs studied Law and Environmental Studies at the University of Adelaide, graduating with Honours in 2008. Find contact information for Geoff Speirs, including phone and fax number, email and more. He died on September 16, 2003 at 80 years old. I want to continue to build on that progressive environmental legacy going forward," he said. InDaily asked Van Holst Pellekaan whether he expected to pay more land tax under the Government crackdown and, if so, whether he would consider selling property. David Speirs Owner, The Speirs Group (Westfab Engineering & Autem Vacuum Lifters) Kilmarnock. She voted by proxy. "It doesn't mirror Labor's policy areas portfolio by portfolio. It wont change in any way, negatively or positively, he said of his likely land tax impost from the changes. The Reserve Bank kicked off 2023 with another 25-basis-point hike this week, lifting the cash rate to 3.35%. Microsoft and partners . He lives in Melbourne,[21] and is married to Liz, with whom he has two children, born in 2010 and 2014. [6], Speirs entered the South Australian Parliament in March 2014, defeating Chlo Fox, Labor's Minister for Transport Services. The deputy premier, Labors Susan Close, said the majority of the SA community and parliamentarians support safe, legal terminations of pregnancy. Preparing Dave profile View Dave's Email & Phone (It's Free) 5 free lookups per month. Our assessments, publications and research spread knowledge, spark enquiry and aid understanding around the world. The Limestone Coast hosts Parliamentary Seminar, Parliamentary Seminar visits Mount Gambier, Legislation to legalise personal e-scooters, 15 years since becoming an Australian Citizen, Australia Day awards and citizenship ceremony, A great time to visit Flinders Chase National Park. David Speirs Partner Group Product Manager at Microsoft Kirkland, WA. The Labor candidate Alice Rolls is challenging the Liberal partys Jack Batty for the blue-ribbon, eastern suburbs Adelaide seat on Saturday. David Starbuck. After that two doctors will need to approve the procedure. In 2002 my parents fulfilled a dream theyd held for years and relocated our family to South Australia. He worked in senior and principal policy development positions within the state Cabinet Office, in the Department of the Premier and Cabinet, between 2008 and 2014. Ms Hurn, who replaced former transport and infrastructure minister Stephan Knoll in the Barossa Valley seat of Schubert, will take the lead, with Mr Whetstone charged with looking after mental health and suicide prevention, while Ms Pratt handles regional and preventative health. Built in the , 3/1 Zwerner Drive, Hallett Cove Professional Centre, Hallett Cove 5158, A Justice of the Peace service is available from 9.30 to 11.30am Tuesdays and Fridays, phone ahead to avoid disappointment, Authorisedby DavidSpeirsMP - MemberforBlack - State Liberal Leader - 3/1 Zwerner Drive, Hallett Cove Professional Centre, Hallett Cove 5158 /, for the Liberal Party and South Australia. Full stats of both players in all time Successful fledging of Hooded Plover chick. After last month's election, Mr Speirs is the Liberal's only suburban MP south of Daws Road an island of blue in a sea of red after Labor's victories in the seats of Elder, Davenport, Gibson and Waite. Full text data coming soon. Women will be able to access medical abortions through telehealth at up to nine weeks gestation, and surgical abortion up to 22 weeks and six days. The state needs more than one voice to guide it forward and you can help with a donation of any size to InDaily. Environment Minister David Speirs, Southland pastor Rob Norman and Liberal senator Alex Antic. David Speirs Partner Group Product Manager at Microsoft 2w Anyone working towards their PhD and want to come work with us? Weve always spoken about the City of Adelaide being an affordable jurisdiction, he said. Uncategorized. This week we headed down to Mount Gambier and around the Limestone Coast region for , Lets make personal e-scooters legal! David James Speirs (born December 15, 1984) is an Australian politician. Terminations are a medical procedure that remains highly regulated. When expanded it provides a list of search options that will switch the search inputs to match the current selection. He said while he did have a trust, its got nothing in it. He also lists two family trusts under his investments disclosure. Some of those properties Ive owned for a long time, which are just in my name, and others are with my partner, he said. The eldest of three brothers, we grew up in the small village of Kirkcolm, where I attended the 40-student primary school (there were four kids in my year!). "Which occurred not because of one major issue but a number of things that built up a head of steam over a period of a couple of years," Mr Speirs said on Wednesday. He served as Deputy Mayor between 2011 and 2012, before contesting and winning the seat of Bright for the Liberal Party in the 2014 state election. South Australian Opposition Leader David Speirs has shared footage of his car being aggressively tailgated by a P-plater. I became a surf life saver at Brighton; a founding member of Friends of the Lower Field River, a Hallett Cove-based environmental group which has now worked for more than a decade to care for the lower reaches of one of Adelaides least altered rivers; and I worked with African-based childrens charity, Watoto, which saw me travel to Uganda twice (in 2007 and 2009) to be part of volunteer projects there. Mr Speirs has promised to lead a united team a bold claim for the head of a party with a past riddled with division. Not only will a Speirs-led Liberal Party need to win back seats in four years to get close to governing, it will also need to hold what it has with once safe electorates now left marginal. Your contribution goes directly to helping our journalists uncover the facts. [12][13][14] The awards were discontinued after 2015. [citation needed], Speirs was a national director of the Duke of Edinburgh's Award in Australia between 2010 and 2014. Jason Lee Security Expert Contact Me. 07:55, 2 Mar 2022. Of the 13, six properties are co-owned with one or two other people. [5], He also previously commuted from his home in Canberra once a week to Sky News' primary studios in Sydney to host primetime program The Nation with David Speers[5] before the program ended in 2015. Hon. Carleton University. David Mariuz. David Speirs Early Life: Age, Family, Education, David Speirs Early and Parliamentary Career, David Speirs Married Life: His Wife & Kids, leader of the Liberal Party since April 19, 2022. [10], In October 2015, Speirs launched 'Beach for All', a crowd-funded project in partnership with Seacliff Surf Life Saving Club to make Seacliff beach South Australia's first wheelchair accessible beach. Im not about keeping the seat warm for the future. Nicole Forsgren Partner at Microsoft Research 2w. Please join Enid Lyons List and other key pro-life leaders as we discuss and seek solutions to the critical issues and challenges that confront us as we face the most pro-abortion laws in Australias history, the event invitation spruiking the parliamentarians reads. When expanded it provides a list of search options that will switch the search inputs to match the current selection. He has talked up his progressive credentials, particularly during his four years as environment minister, which saw the ban of single-use plastics rolled out. A red hatchback can be seen speeding up and swerving near Speirs' car on the double white-lined road. After publication, he responded: Ive fully disclosed my financial interests on the register and, as always, will pay whatever tax is due from me., Lucas said he was not going to comment on the arrangements of cabinet ministers but insisted: A cabinet minister or MP would be treated as any other individual., Asked whether he supported the proposed changes to land tax aggregation, Speirs said: As a member of the cabinet, Im quite supportive of the change and Im supportive of our overall aim to reduce land tax across the board, which is the policy direction of the government.. Writing tips that make sense to me. Partner @ Bentley Jennison. The revelation which is not detailed in the budget papers broadens the scope of those affected by the looming changes, which have already prompted a fierce backlash from the Liberal backbench and interest groups. We've just completed the first week of Parliament for 2023. Born in Scotland, David Speirs is an Australian politician who has been the leader of the Liberal Party since April 19, 2022. The Liberal leader, David Speirs along with three others from his shadow ministry, the Labor minister Clare Scriven and other political leaders will feature in a training day aimed at activating a new generation to rise up and fight for the human rights of the unborn. Opponents claimed the availability of late-term abortions was akin to abortion [up] to birth. Mr Speirs added the environment would remain high on his agenda, but did not commit to keeping his former portfolio. As ill-timed as it is, Ms Chapman's resignation could helpa little in Mr Speirs's attempt at unity. We know that David Speirs had been residing in Traer, Tama County, Iowa 50675. [18], In 2016, Speers was named one of the 50 most powerful people in Australian television by News Corp Australia. This service may include material from Agence France-Presse (AFP), APTN, Reuters, AAP, CNN and the BBC World Service which is copyright and cannot be reproduced. david speirs partner. Accordingly, I reject the claim that this provides abortion to birth as promoted.. In June 2019, Speers was appointed as host of the ABC's Insiders, replacing Barrie Cassidy from February 2020. Join us for a great discussion on the evolving Mr Speirs said he worked hard to buy his first home, and has added to his portfolio over several years. As a committed conservationist from my primary school days, I was thrilled to have the opportunity to be South Australia's Minister for Environment and Water between 2018 and 2022. Former education minister John Gardner was elected deputy opposition leader. David Speirs State Liberal Leader . We thank God for the gift of Sonia to the Church and pray every blessing on her presidency. One of the first things I was able to do in this role was unveil my Shadow Cabinet. A fundamental redraw of the state's electoral boundaries didn't hurt him and he was returned in the renamed seat of Black on an extended margin in 2018. See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover David's connections and jobs at similar companies. Of course, if legislation were to be represented to parliament again, I of course would, on the late-term stuff, I wouldnt change my position. Two words showed something was wrong with the system, After centuries of Murdaugh rule in the Deep South, the family's power ends with a life sentence for murder, Flooding in southern Malaysia forces 40,000 people to flee homes, When Daniel picked up a dropped box on a busy road, he had no idea it would lead to the 'best present ever', Plans to redevelop 'eyesore' on prime riverside land fall apart as billionaires exit, Labor's pledge for mega koala park in south-west Sydney welcomed by conservation groups, Tom Sizemore, Saving Private Ryan actor, dies aged 61. More immediately, there's the added complication of Ms Chapman's departure, which will force a by-election in Bragg. In 1996, he began secondary school at Stranraer Academy and graduated in 2002. [22][23], Speers plays the trumpet and demonstrated this ability while hosting the 2010 ASTRA Awards. Mr Speirs today sought to dispel suggestions of ongoing rancour between factions within the party, and described the "broad church that this party is" as "a great strength. [1] In 2020, Speers released the book On Mutiny (.mw-parser-output cite.citation{font-style:inherit;word-wrap:break-word}.mw-parser-output .citation q{quotes:"\"""\"""'""'"}.mw-parser-output .citation:target{background-color:rgba(0,127,255,0.133)}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-free a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-free a{background:url("//")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-limited a,.mw-parser-output .id-lock-registration a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-limited a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-registration a{background:url("//")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-subscription a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-subscription a{background:url("//")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .cs1-ws-icon a{background:url("//")right 0.1em center/12px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .cs1-code{color:inherit;background:inherit;border:none;padding:inherit}.mw-parser-output .cs1-hidden-error{display:none;color:#d33}.mw-parser-output .cs1-visible-error{color:#d33}.mw-parser-output .cs1-maint{display:none;color:#3a3;margin-left:0.3em}.mw-parser-output .cs1-format{font-size:95%}.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-left{padding-left:0.2em}.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-right{padding-right:0.2em}.mw-parser-output .citation .mw-selflink{font-weight:inherit}ISBN9780733644146) which covered the removal of Malcolm Turnbull as prime minister. I am proud of what we were able to achieve to make our state a better place including things such as record employment, Adelaide being recognised as the third most liveable city in the world and establishing South Australia as our nations space and defence state, Mr Marshall said. View David Speirs' business profile as Director Regional Relationships - Waikato / Bay of Plenty at Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency. two members are first generation migrants. David Speirs Owner, The Speirs Group Kilmarnock. "It is a slightly different structure," Mr Speirs said as he unveiled his new team on Thursday. [16][17] Speers won the same award at the 2015 event (which Speers also hosted) for his notable "The Fixer" interview with Christopher Pyne on PM Agenda. ), 3/1 Zwerner Drive, Hallett Cove Professional Centre, Hallett Cove 5158, A Justice of the Peace service is available from 9.30 to 11.30am Tuesdays and Fridays, phone ahead to avoid disappointment, Authorisedby DavidSpeirsMP - MemberforBlack - State Liberal Leader - 3/1 Zwerner Drive, Hallett Cove Professional Centre, Hallett Cove 5158 /, seven members call regional South Australia home. But within hours, his ascension was overshadowed when former deputy premier Vickie Chapman announced she'd quit politics and force a by-election. Raith Rovers fan Val McDermid rips up season ticket and ends sponsorship over David Goodwillie transfer. David Speers is the award-winning Political Editor at Sky News and anchor of agenda-setting political programs SPEERS and SPEERS on Sunday on Sky News Live. This service may include material from Agence France-Presse (AFP), APTN, Reuters, AAP, CNN and the BBC World Service which is copyright and cannot be reproduced. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. [20], Speers' parents are Peter Speers and Robyn (ne Cowled). On display at 6 Manton for the Adelaide Fringe, Vanessas work is part of an exhibition called Paths Crossed displaying works , How lucky are we to call South Australia home? By continuing to use our site you are agreeing to our, Tuberculosis outbreak declared in SA's APY Lands, VIDEO: Murder arrests | Medindie Hotel carjacking, SA rollout for electric car charging network. Previously he was political editor at Sky News Australia, as well as host of PM Agenda, The Last Word and Speers Tonight. journalism, Ive fully disclosed my financial interests on the register and, as always, will pay whatever tax is due from me., This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google, Media diversity is under threat in Australia nowhere more so than in South Australia. Three people Ashton Hurn, Penny Pratt and Tim Whetstone will look after different areas of health, which was a problem policy area for the Liberals in government and during the campaign. His mother is his biggest personal inspiration, and he would be forever grateful for all his mother has done for him. David Speers is married to his wife Liz Taggart-Speers. Rob Speirs at Stepnell. [24][25], "Transcript of television interview Speers Tonight, SKY News", "Insiders left without a host until 2020", "WINNERS ANNOUNCED FOR 2006 ASTRA AWARDS", " is for sale (Astra Awards)", "ASTRA Awards 2015: Wentworth, Sky News among winners", "Dedicated pay-TV awards scrapped, as ASTRA joins rest of industry in the AACTA Awards scheme", "The 50 most powerful people in Australian television, from screen stars to show makers", "AACTA Awards 2017: Utopia, Little Lunch in early wins", "Dr Mumbo at the ASTRA Awards: Speers blows his own trumpet",, This page was last edited on 30 January 2023, at 01:53. The actor had previously declined to make any mention about his personal life. Mr Speirs worked as a public servant in the Department of the Premier and Cabinet under former Labor administrations and served on Marion Council before entering state politics. Robert Simms described the reforms as a sensible and equitable measure that closes loopholes in our taxation system. "But we as a party will present a fresh, diverse face going forward with two migrants in the leadership team here of four.". Speirs social media accounts suggest that he has two children a son and a daughter. [15], Speers won a Walkley Award in December 2014 for a notable interview with Attorney General George Brandis, in which Brandis struggled to explain what metadata was despite being the minister in charge of proposed new laws surrounding the storage and police access of metadata. Jun 26, 2021. Factionally, there's also more balance between moderate and conservativeMPs in the shadow line-up. [19] The first items to be banned were single-use plastic straws, cutlery and drink stirrers with other items such as polystyrene containers phased out in March 2022. There are now six in the shadow ministry. In 2002, soon after his graduation, Speirs parents relocated the family to South Australia in search of better opportunities, with both leaving successful small businesses and their families and friends in Scotland. Every other state has these kinds of measures in place I dont know what were going to do if we create some sort of environment where people dodge their tax obligations, he said. molar enthalpy of combustion of methanol. Please Register on this link below: UP Global Investors [citation needed], In 2008 he graduated from the University of Adelaide with a Bachelor of Laws (Honours). Back in 2016, David Speer and wife Liz Speers daughter Olive was fighting the life-threatening condition. Im about giving this job my all, he said. David retired from General Motors after 32 years of dedicated service. He served as the Minister of Environment and Water in the Marshall Ministry between March 2018 and March 2022. At 37 years and four months, he's become the South Australian Liberal Party's youngest-ever leader, pipping Steele Hall and John Olsen. In addition, the RBA provided hawkish guidance all Lucas's marital blitz spears cabinet colleague - InDaily Spouses and partners who jointly hold investment properties could face higher land tax bills under the Marshall Government's controversial aggregation reforms - and one of its own ministers could be burned by the changes. He takes over from Steven Marshall, who resigned as leader after the big election loss on March 19. But Treasurer Rob Lucas suggested otherwise, telling InDaily under the changes he was proposing partners and spouses who owned joint investment portfolios as well as individual investments would face a revised aggregation regime. He has been a Liberal member of the South Australian House of Assembly since the 2014 state election and leader of the Liberal Party since 19 April 2022. In short, it is significant. But he and his wife, Hannah, said I Do in April 2013. Vickie Chapman announced she'd quit politics and force a by-election. SA Liberals elect former environment minister David Speirs as new party leader. He said he genuinely believed the Liberals could return to power in 2026. Speirs said his views on abortion were on the public record and he had no intention of trying to overturn the new laws, although his position would remain the same if the legislation came back to the parliament. Im a regular gym goer, rock climber and paddle boarder, and I enjoys hiking in our states parks, while continuing to volunteer at the surf club when I can. David Speirs Senior Quantity Surveyor at Ian Allan Associates (UK) Ltd Motherwell, Scotland, United Kingdom 418 followers 418 connections Join to connect Brockwell Energy Limited Glasgow. But I have no intention to see the regulations disallowed.. Two Liberal MPs were absent from this mornings joint partyroom ballot former Deputy Premier Vickie Chapman, who is travelling interstate, and the Member for Hammond, Adrian Pederick, who has COVID-19. My time on council was an excellent apprenticeship, learning more about my community, its needs and motivations. After a week in COVID isolation, Opposition leader David Speirs is back and determined to shift the focus away from the Vickie Chapman saga. Mr Marshall is a moderate, while his former deputy premier, Vickie Chapman, is also a moderate. taking politics and game playing out of the management of the River Murray and securing additional water for South Australia and much needed investment in our precious Coorong, leading Australias most ambitious climate change program with a nation leading commitment to reduce carbon emissions by 50% (on 2005 levels) by 2030 and net-zero by 2050, ensuring South Australia continues to lead the nation in waste management with the countrys first single use plastics ban. Media diversity is under threat in Australia nowhere more so than in South Australia. He secured 18 votes across the Liberal party room made up of politicians from both lower and upper houses, beating former speaker Josh Teague who collected five votes, and Nick McBride, an MP from the states south-east, who gained one vote. David and his partner go out on dates a lot. who resigned as party leader after last month's state election loss. John Gardner - who was previously education minister - was elected as deputy leader. Ans: David Speirs is originally from the town of Stranraer, in the ancient region of Galloway, an agricultural district in Scotlands southwestern corner. As for numbers, the Liberals have been left with 16 of 47 House of Assembly seats following last month's defeat.hrist. Where is the report from David Speirs' women's taskforce? . Guardian Australia has contacted Labor and Enid Lyons List for comment. Required fields are marked *. As well as being Leader of the Opposition, I have opted to take on a number of important shadow ministerial portfolios, these include: Shadow Minister for Environment, Shadow Minister for Small and Family Business, Shadow Minister for Disability and Shadow Minister for the Public Service. He has been married to his longtime wife Hannah, who he calls his best friend and soul mate. He holds the southern Adelaide suburbs seat of Black and was the environment minister in Mr Marshalls government from 2018 to 2022. She added that she would also highlight what she described as the incredibly huge impact that the Valuer-Generals land revaluation would have on local government rates and levies. David has been Sky News Political Editor since 2000 and Press Gallery President since 2012. It's been a week of transition with a touch of turmoil for the South Australian Liberal Party. [9] Speers regularly appears on ABC News, News Breakfast and ABC Local Radio including Mornings with Virginia Trioli on ABC Radio Melbourne. The best local news every workday at lunch time. Career [ edit] Country 11. David Speirs Partner Group Product Manager at Microsoft Kirkland, Washington, United States 2K followers 500+ connections Join to view profile Microsoft Edinburgh Napier University About. It also calls into question how acutely the Marshall cabinet understands the reach of the proposed reforms. She did not turn up for the party room vote in person on Tuesday, and was holidaying in NSW. Who is new South Australian Opposition Leader David Speirs? [12], During his time as Minister, Speirs oversaw significant reform in the portfolio such as the opening up of South Australia's reservoirs for recreational access,[13] the establishment of Green Adelaide[14] and regional landscape boards,[15] significant reduction of water bills[16] and an increase in the land protected as national parks including the creation of Glenthorne National Park[17] in Adelaide's southern suburbs and Australia's biggest national park at the Simpson Desert. Updated: November 8, 2011 . [18], In March 2021, legislation introduced by Speirs meant South Australia became the first state in Australia to ban single-use plastics. (All of my favorite things -- and hopefully yours too!) If youve been following me for a while, youll know about my great love for this endangered species. On 28 January 2016, Speers began hosting a new weekly Sky News format Speers Tonight from Canberra.[6][7][8].