. Denison's latest news, stories, and upcoming events from all around the hill and beyond. Credit Solution Experts Incorporated offers quality business credit building services, which includes an easy step-by-step system designed for helping clients build their business credit effortlessly. (ex-officio) 25. Evanston, Ill. Amy Todd Middleton 93, B.A. Assist in developing the annual budget, provide financial oversight and ensure that proper financial controls are in place. The UConn Board of Trustees approved the construction of a new South Campus residence hall on Wednesday. ", We encourage students to make their own conjectures, and then test them and revise them. She is a retired principal at Wichita Collegiate School. 'I dont understand this' becomes 'I dont understand this yet. 2022-2023 Board of Trustees . Paul W. Hylbert 66, B.A., M.B.A. DANA HALL SCHOOL IS AN INDEPENDENT BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL, PROVIDING EDUCATION TO APPROXIMATELY 470 STUDENTS IN GRADES FIVE THROUGH TWELVE. The CCA Board of Trustees is a group of dedicated and knowledgeable individuals who are passionate about advancing the mission of the college. 781.235.3010. Inclusion means a sense of belonging. Explore More. You can learn more about how we define Community, Equityand Inclusion. The board's guiding principle is to ensure that the library continues to be an important academic, cultural, and social force in the Newtown community. ", Engineering and Computer Science Department Head, Cara Hanig, Director of College Counseling, Meghan Gayton, Upper School English Faculty, Mary Potter, Upper School World Languages Faculty, Standard Application Online (SAO) Instructions. Dues are abolished and a voluntary Alumnae Fund is established to build an endowment and free the School of debt. Alliance groups focus on a specific social identity, but are open to all invested in collaboration. Co-Founder & Managing Partner Gallatin Point Capital He is currently a distinguished Special Trustees Fellow completing his . Cook shared observations about the physical spaces that tell the story of learning, one that continues to evolve to reflect changes in teaching and learning styles. Artist Trustees, Advisory Directors, Honorary Trustees and Ex Officio Trustees are non-voting members. New Albany, Ohio. Serve on or advise the organization's standing committees. This imaginary dialogue is based on a case study titled Dana Hall: Funding Mission article by McFarlan, Leonard & Tritter, 2006. Director, Public Funds and Taft Hartley, Northern Trust W August Hillenbrand, B.S., A.M.P. Trustee. Silver Spring, Md. Marisa Hall Trustee, Town of Ajax. Portland, Ore. Ben Cross 20, B.A. Trustee. All students have access to a full suite of state-of-the-art facilitiesincluding a 25-meter six-lane pool, 34-foot climbing wall, dance studios, ice hockey rink, turf and grass fields, and a well-stocked fitness center. The Erie Board of Trustees approved of fire code updates, which the town is functioning under, at Tuesday night's . Cynthia Hall - Administrative Assistant & Clerk of the Board. A professor in the school, he joined DePaul in 2012 and has served as the director of jazz studies since 2014. . Scottsdale, Ariz. William T. McConnell 55, B.A., M.B.A. Project. Dana Hensley graduated from KU in 1973 with a bachelor's degree in language arts and in 1976 with a master's degree in educational curriculum and instruction. We love when our students look past the formulas and algorithms to ask: why does this work?, We define success in many ways, including when our students feel safe enough to speak up even when they are afraid they will make mistakes and when they want to spontaneously engage in conversation (in the target language) with each other and the teacher. At Dana Hall, you have ample opportunity and unmatched encouragement to nurture your talents and try new things. Diverse perspectives and representation are fundamental to excellent education. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, or national and ethnic origin in the administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs. From the Head of School; Mission & Vision . Brantley holds a B.A. Board of Trustees . www.danahall.org. Support local + independent journalism in the U.S. Virgin Islands . The board adopts local laws, sets the budget and tax rate . dana hall board of trustees. In 1997, he joined Willis Group in London to help start up what is now Nephila Capital. James T. Glerum Jr. 82, B.A., M.B.A. . ', In the arts, vigor equals passion, both in teaching the traditional and contemporary approaches to art-making, and in the kind of self-expression, dedication to craft, and focus on creativity that we try to inspire in our students. Ashley Edwards Bradley 93, B.A., M.B.A. Founding Partner The Riverside Company She has an undergraduate degree in economics from Duke . We continue to work on our capacity to create a school where all students, families, and employees thrive. University of Michigan Law School Read Profile. Covington, Ky. 100 West College Street Designed by Dario Designs, the Classroom Building project is being funded by private philanthropy from community members. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, or national and ethnic origin in the administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs. The new trustees are: Governing Trustees. Cincinnati, Ohio. Stamford, Conn. Martha Dunbar Hall 81, B.A., M.B.A And audaciously yourself. The library board is committed to its charge to provide oversight and direction for the library. Provide and update information about the Board of Trustees composition, experience and commitment to CEI on the Dana Hall School Website, and other communications platforms as appropriate, to improve transparency as regards Board of Trustees leadership and capacity in areas of CEI. With her deep roots in Harpeth Hall history, Patty was a contributing writer to Celebrating Milestones: The Life and Legacy of the Harpeth Hall School published in 2001. Faculty and staff regularly participate in professional development that is focused on Equity and Inclusion work, including the National Association of Independent Schools' People of Color Conference, AISNE DEI conference, National Anti-Racist Teach In and Diversity Directions. Search. To date, Dana Hall has raised $22.750 million in gifts and pledges from 217 donors,and looks to the community to give generously to complete the fundraising. Classes are in person in a hybrid model with an alternating cohort system, with one class cohort on campus one week, and the other cohort taking classes via Zoom. Trustees make Nassar-related announcements; Campus Town Hall; April. CEO Highgate, LLC Atlanta, Ga. George Bodenheimer 80, B.A. We are committed to building an educational program that recognizes and values the many peoples and perspectives of our community and the world. Kate was celebrated as Harpeth Halls Lady of the Hall in 1993. Masks are required indoors. 2nd & 4th Tuesdays - Board Meeting and Public Comments. All Dana Hall employees who identify as White are invited and encouraged to engage in AWARE. Davidson College is governed by a Board of Trustees composed of between 30 and 45 members. The Archives also maintains separate timelines for campus buildings, faculty years of service, and for other interesting events in Dana Halls history. Azita Bina-Seibel, Bina Family Hospitality. Managing Director Robert W. Baird, Inc. about STANDUP Series Returns for Second Year, about Intentionality in the Biology Classroom, about Empowering Tomorrows Social and Environmental Justice Warriors, Standard Application Online (SAO) Instructions, NAIS Principles of Good Practice- Equity and Justice, SHADES (Sisters Honoring All Diasporas & Enlightening Society), Empowering Tomorrows Social and Environmental Justice Warriors. Frassinelli spoke of the collaborative nature of the project, citing the many opportunities to give ideas for the revitalized space. majoring in political science and being named a Charles A. Dana Scholar. Open To First Time Founds. We offer a wide range of interscholastic sports, including a top equestrian program. Head of North America (retired) Babcock & Brown LP Kate has chaired The Annual Fund alumnae committee and has served as a reunion class chair. The Community, Equity & Inclusion Committee, or CEI Committee, has accountability at the foundation of its mission in assisting Dana Hall School leadership as they proactively expand diversity, equity, inclusion and antiracism (DEIA) efforts that impact students, staff, faculty and other members of the school community. Jeremy J Flug 83, B.A., M.B.A. They hire the chief executive, are stewards for its thousands of vulnerable patients, organize big-ticket fund . We realize that conflicts may arise in the creation of such a community, but we see these possible conflicts as opportunities for growth, for open and honest communication, and for learning. About 40 people curious about Ramona Town Hall's history and $2 million-plus fundraising drive visited the building on Saturday, Feb. 26. She is an advocate for diversity, equity, and inclusion and sees opportunity everywhere to recognize the . Granville, Ohio 43023 45 Dana Road Wellesley, MA 02482-9010. Alison earned a Bachelor of Business Administration from Belmont Universitys School of Music Business. Oak Brook, Ill. Matthew J. Harrington 84, B.A. 00000. Voices and viewpoints from educators across Dana Hall School's campus. Equity is the active commitment to justice and fairness in the distribution of available resources. We are seeing true philanthropy in action, Bradley told the assembled guests. It's within a context of shared discovery, of learning with and from one another, that individual student growth and leadership are nurtured.". Harpeth Hall salutes trustees whose terms concluded at the end of the 2020-2021 school year. An Upper Division (grades 9-12) will include boarders, and a Lower Division (grades 7 and 8) will be solely day students, It is announced that Pine Manor will become independent of Dana Hall and leave Wellesley for the Dane Estate in Chestnut Hill by September 1, 1964, Dana Hall becomes a single school with a 7, The Dana Junior Class of 1962 is the last class to graduate from the Junior School. Sources exist in the collections of the Nina Heald Webber 1949 Archives for each fact on the timeline. He received his Bachelor of Science from the University of Tennessee. Dana Hall students have the audacity to be themselvesunequivocally and without reserve. Senior Vice President for Marketing (retired) - Bank of America Dana Hall | Board Of Trustees Katherine L. Bradley Head of School. ", When my students recognize that their voices and opinions are important in determining how we shape the world around us and come up with multiple solutions to problems that seem impossible, they have succeeded in learning what it is to be a future engineer and leader. New York, N.Y. Daniel J. Brickman 80, B.A. The UConn Board of Trustees on Wednesday approved . John joined the Board in February 2021, originally as the Tate Liaison Trustee. New Canaan, Conn. Cynthia Ooten Booth 79, B.A., M.A. dana hall board of trustees. After the event, students were invited to commemorate the occasion by donning a hard hat and vest and posing with a shovel full of dirt. Contact Information. Center TOWN OF RICO BOARD OF TRUSTEES 2 Commercial Street- Rico Town Hall March 9th, 2023 6:00 PM Chauncey McCarthy is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. School administrators and the Board of Trustees are fully engaged in the design and construction planning phase of the project and are working with the Town of Wellesley to secure required permitting. She was formerly an associate with Waller. She was a senior director at Sotheby's and chairman of the Sotheby's . School Leadership - Choate Rosemary Hall is an independent boarding and day school in Wallingford, CT for talented students in grades 9 through postgraduate. The invitation is directed to White people in our community so that, as White people, we can directly address our significant role in perpetuating and dismantling systemic racism. A memorial service for her is held in Bardwell Auditorium on June 4th with alumnae, parents, seniors, faculty, and friends representing all four Dana Hall Schools, The Art and Science wing of the Classroom Building opens in the Fall, Edith Blakeslee Phelps becomes the fifth Principal of Dana Hall in July and moves into Grove House with her family, The new Dining Center is completed for the opening of school in September, The first outdoor graduation takes place June 5th, Dr. Patricia A. Wertheimer is appointed the sixth principal/headmistress of Dana Hall. With a superb academic program and an emphasis on kindness, inclusion, and mutual respect, youll achieve at the highest level and embrace your true self. The first event was a celebration for students, with a morning speaking program in the Shipley Center that featured Head of School Katherine Bradley, CM&B Project Executive BJ Whennen, Visual Arts Department Head Michael Frassinelli and Chair of the Board of Trustees Courtney Caruso 05.