6 target model with vent rib barrel in very good condition. ins.dataset.adChannel = cid; Dan Wesson 715 Revolver .357 Mag Pistol Pack Stainless $ 1,999.00 The 715 Pistol Pack ships with 4, 6 and 8 barrel lengths. The list can now be limited to specific models which makes reviewing the information much easier. If the rear sight is not adjustable, it is likely a Classic model. [2] Barrels and shrouds were constructed of chrome moly steel. The company headquarters are in Kansas City, Kansas, and its manufacturing plant is in Norwich, New York, as of August 2015. There you have it! An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Dan Wesson usually includes unique grips that can help you identify the model. - Dan Wesson Forum Serial Number Search Updated! The shrouds on these early models had an elongated flange (known to collectors as "Pork Chop" shrouds) which mated with the front of the revolver's frame. Looking to purchase a Dan Wesson firearm, it is important to know how to identify the different models in order to make an informed decision. Dan Wesson usually includes unique grips that can help you identify the model. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); 2023 Grim Warrior | All rights reserved. A forum community dedicated to all 1911 firearm owners and enthusiasts. The caliber is usually stamped on the right side of the barrel, near the frame. Dan Wesson Firearms 2020. Dan Wesson introduced their first revolver in 1968, and since then, they have become a well-respected manufacturer of high-quality firearms. The Model 15-2 became the most well known and the best selling Dan Wesson revolver model to go into production. Why I was asking was I recently purchased a Razorback and wanted to make sure it wasn't a "Blemished" pistol. DAN WESSON 15-2 H .357 Magnum Gun News & Reviews 68.8K subscribers Join Subscribe 20K views 2 years ago Another great firearm manufactured in the 1970s. Posts: 1. Our authorized dealers can be found here. [2][7] Designed for extended use with full-power magnum loads, the new Model 44 used a larger and stronger frame than the Smith & Wesson Model 29 (M44 weight was 48 ounces with a 4-inch barrel), and featured a solid frame without a separate sideplate, which also increased strength. I wanted to take this opportunity to let you know that I have updated the serial number search functionality in the Site Supporters section. The serial number is 381840. One thing that sets Dan Wesson apart from other manufacturers is their use of interchangeable barrels. If the cylinder release latch is located on the right side of the frame, it is most likely a classic model. It is a Ask an Expert General Questions Firearm Questions Disclaimer: Information in questions, answers, and other posts on this site ("Posts") comes from individual users, not JustAnswer; JustAnswer is not responsible for Posts. I recently bought one off GB that turned out to be not the deal it seemed. The Model 44 could also be obtained with a "Power Control" barrel compensator. Some time back I was informed that the Dan Wesson/CZ serial number identified the year of production by the first two numbers in the that serial number. I have been trying to find where I could buy the pork chop style shrouds as I only have a 2.25" barrel and would like to get a 6" Would also really like to know the approximate production date. www.czgunshop.com, www.czgunstore.com, www.danwessonfirearmstore.com. Check the cylinder release latch. The lack of a steel frame outline permits a wider amount of grip sizes and styles, since any grip that can accept the short mainspring housing can be used. At one time, after much research, I "guessed" it to date somewhere around 74 or 75. Oct 22, 2011. Guess we'll never know! What is the serial number of a Dan Wesson? Make: Dan Wesson Arms of Monson, Mass. The caliber is usually stamped on the right side of the barrel, near the frame. I have a Dan Wesson Arms .357 that I purchased new in early to mid 1970. i have purchased a 6" 357 blued dan wesson revolver. The gun shown above is the 22 version of the Dan Wesson medium frame revolver. Below is a key to help identify the meaning of each letter in a model number: If youre a fan of Dan Wesson firearms, you know that they come in various models. There are a few key things to look for, such as the location of the serial number, the type of barrel, and the style of grips. I got fancy wood DW grips, but still have the darker originals. More with the original box and grips. Have your gun serviced regularly. By following these simple steps, you should be able to figure out which model youre dealing with. I emailed Dan Wesson Arms only last week to find a date of manufacture and model number for my newly acquired .357 4" Monson, MA (I believe it is a Model 15), serial # 2058xx and got a very prompt reply the next day stating they dont have any records of serial #s Hey guys, I have a question for you. The new value of a DAN WESSON 44 pistol has fallen $0.00 dollars over the past 12 months to a price of $1,470.23 . Dan Wesson Model 15 Serial Number Lookup - DocsLib. Here is a recent photo: Thanks mountainclmbr for the serial number. Yeah, they're fussy about almost invisible flaws on the frame or slide, but they'll put very obviously blemmed parts on a gun and not bat an eye. In most cases, a Smith & Wesson revolver's serial number is engraved on the trigger guard, the crank, or the cylinder of the pistol. it also has a purple frame and the rest is blued. [2] The new revolvers compared well in all respects in fit and finish to the best models offered by Colt and Smith & Wesson, using heat-treated, investment-cast 4140 chrome moly steel frames with a deep, highly polished blue finish. to determine an approximate date of manufacture. 10mm serial number is S64xxCZ and no the 6 is not an 8 that was not struck with a . ins.style.height = container.attributes.ezah.value + 'px'; Joe Pilot, just search gunbroker for "Blem". The following websites are NOT affiliated with Dan Wesson. The Power Control barrel and vented shroud were eventually dropped, though DW did experiment with an external shroud-mounted compensator in later models. For example, the Cobra is stamped as COBRA. Sometimes the model name will be stamped on the right side of the barrel.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'homesteadandprepper_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_6',118,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-homesteadandprepper_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0'); If you cannot find the model name, look for the serial number. Location: Palmer, Massachusetts. The Best Benefits of HughesNet for the Home Internet User, How to Maximize Your HughesNet Internet Services, Get the Best AT&T Phone Plan for Your Family, Floor & Decor: How to Choose the Right Flooring for Your Budget, Choose the Perfect Floor & Decor Stone Flooring for Your Home, How to Find Athleta Clothing That Fits You, How to Dress for Maximum Comfort in Athleta Clothing, Update Your Homes Interior Design With Raymour and Flanigan, How to Find Raymour and Flanigan Home Office Furniture. The Model 13 was a success, and led to the development of the Model 14, which was even more successful. Check out the detailshere. For example, the Cobra has black rubber grips with a snake logo. The company started in a small factory in Norwich, New York, where they made high quality revolvers. Hope that helps. On a Dan Wesson revolver, the serial number is also on the guns frame, located between the trigger guard and the cylinder. It's been praised by gun experts and firearms aficionados alike. It is likely a Pointman or CBOB model if it is located on the left side of the frame. Within a few years, Dan Wesson introduce their Large Frame revolver in other calibers, including .41 Magnum (Model 41) and .45 Long Colt (Model 45). The serial number is 26851-1. The model name is usually stamped on the left side of the barrel, near the frame. I show the first # for the Model 12 as #4, built 1/12/73. This warranty covers defects in materials and workmanship and is valid for the life of the revolver. Slide is offered only with NO front cocking serrations, and fixed Champion (Novak style) black sights (not night sights). These pistols are only available in .357 Magnum, and they are known for their accuracy and reliability as well. ins.style.display = 'block'; The demand of used DAN WESSON pistol's has fallen 43 units over the past 12 months. The company typically etches the serial number into a flat surface on the metal frame, according to images available on the manufacturers website. The last two digits of the serial number are the individual revolver within the production run (e.g., 0001 would indicate the first revolver made in that production run). For example, the Cobra has a checkered rubber grip with the DW logo in the center. The 12 month average price is $1,470.23 new and $1,204.29 used. The Pointman is a larger revolver designed for competition shooting. If you haven't found one yet; try a Bullseye kit first. You can find the serial number on a Dan Wesson pistol on the frame between the take down lever and the trigger guard, on the right side of the gun with respect to the position of the gun when gripped. What are the differences between the Classic, Elite, Expert, and Valor models? The sixth step is to identify the finish. If youre unsure about the model, you can always consult an expert or look up the serial number. Way back in the posts, someone asked about a trigger job for his DW. Mar 30, 2022. Serial number data is based on information provided by members of the Dan Wesson Forum. It is likely a Pointman or CBOB model if it is located on the left side of the frame. ins.style.minWidth = container.attributes.ezaw.value + 'px'; Thanks. It's been my recent experience that "blems" in some DW models are scarcer then hens teeth. LSB#: 180710EA05 Make: Dan Wesson Arms Model: 22V Serial Number: 14451 Year of Manufacture: Modern Caliber: .22 Long Rifle Action Type: Single or Double Action Revolver with Swing-Out Cylinder Markings: The right side of the 8, 6, 4 and 2.5 barrel shrouds are marked "DAN WESSON ARMS / CAL. Dan Wesson Arms was incorporated in 1968, with its headquarters and production located in a former school building in Monson, Massachusetts. How much do these usually go for? I don't own one. Lewis had previously invented an interchangeable barrel system for revolvers, and this system was incorporated into the Dan Wesson prototype. Additionally, the Dan Wesson logo is usually prominently displayed on the grip of the gun. These pistols are available in a few different calibers as well, and they are known for their accuracy and reliability as well. I purchased my DW 15-26 in late 1978, serial # 169xxx. No records are available from the various Dan Wesson companies, and we rely on records/recollections of original purchasers, paperwork retained with the pistol, dated barrel wrappers, etc. Dan Wesson recommends having your gun serviced by a qualified gunsmith every 12 months. Is that an overstatement, or is there truth in that opinion? to determine an approximate date of manufacture. The photo that came with it shows 3 areas in the finish that I can't see even knowing where to look. If you find this site useful, please consider a donation towards site running costs. The corporation was initially moved to Palmer Massachusetts, and the name was changed to Dan Wesson Firearms. Dan Wesson revolvers also went back into limited production, though this required a substantial investment in new CNC tooling and equipment to replace the old worn-out tooling. On the right side of the frame it reads "DAN WESSON ARMS, MONSON, MASS. Dan Wesson 715 Revolver .357 Mag Pistol Pack Stainless For Sale Online - Dan Wesson Firearms Store Home Shop 715 Revolver Dan Wesson 715 Revolver .357 Mag Pistol Pack. Dan Wesson Arms was incorporated in 1968, with its headquarters and production located in a former school building in Monson, Massachusetts.[1]. The 15-2 used a roll pin inserted into the frame as a centering dowel combined with a precisely drilled hole in each shroud assembly to facilitate proper shroud centering and alignment, thus eliminating the need for flanged barrel shrouds. Dan Wesson Model 14-2 357 MAG Description: In roughly 80% condition. It's fair to say that the Dan Wesson .357 magnum revolver is one of the most well-built guns on the market. var cid = '2857184049'; Don't see this model mentioned very often. The seller took it back for a full refund but would not replace it with the "blem" DT model as advertised in their ad for the price I paid. First, to identify the sights on a Dan Wesson firearm, take a close look at the front sight. Year of Manufacture * Serial Number (replace last digit with an "x") * Data to support the year of manufacture listed. Estimated Value *Using 80% condition for calculating used Values. Have a question about one of our products? [2][7] Light recoil was a side benefit in IHMSA silhouette competitions. Other revolvers place this latch on the frame, behind the cylinder. While the traditional image of Dan Wesson has always been centered around revolvers, over the years the company has also developed and produced rifles, ammunition, and a popular line of Dan Wesson 1911 auto pistols in various calibers. ins.dataset.adClient = pid; Available barrel lengths were 2.5, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 15, as well as the following profiles: half underlug with a plain rib (Standard), half underlug with a vented rib (SV), full underlug with a plain rib (Heavy) and full underlug with a vented rib (HV). The list can now be limited to specific models which makes reviewing the information much easier. The Dan Wesson 15-2 revolvers were available in a number of different variants. Aw come on guys, ain't there some DW experts/historians out there some where? Wonder if this one sit in a shop for a while or wasn't shipped. Dan Wesson makes two types of revolvers: the Heritage series and the Valor series. var slotId = 'div-gpt-ad-homesteadandprepper_com-box-3-0'; The third step is to identify the year of manufacture. Anyone know exactly where on the firearm to look for that stamping? *Caliber, Barrel Length, Generations, Sub Models may all affect item price. HANDGUNS Availability. Dan Wesson Firearms - Wikipedia.My PM-7. All Rights Reserved. With some research, you should be able to figure out which Dan Wesson model youre dealing with. By carefully examining the grips, you should be able to narrow down which model youre looking at. Those are aftermarket grips. This .357 beauty is accurate as can be but. I don't know how long the shop had this gun. It makes them versatile tools for self-defense and target shooting. www.czgunshop.com, www.czgunstore.com, www.danwessonfirearmstore.com. It makes them versatile tools for both self-defense and target shooting. Come join the discussion about optics, gunsmithing, styles, reviews, accessories, classifieds, and more! Anyone know the year of manufacture. It allows the user to change their weapons length and caliber easily. var ins = document.createElement('ins'); The first interchangeable barrel revolvers produced were the Dan Wesson Models W8, W9, W11, and W12, all medium-frame size frame revolvers chambered in .38 Special or .357 Magnum. If the front sight is integral to the barrel, it is likely a Classic model. My model 12 has serial of 399XX. For example, the Pointman model has adjustable target sights. The Power Control barrel and shroud was introduced. Do a google search. You can contact Smith & Wesson's customer care department if you need help locating the serial number for your pistol: Visit Smith Wesson's "Support" page on their website. container.style.maxWidth = container.style.minWidth + 'px'; Of course, grips are just one way to identify a Dan Wesson firearm. The Dan Wesson Arms Company was founded in 1968 by Daniel B. Wesson II, grandson of Daniel B. Wesson who co-founded Smith & Wesson. Dan Wesson does NOT sell firearms directly to consumers online,instead selling our products through an Authorized Dealer network as well as to major wholesale distributors that work with all other FFL dealers. That appears to be the 15-2V model. var alS = 1002 % 1000; USA" and then has the serial number. In 1995, poor sales led to yet another bankruptcy, after which Bob Serva purchased the corporation and its assets, moving the group to Norwich, New York, where it is currently located. I show the first # for the Model 12 as #4, built 1/12/73. The corporate headquarters is in Kansas City, Kansas, and the customer service and manufacturing plant is located in Norwich, New York. Each Dan Wesson Firearms 1911 and revolver bears the name of Daniel B. Wesson, who founded Wesson Firearms Co., Inc. in 1968. The fourth step is to identify the sights. Even the clam-shell pistol cases' label is stamped boldly "Blemished". Dan Wesson firearms stamped with a "" symbol have been determined to be "Blems". FAQ Have a question about one of our products? Dan Wesson revolvers are generally heavier than other brands because they are constructed with high-quality materials. For example, the Pointman is a heavyweight gun, while the Cobra is a lightweight gun. What year? If you are looking for a more accurate and higher quality revolver, the Elite or Expert models may be better choices. For example, the Pointman is stamped as .45ACP. Guess a fixed sight Dan Wesson wasn't very desirable. The model name is usually stamped on the left side of the barrel, near the frame. (pr8126) Price: $429.95 Item Number: pr8126 Previously sold Dan Wesson 22 .22 LR caliber revolver. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development.