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(612) 713-7100, Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. The bids will be opened in Billings as early as Tuesday after Jay Windy Boy, the BIA Rocky Mountain Region contracting officer, returns from Washington, D.C. A lock September 07, 2020 . BIA Real Estate Services Mr. Dave Radford White House Council on Native American Affairs. Helibase: 928-810-4145 Fax: 907-586-7120, BIA Branch of Forestry Fax: 928-338-5403, Natural Resource Bldg, Airport Road 0000004599 00000 n
(703) 376-7300 (Cell) "Ed Parisian is an experienced administrator who will bring a fresh perspective to the Rocky Mountain Region," Ragsdale said. Recruitment Notice for: 2021 Rocky Mountain Area Incident Management . BIA Superintendent's March 27, 2008 10-day notice to Eagle Bear. 545 Marriott Drive, Suite 700 Portland, OR 97232-4169 2800 Cottage Way Box 368Anadarko, OK 73005(405) 590-3503, Riley (Reece) HenryBLM Indian Lands SurveyorBIA Real Estate Services2600 North Central Avenue4th Floor MailroomPhoenix, AZ 85004-3050(602) 379-6781 Ext. Phoenix, Arizona 85004-4427 (307) 275-5014 (mobile)s75spark@blm.gov, Mr. Joshua F. Alexander There are a number of activities that you can do on the Rocky Mountain. COVID-19 Updates and Information Following guidance from the White House, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention An official website of the United States government. Region 2 encompasses national forests and grasslands in Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, and most of South Dakota and Wyoming. In Canada, the range stretches along the border of Alberta and British Columbia. Chief Cadastral Surveyor Fax: 218-751-4367, Branch of Fire and Aviation Mgmt This study focuses on the Midwest and Rocky Mountain regions. 1227(602) 379-6754 (Fax). Phone: 918-781-4642 To report building maintenance issues, please contact the Rocky Mountain Call Center. [1] This position is located with the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Superintendent, Colorado River Agency in Parker, Arizona. A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. The US Forest Service Rocky Mountain Region has formally identified four overarching themes as emphasis areas on which . Billings, Montana 59101 BIA Real Estate Services 4th Floor Mail Room The Office of the Regional Solicitor is located in Atlanta, Georgia; afield office is located in Knoxville, Tennessee. Their projects are diverse, but they share one common element excellence. (505) 563-3048 (Fax)rflora@blm.gov, Mr. Mark Morberg 0000010829 00000 n
(505) 863-8432 (Fax)fyazzie@blm.gov, Mr. Matthew Kurchinski The Deputy Regional Director for Trust Services serves as the designated official for maintaining and discharging the trust responsibility of the Secretary of the Interior through public laws and restricted requirements concerning individually owned native allotments. Each tribal and BIA employee must be an active participant in helping to address the problem of child abuse and neglect in Indian Country. Phone: 505-759-3963 However, the project teams have dcmonsnated their responsiveness and proficiency is resolve issues as . (505) 248-5600, Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, and Wyoming. A lock 0
3833 S Development Ave Welcome to the Rocky Mountain Region. Box 2965 Chief Cadastral Surveyor occur. 606 0 obj
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(503) 808-6190 (Fax)mhartel@blm.gov, Mr. Timothy A. Quincy (615) 514-6701 (Fax)gmwinter@blm.gov, Eastern States, All states east of and bordering the Mississippi River, Mr. Dave Radford Deputy Solicitor, Land Resources Natalie Landreth Whiteriver, AZ 85941 Rocky Mountain is a source of various minerals. Ms. Mary J. M. Hartel Branch of Cadastral Survey 0000001345 00000 n
Deputy Solicitor, General Law (Vacant) 5275 Leesburg Pike The mountain range passes through the US States of Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Utah, Wyoming, and New Mexico, and the Canadian Provinces of Alberta and British Columbia. 2850 Youngfield Street
Lakewood, Colorado 80215 BLM Indian Lands Surveyor BIA Rocky Mountain Region; BIA Southern Plains Region; BIA Southwest Region; BIA Western Region; Resources. The twelve regional offices are located in the heart of Indian Country with the agencies located at the reservation level. The Rocky Mountain Regional Detention Facility, formerly known as the Two Rivers Regional Detention Facility, is a privately owned, government-operated detention facility located in Hardin, Montana, which was first proposed as economic development in 2004, and was completed in the summer of 2007. 0000109960 00000 n
1-11.) The Rocky . $1,000 Sign-on Bonus! Reno, Nevada 89502-7147 (916) 978-6131, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, and Washington. Main Office 928-729-2307 Bureau of Indian Affairs (Southwest, Rocky Mountain and Great Plains Regions) Bureau of Land Management . XD0L*P0r4@zC8IH*0060. Boise ID 83705-5398 5353 Yellowstone Road BLM Indian Lands Surveyor %PDF-1.3
A lock This handbook is designed to provide Federal and tribal employees with essential knowledge to identify and report incidents of child abuse and neglect. *Applicants who apply through third-party sites (Indeed, Monster, etc.) 615 0 obj
To qualify, land surveyors must be licensed or registered under state law in at least one state with no disciplinary actions within the last five years. (208) 373-3980 (Voice-Main) "I am pleased to have him as a member of the BIA's team of regional senior executives." BLM Indian Lands Surveyor Deputy Solicitor, Water Resources (Vacant) BLM Indian Lands Surveyor Phone: Unavailable (405) 590-3503rfootland@blm.gov, Mr. Robert W Flora The Region, headquartered in Lakewood, Colorado, comprises 17 national forests and 7 national grasslands. There are about 74,677 enrolled tribal members within the Region. Fax: 509-258-7823, 4207 Holiday Lane P.O. Fax: 505-759-3924, 210 Chatto Dr Gallup, NM 87301-6310 Fax: 509-634-3149, 44592 Old US Hwy 93 Inchelium Highway Fire - Vehicle Fire . 2021 4th Avenue North Chief Cadastral Surveyor for Montana and the Dakotas (MT-926) NW (503) 231-6809 (Office) Portland, OR 97204 BIA Superintendent's January 15, 2008 notice of late payment to Eagle Bear. %PDF-1.5
The Region . Geographic areas served by these offices overlap to a considerable extent, with the result that more than one office may address legal matters within a single state. BLM Indian Lands Surveyor (907) 271-4549 (Fax)totoole@blm.gov, Mr. Harold Simmons BIA Rocky Mountain Region; BIA Southern Plains Region; BIA Southwest Region; BIA Western Region; Resources. 0000005832 00000 n
Sacramento, CA 95825 Phone: 970-563-4571 The Regional IIM Social Workers conduct annual reviews of all active supervised accounts, provide follow-up on corrective action plans, deliver training and technical assistance, and provide case management for out-of-area IIM cases. The Office of the Regional Solicitor is located in the Denver, Colorado, metropolitan area; a field office is located in Billings, Montana. Suite 102-A Fax: Unavailable, 615 First St. NW, Plaza Maya Blg # 401 (602) 417-9588 (Fax)mmorberg@blm.gov, Ms. Janet M Wilkins LockA locked padlock Emergency Incidents, for the East Zone Northern Rockies Region, with Interagency cooper-ation in the sharing of resources within the Zone, Region and on a national scale. Deputy Solicitor, Parks and Wildlife Sarah Krakoff Subscribe to our Daily Headlines newsletter. U.S. Mail The Rockies are more noted for their many underground mines for silver, gold, lead, and zinc, found in British Columbia, Colorado, Montana, Idaho, Utah, New Mexico, and Arizona. 1mi N of Conoco, Route 12 Secure .gov websites use HTTPS cormc@firenet.gov, Click to Display Map Legend or Download PNG of Map, NWCG Standards for Interagency Incident Business Mangement (SIIBM), Chapter 80: Cost Accounting and Reporting, Agency-Specific Incident Business Direction, Interagency Cooperative Fire Protection Agreements, CO Supplemental Fire Department Resources, KS Master Cooperative Wildland Fire Management and Stafford Act Response Agreement, SD Cooperative Interagency Fire Management Agreement, WY Interagency Cooperative Fire-Management and Stafford-Act Response Agreement, National Emergency Rental Vehicles (NERV). Anadarko, OK 73005 (208) 373-3981 (Voice-Direct) Warm Springs, OR 97761, 51 Wishpoosh Road DOCUMENTS 25 CFR Part 2, Appeals From Administrative Actions The Rockies also have produced large quantities of molybdenum, beryllium, and uranium. Fax: 541-553-2436, PO Box 1239 * I understand and agree that registration on or use of this site. Official websites use .gov Albuquerque, NM 87102 0000008262 00000 n
(202) 768-4309 (Cell) I am sure there will be a bump or two along the way to complEitely implementing ROSS across . Contact Us - National Training Center for Indian Social Services Home BIA Regions Resources BIA SS Forms Training Calendar Jobs Grants Add An Event Contact Us Contact Us Home Contact Us Jade Snell Project Lead jade.snell@rmtlc.org (406) 694-8047 Your Name (required) Your Email (required) Subject Upload File (max. Purchase & Delivery of Propane for the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Turtle Mountain Agency in Belcourt, ND. 2600 N. Central Ave Phone: Unavailable See 25 C.F.R. Fax: Unavailable, 545 Marriott Drive Welcome to the Rocky Mountain Region 8 Buildings and Facilities Utah Wallace F. Bennett Federal Building Wallace F. Bennett Federal Building General Information 125 South State Street Salt Lake City, UT 84138 Directions >> Hours of Operation: 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Mon. Chief Cadastral Surveyor Crow Agency, MT 59022 The Office of the Regional Solicitor is located in Minnesota's Twin Cities area; field offices are located in Boston, Massachusetts andPittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Rocky Mountain Regional Office, Denver, Colorado; Routt National Forest, Colorado . He is responsible for budgeting, program planning, and developing mutual relationships with Natural Resources and Real Estate Services groups. BIA Real Estate Services Aberdeen, SD 57401 Rocky Mountain District 970-642-4946 rmbruno@blm.gov Colorado (cont.) 0000009553 00000 n
Indian Affairs (602) 417-9558 (Voice Direct)mmorberg@blm.gov Official websites use .gov BIA Real Estate Services Statement of Edward Parisian, Director Rocky Mountain Regional Office Bureau of Indian Affairs U. S. Department of the Interior Before the Committee on Indian Affairs United States Senate Oversight Field Hearing on "Empowering Native Youth to Reclaim their Future" August 9, 2011 Good Afternoon Mr. Chairman, Mr. Vice Chairman and Members of the Committee, my name is Edward Eagle Bear's appeal of the October 17, 2017 cancellation. 0000027210 00000 n
Deputy State Director Geospatial Services 4th Floor Mailroom 2929 3rd Ave N, Ste 300, Billings, MT 59101 - (406) 252-2550 (303) 445 0610, California, Hawaii, Nevada, and the Pacific islands. BIA Agency Rocky Mountain Regional Office Job Title Acting Regional Director First Name Susan Last Name Messerly Physical Address 2021 4th Avenue N City Billings State MT ZIPCode 59101 Phone Number (406) 247-7943 Fax (406) 247-7976 Mailing Address 2021 4th Avenue N Mailing Address City Billings Mailing Address State Montana Mailing Address ZipCode PSIA-AASI and its eight regions (Central, Eastern, Intermountain, Northern Intermountain, Northern Rocky Mountain, Northwest, Rocky Mountain, and Western) are everywhere in the United States where snow falls and excited skiers and riders share the thrill of . Bldg. Ignacio, CO 81137 5275 Leesburg Pike You are invited to attend a virtual focus group on opioid prevention in your tribal communities. or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. 0000010187 00000 n
(Doc. The Rocky Mountain Regional Director of the BIA possessed the sole authority to overturn the lease cancellation. 0000003574 00000 n
Chief Cadastral Surveyor Fax: 970-563-9515, 203 Sunset Blv. 0000005202 00000 n
A lock ( Phone:406-247-7949 Fax: 406-638-2866, 542 Sun Bear St. Rocky Mountain Regional Office Bureau of Indian Affairs. (406) 247-7935thomas.laakso@bia.govtlaakso@blm.gov, Mr. Ray J Footland Phone: 509-634-3100 (916) 978-4327 (Fax)jhonda@blm.gov, Mr. Thomas Laakso (612) 725-4580 (Office) Fax: 928-475-2584, 6075 Sterling Rd The "Rockies" as they are also known, pass through northern New Mexico and into Colorado, Wyoming, Idaho, and Montana. BIA Rocky Mountain Region (Montana reservations, excluding Flathead) Contact: Amanda Boatright, 406-247-7949 (o) or 406-696-5069 (c) BIA Northwest Region (Idaho panhandle reservations, including Flathead) Contact: Regina Hoffmann, 503-231-6800 (o) or 503-679-5725 (c) 0000007580 00000 n
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Delivery of program services to thefederally recognized tribes and individual Indians and Alaska Natives, whether directly or through contracts, grants or compacts, is administered by the twelve regional offices and 83 agencies that report to the BIA Deputy Director-Field Operations, located in Washington, D.C. Each regional office is headed by a Regional Director who is responsible for all Bureau activities within a defined geographical area except education, law enforcement and functions of an administrative nature. BIA Center for Recruitment Rocky Mountain Regional BIA Center for Recruitment Rocky Mountain Regional 2021 4th Avenue North Billings, MT 59101 US Learn more about this agency Next steps. (612) 713-4401 (Fax) BIA Rocky Mountain Regional Office 2021 4th Avenue North Billings, MT 59101 Monday, June 25, 2018 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Albuquerque, New Mexico National Indian Programs Training Center 1011 Indian School Road, NW Albuquerque, NM 87104 Thursday, June 28, 2018 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Jackson Rancheria Casino Resort 12222 New York Ranch Road (LockA locked padlock) . Rocky Mountain Area Coordination Center An Interagency Incident Support Website: 2850 Youngfield Street Lakewood, CO 80215 Tel: 303-445-4300 0000009574 00000 n
One Federal Dr., Rm 550 With an emphasis on high ethical standards, excellence in public service and the delivery of superlative advice and counsel, our Office performs the legal work for the United States Department of the Interior, and manages the Departmental Ethics Office and Departmental FOIA Office. Phone: 406-477-8263 The Social Services Center for Excellence was built to serve the needs of Social Services staff at both the Bureau of Indian Affairs and Tribes. (928) 594-2074 Cell BIA Regions and Information Directory. Fax: 509-865-6537, 2800 Cottage Way 2021 4th Ave. North The Rocky Mountain Region provides services to 8 tribes in Montana and Wyoming encompassing a trust surface land base of about 6,456,000 acres. Portland, Oregon 97208 San Juan Pueblo, NM 85766 U.S. Department of the Interior, 1849 C Street NW, Washington, DC 20240. -Profit Organization providing transport for at-risk rescue pets from the mid-west and southern states to Colorado and Rocky Mountain Region adoptive homes, rescues . (916) 978-4327 (Fax)hkimbrough@blm.gov, Ms. Joan Honda 0000027189 00000 n
(907) 271-1612 (Office) The Regional Director serves as the representative for the Director of the Bureau of Indian Affairs with the responsibility to work toward strengthening the government to government relationships to all the Federally-recognized tribes under the jurisdiction of the RMRO. Mr. Thomas Laakso BLM Indian Lands Surveyor BIA Real Estate Services 2021 4th Ave. North Billings, MT 59101 (406) 247-7935. Phone: 602-379-6798 The Midwest region comprises 15 states in the north central United States, and the Rocky Mountain region comprises five states in the western north-central United States, corresponding to Petroleum Administration for Defense Districts (PADDs) 2 and 4. 115 4th Ave SE Rocky Mountain Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, and Wyoming. 25-2.) Hb```f`` 6Pc
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Utah State Office 911 NE. 5600 West American Boulevard, Suite #500 Bloomington, Minnesota 55437 Fax: Unavailable, 6290 Ford Wellpinit Rd. Anchorage, AK 99503-5947 Historically, the Intermountain West area centered in Utah is associated with Latter-day Saint (Mormon) settlements, and the region has the highest percentage of LDS members in the United States currently. endstream
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<. Phone: 541-553-2413 0000004364 00000 n
Mr. Thomas Laakso BLM Indian Lands Surveyor BIA Real Estate Services 2021 4th Ave. North Billings, MT 59101 (406) 247-7935 thomas.laakso@bia.gov tlaakso@blm.gov. On September 07, 2020 at approximately 1:30 p.m. , during initial attack on the Inchelium Highway Fire in Inchelium, Washington, resources drove into a residential subdivision to perform structure assessment. BLM Indian Lands Surveyor Muskogee, OK 74402 Sacramento, CA 95825 Nashville, TN 37214 Looking for U.S. government information and services? Fax: 505-753-1486, 517 Country Rd. Regional Solicitors report directly to the Principal Deputy Solicitor.