Also on the list wasCFE 223. This data is available for 80 different loads featuring 50- to 90-grain bullet options (from Hornady, Nosler, Federal, Swift and Sierra) and powders from Hodgdon, IMR and Winchester . 0000050046 00000 n In Norse mythology, Valkyries were maidens who served the god Oden, who ruled over the realm of Asgard. Nosler, the world's finest bullets, ammunition, rifles, & brass. About the .224 Valkyrie Cartridge. SAFETY DATA SHEET GET RELOADING DATA Rifle #1 has a standard SAAMI-spec throat, but the throat on Rifle #2 is cut a little shorter so that it provides a .010-inch bullet jump for the Sierra 90-grain MK factory ammo. Shooting heavier bullets, in an AR-platform rifle, that maintain supersonic speeds beyond 1,300 yards has captured the interest of shooters and handloaders everywhere, says Ron Reiber, Hodgdon product manager and ballistician. High-velocity rounds generate more heat, and this addition might mean the difference between taking that extra shot or sitting out. 88 gr ELD Match able to engage . This prep is carefully described on a card supplied by Starline in their packages. For more details (with data charts), read Jeremy's FULL STORY on Sierra Bullets Blog. })(); To comment on a post, click Post Title or "Comment" Link. Shaw with its new line of AR-15 barrels. Valkyrie means chooser of the slain, so we may assume that the connotation is that the .224 Valkyrie cartridge is going to go forth to a battlefield, and choose the dead with its accuracy and long-range power. 0000030957 00000 n 0000013501 00000 n var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s); With an Accu-Fit stock and left hand adjustable bolt, this rifle is a perfect choice for anyone! With the 90 to 95 grain bullets, the little Valkyrie can give 6mm match cartridges a real run for their money offering similar ballistics with less recoil. by Jeremy Rowland, Reloading Podcast My oldest daughter has been to several matches with me, and has even competed in several, using her .243. For. As an example, the 6.5 Creedmoor was introduced in 2008, and is indeed a terrific cartridgeflat shooting, efficient, and super accurate. This removes the lube and rounds out any dings that can occur in bulk-packed brass. A critical marksmanship skill that is easy to overlook. (The other half went to Flkvangr, the afterlife of the goddess Freyja.) But do you know how to properly use them? Hornady takes the 224 Valkyrie to new heights! However, Lane easily duplicated the ballistics of factory-loaded ammunition. At Hodgdon, we've been researching this cartridge since before its introduction and are excited to release load data for the Valkyrie featuring powders like Hodgdon CFE 223, IMR 8208 XBR and Hodgdon Varget. (Above) Several powders performed well in Starline .224 Valkyrie brass handloads, although Hodgdons CFE 223 is probably the best powder overall. Here is Rowland's account of how he developed a .223 Rem load. Round two, here we go. 0000011356 00000 n Starting our journey, we looked at what was already commercially available. You are using an out of date browser. 0000099446 00000 n scope set at 10x.3. 0000004084 00000 n As I see it, Federals plan for the .224 Valkyrie seems to be geared to that long-range shooting weve discussed, and factory ammo reflects that. This bullet/powder combination reached a speed of 2,523 fps, which is OK for our needs. The average weight of the sample cases was 115.1 grains, with an ES of 2.5 grains, and an SD of .7198 grain. Significantly, after firing and resizing, the Starline cases lengthened only a smidgenanother bonus. While new load data will continue to be updated on Hodgdons Reloading Data Center, this new 224 Valkyriedata is available immediately at This data is available for 80 different loads featuring 50- to 90-grain bullet options (from Hornady, Nosler, Federal, Swift and Sierra) and powders from Hodgdon, IMR and Winchester. .224 Valkyrie reloading data with 160 loads. All RifleShooter subscribers now have digital access to their magazine content. Kimber's Hunter Pro Desolve Blak takes the firm's more affordable mountain rifle to new heights. 0000101036 00000 n For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. It meters smoothly, it is superbly accurate, and it limits jacket fouling. 0000080640 00000 n Sights on both rifles were Burris 4.5-14x40 A.O. Starline suggests doing this by either resizing (with regular case lube on the outside of the case) or running the case neck over the expander ball. Thanks . What powder are you getting the best results with 224 Valkyrie? Velocities on these were smoking, reaching 3,074 fps out of our relatively short 18.5-inch barrel. 0000096939 00000 n Most critically, case length (base to mouth) is short enough to allow loading super-sleek, high-BC bullets with long, fine-entry ogives. Hodgdon Powder Company announced the launch of load data for the new 224 Valkyrie cartridge, now available on Hodgdon's Reloading Data Center at _gaq.push(['_trackPageview']); 0000087437 00000 n Concluding our test-firing, we found a node at 23.4 grains that produced an adequate group measuring just outside of 1 MOA. This means you have the option to read your magazine on most popular phones and tablets. : 2.110" Powder: 28.8 gr 31.1 gr Vel. 85 Nosler RDF with 24.2 grains CFE-223: 200 = 1.52 200 = 1.68 (Both groups show promise. More accuracy can be achieved by adjusting seating depth, but it certainly will be a shooter. 0000006041 00000 n I prepped a bunch of new Starline cases, and prepared 28 different handloads, 14 for each rifle, using a wide variety of powders and bullets. Contributing Editor for RifleShooter Magazine, Brad Fitzpatrick gives us a review of this modernized version of an iconic favorite. Since I haven't had any feedback I am simply curious. Up until recently, the only means to send a heavy .224-inch bullet was to either single-load or run it out of a bolt gun. Good stuff, I have my hands on a couple boxes of Nosler 85s and have been wanting to test them I also have 6.5 twist , I will give them a try. Buy CFE 223 copper fouling eraser directly from Hodgdon. In other words, range estimation becomes less critical, even when it comes to tiny targets like small steel plates or prairie dogs. Hodgdon, the Brand Thats True, is pleased to announce the launch of load data for the new 224 Valkyriecartridge, now available on Hodgdons Reloading Data Center at In addition to this, powder capacity is sacrificed to accommodate the long bullet, which reduces velocity. The cool thing about it is it uses a larger Magwell than std GI & corresponding larger promag. CFE 223 26.0 did a solid 1 moa, the upper charge at 26.6 did 2 moa. Because I was reloading for an autoloader, I chose to full-length size every case to ensure it would function reliably. 0000003643 00000 n Being that the case body is much wider in diameter, the powder column settles much lower now, allowing the bullet to be seated deep enough to function in a standard AR-15 magazine.The result was a gun that shoots as soft as a 5.56 NATO, gets to the target quicker and has a better ballistics coefficient than most 6 mm and even 6.5 mm ELD projectiles!The ammo junkie in me hears about this new cartridge and its factory loadings and immediately thinks "I can make this better." All Rights Reserved. All Rights Reserved. trailer <<4FA34A0A29BC45DBA22CD0DCBD951645>]/Prev 114384>> startxref 0 %%EOF 86 0 obj <>stream 0000008830 00000 n While new load data will continue to be updated on Hodgdon's Reloading Data Center, the new 224 Valkyrie data is available at I measured the neck thickness at five points around the neck with an RCBS ball micrometer and averaged the results for each case for its measurement. The resulting average neck thickness of all 50 cases was .0139 inch, with an extreme spread of .0014 inch. Barrel Break-In: What It Is. What seating depth is actually doingactual node or just pass/fail? 0000101288 00000 n Rifle #2 was only slightly less accurate, averaging .94 inch for all loads tested, and only five came in over an inchstill impressive performance. JavaScript is disabled. Moving on to the 88-grain ELD MATCH rounds, we decided to change from IMR 8208 to Hodgdon Varget. Some writers have described the Valkyrie as a scaled down Creedmoor. However, the Valkyrie case is derived from a slightly shortened 6.8 SPC case, necked-down to .22 caliber. Again, the Sierra 65-grain SBT shot great, at .66 inch. With Sierra's remarkable new 95-grain MatchKing, this gives the little . Full Member. This means you have the option to read your magazine on most popular phones and tablets. One is a 24-inch, heavyweight, target barrel configured for my switch-barrel DRD Tactical CDR-15 AR. 2023 Outdoor Sportsman Group. XcPNH) :X?X$?K l21\b8'k>. Joseph Von Benedikt is with Rafe Nielsen of Browning to take a look at a new X-Bolt series rifle. Looking it over, we found a dozen different powders that we can load with, and staring at me were two of my favorites. I acquired a set of Redding competition dies that includes both full-length-sizing and neck-sizing dies and a micrometer-adjustment seating die. The results are shown below. Learn more here: Min Charge Max Charge Optimal Charge Bullet Make Bullet Type : 3,285 3,533 Press. The 55-grain BT clocked 3,209 fps with 26.3 grains of IMR-8208XBR and averaged .54 inch. The .223 is limited by powder capacity, but not the usual 7- to 9-inch twists. (function() { Powders include Hodgdon, IMR All seated to 2.25. I will not post velocities (I don't care about velocity, only accuracy.) For more about the new round, see Steve Gashs full-length review beginning on page 56 of this issue of Shooting Times. I hoped performing that step would also fully prep the Hornady once-fired primer pockets. /wp-content/uploads/2017/02/imr_stickylogo_red.png. trends and tips from the leader in reloading. 0000048231 00000 n I had plenty of component cases to load. However, a standard 6.8 SPC mag is recommended and will function without any issue. 0000098223 00000 n So, I was anxious to try out the new Starline brass in the .224. Unfortunately you wont achieve much accuracy without consistent velocity. 0000015856 00000 n 0000100751 00000 n Download Sierras Full 4-page PDF to view all the data, including load information for Sierras new 95gr .224-caliber MatchKing with claimed 0.600 G1 BC. Im thinking about buying a LWRC 224 Valkrie when it gets here. Hodgdon Trail Boss: Is it Useful for Modern Sporting Rifles? Hodgdon, the Brand Thats True, is pleased to announce the launch of load data for the new 224 Valkyriecartridge, now available on Hodgdons Reloading Data Center at If you own an AR, youve probably heard of the hot, new .224 Valkyrie cartridge. 80.5's still have some possibilities with small changes. Learn the difference between revolvers and semi-auto pistols and what makes them different. About Hodgdon Powder Company, Inc. A value-priced red dot with a full set of features. I have tested three .224 Valkyrie rifles, and have been impressed with velocities of heavy-bullet loads, although accuracy can vary a lot. New Starline cases are treated with a corrosion inhibitor. Turning it over to the target side of things; the 88-grain ELD MATCH bullet will indeed stabilize in a 1:7-inch twist barrel, but I now understand the need for the new 1:6.5-inch twist barrels that are hitting the market, as of this writing. However, the most popular solution has always been to load a standard 5.56 NATO with a heavier bullet. With a slower round that's dropping faster, 25 yards of error in range estimation could be the difference between a hit and a miss with asteeper, rainbow-style trajectory. 0000016556 00000 n NOTE: This is only a partial sample, less than a third of the data Sierra has published. The Mossberg 500 Pump Action Shotgun is one of the most popular home defense shotguns on the market. Sierra offers several heavy .22-caliber match bullets, including the 90-grain MatchKing HPBT that Federal loads in its match ammo. 224 valkyrie 80 eldm load data w/ cfe 223 Thread starterbgavin Start dateOct 17, 2019 Forums Reloading Depot JavaScript is disabled. It's a bighorn tl3 with 26 inch rock creek barrel. 2520 was solid with both 25.8 and 26.3 both yeilding around 1 moa. Established in 1947 by Bruce and Amy Hodgdon, today, sons JB and Bob have grown Hodgdon Powder Company into the largest US supplier of smokeless, blackpowder and blackpowder substitute propellants. Interestingly, both rifles shot most loads with varmint-weight bullets pretty well. No such luck. Sierra's .224 Valkyrie load data covers projectiles from 50 grain all the way up to 95 grains. We took a cartridge that offers less wind drift, drop and recoil and added the accuracy and consistency that made Hornady famous! The .224 valkyrie should be a better choice with heavier bullets since it is shorter and will allow longer OAL with the longer bullets. I assume I was responsible for the one dropped shot.) At Hodgdon, weve been researching this cartridge since before its introduction and are excited to release load data for the Valkyrie featuring powders like Hodgdon CFE 223, IMR 8208 XBRand Hodgdon Varget. IHFarmer07 Gunny Sergeant. Primer pockets were snug, but not too tightno crushed primer pellets in these cases. I used RCBS dies, but sets are available from Hornady and Redding, as well. Federal's .224 Valkyrie was designed to fit, feed, and fire in the popular AR-15 platform. Reports of similar results here and there have been noted in the online grapevine. 0000035495 00000 n Along with 308. I tried a slew of powders, but heres the bottom lineHodgdons CFE 223 was the hands down winner in both rifles. This data is available for 80 different loads featuring 50- to 90-grain bullet options (from Hornady, Nosler, Federal, Swift and Sierra) and powders from Hodgdon, IMR and Winchester. In today's episode of "I Carry," we have a Smith & Wesson M&P9 M2.0 Metal pistol with a Holosun EPS Red2 red-dot sight carried in a KSG Armory Lexington IWB holster. .224 Valkyrie (Load Development) reloading data with 60 loads. Looks like we found the problem. Of all of the propellants I tried, several Alliant choices performed well, as did Hodgdon and IMR selections. The extremely uniform primer pockets of the Starline cases made priming a breezeno crushed pellets, or goosey-loosey pockets here. Almost 100fps faster to. The new round's maximum case length is 1.600 inches, as compared to the 6.8's case length of 1.686 inches. Using bullets from Nosler Varmageddon, Speer Gold Dot, Nosler Custom Competition, Hornady ELD-Match, Berger VLD Target. (Above) Test handloads were prepared with RCBS dies. Starline and Hornady are also offering .224 Valkyrie, so I obtained 50 pieces of Starline brass and several boxes of Hornady ELD-Match ammo. Picking the rifle up after this development, I quickly realized how valuable it would be at slinging V-Max bullets at prairie dogs and groundhogs. 0000087166 00000 n But they are still a place to start. CFE 223 yields top velocities in many cartridges such as the 204 Ruger, 223 Remington/5.56mm NATO, 22-250 Remington and the 308 Winchester/7.62mm NATO, plus many, many more. Jul 13, 2012 1,535 581 33 . There was no additional work needed to use the AR barrel, and gunsmith John Gallagher performed the needed modifications to the CZ 527. America's favorite platform, the AR-15, reigns supreme in many applications. Loads for 20 bullet types and 22 powders* are listed. Lighter and tougher and more precise than ever, it's the perfect back country hunting rifle. "Shooting heavier . Upgrading to a premium barrel made all the difference in this test. Is this the kind of information anyone here is interested in? (Above) Starline brass makes cases for a host of handgun and rifle cartridges, including the new .224 Valkyrie. My intent is to provide basic reloading information for a specific barrel length and type without providing information overload. We began zeroing and immediately realized something was off. But IMR-8208XBR did very well with varmint-weight bullets. The 22-inch, stainless steel barrel includes a medium-contour, 1:7 twist, full-length flutes and is threaded to hold a muzzle brake or suppressor. I obtained several boxes of Federals 90-grain match ammo and a hundred pieces of new, primed brass. 0000100071 00000 n The RL15 sucked at 25.4 with 3 moa, the upped charge at 25.9 grouped it at around 1 moa+-. Walther's new Performance Duty Pistol is ready for both concealed carry and conventional service situations. My power charges were like those that have performed well for me in other .224 Valkyrie rifles. 0000035008 00000 n The .224 Valkyrie has a lot of potential and an interesting background. Check out this chart from Federal showing comparative recoil levels: * All the following powders were tested, but not all for each bullet weight: Accurate 2520, Accurate XMR 2495, Accurate 4064, Hodgdon AR Comp, Hodgdon Benchmark, Hodgdon CFE 223, Hodgdon H335, Hodgdon H380, Hodgdon H4895, Hodgdon Varget, IMR 4064, IMR 4166, IMR 8208 XBR, Power Pro 2000 MR, Power Pro Varmint, Ramshot Big Game, Ramshot TAC, Reloder 10X, Reloder 15, Reloder 17, Vihtavuori N540, Winchester 760. The dead in Valhalla were considered heroes and were fed lavish feasts by the Valkyries; Oden feasted there with his heroes, day after day. 0000031529 00000 n Access from your Country was disabled by the administrator. This data is available for 80 different loads, featuring 50- to 90-grain bullet options (from Hornady, Nosler, Federal, Swift and Sierra) and powders from Hodgdon, IMR and Winchester. Starting with the 60-grain V-Max loads, we fired our five-round groups and hit a node at 26.9 grains, giving us a group that measured just inside of an inch. Weighing a sample, we found them to be exceptionally consistent with just a weight variance of +/- 1 grain from the median weight of 114 grains. 0000097257 00000 n Their availability will certainly contribute to the successful Flight of the Valkyrie. I repeatedly experienced lube dents in most of the first batch of cases I resized. 0000080878 00000 n We primed our cases with CCI BR-4 benchrest primers, and we were ready for the powder.Hodgdon released its 2018 Annual Reloading Update Manual, and of course, the 224 Valkyrie was right on the cover. 0000001896 00000 n I never could get very tight ES with it . 223 REMINGTON 223 WSSM 224 VALKYRIE 5.56 NATO 10.5 BARREL 5.56 NATO 14.5 BARREL 5.56 NATO 16.5 BARREL 5.56 NATO 20 BARREL 224 WEATHERBY MAGNUM 22-250 REMINGTON (NEW) 22 HORNET.243. #2. Available in different sizes and red dot ready, it'll fit your needs, whatever they are. 0000002213 00000 n Serious handloaders know the importance of quality cases for accurate ammo. The powder measures very well and consistently. 0000031460 00000 n At this time, only Federal and Sierra have published load data for the .224 Valkyrie. After a quick swap, we headed back to the range and duplicated our test parameters. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Powerhouse .224 Valkyrie Features The cartridge case is arguably the best .224-caliber, AR-compatible design ever engineered. This certainly speeds up the process and allows for the use of progressive reloading presses. (Ret.) Why? To get started, click the link below to visit and learn how to access your digital magazine. These are all shown in Table 2. 205, CCI-41, and Winchester Small Rifle. Fortunately, I had a stuck-case-remover kit on hand and was able to undo my mistake., Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/103.0.5060.114 Safari/537.36. 80.5 Bergers & 85 Nosler RDF with CFE-223, Re: 80.5 Bergers & 85 Nosler RDF with CFE-223, Quote from: 1000 yrd guy on August 08, 2019, 04:13:28 AM, Quote from: Alaska_guy on August 12, 2019, 12:27:46 PM, Quote from: igotta40 on August 28, 2019, 10:29:49 PM. Designed to rival the .22 Nosler while still running well in ARs, the new .224 Valkyrie offers excellent long-range performance when loaded with modern, high-BC bullets. 0000098366 00000 n trends and tips from the leader in reloading. For this review, I borrowed two additional rifles that are prototypes from a major American manufacturer. 0000019414 00000 n 2023 Outdoor Sportsman Group. 0000100893 00000 n Note the uniform primer pocket and flash hole. At Hodgdon, weve been researching this cartridge since before its introduction and are excited to release load data for the Valkyrie featuring powders like Hodgdon CFE 223, IMR 8208 XBRand Hodgdon Varget. With a G7 BC of .274, it trumps even the 6.5 mm 123-grain ELD MATCH rounds in wind-beating capability, which only has a G7 BC of .255. So far both bullets perform well. Those not familiar with this series of powders will be interested to know that it actually removes copper fouling as you shoot. Federal has created a safer, easier and more reliable way to shoot a muzzleloader. But the Nolser 55- and 60-grain Ballistic Tips also shot great. Fortunately, this is a one-time step in the reloading process. One1Bravo Ops4. Introduced in 1965 with the .444 Marlin cartridge, the Model 444 was the most powerful lever action of its day. 0000100414 00000 n 0000022266 00000 n Im waiting on my first Army retirement check too come in. Our test rifle consisted of a basic 20-inch 1:7-inch twist barrel with an M-Lok free-float rail. Shooting heavier bullets, in an AR-platform rifle, that maintain supersonic speeds beyond 1,300 yards has captured the interest of shooters and handloaders everywhere, says Ron Reiber, Hodgdon product manager and ballistician. Amp up your AK with these exciting accessories. Scott Rupp gets a chance to talk to Aaron Oelger about a few new products from Hodgdon and why reloading store shelves are empty. Range temperatures were 72 to 93 degrees F.5. Graciously, the company supplied me with one for testing and I left with it that day. It may not display this or other websites correctly. I will post future results as I get them. However, while Eugene Stoner got it right in 1959, the one thing that the AR-15 always lacked was range. Demonstrating a solid commitment to a successful debut of the new cartridge, Federal introduced four different factory loads with the Nosler 60-grain Ballistic Tip, American Eagle 75-grain TMJ, Fusion 90-grain SoftPoint, and Sierra 90-grain MatchKing. 0000042641 00000 n This data is available for 80 different loads, featuring 50- to 90-grain bullet options (from Hornady, Nosler, Federal, Swift and Sierra . Introduced by Federal 2017 and approved by SAAMI in 2018, the new 224 Valkyrie has been quickly adopted by long-range shooters. The 224 Valkyrie does not have a dedicated magazine yet. Installing the RISE Armament right at our shooting bench went without a hitch and allowed for better trigger control during shooting. To get started, click the link below to visit and learn how to access your digital magazine. These features include a longer neck, a shoulder thats pushed back a bit, and rifle chambers with longer throats. At more than 3,000 fps, this is sure to send a prairie dog flying off a mound. Bullets from other manufacturers may not produce . I never had to trim one over the course of testing, something I cant say about other brands of .224 Valkyrie cases Ive used.