Field officers at Valley Forge were Colonel Daniel Morgan, Lt. Wallace fell during the fight, the third son of his family to perish as Continentals. . 1. The intent may have been that after winning Charleston, the Virginia Line would un-amalgamate and the recruits would be absorbed into the numbered line regiments. The field officers were appointed by the . Included the new 6th and 8th. May have passed through Valley Forge on their way north. On December 22, 1776, Congress authorized an additional 16 regiments. Maryland regiment. In effect, all the men originally enlisted in these regiments were set to depart the Army not later than 10 July 1778. The unit was captured on 12 May 1780 at the Siege of Charleston and subsequently disbanded on 1 January 1781. Previous Engagements: New Jersey 1777, Defense of Philadelphia, Philadelphia-Monmouth, Stirlings Division | 1st Maryland Brigade | Hazens Regiment. Muster roll dated Oct 14, 1777, Remarks Prisoner. These units were raised as Virginia's internal force, predominantly positioned to counter raiding parties in Tidewater or man frontier outposts in southwest Virginia (including defense of lead and salt mines there), but were forced to join the Continental Line after Virginia's Continental Line became prisoners at Charleston. The reason for the confusion was at almost the same time, in September 1778, Virginias original 15 numbered regiments were re-arranged. Extant Confederate strength (morning) reports associated with the Gettysburg campaign are very . Hill's, Kemper's, and W.R. Terry's Brigade, Army of Northern Virginia. Mifflins Division|3rd Pennsylvania Brigade| Spencers Regiment. Two years later, it was reorganized as a corps of rangers. 1776-1778, 14th Virginia Regiment, The regiment surrendered 1 officer and 28 men. The 11th Regiment was also known as Morgan's Rifles. In addition to those named above, these included: - 1st Virginia Battalion - newly tasked, not yet raised. 'field officers' in a sentence. Authorized by the Second Continental Congress on 16 September 1776, it was organized on 3 February 1777 and consisted of four companies from the Virginia counties of Loudoun, Frederick, Prince William, and Amelia; Captain Daniel Morgan's Independent Rifle Company from Fauquier County; and five companies from the state's portion of the Maryland and Virginia Rifle Regiment. Organized spring 1777 at Philadelphia, 7 Companies from Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware. - The Virginia State Garrison Regiment: Maj Charles Magill; (1 April 1781) Maj Alexander Dick. She married (1) Henry Byrd Cheek 26 Jan 1860 in Bedford Co., VA. Many were captured at Sayler's Creek, and only 1 officer and 28 men surrendered. Buford and the few hundred-plus 5th (formerly the 7th Virginia) and 3rd Virginians who escaped made their way back to Virginia. 1-86-NARA-NARA or 1-866-272-6272, An Overview of Records at the National Archives Relating to Military Service, Regular and Volunteer United States Military Service Between the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812, Using Revolutionary War Pension Files to Find Family Information, Prisoners during the Revolutionary War, 17761783, The American Revolution: Military History, The American Revolution and its Era: Maps & Charts of North American and the West Indies, 1750-1789, "The Decisive Day is Come": The Battle of Bunker Hill, Revolutionary War & War of 1812 Historic Preservation Study, How to File a FOIA Request for Archival Records. 1780, Consolidated June 1778 and Redesignated from, reOrganized on Sep 1780 into two companies under Captains Robert Kirkwood and Peter Jaquett and renamed, Commanded by Col. John White; Authorized Feb 1777, The regiment was organized in summer & fall 1777, Ceased to function as an effective force after the, Commanded by Col. Mordecai Gist; Authorized Sep. 1776, Commanded by Col. Josias Hall; Authorized Sep. 1776, Commanded by Col. William Richardson; Authorized Sep. 1776, Commanded by Col. Otho H. Williams; Authorized Sep. 1776, Commanded by Col. John Gunby; Authorized Sep. 1776, ReOrganized May 1779; Ceased to function as an effective force after the, Commanded by Col. Ichabod Allen; Authorized Sep 1776 from new recruits and, The regiment was organized in spring 1777, Commanded by Col. H. Jackson;On 23 July 1780, Henry Jackson's Additional Continental Regiment was accepted into the Massachusetts Line and redesignated the 16th Massachusetts Regiment, Commanded by Col. Spencer; Authorized Jan 1777, Merged with Forman's and part of Malcom's Additional Regiments, Commanded by Col.s John Stark, Joseph Cilley, Enoch Poor, and Alexander Scammel, Commanded by Col. Lewis Dubois; Authorized Nov 1776, Commanded by Col.s Francis Nash and Thomas Clarke, Captured at Charlestown May 1780 (see also, Commanded by Col.s Alexander Martin and John Patton, Captured at Charlestown May 1780; (see also, Merged with the 1st thru 3d North Carolina Regiments May 1778; see also, Merged with the 1st thru 3d North Carolina Regiments May 1778 (see also, Commanded by Col. Abraham Shephard; Authorized Apr. It wasnt needed as his men stood their ground and inflicted tremendous casualties until left with no choice but to withdraw. Lawsons militia broke and ran at Camden, resulting in the death of Porterfield. Index for vols. Pennsylvania Society of . 1776-1783, 8th Virginia Regiment, 1779, 3rd & 4th Virginia Regiment, MILITARY RECORDS. In reality the board should have consolidated even further, compressing the entire Virginia Line into five substantive regiments. The board created the 1st Virginia Battalion and re-designated the troops at 9th Regiment (formerly the 13th) one more time as the new 7th Regiment. Research our Records The National Archives holds records relating to military service during the Revolutionary War, including both Continental troops and state troops that served as Continental troops. There were two more rearrangements of the Virginia line in 1779; in May at Middlebrook, New York and the second in September, at Ramapo, New Jersey. ROSTER AND MUSTER ROLL . They were continued on paper and officers were appointed for administrative purposes, but they were neve manned. Departed Valley Forge for Wilmington, Delaware on December 21, 1777. 9th Virginia: Brig. Wallaces would later prove essential at Cowpens, where his company of Continentals formed the extreme right flank of the American 3rd line. Processed by: Primarily because most of the unit was captured or killed at the battle of Fort Washington on 16 November 1776, the historical trail of the regiment's "surviving" element has become complex. Neel, Andrew 1775 Col. in Militia possibly at Ninety Six Roster p. 719 Neill, James 1781 Unknown rank under Capt Francis Cunningham and Gen. Greene Patriot p. 176 Noble, Alexander 1775 Major or Captain in Upper Ninety Six Regiment or Militia under Col. A. Pickens Roster p. 730 Norris, Patrick 1781 Unknown rank under Capt. Lieutenant-colonel itth Virginia, November, 1776; colonel 2d Virginia, September 26, 1777. July 4. Note: Samuel King emigrated from Northern Ireland at age 23 in 1769 Other sources: posting by Helen Flach 10/26/2002. But, having been formed under different enlistment terms, with more men signed up for three years or for "the duration" of the war; and having missed the majority of the 1777 campaign season, their manpower stats were slightly better. In late 1775, during the ill-fated Battle of . 1776-1778, 14th Virginia Regiment, Some regiments existed only on paper. - Dabney's Virginia State Legion: Created 18 January 1782 by consolidating the 1st State Regiment of infantry, Nelson's Corps of Cavalry, Roger's company of dismounted Dragoons, and Roan's artillery. Virginia had previously authorized Thomas Gaskins to raise a regiment, which Gaskins was doing at Point of Fork with new levies upon the state militia. Organized at Lynchburg under the command of Colonel Samuel Garland, Lieutenant Colonel David Funston and Major Carter H. Harrison. - Washington's Life Guard - predominantly Virginians. Left Valley Forge in January for York, Pennsylvania. His Virginia Militia brigade saw its first action at Camden, where Stevens advised Gen Gates that it was too late to surrender, the die was cast and they had to fight. 1778, 4th, 8th, & 12th Virginia Regiment, Intrigued by the apparent irony of their story, Rosen weaves a complex chronicle that outlines how Southern Jewsmany of them recently arrived immigrants from . This regiment was organized from riflemen that marched to Cambridge, Massachusetts in 1775, under Daniel Morgan. The unit was captured on 12 May 1780 at the Siege of Charleston and subsequently disbanded on 1 January 1781. Ewells Brigade, Longstreets Division, Potomac District, Department of Northern Virginia, division of Brigadier General David R. Jones in Longstreets Command, marker for Kempers Brigade on the Antietam Battlefield, Kempers Brigade, Picketts Division, First Army Corps, Heths Division in the newly-created Third Corps, Picketts Division, 1st Corps, Army of Northern Virginia. You arent alone. Green had been commander of the first company of Culpeper Minutemen, rose to command the 10th Virginia, was a defender at Ft Mifflin, then was transferred by the White Plains board in 1778 to the 6th Virginia. Later, Lawson was attached to Von Stueben at the Point of Fork Depot, June 5, 1781, where the Americans outnumbered Simcoe 900 to 400. 1778, Miscellaneous Virginia Organizations, The 11th was engaged at Plymouth in North Carolina and after returning to Virginia saw action at Drewry's Bluff and Cold Harbor. Hills Division, checked the further advance of the enemy and reoccupied the ground from which they had been driven, where, joined by the 7th and 24th, they remained until the morning of the 19th, when the Brigade recrossed the Potomac. Left Valley Forge with 401 men assigned, 299 fit for duty. Raw Kng's regiment. Mainly composed of young farmers and tradesmen, the regiment rapidly evolved Samuel King. The 3rd Virginia Recruit Detachment" was destroyed at the so-called "Waxhaws Massacre in late May. At Guilford Courthouse two of these two regiments were combined into a brigade under the command of Gen Isaac Huger, a South Carolinian. Please see: A Guide To Virginia Military Organizations in the American Revolution, 1774-1787, compiled by E.M. Sanchez-Saavedra, Virginia State Library, Richmond, 1978; ISBN 0-88490-003-7, Women Who Marched to Quebec With the Continental Army 1775 Field Officers. 40). 2nd, 3rd and 4th Virginia regiments consolidated. The absence of this unit as a port and harbor guard is a primary reason why reports of Arnold's arrival Dec 30, 1780 were not effectively relayed to Virginia's military and governmental leaders. These three Recruit Detachment Battalions" were formed into a brigade under the command of General Charles Scott, also out of a job.