Current stories in the series are: Arc 1: Bumblebee ( AO3 link) (Complete as of June 11, 2021) If you proceed you have agreed that you are willing to see such content. Somewhere I belong by Disaster. [3] After Starscream and Soundwave obtained the AllSpark, Bumblebee and Arcee fought them to retrieve it.[4]. Eruption. But the one I love the most is the Cyberverse! Another member of the Seeker goon squad lead by Starscream. Just be prepared for him to demand infinite do-overs until he finally wins. [1], While Bumblebee and Hot Rod were racing, they were attacked by Megatron, Clobber and Starscream. Though, like the others, Bumblebee was initially disheartened, his fighting spirit was restored when Optimus returned to the bridge and ordered a course set for home. I know it's a little too early to put out cyberverse video But i was very tempted to do new videosoon the part 2Song: Bumblebee Lyricsi hope you like th. Rszletekrt tekintse meg a bevsrlkosarat. Teen And Up Audiences (884) General Audiences (497) Mature (431) Explicit (363) Not Rated (185) Include Warnings . Word to the wise--if you see a plasma blaster in her hands, duck. In the aftermath, the Transformers formed a truce. Windblade is a protagonist in Transformers: Cyberverse and Bumblebee's best friend. With Meteorfire And Cosmos, Along with Grimlock, Bumblebee ventured deep underground to the valley of the Monsterbots for the next shard before an energon river separated them. Megjegyzsek Kzbests *A vrhat kzbestsi dtumokat befolysolja az elad ltali kezelsi id, a szrmazsi hely irnytszma, a clhely irnytszma s a befogads ideje, valamint a dtumok fggnek a vlasztott szlltsi szolgltatstl s a kiegyenltett fizets berkezstl. Little do they know, those insecurities are more similar than they think. Trials, Once Cheetor had explained his backstory, the Autobots invaded the Nemesis for the AllSpark and Vector Sigma. The beacon led them to a missile silo where they found Teletraan-X, an auxiliary data drone from the Ark. friendly, caring, cooperative, brave, collected, formidable, humane, selfless, honorable, driven She was a fan-made Transformer made in her facial appearance is a reference to painted masks of . As such, we encourage you to read the third partys privacy policy and terms of use closely. Refresh your browser window to try again. Realizing what he had to do, Cheetor bid a fond goodbye to Bumblebee and sacrificed his own spark to purify the AllSpark and ensure the future of the Cybertronian race. - Bumblebee, "Think of the most dangerous mission a bot could possibly volunteer for. The Crossroads, Failing to raise Chromia, Optimus suspected a trap, entrusting the AllSpark to Cheetor as he ordered everyone to abandon ship, leaving the Ark to be blown up by a laser snare. Confused, Bumblebee advised that the barkeep not drink so much. Transformers: Cyberverse uma srie animada CGI produzido pela Boulder Media Limited e Allspark Animation e distribuido pela Hasbro Studios. Focus: Cartoons Transformers/Beast Wars, Since: 06-22-20. Arriving in orbit of Cybertron, the Autobots had a hearty cheer that their struggles were finally over. If you believe you received this message in error, please contact us for assistance. Strung up, Bumblebee was nearly devoured by the Monsterbots before Cheetor found him, using the AllSpark to quell the diminutive Cybertronians' hunger and win their friendship. Allspark Further use of the patch helped Bumblebee remember going into stasis and the AllSpark being detected but he could not say where the Ark had wound up. Optimus and Windblade eventually found Starscream waiting for them on the bridge, where he ordered his Scraplets to attack and drained their energon, preparing to take the Matrix of Leadership from Optimus. Convert and attack with Transformers Cyberverse Action Attackers! Protocol is my favorite. He's not a very loyal sort, and often comes at odds with the heroic and loyal Bumblebeeboth traits Starscream despises. The Nemesis pursued and destroyed the shuttles, and while the Decepticons were distracted, the Ark lifted off and made a beeline for the space bridge in Earth's orbit. If you accept cookies from our site and you choose "Proceed", you will not be asked again during this session (that is, until you close your browser). The Autobots made their way to the North Pole, on a commandeered cargo plane, where Bumblebee acted as the distraction by doing a jaunty dance. - Bumblebee, Part ferocious fighter, part freaky metal shark-jet with lasers, Sky-Byte is Megatrons first choice for missions that border on the impossible. The Autobots teleported to the Cube arena, and Bumblebee rushed to Optimus side. And it's my first Cyberverse story. Though Megatron let the Autobots go, he warned them to never return. Please be aware that your use of such third party's linked website is subject to their privacy policy and terms of use, which may differ from those of Hasbro. So.., this is my very first story I'm posting and as you can tell by the title, it's a transformers story. If youre looking for a hero, this is your bot. For no reason. If you log in you can store your preference and never be asked again. Pro tip: dont make my mistake and high-five him after a fight. video. Change figure from robot to vehicle mode in 8 steps. Now I'm on a mission to recover my memories and discover all of my awesome powers. Stay away from his creepy laboratory, unless you want to become a warped science experiment. Using Teletraan's map of the complex, the trio made their escape only to be cornered at the exit. After Shockwave had primed the control room to self-destruct, Starscream ordered his troops back to the Nemesis with Megatron left behind. Hi, there! With the cityspeaker's prodding, Bumblebee remember more of the atrocities the warlord had committed, culminating in reliving his voice box being torn out by the tyrant. Cube, Starscream later attended the rally where Megatron unveiled the Decepticon faction and emblem. He doesnt seem to like me very much, which is his loss. Perfect Storm, When a distress call from Chromia came in, the Autobots repaired an old space bridge to try and quickly return home. Specifically those with a jet alt-mode. Witnessing the bestial Cybertronian run through a GroundBridge, Starscream followed, the portal's AllSpark energies healing his wounds. well, one of them Craving some love stories, but can't decide if you want to read Clone troopers or Transformers romance fiction. 2023 Hasbro. Maccadam's At one point afterwards, Bumblebee played a round of Cube with Windblade, but lost despite his best efforts. Grimlock (voiced by Ryan Andes) - King of Dinosaurs and Dinobot. Windblade and Bumblebee (Cyberverse) are best friends throughout the war against the Decepticons. Thank you so much! Plus, Acid Storm spends all his free time chasing my friends and me around the Earth. He always looks out for his friends. Making his way to the cityspeaker chamber, Bumblebee was found by Shadow Striker who took him to Windblade's braindead body in the infirmary. Joined by Optimus and Hot Rod, the two scouts followed the cityspeaker to the planet's surface and found an abandoned city which Windblade tried to reach the centre of. While Cheetor failed to retrieve the AllSpark, he did manage to have it send out a wave of energy that healed the Nemesis and everyone aboard. Hot Rod will be there, racing into battle without thinking twice about it. [5] Bumblebee (Scout Class, 2019, 2021) Action Attack: "Hive Swarm". Attempting to spice up the game, Starscream made his way to the Cubes and reprogrammed the AI in one of them to cause chaos only for Bumblebee and Windblade to foil his plot. Siloed, Alongside his friend Hot Rod, Bumblebee took a vacation to Velocitron where he introduced his friend to Blurr. This character article is a stub and is missing information on their fictional appearances. At some point, Bumblebee's voice box was repaired. - Bumblebee, Transformers: Robots in Disguise Team Combiners Game, Transformers Robots in Disguise: Power Up for Battle. Though Shadow Striker allowed Bumblebee to leave in peace, he was soon discovered, forcing him to call for reinforcements, Whirl carrying Windblade away. Follow . Windblade is an Autobot from the Kre-O continuity, a Kreon version of the character listed below, who was actually introduced in fiction before the original. Luckily for the Autobots he lived to fight (and fight, and fight) another day. This work could have adult content. Windblade is helping Bumblebee get his memories back. Cornering the primary airlock with Wheeljack, Bumblebee accidentally created a black hole that threatened to devour Hot Rod before Optimus casually saved the day with Wheeljack's force shield blaster. Retreating back to the Ark, Cheetor used the AllSpark to reconstitute the Sharkticon homeworld, securing peace for the aliens. An EMP storm soon struck the vessel, locking Bumblebee, and everyone else, in position before Grimlock and Arcee managed to restore power to the ship and their crewmates. Copyright 19952023 eBay Inc. Minden jog fenntartva. Another design for popular BB, but with my first female TF: Windblade. Seekers are so overrated anyway. The last step of conversion automatically activates Windblade figure's signature Turbine Thrash Action Attack move! As a reward for his Seekers' loyalty, he extracted all of their sparks. The End Of The Universe I, Holding the assembled members of his species prisoner, Judge Starscream ranted to them about the injustices that they had inflicted on him over the course of his life before he demanded Prime and Megatron's locations. Soundwave is ice cold. As soon as the broadcast was over, however, he immediately warned the other Decepticons to take Starscream's fate as a reminder of the price of failure. Sabotage, As the two sought shelter at an airfield, Bumblebee picked up an Autobot distress signal. The Other One, Bumblebee was doing construction work, along with Grimlock and the Purple Play-Doh. After the Autobots had made it to the control room, they and the Decepticons were suddenly surrounded by towering hostiles. bayverse. As Cybertron began to heal itself, Cheetor's voice spoke out to Bumblebee one last time, assuring his friend that he would always be with him in spirit. Transformers (Marvel Generation One) | Bumblebee | Romance Bumblebee X Oc. Wiped Out, While discussing Cheetor's longing for Earth, Bumblebee and Cheetor found that Windblade had stolen the AllSpark, her will overridden by an entity from a red planet. Ghost Town, After forty cycles in space, the Autobots soon became bored. Windblade was helping Bumblebee remember who he was and all of his team mates with the Autobots and who were the Decepticons. Though the Dinobot wanted to pursue the assassin, Bumblebee convinced his friend to let her go. This is real. Starscream's Children, As Cheetor attempted to find his place in the Autobot chain of command, Bumblebee decided to train him as a scout. Nice. In Episode 15 of 'Transformers Cyberverse,' Windblade, Bumblebee, and Teletraan-X discover a deactivated Autobot that turns out to be their old friend, Grimlock! As Bumblebee scrambled to steer the tanker away from a crash landing, Shadow Striker returned, knocking him out and sending the craft plunging into the ice of Cybertron's poles. With Meteorfire And Cosmos, In Megatron X's reality, after the tyrant fatally wounded Optimus Prime when his once friend refused to join the Decepticons, Starscream restrained Bumblebee alongside Shadow Striker. Journey To The Valley Of Repugnus, When Ratchet prepared to upload what they had of Windblade's mind, a shark broke in and stole her body. As Cheetor theorized about the environment, Bumblebee was captured by Repugnus and his tribe of Monsterbots. Summary of Arc 1: Bumblebee. As his friends clashed egos, Bumblebee tried to offer aid to a stumbling fellow only to be rebuked. Dark Birth Confident that these peace talks would fail, Bumblebee lounged around with Hot Rod and Cheetor before Slipstream was killed by Bludgeon, sparking a free for all. "- Bumblebee, "Shockwave is devious, brilliant, and totally mad! I'm PheonixTiger you can call me Tiger. "- Bumblebee, "Long, long, long (long) ago, Thunderhowl swore to destroy the Crystal City but he was defeated in battle and imprisoned within its walls. Spotted When Wheeljack tried to use the creature to locate Starscream, he ran across Shockwave, having had the same idea, who used a hologram of a captured Bumblebee to ensure the Autobot's cooperation. Before long, one of them would take the big leap and plan for the future. Ruthless, cruel, and -- how do I say this nicely -- evil to his core. After they told the shark that Jetfire was dead, he flew off in a huff, leaving the Autobots to reminisce about how much they hated him. Im not scared of much, but this guy gives me the heebie-jeebies. He's always eavesdropping on our plans by messing with our electrical impulses, or something along those evil lines. This is his and his comrades' tale: this is Boku No Hero Academia X Transformers crossoverMulti-media elements includedOnly two girls in pairing. He must know that once I come around, hell be taking losses left and right. Oh! Back on the flagship, an exceptionally smug Starscream kicked Soundwave off the command throne, before ordering the Nemesis to take off. On June 7, 2017, Boulder Media Limited confirmed working on an additional Transformers series besides Transformers: Rescue Bots Academy.. Transformers: Cyberverse was first announced during Hasbro Media and Investor Day in August 2017. The Quintessons soon invaded Cybertron, locking the populace in a virtual reality that celebrated the Parade of Metals. Escape From Earth Later, he attempted to have the Autobots destroy each other by sabotaging one of the Wheeljack's new AllSpark emitters. "- Bumblebee, "Everyone thought Jetfire exploded in a plume of jet smoke while battling his nemesis, Sky-Byte. As the Cyberverse saga continues, the Autobots and Decepticons answer the battle call in the showdown for total control of Cybertron! When the alternate Megatron arrived, he disabled his counterpart before reclaiming his Matrix. Add him to the top of the list of fun challenges well face in the battle against the Decepticons." How did Cyber Starscream end up here? The hostiles were quickly identified as Decepticon supersoldiers created by an alternate version of Megatron who had won the Great War and the owner of the alternate Matrix. Just about the only things he has going for him are his skills as a flier, and the leadership of the Seekers. . Work Search: Founder: BigMoose01 - Stories: 16 - Followers: 2 - Staff: 1 - id: 132759. 358 pages Completed June 7, 2018 The A'deo Legacy. With no alliance to be had, Optimus declared that the Autobots would have to stop Starscream on their own. Unable to convince Windblade to join him, the two took a last trip to Maccadam's, now totally ruined, where the old barkeep offered them some energon from his private supply. . The Crossroads, In a different universe, when Optimus confronted Megatron following his attack on the High Council, Megatron realized that he and Optimus would oppose each other forevermore and slew his once friend with a point blank fusion cannon blast before he seized the Matrix from him. Thwarting his corrupt plans is one of my favorite past times. Transformers: Cyberverse Story Club. AN: So, as I mentioned in the description, this story was inspired by an idea Mae Catt, a writer for Transformers: Cyberverse, had for a redemption arc for Starscream.In it, he would've emerged from the remains of his Quintesson judge body with amnesia and carried with him a psychic shard of Windblade, which would've only said five phrases, and Bumblebee would've befriended him. He remarked that he didnt know what he would do, now that the fighting was truly over. Once they'd been chased off, Optimus used the sorry state of the once magnificent structure to emphasize the great damage the war had done to Cybertron and the mistake he'd made in launching the AllSpark, declaring that they had to retrieve it and restore their world. His hand became his signature weapon: stinger, and blasted the rock. Heading to Wheeljack's lab to see if the inventor had any useful inventions, Bumblebee bore witness to Grimlock gorging himself on Hyper-Fuel, Bumblebee racing after his overcharged friend only to constantly bested by his kinetic energy. It's cringy, and I may or may not delete it off the face of this earth. Transformers Bumblebee Cyberverse Adventures Dinobots Unite Toys Action Figures. Knowing that Optimus would want the Seeker to face a trial, Bumblebee dragged the unconscious Starscream back to the Ark. Soon enough however, the movement had gone from civil disagreements to open revolution with Starscream derisively greeting Optimus when the "file clerk" tried to deter Megatron's ambitions. After Croaton left the battlefield, his mind freed by Windblade, Judge Starscream attempted to attack Astrotrain personally before both Prime and Megatron, having stolen one from another universe, unleashed the power of two Matrices of Leadership on the rogue Seeker, overwhelming him and bringing his reign of terror to an end. 96 Stories. Introducing himself as Croaton, the Titan told them his story, apologizing for any trouble he'd caused before he set off to find the colonists that had been abducted from him. Problem is, his memory chip was damaged on Earth, and now he can't remember his critical mission, or how he got to the planet in the first place. Bumblebee met Optimus Prime when he was delivering a message to him. The Journey, As the Ark arrived over Earth, it suffered an engine malfunction prompting Teletraan-1 to reactivate Grimlock so he could deal with the problem only for a hull breach to open in the hibernation bay. His healing skills are so good, every bot in the galaxy wants him as their medical officer. In Episode 9 of 'Transformers Cyberverse,' Bumblebee revisits memories of his arch nemesis Shadowstriker and learns there's more to being a hero than just knowing how to fight. Unfortunately, Megatron had managed to extradite himself from the danger and had made it to the forcefield. So Cyber Megatron, or just Cyber Megs invited hi Just a few one shots of the Transformers franchise that popped into my head. When spending time with the thrill-seeking Hot Rod, he is comparatively cautious, but also encourages more reserved bots like Cheetor or Windblade to try new things and enjoy themselves. Please consider turning it on! Sort by: Hot. "- Bumblebee, "Thundercracker is such a typical Seeker, thinking he's the best of the best just because he can fly. Furious, the warlord threw Starscream around before demoting him, making Slipstream the new leader of the Seekers. - Bumblebee, "Ah, Acid Storm. During his early attempts to free the Cybertronians from the Loop, Hot Rod tried to free Bumblebee to no avail. As Megatron prepared to execute Starscream, he ran for the bay doors only for the full force of Megatron's fusion cannon to strike him in the back, seemingly deactivating him. This is an Ask Hot-Rod and Soundwave ship book! Include ? While Bumblebee tried his best to hold Thundercracker off, his stinger malfunctioned and Windblade ordered him to retreat to a nearby mineshaft instead. Enemy Line, Using a psychic tracker from Caminus, Chromia led Bumblebee across Cybertron to Windblade's various psychic shards. When the quartet arrived, they were instantly shot down by the Seekers and Bumblebee found himself used as ammunition in a Fastball Special against Nova Storm. I like the Transformers Au. Bumblebee (Will Friedle) Windblade (Erica Landbeck) Optimus Prime (Peter Cullen) Ratchet (Jeffrey Combs) Wheeljack (Dee Bradley Baker) Hot Rod (Dante Basco) Prowl (Matthew Marcer) Deadlock/Drift (Eric Bauza) Blurr (Max Mittelman) Teletraan X (Dee Bradley Baker) Jazz (Arif S. Kinchen) Ironhide (Keith Szarabajka) Grimlock (Khary Payton) Jetfire (Troy Baker) Arcee (Grey Griffin) Perceptor (Wil . Though Bumblebee wanted to go back for their friend, Optimus soon arrived, carrying the wounded tactician over his shoulders. Instead, Windblade directed Bumblebee to a new memory regarding the Ark, hoping to find the ship's location. Bumblebee joined Hot Rod and the other Autobot forces in the Valley of Repugnus, where they formed a plan to retake Cybertron. While in jail, Bumblebee met Teknicus who explained that he'd built a tower for Affluous that cause the shocks. I am a very serious and important Autobot. Thundercracker brings the muscle, but team Autobot brings the victory. He's always patching us up after nasty battles, and he's way loyal to the Autobot cause. Plus, hes always inventing evil weapons for the Decepticons that make my job way harder. This site contains advertising. During the war did any Decepticons ever act, err, weird? I know being a master spy is serious business, but c'mon, live a little!" Which technically, he really doe All of the Starscreams' wings can flutter, but the two that mostly have wings that flutter is Cyber and Tfa, and of course: Megatron and Blitzwing know this very well. Words: 23,643. -- Ha, ha, kidding guys, it's me, Bumblebee, doing my Prowl impersonation. Soon they had very beautiful sparkling twin femmes.Can Bumblebee and Windblade deal with twin sparkling? After earning the ire of Affluous, Bumblebee attempted to roll out only to be affected by "the shocks" and imprisoned him. a Cyberverse Fix It Fanfic, Bringing Back two characters who died. Memory, The Ark's journey was not a glamorous one and soon its energon supply began to dwindle. - Bumblebee, "Wheeljack is totally brilliant! Shes got the whole nothings-gonna-stop-me-from-saving-the-universe thing going on. Nevermind.) If he's around, you're getting left in the dust-- andhe'salwaysgoingsofastthathetalkslike thisandnoonecaneverfigureoutwhathe'stryingtosay!" He would later be unfrozen by Wheeljack's machine and could be seen celebrating the reunification of Cybertron with his fellow Cybertronians.The Immobilizers, Bumblebee participated in the ceremony at the grand opening of Trypticon Plaza. This character article is a stub and is missing information on their fictional appearances. is it not as cool when I say it?" Though he attempted to convince Slipstream to join him, she fled to warn the Autobots and Decepticons of his intentions, managing to reveal his location to Windblade before being killed by Bludgeon. Part 4 of A Bond Of Their Own. Maccadam informed the two he would be staying behind but reassured them that, though they would go their separate ways for a while, they'd see each other again and their friendship would endure. The magenta femme also became close with Orion, Bumblebee, and especially Acree, since she was the only other femme on the team.
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