They may not bother much about the means as long as they reach the goals while pursuing those means as per the effect of Rahu in 1st house. As a Cancerian, your ruling planet is Moon and also the ruling planet of the 1st house in your birth chart (Kundli). The native is always unhappy. Victory over enemies, will face litigations and disputes in middle of life and will be disrespected by the people. Get 15+ Pages of FREE HOROSCOPE and DASHA PREDICTIONS ( Can 10th lord Mercury in 3rd house make you a sportsman? (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Plz note: Contact me through this site if you want to learn how you can regularly track the incoming of wealth in your life through Vedic Astrology, Disclaimer: I am not responsible for 3rd party links on this website and it could even be an affiliate link, All rights reserved @2022-23 a site dedicated to religion, spirituality, relationships, life, occult, and paranormal. Saturn in 9th House for Gemini Ascendant in Vedic Astrology, Saturn in 1st House for Leo Ascendant Vedic Astrology, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Moon in 9th House for Scorpio Ascendant in Astrology, Moon in 1st House for Pisces Ascendant in Astrology, Moon in 4th House for Cancer Ascendant in Astrology, Moon in 2nd House for Sagittarius Ascendant in Astrology. Less gain from ancestral property. The native does not remain happy in the family. Hell have a good desire to speculate or indulge in gambling, lotteries, or horse. He can also be a good surgeon. The native uses improper methods to secure gains. He might be a number of people accompanying him on his journeys. With Rahu in the fourth house of Cancer Ascendant, the native has to face the loss of land and house property. The native with Rahu in 4th House for Cancer Ascendant has no cordial relations with the mother. With Rahu in the seventh house for Cancer Ascendant, the native faces a loss of money in business. Cruel and of rash temperament, victory over enemies in disputes. His mother will probably be long-lived, but normally unhappy. The natives think of themselves as privileged and the chosen ones. Loss of wealth. The native is unlucky and mentally worried but knows the laws/rules. The native with Rahu in the fifth house for Cancer ascendant does not hesitate to lie to achieve his selfish objectives. Their behavior is much un-flexible and variable odd and eccentric, they are unable to assess their capabilities, abilities and thus set impractical goals or targets in life. Rahu generally gives good result in first house. The Moon is the power toreflect, making these natives too other oriented. Aquarius is a very scientific sign as it represents networking and through networking, only all communications are possible all around the world. Rahu in relation to a strong Maraka proprietor of the second or 7th house will ruin the wealth of the native and might cause his death. However, they manage gains from overseas connections. What will be the resultant Rahu mahadasha be for me, You can check Rahu Mahadasha for the answer of your question. Rahu here gives many expectations and wants to person from himself but as it is in Saturn's sign, those wants don't get satisfied in early life. The person is always worried about his health. The native with Rahu in 12th House for Cancer Ascendant is worried but manages the expenditure easily. Moon and Mars are the most beneficial and auspicious planets for a Cancer rising sign. In case the owner of the 8th house occupies the 8th home with Rahu or facets it, the native will probably fall ill throughout the sub or major periods of Rahu. The native can have a head-on account of the financial standing and liaison with women and might contract debts and sexually transmitted diseases. And the native wishes to have it in the shortest possible time. Cancer is a Cardinal zodiac sign. He might tell lies and might talk to mislead others. Rahu here in relation to the owner of the 3rd, 6th, 8th, or the eleventh house will reduce the longevity and might lead to death during his big or sub-periods. Native will be is highly emotional. If Rahu in 1st house afflicted further with malefics in birth and navamsa chart then makes a person unorthodox, cosmopolitan some times it induces tendency of hypocrisy. The position of Rahu in Sagittarius is also considered special. Effects of Rahu. Rahu in this house aspected with a beneficial planet removes other adverse indications from the research travel substantially and live abroad dwelt. How the placement of Mars and Venus makes the prediction easy? Our research on Birth Time Rectification can rectify the Time of Birth to fractions of a second. With Rahu in the third house of Cancer Ascendant, the natives work hard for success. If Rahu is eight house Lord via its sign Aquarius, as it co-rules Aquarius alongside with Saturn, and sits in first house in Cancer. An exalted or even a Rahu here will cause a problem for children. In case the owner of the twelfth house occupies the home with Rahu or facets it, then the native will fall sick throughout the major or sub-periods of Rahu. The native is very industrious and controls the situation with great care. Possibility 4: If Rahu is placed in the sign of Cancer in the 1st house but if Moon, the lord of Cancer, is placed in the 5th house then here 1st house lord is placed in the 5th house in the sign of Scorpio which is 5 places away. The native with Rahu in the 2nd house for Cancer Ascendant loses family wealth and faces a lot of trouble in the family. He married only for the sake of his ambitions (like you have mentioned.. unending yearning for name, fame, money which was going to grow multifolds with me.. sorry to sound pompous) Also, best if he/she could practice meditation during this phase as it will allow them to divert this strong energy into positive vibes that could result in a very progressive approach in achieving the goals. If Mercury is well placed and good in strength then the native is influential and later on succeeds in fulfilling their aim and getting family happiness. Youngsters with rahu in ascendant many times live in dilemma of their own virtually created world which is miles away from real practical world perception. Mars is considered malefic but for Cancer and Leo ascendant, this becomes Yogkaraka and bestows the native with prosperity and . When the Moon is with Rahu in the house, the native may have a fast temper and will be likely to lose his kids or face problems due to them. Teachers of chemistry and people who are working in science laboratories may also have this kind of placement. The native becomes untruthful, insincere and talkative. Rahu is tricky and sneaky, and creates illusions of all kinds.- It especially manifests in ones compulsions of uncontrollable passions. Which planet is enemy for each ascendant in Vedic Astrology? Because the 2nd house is the house of wealth, family, speech and inheritance and Sun is the lord of that house. With Ganeshas Grace, The native can be connected with secret societies and might invest in them. Rahu in 1st House for Cancer Ascendant Diseased, ugly face and of small type profession. The native is always worried and anxious and loses their personality. Passionate, eager, energetic, yet on the coin turn if anything got in my way it caused irritation. Here you can also dominate your spouse which may even give breakup in the marriage. This planet does not exist physically, rather it is a shadow planet also referred to as the North Node of the Moon. The native with Rahu in 1st House for Cancer Ascendant feels happy and peaceful in life. Rahu indicates cleverness and wit. Always leading and ready to spend money on social work. Itll yield results of its placement in the next home to the partner and at the 5th to the kids. As per Vedic Astrology, impacts of Rahu in 1st house from Lagna (ascendant) in birth or navamsa chart based on date of birth are both good and bad on male and female horoscope for all ascendants. I have explained through various example charts how to use the advanced astrological tools for accurate predictions. Rahu in relation to a strong Maraka proprietor of the second or seventh home here will destroy the wealth of the native and can lead to his death. The native will be wealthy, daring, and powerful. In case the disposition of Rahu is heavily placed within an angle or angle, there will be a sudden gain in wealth for the indigenous. Dangerous for father.The native with Rahu in 4th House for Cancer Ascendant feels restless and suffers in life. This type of location of Rain will ward off all evil. Also, people who supply LPG gas at homes may have this placement. Pranaam. Why Rahu is good and bad both in Vedic Astrology and what it represents? Dont give in to your emotions excessively and try to remain in a positive and happy environment. These natives are very defensive; they will retreat at the first sign of rejection. Rahu in first house makes them illusive about themselves in early life. They can have a secret means of income. If Rahu has a relation with or aspected by a strong owner of the 8th or first house, itll decrease the longevity of the spouse. Rahu here in Leo, or in Capricorn or Aquarius, will impart to the Sun or Saturn respectively a separating power. The native kids will probably be long-lived and prosperous unless a strong owner of the eleventh house is affecting Rahu in any way when the results will probably be the reverse. Five million astrologers all over the world read Vidhya Mitra Astrology. The native with Rahu in 6th House for Cancer Ascendant is selfish and irreligious but always cautious. Loss in life by having confidence in people. If you are a regular reader of this site plz donate something here. The native with Rahu in 2nd House for Cancer Ascendant is highly worried about the loss. People in the petroleum industry are mainly involved in such transformation and so mostly their mind is into the sign of Scorpio as per Vedic Astrology. His younger sister/brother may dwell in a remote land. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'jupiterspeaks_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_8',118,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-jupiterspeaks_com-medrectangle-3-0'); Also Read :Effects of Rahu placed in 7th House in Horoscope. His conduct might not be great. His father will be well off but might suffer from throat or ear trouble. First house indicates identity of self. If Rahu is sixth house Lord via its sign Aquarius, as it co-rules Aquarius alongside Saturn, and sits in first house in Virgo then firstly we need to make sure of Saturn's placement as it is the main ruler. Native will be highly communicative and is fond of religious/philosophical stuff. The father of the native can be placed and powerful although his behavior will be bad and hell be accused of breach of trust. Well, the planet Rahu broadly represents negative energy from the cosmos. The wealth of the native and can cause his death. Favourable Colour for Cancer Ascendant: White and yellow. The individual who has Sun-Rahu conjunction in the 1st house is likely to be self-obsessed and selfish. But the more and more shocks and eccentricity, cheat and deceit, the desire for unending sex from women all over the world but the wife came to the fore.. i was devastated and went into mental health issues.. thankfully my Jupiter and Saturn in the ascendant blessed me and I am out of that whole mess. Great gains from Foreign Lands but will be evenly spendthrift. It can put us into illusion and worsen our entrapping into the bad karma. In Virgo or Gemini, it can make the native God-fearing and kind, and he may have all of the conveniences. He may gain plenty from his career at foreign sources or corporate. Moon in the 1st house for Cancer Ascendant. With Rahu in the sixth house for Cancer Ascendant, the person is brave and courageous. You may have ego clashes with your spouse. You may have a sharp mind with amazing power to grasp what you are being taught. Recruiters and marriage counselors are also possible. It represents life overall, the self, and the whole body. The mind becomes very intuitive when it comes in the sign of Pisces and intuition can help a lot in writing and if the lord of Pisces is placed in the sign of Aquarius in the 8th house then it can greatly help in scientific research and also in understanding the concepts of occult science. Each word that you spoken has been experienced by me. He might travel about a lot. Rahu is a significant beneficial planet for the natives here if its placed in Aquarius or Pisces. The native struggles to get success in his business and accumulate wealth. The good thing about the natives of Rahu in 1st house is that they have enough courage to initiate or formulate completely new concepts in society or at the workplace. The native has some deficiency and some handicap in the body. With Rahu in the ninth house for Cancer Ascendant, the native feels anxious and nervous. His father could be a person with minimal Rahu placed in the eleventh house is inherently bad in nature and whether set in a sign here. Get accurate Life Predictions through a Detailed Life Interpretation Astrology Report : Click Here. Many journeys. The native with Rahu in 10th House for Cancer Ascendant is always worried. Possibility 1: If Rahu is placed in the sign of Cancer in the 1st house but if Moon, the lord of Cancer, is placed in the 2nd house then here 1st house lord is placed in the 2nd house (in Leo) which is a Raj Yoga and you can achieve a lot of wealth in your life with this placement if other planets in the birth chart are also favorable. Please connect with us at With Rahu in the third house of Cancer Ascendant, the native does not lose his patience. Rahu is in pushya nakshatra. Native will be highly obsessed with religion and different philosophies. However, Moon in the 4th house, if not afflicted by planets like Rahu, Ketu or Saturn, Moon here will give the native all . He may have a. The native is always worried and loses his individuality. The native with Rahu in 12th House for Cancer Ascendant puts heavy expenses and loses enough wealth. Moon in the sign of Leo in the 2nd house is extremely good for professions like acting, teaching, creativity, arts, designing, video editing, games development, flash animation, knowledge of Vedas and other ancient texts (even occult science such as astrology), sports, etc. If placed in good sign, Rahu can give wealth unexpectedly. In my lagna kundli, Rahu and Mangal are placed in the 6th house which is Gemini. The native will be self-willed and wont have reassurance. Rahu here with the owner of the house strong and well-positioned is a sign that a native is likely to gain wealth suddenly. Any questions related to Rahu in 1st House for Cancer Ascendant in Vedic Astrology?
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