Jennies Rabbits For fun and show we raise Havana rabbits. I work with three breeeds: Lionheads, Netherland Dwarfs & Holland Lops. Our rabbits are raised in our home as family pets. Royallbunns Training and socialization begin on day one! We breed show quality Rex (specializing in otters) and Mini Lops. My rabbits are handled constantly, so they are all friendly and affectionate. San Diego, California We have bred and shown rabbits since 1996., Late & Lois Smith Sandra has been raising and showing rabbits since early 1997. We have a great stock of rabbits from great lines. They are potty trained, cuddly and super docile. Lodi, California Arthur Desco Rabbitry Novato, California Usually have stock available all year round. French Angora Ukiah, California (209)635-9099, Ella Terzo (209)272-2720, Jeffrey Stone lbs when full grown.. Our rabbits are quality, purebred and fully pedigreed. Rair-Find Rabbits Prices are: $30 Pet, $40 Show/brood, $50-70 shown/winning rabbit.Other rabbit products are listed on our website. I am located in Wilton, CA which is near to Sacramento. Florida Whites, Holland Lops, Mini Rex, Netherland Dwarfs All are pedigree and come from stock from 3Bs rabbits Barbie Browns Bunnies and have Calloway background. Our children handle and show our juniors and we are pleased with our herd thus far., Christine Hert Mini Lops 1- we use there poop to fertilize our garden and land (one of the best fertilizers and dosent burn up plants of seeds!) (714)345-6952, Hannah Shaff Roes Bunny Farm We have been breeding pure breed Californian Meat Rabbits for over 3 years now. Currently raising American Chinchillas, New Zealands, Californians for meat and show. S & S Ranch All the rabbits come with pedigrees and in there blood line they have legs. San Francisco, CA, California Lost Brundage Rabbitry I am a member of the National Federation of Flemish Giant Breeders as well as the American Rabbit Breeders Association. (805)459-8163, Harlee Green We do our best to satisfy our customers and provide for them a sweet pet! We enjoy raising Blue, Black, BEW, REW, Otters, Castors, Brokens, Chocolates, Lilac and other rare colors! (760)221-1748, Karen Scott Sacramento, California I breed 2 varities of Tans: Black and Blue. Hello my name is Allysa. We are Rabbit enthusiasts and we focus on health, structure, and temperament. Prices are from $150 and up depending on the bunny. Red Hot Rabbits 6614189563, Brian Stafford Healdsburg , California Our breeding program is a collaboration of top quality Grand Champion Netherland Dwarfs. We sell well socialized pets that have sweet personalities. My aim is to breed fast growing rabbits, with a high meat to bone ratio that provide a good investment for all those interested in the healthy homestead philosophy. Great health and they tolerate the heat well here in the Central Valley where summer temps reach over 100 degrees. Our rabbits are handled from day one and are very sweet. Your more than welcome to print it on your own pedigree but all the information is correct and to the best of my knowledge. Find meat rabbits for sale in the United States and Canada on our Meat Rabbit Breeder Directory. Phone: 909-241-2004 Claudette. I dont have any Holland lops I just couldnt find the Lionheads in the breed category. We raise pedigreed Flemish Giants in Blue, Black, and Grey. We believe that a farm should be self sustainable and animals should be handled and harvested with the upmost respect. My rabbits have done real well in all the local and state rabbit shows. We have American Chinchilla, Silver Fox, and crosses from meat breeding. Sonora, California (530)806-6799, Amy Wehner (209)785-3588, Jerry Harmon Jersey Wooly, Netherland Dwarfs Mariposa, California When you are getting a Netherland Dwarf from Down The Rabbit Hole rabbitry you are getting top quality. Modesto, California Holland Lop baby bunnies for sale! The does are mainly bred around the end of March for fair. Lionhead Shamrock Rabbitry Raising Grand Champion Flemish Giants Since 2004. Most colors available., Amy Duke Teacup Rabbitry (You can email my mom or message me on facebook to discuss price and availability) We do not ship. (916)952-6143, Eric Webb Gentle Spirits Rabbitry Mini Rex, Standard Rex We sell Californian and Mini Rex for breeding and 4H and FFA projects. Sacramento, California You will not be disappointed! Netherland Dwarf, Christopher Smith The organic feed does not contain soy or corn. 818-741-5906, Emily Knupp Allies Bunny Barn I have three does and 2 bucks. Californian rabbit is a very beautiful domestic rabbit breed. If you are not a current member we hope you will choose to join. Find local California Rabbit Breeders using our rabbit breeders directory or add your California rabbitry to our list today. Holland Lop, American Fuzzy Lops We raise for meat and fur but are welcome to selling show quality offspring to others that are interested in beginning breeding for themselves or desiring to show for 4-H or fairs. We are a small Lionhead rabbitry located on the Mad River in Humboldt County, CA. My name is Lindsey, Me and my Mom raise and breed Mini lop rabbits for 4H. I live in California in LA and I want to get a netherwland dwarf preferably a female baby but if its a male Ill gladly take him to my price range is from 20-50 and thats as far as Ill go. Rex rabbits offer everything you could ask for in a rabbit: unique plush fur, wonderful temperament, LOTS of color varieties, large litters, great mothers, healthy meat for people and pets, instant fertilizer for the garden and orchard, and hours of enjoyment imagining WHAT colors can come from which pairing and then checking in the nest box like Christmas morning. Wish Come True Rabbitry We attend as many shows as we can and post our results and pictures on our website. 5 does, 2 breeding bucks, and on pet buck. Raising Red New Zealands and Standard Rex rabbits for meat and fur, show and pets. Hi my name is Brittani Bucknsr. Bandits Bunny Farm, Karen Dukes Vacaville, California Our rabbits are shown on the monthly basis, winning often. Santa Cruz, California Rex, Jersey wooly, Mini Rex, Mini Lop Breed: Holland Lops & Netherland Dwarfs Phone: (323) 973-3786 2., Arianna Castillo Down The Rabbit Hole Current Varieties include: Fawn, Blue, Black, Sandy. Carters Cuties Barns Usually we sell young breeding stock to folks who want to raise healthy meat for their table. Member of ARBA They are popular because they are easy to care for, can be kept indoors, able to be litter boxed trained and they are tiny in size weighing ?1.5 to 2.5? I raise Standard Rex rabbits on the Central California Coast. Brown with gray tones, Bonito Bunnies Please TEXT for pictures and to see whats available. Mini Rex, Standard Rex, Champagne DArgents The majority of our rabbits have pedigrees and parents and grandparents have been entered in shows. Rex Gustine, California 951 351 4333, Michelle Johnson Mini Rex, Silver Fox I have an interest in sustainable and healthy meat. I will have other breeds, in the future, for sale full time. With some breeds you get one color for example New Zealands can be black, red and white but the most common color is white. I am in 4-H and FFA. ABC Rabbitry Corralitos, California The Rex rabbit is sometimes called the King of Rabbits. Polish Blanc de Hotot Sarahs Bunny Barn (707)530-9413, Arthur M Our granddaughters help us feed, care for, and socialize the bunnies. The adults are housed in a very roomy 2ft x 8ft bunny house. Theyre also litter box trained as soon as theyre old enough to hop in! (909)703-9778, Ashley & Daniel T One Stop Lop New Zealand (760) 382-9453, Taelor and Sandi Burt Wood Family Rabbitry In addition to Mini Rex, I also breed the beautiful and sweet Velveteen Lop breed. They come pedigreed or without for discounted price for a pet only. Email me if interested, We attend shows 2 -3 times a month, we also transport rabbits to and from shows for others. They Californian Rabbit breed is about the second most popular rabbit breed in the United States behind the New Zealand White rabbit breed. New Zealand Los Angeles, California Himalayan, Mini Lop and Silver Fox I am also expecting a litter of Grey and White with a due date of 2-21-14. Holland Lop Just Struttin My name is Charlotte Jewell, I have been raising rabbits for a total of 8 years. Jewels Rabbits We also raise Mini Lops for show. Focusing on the VM gene Turlock, California Escondido, California Fuzzywuzzy Rabbitry We are experienced shipper nationally, and internationally. Small rabbits like lion heads and holland lips are great as pets because of how small they are. Hidden Creek Rabbitry (858)375-3516, Emily Colyn In serious need to sell/rehome rabbits. We are just starting back raising Mini Rex. One black, one broken blue and one broken chocolate. Today, it is the second most popular rabbit amongst rabbit breeders for meat in the world. Oakdale, California We do have rabbits for sale frequently and post them on our for sale page. Winton , California Taylor Marie Wade I have been raising rabbit for years, my rabbits are good for mead pens , pets and show. Fluffle Croft is a small family owned rabbitry, we started out with a few pet rabbits and fell in love with them. I also sometimes have other breeds for sale. Santa Ana, California They are all Albino and the genders are unknown. SoCal Continental Giant Rabbits Loewen Rabbitry Our friendly rabbits are all pedigreed and come from several Grand Champion lines. The ARBA does not provide or imply a guarantee or warranty pertaining to the 4H-Bred, Pedigreed Velveteen Lops, Marylu Sanchez (619)517-0530, Cami Johnson I have a litter of Blue s born on 12-20-13 that will be ready for their forever home beginning 2-8-14. There will be lots of adventures and fun times ahead! Occasionally working to re-home other rabbit breeds. The rabbits are located in their own ventilated shed enclosure with a swamp cooler to keep them cool in the summers and fan to keep fresh air circulating. American Chinchilla We work with both Checkered Giant and Giant Flemish. Satin Angoras American Blue Chabbey Rabbitry Alexs Sparkling Stars Rabbitry Take care! Milliies Minis Satin, Dutch and Holland Netherland Dwarf I am also very excited to share that I will eventually be joining 4-H again were I can there too, exceed in my rabbitry. To good homes only, I offer young juniors to adults as pets, some show and brood quality rabbits at competitive prices. Thinking about starting raising rabbits for pets, show, 4H, FFA, or meat? Follow us on Facebook at Summerfield Rabbitry or go to our website . Blue, Blacks, and Brokens. Lionheads, Mini Rex, Shelly Meszaros, Billie Saporito Tans, Himalayans Californian, New Zealand Cross (951)383-0985, Heather Payne-Powell Breeder Listing The ARBA Breeder List represents only those who have purchased this service. They are intelligent, playful and funny. Feel free to contact us anytime with questions! (805)459-8163, Ned Bello Torrance, California Mini Rex She started out with one HL Sable Point doe named Picards Genie. Precious BunnyBuns! Anthem Farm We have been raising rabbits for 30+ years and have had many breeds but our real 1st love is the Beveren. 209-614-2552, Jose Navarro I started out breeding only cinnamons, but I have since expanded into breeding Californians and some Champagnes. New Zealand, American, American Chinchilla We are registered members of the ARBA and our Rabbitry is also registered with the ARBA. Norco, California Im looking for buyers for my rabbits. All breeds Holland Lop, Mini Lops, Fuzzy Lops Highly socialized Dwarf Lionhead, Holland Lop & English Angora Rabbits. Our main focus is breeding top show quality rabbits with excellent temperaments, natural instincts, and longevity. 4-H project and showing. Hello! Thank you for your interest in our rabbits. We chose Mini Rex to raise, because of their calm temperament, fur and size. I refuse to sell any low quality rabbits as show or brood. Im flexible about pickups, and am willing to drive up 45 min from Shingle Springs to meet you! Livingston, California (661)309-0382, April Golston, Mike Betzler We currently have one breeding pair that is very very good and all come from amazing pedigrees with 10+ grandchampion awards. Placerville, California Shasta County, California I am a member of ARBA and our local FFA and 4-H chapeters. (530)848-9330, Lorraine Damiano I have a small rabbitry, I raise rabbits for F.F.A. Rabbit Ridge is a small home-based rabbitry in Napa, California. The cages are checked twice a day, brushed out as required and periodically they get bleached and sanitized. Check out our website, Facebook or Instagram for lots of cute pictures and to learn more about our herd! Meat mutts also available. I raise Californians and Lionheads. New Zealand, New Zealand Whites Please note the following: The ARBA is not responsible for the content of any link, however; inappropriate links will be removed. New college student selling off final litters of rabbits. Our bunnies dont bite, and love to hop into your hearts. Little Bunny Foo Foo (619)479-7179, Cyrus Jones Californians Mini Lops, Jersey Wooly I have learned that rabbits can be vulnerable creatures in the wrong setting. Galt, CA, Kellie Lynch I have new born up to 2 years old that are all white and I sell for pets, meat or breeding. (707)528-2898, Maddy Martinelli Emerald Meadows French Angoras, Mini Lop Feel free to ask me any questions, and shoot me an email if youre interested in one of my buns. We also carry baby rabbits available for adoption once weaned at approximately 8 weeks old. Our rabbits are cared for and loved as a family, they get their daily exercise in their play pen and are pet daily. We are a small 3rd Generation rabbitry in Riverside California North of Lake Mathews in an area called Woodcrest. Dutch, Harlequins, Palominos, many more to come Palms, CA, Krystian White Los Banos, CA We are working on colors project including Sable Points mostly., Sandra J. E. & Larry G. Warkentin CA Delta Rabbitry Californians are always white with black feet, nose and ears. Dreamcatcher Acres Rabbitry My wife and I really just wanted to start eating healthier and more importantly, to know where our food came from. In our homestead we breed Californias, NewZealands, and Double Maned Lionhead with Netherland Dwarfs. Salinas, California (559)265-2189, Bessey Barn Registered member of the ARBA and ANDRC. Fallbrook, California Even when full-grown, these bunnies keep their babyish appearance. Shinobi Rabbitry (916)767-3817 I am a registered ARBA and NFFGRB registered member. Florida White, Netherland Dwarf
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