I realize that rules are rules but, don't shoot the horse because the jockey was overweight. Just the fact that the TPB is 45lbs makes it not meet all requirements for use. With respect to direct lat work, you will neither find it in the detailed 1982 article by Ron Fernando, disclosing, I was there, front row at the USF SunDome in Tampa covering the contest for The Tampa Tribune when Jeff, Dave was 7 years my elder and my teen years weightlifting idol. Mike's best official lift was 608 made in 1977. Then a week after that, Frank Zane and I had a seminar in New Jersey. WTF!! Bench: 227.5kg/501.55lb Larry Pacifico is widely regarded as one of the greatest powerlifters of all time. [/quote] It may linger and help him kick ass for years to come. :), MAKE SURE THE PLATFORM WAS THE RIGHT SIZE AND THAT WEIGHTS WERE REAL AND THAT MIKE HAD THE LEGAL SHOES TO SQUAT IN!! Peoria, IL. Mike Bridges' DVD series. It's unfortunate that an error like this had to happen, but the bar we were using was just fine!! Pacificos best competition lifts are an 832-pound squat, 592-pound bench press (without a bench shirt), a 771-pound deadlift, and a 2061-pound total. The guys in the lighter . on USA SOIL! thanks Jeff Mumaw. I trained Mac for a year. DUMB, the man had spanking new Ivanko weights and ER rack on the platform, to think that the bar was his underminding the rules is plain stupid. I think it'd be more like shooting the jockey because he was wearing the wrong silks lol! Best Lifts: your body doesn't suddenly break down cause you broke the 40 yo barrier. Just lift it! Michael Easter is an associate editor at Mens Health magazine. Lou: I recall soon after getting home from the army in 1970 you set a national total record on the same dayas Joe Weinstein at 1675 at198. to the meet director - sorry this sounded so strong. My training as a 65er back in the day was pretty intense and with pretty good results. Can you imagine a man that tiny hoisting a dead lift of nearly 600lb. Show me where the IPF as said anything? WAS THE PAPER IT WAS WRITTEN ON WAS THE RIGHT SIZE! He has broken over 100 combined Nationals and World Records in his storied career. Fantastic story. See, they cannot make an exception for a USA lifter because USA would beef huge IF a russian had an improper bar and broke records too price of having approved bars, weights, and rules. Larry was the one getting all of the attention setting American records before World records were official. Mike is going to get robbed because it's an IPF rule, tpb isn't approved equipment and so he's getting american records. Where are my safety guys screaming about that? See you in Georgia! No excuses! Now that I know the whole story from Harold I feel bad about the situation and my earlier comments. why someone running a meet like this waits to the last second anyway is a damned good question. I didn't know exactly what they were but I knew there would be some kind of difference between the bars. The movement standards of powerlifting competitions are going to be a significant challenge. By the time they could react, I had fallen off the bench and went to feel my eye where the bar hit. On October 4, 1980 I lifted at a meet in Dayton, Ohio that I promoted. The manufacture send Bench bars with the middle knurling missing and no one in the area had the right bars! That all said, heres how the average lifters totals (squat, bench press, dead lift) at the competitions compare. [quote=Anonymous] well yeah they were legal when they kept the sponsorship fee up. The rule states only official approved bars can be used for the setting of world records. The 20kg TPB used to be approved by the IPF, until they didn't pay the licensing fee, so there are undoubtedly some IPF World record which have been set using a TPB. Who is that? Dans statue, not his weight, makes him unusual for the hings that he has done. they can replace usapl, remember? Modern powerlifters are some of the strongest people in history. One official got yelled at for asking about the bar while my boyfriend was checking his rack height later on thursday. so yes, some records were set with tpb. Deadlift: 372.5kg/821lb. Bodybuilding and physique-training provide exposure to the powerlifting exercises but not the technique. Tragedy struck again on our way back to Dayton. they say he found out thursday. In my opinion, it's a horrible situation all the way around. When you squat 800 pounds, every joint in your body needs to be optimally aligned. Be it football, hockey, basketball etc, all the organizations have license fees payed to them for everything from clothes to what glove, stick etc will be used, and in return they are the only vendors allowed to sell or have equipment used. He also would tell others if they wanted to get a bigger bench gain weight. This Make your morning email scroll and coffee stronger. Bench: 280kg/617.29lb I don't think I would even care if the IPF recognized it personally. The call to drug-test powerlifters had been gaining momentum in the sport since the mid-1970s. [/quote] Bridges. It is one thing to beat someone by all those he beat, so we want to remember him too. HOWEVER for a meet director at an IPF qualifier - and the supposed FLAGSHIP event, the men's nationals, to NOT have proper IPF bars and weights for world record breaks is UNTHINKABLE. How about dougs billing squat 985lb. A 13 year old Ed saw Bill Kazmaier powerlift on television and he was instantly hooked. that'd just be the cherry on the top of this disaster! Ed Baueuscroft of California. In powerlifting we have had lifters such as Pacifico who many times totaled more than the heavyweights in the early years of powerlifting. Actually, I've worked at keeping everything the same since it worked before and seems to be working OK now as well. The bar we used was 45lbs plus the collars. I like my ProKinetics and I recommend you try them! NO ONE HAD THE RIGHT BARS!! First offcongrats M.B on the records. My team was also lifting, including Eric Stuber, Mac Richards, John Topsoglou, and several others. One of the nicest menin the power lifting game. Just start learning the gear/rule variations. Everyone knows that politics are stupid when it comes between a person and a hard earned accomplishment but if they let it stand then everyone will say "hey, what could have so-n-so done on a Texas Power bar instead of those whippy Ivankos?" I hope this does not come true. Some have tested and non-tested divisions; others randomly test a minimum of 10 percent of their lifters; and the rest the majority, in fact dont test at all. Mac was frantic. You can train as hard as ever; but there will be a time that you have to allow more recovery time. I've never really changed anything. His total outdid his closest competiton by some 150lb. This. ERNIE FRANTZ A pioneer in the sport, Frantz squatted 821 at age 64. "But it weighed MORE so he should the record for sure!" Benchpress: 265kg/584lb check out the. Or will the USAPL overlook something again? IF they used the same Texas Power Bars for that WOMEN's MEET, THE WORLD RECORDS THERE TOO ARE NOW NOT VALID. (365.5 kg). All rights reserved. Today, there are about eight larger federations and tens of smaller ones. Mike Bridges (Birth date: february 1, 1957). :), [quote=Anonymous][quote=Jeff Fiss]Harold put on a great meet. That being said, steroids, insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), clenbuterol and other banned substances dont make an athlete more skilled at his sport they amplify skills he already has. 1980-11-07, USA-VA, Arlington. And Don Reinhoudt the SHW world champ. Our flight out of LA was fine. Although he seldom works them, he has pressed 300lb from behind the neck and military pressed 325lb. Steroids also tend to decrease body fat. Consider this 2008 American Physiological Society study, which found that the benefits of steroids in powerlifters can last several years beyond when the drugs leave their body. Mel has benchpressed 535lb, squatted 535lb and deadlifted 600lb. It's unfortunate that an error like this had to happen, but the bar we were using was just fine!! Possibly the closest man to Dave Waddington in the squat. [/quote] C'mon. But when Bridges took the stage later that year at the International Powerlifting Federation (IPF) championships in Gotenborg, Sweden, and fired off the three lifts, his typical strength wasnt there. he was just as good as coan just in a lighter weight class. it matters what the rules actuially are!!! But when you can squat 1000 anytime you fell like it, who cares about a poor deadlift. The rescue squad got there in 10 minutes and away I went. After getting out of the Army I started to compete in and around Ohio. Looks somewhat like Sheikos powerlifting program. Was this in Tampa? The problem was discovered on Thursday. Mike Bridges Training ? best of luck to everyone concerned with this! Bridges' squat of 711 pounds, bench of 512 pounds, and total of 1,896 pounds are all new 198 class World Records. In that meet there were four men who would become IPF World Champs: Milt McKenzie, George Crawford, Vince Anello and, last but not least, Larry Pacifico, the subject of this article. Ron Collins who would mostly lift at 181 and you were mostly a 198 and there was a lot of talk of a match between you.Larry: Yes, it would be at 198, but never happened.Lou: You won nine worlds starting in 1971, it ended at Wisconsin in 1980. Larry would drive from Dayton to Toledo for four years using a simple 5-3-1 system. Giant to appreciate his size. Mac's first meet was two months before this when he qualified to lift in Victorville. Source: As told by Larry Pacifico from Pacifico Power Systems (July 2017) On October 4, 1980 I lifted at a meet in Dayton, Ohio that I promoted. But those accepting the pay of the sponsorship fees do not have to suffer with the bars, merely to take the money and thus approve themjust like at times platforms/stages at ipf worlds have sagged under the larger squatters, only to be considered "acceptable". 1983 Mens Senior Nationals Mike was the superlative powerlifter. 7. This was thursday--start making calls. Youve probably never heard of him, but hes one of the strongest men whos ever lived, and he was a powerlifting god in the early 1980s. There was no money meets back then.Lou: What motivated you back then?Larry: A strong desire to be the best and win all the time at anything. I checked the rules on the USAPL site and they just referenced the IPF rules. The great Mike Bridges spent years training three times per week, squatting twice, deadlifting once or twice, and benching two and sometimes three times within any week. Lou: There were other super stars from England. Then he came and got me. Looking back, I have seen all the best lifters of the past 50 years. Try Squatting with all that weight with a smooth middle! BUT, as a lifter at the meet who is not capable of setting world records, I was very happy when I learned that we would be using a Texas Power Bar. You might say not bad well let me tell you this, maybe 12 super-heavies have done 630 plus, but Sam, at 275, has out-benched at least half of the twelve. yea i was thinking about trying this because i want to compete eventually in single ply gear and natural. Mike won the second most prestigious national powerlifting in 1977 when he won the Junior National Powerlifting Championships.
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