Most non-aggressive South American fish are ideal tank mates for your Green Phantom Pleco. As they mature, the main difference between the two is found on the dorsal and adipose fin (the small fin behind the dorsal fin). B.demantoides is a very beautiful Pleco with it's yellow/brown colours, and once settled it's also a hardy aquarium inhabitant if given proper conditions. A: We offer a Live Arrival Guarantee service for four hours after door delivery. These fish need very specific conditions to breed so you will need to recreate in the tank. Sailfin molly Because of their soft belly, these fish need a soft and fine substrate. These freshwater fish need ample bottom space so the gallon that your aquarium can hold might not always be the best way to calculate how many plecos you can keep in your aquarium. Breeding Green Phantom Pleco in captivity can be a frustrating process that most will not try. 3-display obs The Green Phantom Plecostomus originates from the rapids of the Rio Orinoco in Venezuela and even further downstream. 4x 20cm -25cm red bay snook $40 ea Pair of Peacock Gudgeon Absolutely beautiful fish, young adult and the female is holding the eggs $40 4cm $20 each few (SOLD OUT) Green Phantom Plecos: Interested in the wonderous algae-eating catfish? We only ship Monday - Wednesday. Prefers meaty, protein-rich feeds Adult Size: 7 Recommended Tank Size: 75 gallons Compatibility: Peaceful, but can be territorial towards other similar plecos, Preferred Water Parameters pH: 6.5 7.5 Temp: 78-82F Ammonia: 0ppm Nitrite: 0ppm Nitrate: <30ppm, 2021 Aqua-Imports |, Tissue Culture, Cupped & Misc. . Silver tip tetras $5 each.. ( big guy not for sale) Birrong pick up, 3-4cm - L046 $1.3k each Business hours. A: Before shipment, we quarantine all fish for at least 24-48 hours. Buy 5 $60 Green Phantom Plecos lay about 40 50 eggs each time they breed and majority of them will hatch. Its always a good idea to get multiple different types of sinking foods and feed your pleco a mix of all of them. or 10 fortnightly payments of $110.00 with more info. An omnivore, they will graze on algae but will also require a varied diet of sinking prepared foods, gel foods, and fresh vegetables like zucchini and squash. A: UPS Next Day Air: For a low flat rate of $45 any where in the US with any size box. Common name: Green Phantom Plecostomus, L200. 2023 Next Aquarium | All Rights Reserved. If you are planning to keep more than one of the L200 Plecos then you should get a bigger tank. Over the last few years, they have become increasingly popular in the aquarium hobby. L253), L014 Goldie Pleco (Scobinancistrus aureatus), Spadetail Checkerboard Cichlid (Dicrossus maculatus). Green phantom pleco 3in length. phone ******5909+click to reveal. For L200 Plecos a wide tank is preferable over a tall tank. But the majority of the L200s available in the pet trade are coming directly from the wild. Unfortunately I am looking to sell my Sailfin Pleco and Oscar. No Hey selling some pairs of L104 arround 5 - 6cm please phone john ******** 991+click to reveal $ 150 During this time they will not eat and will continue to absorb their egg sac. 3-4cm $10 each 32cm+ pleco for sale i,m shutting down my tank and need it gone so going cheap regretfull sale but i,m moving house L168 Pleco (8cm) - $70 I have one male L200 at about 16cm and a female L200 at about 15cm. Display cichlid tank mixture of cichlids dont know the name of them all about 23 of them around 10 - 15 cm and a 35 Bristlenose and pleco catfish D shape cave 120mm long. Q: I just completed my order, what's next? No emails or Hi Guys, Make an offer on one or make an offer on multiple. Shipping with full oxygen Q: When can I expect my order to be ship? Peacocks $ 1,100.00. or from $10/week with. Clown Pleco(L-168) 10cm $ 79.00 Find near, nearer or same sized spp. Driftwood or bogwood is considered unnecessary by some, and a requirement by . He is about 16cm, healthy and with nice patterns. Prefers meaty, protein-rich feedsAdult Size:9Recommended Tank Size:75+ gallonsCompatibility:Can be territorial towards other plecos be sure to provide plenty of caves and hiding places Preferred L034 Medusa Pleco (Ancistrus ranunculus) Origin:Wild BrazilLocale:Rio XinguDiet:Omnivore and scavenger should be fed both vegetable-based and protein-rich feeds in the aquariumAdult Size:6-7Recommended Tank Size:40 galCompatibility:Generally peaceful, but can be You've just added this product to the cart: Start typing to see products you are looking for. Green Phantom Pleco are mainly Omnivore, so you should provide them with foods that have algae, plant matter, fresh vegetables, and other plant-based foods. JacobFreiberg (5cm) - $10 XL- $20 Straight b, Peppermint bristlenose on Sale! Some frozen foods and more meat-based dry food can be offered occasionally. Western Australia; Victoria; South Australia; Australian Capital Territory . When it comes to plecos, the tank setup is super important. or all 650. Endemic to Southeast Brazil, this herbivorous, rheophilic, bottom-feeder only grows to around 155432849377 Green Phantom Pleco, like most fish, prefers fresh foods over prepared dry food. 5- electric blue Old pic used but still same fish and quailty. Definitely Not deformed have had it for 2 years. 5CM $74.95 Compare Whiptail catfish 7cm $34.95 Compare Can ship aus wide will throw shipping in free for the correct sale price. #rare #l24 #exotic #lnumber, Albino pleco , tetra and guppies for sale, Albino sailfin pleco $120 Specific Care Requirements: Hypancistrus plecos generally come from swiftly flowing waters that are clean and rich in oxygen. The cave should be slightly bigger than the males body; but, small enough that he can trap the female inside. Baryancistrus demantoides. Have about 10 left at 8-9cms $15ea RARE OTOCINCLUS HOPPEI - Oto Catfish -GREAT ALGAE EATER FOR NANO & SMALLER TANKS - 16.99. . price for greens is about 1-1.4k each for 10-15cm fish. although single males can sometimes be sourced cheap same with blue phantoms. i do but none for sale. happy hunting getting hold of female. Interests: Pleco's. Re: L200 breeding. Sale! Last picture is parents (not for sale) Other plecos available $ 39.99 - $ 59.99 The L200 Green Phantom Pleco is a beautifully marked Loricariid found in fast-moving, rocky areas of the Orinoco and Ventuari Rivers in Colombia and Venezuela. Large - $12 Yes, they are in Australia. Categories: Community Fish, Freshwater fish, Pleco. Pleco - Sailfin Pleco Black Gibbiceps Algae Fish. All sizes available to suit your aquarium Local pick-up $160 each or 5 for $750, Fish tank closing down sale!!! Water is warm and filled with organic plant matter that many small creatures feed on. 5-6cm $45ea Ziss breeder box (new) With their light green body coloration and distinctive yellow spots, this pleco makes a colorful and unique addition to most medium to large aquariums. Avoid adding any new fish to your tank without properly quarantining it. They are very hardy and will not get sick randomly. Same as in their natural habitat, you will need to furnish the aquarium with driftwood, rocks, plants, hiding spots, and a diet of vegetables and small crustaceans. They are omnivore in the wild and will consume excess algae and biofilm in your tank. Peppermint Pleco 7-8cm size, young adult, around 8 months old $35 I've seen them between $500-$1000 a few years ago. The real L200 is has been described as Hemiancistrus subviridis. (L397) - Red Striped Pleco; Fish for Sale; Information Sheets; Repashy Foods; Forum. There is a variety of commercially available . Delta Cargo: This is available to all customers that does not have the option to use Southwest Air Cargo. When small, they are nearly identical. In order to breed these fish, you will need a large group of Green Phantom Plecos that are mature and at least 3-5 years old. 8-princes cichlids Plant-based pellets or fish flakes mixed with low amounts of high protein foods are an ideal mix to feed. Amazing looking fish - have 2 cycles of pleco from 1-7 cm You can use floating plants or any other aquarium plants to add beauty and functionality to your aquarium. This is to ensure your fish can get all the nutrition it needs. If so how much do they cost? Out of stock. In captivity, Blue Phantom Plecos lifespan is around 10 15 years. 043555****+ show full number. Green Phantom Pleco ( L200 Pleco ) is a member of the Loricariidae family (plecos) that comes from Rio Orinoco in Venezuela. 17140-17142. Join our newsletter, to . 17293-17299. They also have bright yellow dots on their body that makes them even more beautiful. Starting from $10 depending on sizes and breeds 1- display blue dolphin cichlids Get all the latest information on Stocklists, Events, Sales and Offers. These fish are noted for the bony plates covering their bodies and their suckermouths. 6 Bar Frontosa (10cm) - $50 For Sale is a mature Male L128 Blue Phantom Pleco. Aquarium Plants, L018 Big Spot Gold Nugget Pleco (Baryancistrus xanthellus), L253 Black Royal Goldie Pleco (Scobinancistrus sp. They also use these caves as spawning sites. 25cm male festae 80 (L128) pH 6.0 - 7.0. Green Phantom Pleco spends most of its time swimming at the bottom of the tank and around decorations. Large - $15 Any hobbyist can keep this fish when they provide them with the right setup and water parameters. Las Vegas, Nevada 89142, $55 Flat Rate Fast and Reliable Overnight Shipping. All Rights Reserved. When filtration of your tank cant keep up with the waste production, your fish will suffer and might face health issues. 50% DOA We will refund 50% of shipping the and price of the DOA fish. L011, L035, L108, L116 " Squaliforma cf. Black 35 cm $300. Gold Spot Pleco L001 - 4cm - 5cm 14.70 - 14.95 6 available stock. Customer Favorites, Marine Invertebrates - Save 25%, Popular Value Packs, Marine Invertebrates, LiveAquaria Certified Captive Grown Corals, Captive-Bred Freshwater Fish and Invertebrates. With their light green body coloration and distinctive yellow spots, this pleco makes a colorful and unique addition to most medium to large aquariums. Supplement the diet of their diets with foods that sink to the bottom of the aquarium such as a high-quality flake food and sinking algae or spirulina pellets and wafers. SKU: 69498 Categories: Catfish, Pleco. Home L200 GREEN PHANTOM PLECO (Hemiancistrus subviridis) 6-7" 4032XL. Collect Only 180.00 Collection in person or Best Offer SPONSORED Plecos are a great tropical fish for both the beginner and experienced fish keeper They are hardy, can be colourful and most find them easy to breed. Plecos fish for sale 80 Plecos fish for sale Save Search 7 1 day albino brislenose pleco 3 Plecos Age: 1 year ategory Rating Care Level: Easy Temperament: Peaceful Color Form: albino Lifespan: Over 5 years Size: Up to 5 inches Diet: Herbivore Family: Loricariidae Minimum Tank Size: 25 litre Tank Set-Up: Plen H2o aquatics ID verified Hartlepool They will eat your Swordpants though. If appropriate caves are not provided, the plecos are likely to experience prolonged stress which will compromise their health. L205 Crown Pleco. Trades open for exotic large growing pleco, Plecos for sale L333 and L168 L333 Yellow King Tiger (black and white) To ensure your fish live their full expected life you will need to provide them the care recommended in this article and include proper maintenance and diet. Browse our selection of catfish for sale online and buy pleco online today! Green Phantom Pleco has an incredibly peaceful character that makes them a superb addition to any aquarium. Fine line pleco 30cm+$220 L200 hi fin are true vegetarians, and should be fed a varied diet of vegetables and pellets containing much green matter. Address: BASIN POCKET , Queensland 4305. 11-peackoock Panaqolus sp. 2"+ WINTER SALE! 15-20cm Silver dollers X 5. Two plecos are commonly known as the "Emerald Pleco" and with the L-number classification of L200: Baryancistrus demantoides and Hemiancistrus subviridis. With their light green body coloration and distinctive yellow spots, this pleco makes a colorful and unique addition to most medium to large aquariums. Check it out! We will also provide a bunch of other useful tips and tricks to make you an expert in caring for this fish. that require the same living conditions. Pickup only, Hi, I have some fish for sale, pleco, bristlenose, albino, Zebra danio They need lots of hiding spots to feel safe in your aquarium. The original one, Hemiancistrus subviridis, is more common in the trade. Gold Spot Pleco 18-20cm $70 each (1 left) 6ft fish tank with filter and stand. Its the male job to guard the eggs until they hatch. * Pleco * L200 10-12cm Pictures posted are for reference on the species type. DOA's must be reported the day of arrival and be accompanied by an emailed photo to ensure refund. Its bright orange and black striping are very distinguishable and among the most striking colourations of the hundreds of known plecos. If live food is not an option, you can feed your L200 Pleco frozen foods that are widely available in most pet stores and online. Medium 6cm head to tail The Green Phantom Pleco L200 is an amazing burst of Green and Light Green spots. dunno have lots of catfsh trying to breed. Hardy and undemanding, the L204 is not an algae eater by nature but more than makes up for it with their striking striped pattern and distinctive lyretail. Flying fox I also have another mature male Bristlenose Pleco that is ready to breed The most expensive model is Mitsubishi L200 at 780,000 . Negotiable 3-5cm $20 each L200 Lemon Green pleco. Avocado plecos, also known as L200 Pleco or Green Phantom Pleco are very nice and make a great addition to any tank and adds some nice exotic looking colors and a exotic touch to your fish tank! For Sale L134, L377, L397, L066, super red short fin bristlenose, common & calico long fin bristlenose fry XL 13-15cm head to tail Bristlenose size scale Buy direct from the breeder to ensure genuine proven genetics We highly recommend having a TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) meter and changing the water every time the tanks TDS crosses the recommended range. They are omnivore in the wild and will consume excess algae and biofilm in your tank. You We have available and supply quality Tropical and Fresh water fish like,Supper Red Arowana fish.Chili Arowana We have available and supply quality Tropical and Fresh water fish like,Supper Red Arowana fish.Chili Arowana Fish, Top Quality Super Red Arowana Fish For Sale And Many More During this time, the male cleans the eggs and fans them so the eggs dont go bad or get mold. Origin:Wild ColombiaLocale:Rio OrinocoDiet:Carnivore and scavenger, prefers protein-rich frozen or prepared dietsAdult Size:4Recommended Tank Size:20+ gallonsCompatibility:Peaceful, can be territorial with similar species Preferred Water ParameterspH: 6.5 7.5Temp: 78-82FAmmonia: 0ppmNitrite: What We Like About This Fish: The Snowball Pleco is an extremely beautiful and very peaceful, hardy addition to almost any aquarium. Gold spot pleco Like most Plecos, Green Phantom plecos are known to eat algae although in a tank environment they should be given a variety of choice when it comes to feeding to maintain a proper diet. Sort by Guaviyu Whiptail (Rineloricaria sp.) Origin:Wild ColombiaLocale:OrinocoDiet:Grazer and Scavenger. L200 Green Phantom Pleco For Sale - YouTube Find the gorgeous L200 Green Phantom Pleco for sale at Find the gorgeous L200 Green Phantom Pleco for sale at. With its overall muted green coloration and lighter colored polka dots, this visually alluring algae eater makes an excellent choice for freshwater hobbyists in search of unusual aquarium inhabitants. Buy 10 f, I have a very active Bristlenose Pleco breeding pair for sale Green Phantom Pleco (Hemiancistrus subviridis) is an interesting freshwater fish that is kept by many aquarium owners. Compared to other types of plecos they are slightly bigger which make them a good fit for medium and larger aquariums. The other way to prevent aggression is to simply keep all females, if its a possibility to have them sexed before purchasing. The Green Phantom Pleco L200 is an amazing burst of Green and Light Green spots. L253), L014 Goldie Pleco (Scobinancistrus aureatus), Spadetail Checkerboard Cichlid (Dicrossus maculatus). However, when you keep live plants you will need a strong light so you should add more caves, decorations, and other hiding spots so your L200 Pleco can hide when the aquarium lights are on. They should be fed a varied diet high in protein. 75% DOA We will refund 100% of shipping and 100% of all the fish. This means you will need to select other tank mates that can live in the same water parameters. You currently have javascript disabled. Green Phantom Pleco L200 Abyss Aquatics / Shop / Tropical Livestock / Tropical Fish / Catfish / Plecos / Green Phantom Pleco L200 Last time this was in stock, it was 45.00 This helps reduce the amount of waste in the bag and will keep the water clean. Only logged in customers who have purchased this product may leave a review. Green phantom pleco l-200 $ 49.99. 9-black face cichlids Place of Origin: Rio Orinoco, Venezuela. A balanced diet for Green Phantom plecos should consist of approximately 15-20% protein to 80-85% plant matter. At Aquaholics Online, we have a wide selection of Bristlenose catfish for sale, and all of our fish are raised in a controlled environment, ensuring that they are in top condition when they arrive at your doorstep. L200 GREEN PHANTOM PLECO (Hemiancistrus subviridis) 6-7" . Make an offer for the lot Will deliver if within Victoria Shipping not available, You can feed them high protein prep food, small crustaceans, and insect larvae. If this is the case for you, simply cut the vegetables and place them somewhere in the tank. Hi, Medium- $6 LDA105, Fire Spot Cactus Pleco, Typhoon Pleco, LDA105 pleco, LDA105 pleco for sale, Welcome to Jason's Plecos & Cichlids LLC. Panaqolus albivermis. $274.95 Compare Chocolate Zebra Pleco L270 $184.95 Compare L007 -Vampire Pleco $449.95 Compare Tiger peckoltia L002 - 10 cm $249.95 Compare L333 Pleco 10 cm $224.95 Compare Blue-eyed Lemon Bristlenose 5cm $64.95 Compare SUPER RED BRISTLENOSE PLECO (ANCISTRUS SP.) Estimated Size at Shipping: 1.5-2.5" give or take a bit. emarginata " Red Fin Thresher Pleco, Thresher Pleco L017 "Hopliancistrus sp. Skip to the content. Max Size: 5". limited stock. 7-8cm male $60 (Sold Out) SUPER RED Bristlenose - Hi have some L066 3 to 4 cm most 3.5 asking $45 each I've seen them between $500-$1000 a few years ago. Natural Range: Rio Ventuari and Upper Rio Orinoco. Over 6inch male green phantom l200 pleco Biased in Watford Hertfordshire 60: 130. List: $ 29.00 - $ 59.99 $ 17.88 - $ 55.00 Select options; Pleco - Snow King Trinidad Plecostomus. #3 Michael the fish fanatic If they receive adequate care in their early stages of life, and when they are young, they will grow to their maximum size effortlessly and quickly. 3-5cm $80 each L168 Butterfly Pleco FREE SHIPPING on qualifying aquarium supplies orders $49 and up. GET DISCOUNTS AND SPECIALS | JOIN JACK WATTLEY, Copyright 2023 Wattley Discus | Maintained by. Origin:Wild ColombiaLocale:Upper OrinocoDiet:Grazer and Scavenger. Originating in the extremely rocky and fast-moving waters of the Orinoco and Ventuari rivers in Venezuela and Columbia. Both tanks hold the same amount of water, but the high tank can house fewer plecos due to its narrower floor area. . Log into or create your Afterpay account, with instant approval decision, Your purchase will be split into 4 payments, payable every 2 weeks, All you need to apply is to have a debit or credit card, to be over 18 years of age, and to be a resident of country offering Afterpay, Late fees and additional eligibility criteria apply. Pair of glass catfish $20 Very healthy and active bristlenose peppermint. B.demantoides, often called L200 hi-fin, is rarer. Aquatic plants will remove toxins from your tank while providing plenty of hiding spots for your fish. With Aquaholics Online, you can be sure that you're getting the best quality fish and aquarium supplies in Australia. $220 NO EMAIL. Adding more hiding areas and more pleco caves will prevent aggressive behaviors among males. They can be told apart by looking at the dorsal fin; in B.demantoides there is a membrane that connects the dorsal and adipose fin. Eyes are located on the head and are the only soft spot they have on their back.External anatomy of plecos. They are primarily active during the night and will look for available food and stay in their cave during the day. A beautiful pleco found in the Ucayali and Maranon river drainages in Peru, the Flash or Emperor is a relatively small species with a maximum adult size of 5. You can feed them foods such as algae wafers, zucchini, potato, cucumber, and sweet potato. YOU CAN MIX super red and peppermint if they are same price 2-3cm $12.5 each or 5 for $60(New Batch) As the name suggests, the base color on their body is green that becomes yellowish as it spreads towards fins. This will have a direct impact on the lifespan of your fish. With Aquaholics Online, you can easily set up and maintain a beautiful and thriving aquarium. HI ALL, Should be offered a varied diet high in protein Adult Size: 5 Recommended Tank Size: 30 gallons Compatibility: Peaceful, but can be territorial towards other plecos, Preferred Water Parameters pH: 6.5 7.5 Temp: 76-82F Ammonia: 0ppm Nitrite: 0ppm Nitrate: <30ppm, 2021 Aqua-Imports |, Tissue Culture, Cupped & Misc. Hey selling some pairs of l333 arround 6cm please call john ******** 991+click to reveal $ 150 for a M & F 4-5cm $20 each ANGEL FISH Red top hongi This species requires excellent water quality to thrive so large frequent water changes should be considered necessary. Catfish are a diverse group of fish that are known for their unique features and behavior. Im leaving the hobby . The L200 Green Phantom Pleco is a classic cave spawner, where the male will entice a female into his cave and then attempt to keep her there until she spawns. Live foods like bloodworms, brine shrimp, and other small live foods can also be a great treat for them if you can source any. Hardy and undemanding, the L204 is not an algae eater by nature but more than makes up for it with their striking striped pattern and distinctive lyretail. Black 30cm $280 (Usually around $75 - $80). Setting up your tanks as close to what these fish get in nature will increase the contrast and coloration of your L200 Pleco. They also enjoy rasping on large sinking pellets and wafers. (Hemiancistrus subviridis/Baryancistrus demantoides). In the wild, their boney back and their unique colorations will help them protect and camouflage from predators that swim in the area. Must Go. Clean, well filtered, oxygen rich, warm water is required. 2389 Air Park Road, Rhinelander, Wisconsin 54501. The Blue Phantom Pleco will grow to be about 7 in typical frehsawater aquariums.
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