There may be conditions you need to fulfil to ensure youre not penalised, such as providing a follow-up medical note to update the department of your health after the deadline. You need to ensure that your submission for extenuating circumstances is made within one week of the circumstance taking place. Requests for review must be submitted within two weeks of the extension or mitigation decision, and should be submitted to thesameoffice as you submitted your Extenuating Circumstances form. You will need to submit as a single file in one of the following formats: Microsoft Word (DOC) and Adobe Acrobat (PDF). For all submitted coursework students should state the number of words in the text (excluding tables and figures, footnotes, the bibliography and appendices but including quotations and references in the text) in their cover sheet. No. EC requests received after Monday 11.59 pm (UK time) will be considered at the next week's IOE EC panel. Students on a Learning Agreement must not submit an EC application but should discuss any extension requests with the Academic Head of Teaching and Learning (AHLT) or Personal Tutor. Students' Union UCL is an organisation that exists to make more happen. Short term illness / injury / hospitalisation:Medical certificate or letter from your doctor. If this is the case, the panel will let you know, within ten working days of receiving your application, that more time is needed to process your claim. If you are looking for a different outcome, your request will be considered by a Departmental Extenuating Circumstances Panel. For either route, it makes sense to get in touch as soon as possible. Other universities may prefer to meet with you in person to decide how to move forward. endstream endobj 447 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream You may then be allowed to take the missed exam/s in the Late Summer Assessment (LSA) period (usually in August). If you are not eligible for self-certification, you will be asked toprovide supporting evidence. Cha c sn phm trong gi hng. You must proof-read and correct all errors. Extenuating Circumstances are circumstances which impair your examination performance and prevent you from attending assessments. All illustrations must be discussed in the text. H1 EwNL '\CK0R*?z+|VGyw:/::%0',I! oH(u={C\ 2`A-3[aADC1|G=ok7CY !)z)/VETU*P:BYG-r6BZSZY6bvc]v0QZq Also, if you need longer extensions, if you need to apply for extension on top of an existing EC, or if youve run out of your quota of self-cert ECs, you must apply for conventional ECs. Your department will decide whether your claim meets the criteria and which mitigation is suitable for your circumstances. HA Source: Kyle Loftus/Unslash. Student handbooks should include everything you need to know about succeeding at university, and sometimes extenuating circumstances are needed to achieve your potential. Theywontusually accept things such as viruses, disk corruption, printer problems etc. Extenuating Circumstances and Extensions In times of crisis, health and safety are paramount, and taking care of yourself and your family always take precedence. You are expected to only submit self-certified claims that meet the criteria set out in, Section 2.5: Grounds for Extenuating Circumstances, You can only self-certify before the assessment takes place. Where students can self-certify, mitigation is limitedto: If a student has ECs covering a period of up to 14 calendar days they can submit a self-certified claim to cover any assessments falling within that period. mobility impairment, loss of concentration) and living in a universityenvironment, Current treatment and / or medication beingundertaken, Side effects of any treatments ormedication, In English - evidence in another language must be accompanied by a certified translation, Recent - produced within the last three months, Independent - evidence from relatives not accepted, even if they are professionally qualified, On letterheaded paper or stamped with an official stamp or seal, Cover the full period of time of the EC claim, The evidence provider's full name, role, organisation and signature, A description of the nature and severity of your circumstances, A professional evaluation of how the circumstance affects you, Precise dates of when the circumstance started and ended/is expected to end. /Tx BMC If you have a medical condition that you think will impact your ability to perform in exams you can also apply for special examination arrangements. For your application to be approved, youll need to provide evidence of your circumstances. Extenuating circumstances are essentially a safety net there to catch you during your studies, helping you when things beyond your control go wrong. You need to ensure that your submission for extenuating circumstances is made within one week (five working days) of the circumstance taking place. This is a guide to the UCL Extenuating Circumstances Procedure, and the Self-Certification Policy for the 2022/23 academic year. All other EC claims should be submitted as soon as possible, and no more than one week (five working days) after the first affected assessment. Personal/emotional problems and trauma: This may include separation from spouse/partner, conflict with others, relationship breakdown with parentsorguardians. To download the form, and to see deadlines, log in to theExtenuation Informationpage (Sharepoint link). Extenuating Circumstances include, but are not limited to: During the pandemic, the definition of Extenuating Circumstances has been expanded toinclude: More information on what is considered an Extenuating Circumstance can be found in the Academic Manual (Annex 4.1.1: Grounds for Extenuating Circumstances). This obviously depends on the nature of your EC, but if you are unwell, you should provide a doctors note. Please note that if we receive your EC request by Monday11.59 pm (UK time)of every week, your EC application will be considered at Thursday panel in the same week. Ordinarily, if something prevents a student from submitting an assignment on time, they can apply for an EC to extend the deadline, up to two times during the year. Deadlines for Geography modules are available from the Moodle pages for each module. Work will not be accepted by email. After that, it is your work, and we normally see it only in our capacity as examiners. It can be unwise to request extensions because there is often a knock-on effect that means youll end up deferring the stress and bunching up deadlines. Compiling the relevant documents and information can help speed your application along. Unless instructions for the assignment explicitly state otherwise, blocks of prose placed in boxes, whether labelled as textboxes, figures or tables, must be included in the word count, Footnotes, but only when used to reference primary source material. Extenuating Circumstances are circumstances which, Such circumstancesrarely occurand would normally be. If your EC request is late, and you do not provide a compelling reason, backed up by evidence, then your EC may be rejected even if the panel accepts that you had valid reasons for an EC at the time the assessment was due. The evidence must have (if applicable to yoursituation): Non-medical evidence: Needs to come from an appropriate, independent and verifiable authority such as a solicitor, a registrar of births, marriages and deaths, a police or fire officer or a court or tribunal officer. We provide opportunities for 300 staff and have an annual turnover of more . endstream endobj 445 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream You can self-certify for ECs within certain conditions. Q!GQe#8! Extenuating Circumstances'? Your non-medical evidence should cover the following points: Disability and long term illness: Disability, including ongoing, long term illness and recurring and diagnosed illness would not usually be considered under the Extenuating Circumstances procedure, with the exception where there has been a particular worsening, serious episode or mental health crisis and documentary evidence can be provided. If the deadline has already passed, the late submission may be condoned (i.e. You will usually find this in your Handbook, or ask yourDepartmentalTutor. butler county election office phone number / . A conventional EC will need to be considered by the Geography EC panel and this can take up to 10 days if we are receiving a very high volume of requests. There may be good reasons why a decision cannot be made within this timeframe for example if your case needs to be escalated to your Faculty EC Panel. serious illness, family bereavement, etc) which prevent you from meeting the requirements of your programme. Where a student with a disability or long-term condition needs regular extensions to coursework deadlines thisshouldbe explicitly stated in theSummary of Reasonable Adjustments(SoRA). If you are not sure whether you should use Extenuating Circumstances,Section 1: How to Use This Frameworkincludes details of all the different support that is available to you. The evidence must be a signed statement from a registered doctor or other medical practitionerin UCL Student Services OR external totheUniversity. Should you need further advice about ECs before you apply, you can contact Sarah Seifnezhad in the Geography Office, via Step 1: consider whether you are eligible to apply Extenuating circumstances refer to a situation or situations beyond your control that have the potential to severely affect your academic performance. Extenuating Circumstances are circumstances which impair your examination performance prevent you from attending examinations or other types of assessment, or prevent you from submitting coursework or other assessed work by the scheduled deadline date, or within 24 hours of the deadline date Such circumstances rarely occur and would normally be All Extenuating Circumstances applications will be considered by the Departmental Extenuating Circumstances Panel and students will be advised of the outcome within one week of the meeting to discuss your case. Family emergency while studying abroad? However, if something comes up that you think will impact your ability to complete your assignments for us, the department applies the UCL Extenuating Circumstances Policy. For any questions regarding extenuating circumstances, fee waivers and extensions, we encourage you to reach out to us directly by email or by phone at 401-863-2378. 474 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<5B73B29DB8FA9243A0D5FE7EDEE066B7>]/Index[419 117]/Info 418 0 R/Length 173/Prev 109114/Root 420 0 R/Size 536/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream endstream endobj startxref If you have any concerns or questions about the Extenuating Circumstances process,contact theAdvice Serviceas soon as possible to make sure you have all the information you need to make your decision. Luckily, extenuating circumstances are there to support you during these situations. Is the claim supported by appropriate evidence? Appendices should be kept to a minimum and should not be used to get round the word limit. and must cover the full period for which you are requestingmitigation. SeeSection 1.5: Providing Supporting Evidence. Raise an Extenuating Circumstances claim via the Student Enquiry Centre Disability and long term illness:Disability, including ongoing, long term illness and recurring and diagnosed mental illness would not usually be considered under the Extenuating Circumstances procedure,with the exception where there has been a particular worsening,serious episode or mental health crisis and documentary evidence can be provided. If you have any concerns or questions about the Extenuating Circumstances process,contact theAdvice Serviceas soon as possible to make sure you have all the information you need to make yourdecision. See the assessment regulations. If you can imagine it, theres probably a society for it. Short-term Illness and Other Extenuating Circumstances, Check whether your circumstances are covered. Not submit your assessment at the usual time, but have an opportunity . Step 2: gather the relevant evidence for your application. The Student Disability website has further information there. Use the "Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal - Unit Cap" form on the Financial Aid Website.) If you miss the deadline, you will need to prove that your circumstances made it impossible for you to submitearlier. endstream endobj 448 0 obj <>stream EMC Source: Shutterstock. If your reason for considering extenuating circumstances is medical, youll need to provide medical proof of your condition. Self-certified ECs do not require evidence but there are important limits to their scope: Self-certification requests are designed for circumstances where evidence is difficult to obtain or where the mitigation is limited to the point that it doesnt justify increasing workload pressure on GP practises by insisting on medical evidence. All Extenuating Circumstances claims must now be submitted on Portico. H1 EwN0!s#TjU/%`Hv?;xq@s,-@=mo3Y"(U!L>|#J23e(T'[nP\RSrp)&J9p]r[Wo9: 2vDKm\^CRx_ DZ See Section 2.9: If you miss the deadline for EC claims. %%EOF The evidence must have (if applicable toyoursituation): Illness of a dependent or relative: Medical certificate or doctors letter, as above. Your evidence will need to cover the full period for which you are requesting mitigation. While this may seem counterproductive when youre struggling to meet deadlines, the small effort it will take could really improve your grade. Extenuating circumstances are serious, unforeseen circumstances beyond your control (ie. wide range of UCL support services are available for you, too. This would bring us to equal standing with UCL clubs and societies. You can find the full enhanced Extenuating Circumstances procedure here. Please be aware that deadline extensions are available, and you will not be disadvantaged in the admission process for delays caused by events beyond your control. This is a guide to theUCL Extenuating Circumstances Procedure, and the enhanced Extenuating Circumstances Procedure for the 2020/21 academicyear. Section 1.5: Providing Supporting Evidence, Recent Environmental Change and Biodiversity. We may be able to support you better through the wider Student Support Framework. The Extenuating Circumstances policy states that as an alternative to providing evidence relating to a claim, each student is entitled to submit up to three self-certified claims per academic year (NB: each individual claim can relate to multiple assessments/modules), which involves providing details of the extenuating circumstances without the provision of documentary evidence. 1E=E.i=k\LiSdOgJ@&9\q^DW=]U*S8YGlgw.G`I*>=jHMiAl}Rj8N%(Y'1\Hpy%3a*N&38M I: If you are still unable to meet the deadline you must submit a conventional EC. /Tx BMC Students are strongly advised to notify the department in advance if Extenuating Circumstances are likely to prevent them from meeting a coursework submission deadline. Please be patient. However, you have the right to appeal your results via the. If your reason for considering extenuating circumstances is medical, you will need to provide medical proof of your condition. If a student experiences circumstances which prevents them from meeting a deadline that are sudden, unexpected, significantly disruptive and beyond their control, they should submit an Extenuating Circumstances (EC) Form to the Department of Geography. 3A$s/n0{&A?X/c$m?&$X/c_ XD,k$? Students wishing to apply for Extenuating Circumstances must complete the Extenuating Circumstances form found on the GEOGRAPHY UNDERGRADUATE e-NOTICEBOARD and email it to with appropriate supporting evidence (e.g. Requests submitted after the deadline, or after time-limited assessments have started, will not be approved. Should you need further advice about ECs before you apply, you can contact Sarah Seifnezhad in the Geography Office, via If you have been affected by a death of someone other than one of the specified relatives,you will need to clarify your relationship to the deceased and the impact this has had upon you. endstream endobj 443 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream Self-certified claims for extensions, deferrals and late submission can be submittedno more than two weeks in advance of the affectedassessments. The same flexibility and support applies to teachers, counselors, and other school officials who may be submitting application materials on behalf of students applying to Brown. The information you need to support you with an extenuating circumstances claim can be found below. If you are unable to complete assignments or attend required classes/exams due to unforeseen circumstances, you can apply for extenuating circumstances. /Tx BMC UCLs Grounds for ECs explain what will normally be considered. /Tx BMC On the application form you will be asked to state your deadline this should be the most recent deadline. You can self-certify for Extenuating Circumstances on a limited number of occasions, within the following defined criteria. Police/crime report (a crime number on its own isnotacceptable). You can find further details in UCL's Self-Certification Policy. Appeals should be submitted within 10 working days of receiving your outcome. It is your responsibility to ensure that the work is submitted on time. If you are not sure which mitigation is right for you, you can discuss this with your personal tutor or the IOE EC team. You will need to explain on your submission why you were required to provide support to this person, and that there was nobody else available to provide support. It is worth noting upfront that this policy applies only to short-term, unexpected circumstances, and it only applies to summative assessments for individual courses. We are not able to process ECs or respond to queries that are submtited by non-IOE students. Your evidence will need to cover the full period for which you are requesting mitigation. EMC Any claims submitted after the assessment has started must be accompanied by evidence. Non-medical evidence can include existing documents, such as an appointment letter, crime report or court document, or it can be specifically written for you in a letter or statement. endstream endobj 429 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream Bereavement:For a child, sibling, spouse or partner, Shorter-term medical conditions: Serious personal injury, medical condition or mental health condition, Longer-term medical conditions: Serious worsening or acute episode of an ongoing disability, medical condition or mental health condition, More information on what is considered an Extenuating Circumstance can be found in the. Most EC applications needto be supported by written evidence from an appropriate, independent and verifiable authority such as a doctor or registered medical practitioner. You should submit the EC on time and indicate that your evidence will be forthcoming. This year, students will be allowed to self-certify (apply without formal proof) for an EC . We may be able to support you better through, Submit your EC application as soon as possible. See also Extenuating Circumstances and Reasonable Adjustments (section 10). The source should always be stated below the table/figure. - To be clear, we are NOT asking for the ability to affiliate NEW RUMS clubs. It is your responsibility to ensure that the work is submitted on time. Your claim will be considered by your department. UCL Department of Geography, University College London, Gower Street, London, WC1E 6BT Tel: +44 (0) 20 7679 0500; There may be good reasons why a decision cannot be made within this timeframe for example if your case needs to be escalated to your Faculty EC Panel. In times of crisis, health and safety are paramount, and taking care of yourself and your family always take precedence. You will also be notified of the outcome of your claim via Portico. To contact the IOE EC team, please email further information visit the UCL Academic Manual. Please note: Students on a Learning Agreement must not submit an EC application but should discuss any extension requests with the Academic Head of Teaching and Learning (AHLT) or Personal Tutor. This is intended to ensure that students are not unfairly disadvantaged by unexpected circumstances beyond their control which may affect their performance in their assessments for us. Extenuating Circumstances are events that are sudden, significantly disruptive and beyond your control. You will need to provide the additional evidence within four weeks of being contacted. EMC and must cover the full period for which you are requesting mitigation. follow the on-screen prompts to complete your application, A comprehensive guide on submitting an EC claim can be found here:Guide to submitting your claim on Portico, If the EC Panel does not have enough evidence to make a decision, you may be asked to provide new or additional evidence. A figure caption or table title should be restricted to a succinct description of the figure or table to which it refers. You should receive a response withinone week of submitting the request for review. Volunteering Awards Ceremony 2021: Your Definitive Guide! You cannot appeal against an academic or professional judgement that has been reached through due process by an Extenuating Circumstances Panel.
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