Michael Afton is the oldest son of William Afton. While he is generally a heroic character in his adult appearances, he also appeared as the main antagonist of Five Nights at Freddy's 4, which takes place in his teenage years. Event-Based Animatronics Official @WINGS O' FIRE cereal, If Ballora is Mrs. Afton, does that make Molten Freddy Michael's mom , What if Freddy was the night guard And we played as him And the other 4 animatronics are night guards to And we have to survive against Michael Afton And if Michael Afton jumpscares you get stuffed Out of your suit Or Michael Afton might jumpscare a different animatronic. But as Ian was driving Lizzy, who was in the front seat, fell asleep. His eyes have changed from a dull cream color to completely white. Music Men Rockstar Animatronics C.C. Cheap Wardrobe Hacks: Clever Ways to Make the Most of Your Storage Space. The film series is still going strong. Mother Michael also seems to have a habit of excessively chewing gum, as revealed in the, Given the evidence, it seems that there are more signs pointing towards Michael being the older brother rather than the Crying Child, especially considering that the child died in. How to choose a moving company when moving? Before his reveal as Michael, some people believed that the brother is Phone Guy, due to Phone Guy being nervous, working at the pizzeria for a very long time, knowing about the springlock suits and his favorite animatronic being Foxy (the brother wears a Foxy mask). The Aftons have a long line of children. Why Do You Need Immediate Help with Sewer Leaks? It is revealed on Night 5 that he is the child's older brother. One-Shot William was still 31 (because of floating timelines) and his wife was 30 when she died. But I'm not. He then proceeded to grab Lizzy's arm and drag her outside. Afton has three children, who were born in Corsica, Pennsylvania. However, he is extremely remorseful for his actions, as he came to his little brother's bedside, apologizing for his callous behavior. The One You Should Not Have Killed | Bots | Five Nights at Freddy's Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. It's almost as if a spell was cast over the car so that no one could talk about the incident. He bullied Evan relentlessly in the FNaF4 minigames, but in the Midnight Motorist minigame in FFPS, he showed remorse by telling William to leave his brother alone. Unnamed Drug Dealers | He can still hear in his sleep and I don't want him saying that. Happy Frog | Also, what are the years the games take place? 55 lbs He may also be annoyed by incompetence, as in the logbook, he shows frustration that he is the only one fazed by the unsettling occurrences in his job. Four days before the party, the door is unlocked, but when the child enters the living room, Michael jumps out from behind the TV with a Foxy mask on, making the child fall on the floor and sob. Mostafizur. Soulbrawler | Nick hopped into the car as Ian sped off. Charlotte Emily | Lizzy then picked up her phone and called Ian. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! He possessed a Springbonnie and was trapped in a room for many years. Unknown. That restaurant was called Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria. Glamrock Endoskeletons The Fox | Their first child, a son, was born in 1971. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Cause of death The book also shows that Michael is paranoid while on the job, suggesting he sleeps with one eye open during his night shifts. Mike's quest to find his father began after his transformation. Bonnet | Following this Michael sends Baby to the Scooping Room. Because the temperature got too high, the remnant's hold was weakened enough for Mike to lose consciousness. Michael Afton has to be a zombie post SL, right? Michael speaks with a robotic voice in . The answer will surprise you! Trap | Afton. As seen from the Real Ending, the reflection of a simple, black silhouette in a dirty mirror is all that can be seen. Puhuhuhu! "What is sooo important that you had to drag me away from Veronica?". Twisted Freddy | Michael Afton (also known as Eggs Benedict, Foxy Bully and The Brother) is the main protagonist in Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister Location, Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria Simulator, possibly the main protagonist Five Nights at Freddy's 1 and Five Nights at Freddy's 3 and one of the two protagonists of Five Nights at Freddy's 4. Evan asked him a question and dad punched him in the face." Easter Bonnie | ", "You guys look like you need help. Funtime Animatronics Michael, when he was still a living human, greatly resembled his father in appearance, to the point of being mistaken for him. Lally | There are fewer people around him, and one of them is hiding behind their house in fear. Locking his brother in rooms.Scaring his brother (all formerly).Wearing a mask of Foxy the Pirate (presumably formerly). When you finish the Custom Night challenges on the hardest difficulty, you will be rewarded with a cutscene that shows what happened to Eggs Benedict after the Real Ending. It is highly speculated that he is the victim of the nightmares. Twisted Foxy | So last year, I made this series early in the year. However, the survival logbook has to take place during FNAF3, as Fazbear's Fright merch. I should be dead. And I found her. In SL, which takes pleace in 1995 and he'd be 25. Plushtrap Chaser | In the sixth cutscene, his skin has turned a dull light-indigo, now having a cream-colored glow in both of his eyes, crooked teeth, and is completely bald. Afton Alias(es) Circus Baby | This should be impossible as Mike survives all 7 nights. But Lizzy and Ian were thinking the same thing, which was, "What'll happen next?". Happs | Now as Ian was sitting there driving, he could have sworn he saw a purple guy on the side of the road. Having been raised in St. Louis, Missouri, Michael Afton had a happy childhood. Michael Afton took up the name Mike Schmidt to work at the Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, presumably to avoid any questions about his identity. It was at this time that his older brother began to lash out against him, in a combination of grief, jealousy over his and Elizabeth's closeness to their mother, and an eagerness to gain the attention of their father. But, if Mike were the FNAF3 guard before his quest to find his father, Mike is still a zombie in FFPS. Ice Freddy | ", Veronica looked at him in the strangest way possible and said, "Wow that's f*cking weird. He was bullied by his older brother for being afraid of the dark. The dreams feature nightmarish versions of Freddy Fazbear, Bonnie the Bunny, Chica the Chicken, Foxy the Pirate Fox, Fredbear and Spring Bonnie, Shadow Freddy and Balloon Boy. Shadow Bonnie | While Christopher was shy and quiet, he grew up to be an artist. Youll discover the age of the actor, as well as the other members of his family. Nightmare Freddy/Freddles | He lies on the ground, presumably dead. The Fredbear plushie seems unfazed by what he is doing, only asking what he has done "this time". Dee Dee | I did it. 2 (Re-upload), Tales from the Underground Pt. So Mike and Veronica, being the more rebellious people in the group, came up with revenge. Mike Schmidt is the main character of Five Nights at Freddy's and is the character that the player controls. However, some believe that the person on the couch isn't Michael at all, but is rather Mrs. Afton. Rockstar Freddy | He, after completing the maintenance tasks, eventually discovers the Scooping Room, where the animatronics' plan is revealed, as he is disemboweled and the animatronics steal his body to escape. The book also shows that Michael is paranoid while on the job, suggesting he sleeps with one eye open during his night shifts. After this, Baby starts talking to Michael and questions why hes here, she tells him to hide under the desk. Rockstar Bonnie | Phantom Animatronics | Have a good night! Michael may or may not have a flair for business in Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria Simulator, as his choices are influenced by the player. Christopher Afton The FNaF Wiki lists Aftons age as between thirty-five and forty-four years old. Pigpatch | Ralpho | Ok so does sister location come before or after Fnaf 1, Its very complicated with everything. Elizabeth Afton was his mother. During Evan's final moments, Michael apologized to Evan for his actions. He also seems to enjoy snacking on food, which is shown later on in the book, where he expresses that eating increases his happiness. Michael successfully electrocutes Ballora and Funtime Foxy, but couldn't do the same to Circus Baby, since she wasn't on her stage. As you probably all know, Michael Afton gets lured in the scooping room by Ennard, on the fifth night of Sister Location. After working at Fazbears Fright, Michael begins to suffer from nightmares. In the fourth cutscene, his skin becomes a darker greenish-brown; his eyes are also now completely black. How is Spellcasting ability 5e dnd calculated. Vanessa A. Funtime Foxy | Why do people still think the Bite of 83 was a Springlock failure? Michael arrives at Parts and Service, where he performs a repair on Funtime Freddy and traps Bon Bon to get Freddy's second power module. His parents were bl/male x male couple, and hes a proud member of their family. His background is mostly told via silent actions within retro-graphics, or by reading between the lines throughout the games. This is seen further in the book when asked in the form of a question what he would like for his end of week bonus he circles the money basket with emphasis meaning Michael values money and could be a very materialistic person. Foxy the Pirate | Yenndo | On his fifth night, he has his insides scooped out by Ennard, an amalgamation of all of the Funtime Animatronics (who are possessed by The Missing Children and Elizabeth). But I'm not. ", "Hey watch your language around Evan. November 15th, 1983 (age 9) The last three people he walks by look on in confusion. As they got into the restaurant, they noticed Lizzy's brother Mike. He should be dead, be he is not, so he will assist his fathers work friend with commiting arson. Whether youre wondering How old is Michael Afton, we hope youll find some interesting facts about him. Michael is the second protagonist in the series to die, the first being the Crying Child from. While he may seem young, Michael Afton is actually quite old. He is the son of the notorious serial killer William Afton and the older brother of Elizabeth Afton and the Crying Child. He then left the room and entered the next. There is only one thing left for me to do now. Eventually, his body has a spasm, and he regurgitates Ennard's remains into the sewer. Nedd Bear | Henry: Basically adopted Michael since William is a terrible father. Felix the Shark | There are multiple scribbles in the book drawn by Michael implying he enjoys drawing and is extremely talented at it. Infected S.T.A.F.F. Family As a movie star, Michael Afton is also a father. After the Bite of '83, Michael was not heard from for the several upcoming years - he continued being part of the Afton household. He is the older brother of Chris and Elizabeth, and the eldest son of William Afton. Chica the Chicken | While some fans believe he is just a teen, there are several theories about his age and background. Everyone including Mike got into Ian's car as Ian hit the gas. 3. Molten Freddy Afton, whose real name is [REDACTED], is a major character in BlueyCapsules. So hed be in his 20s in FNaF 1, and his 60s by FFPS. He is the third protagonist to be jumpscared and live, as the player gets jumpscared by Funtime Foxy at the end of Night 3 but the next night starts after that. Lizzy and Veronica were on their way to a restaurant for a date. I'm going to come find you.Michael Afton. In the third cutscene, his skin seems to be more of a green color and his eyes are now dark gray instead of blue. Help Wanted's game over screen is a room that appears to be. In the Custom Night minigames, it's shown that he has a fairly light skin tone, darkish brown hair that seems to be combed over, and blue eyes. The water cup in the office is the one thing I can't really explain, but I have some guesses: It was put in there beforehand along with the drawings of Lefty and the rockstars, regardless of whether you purchase them, to keep up Henry's facade. Michael Afton is the main protagonist of Sister Location, serving as one of the technician's for the animatronics and isknown as Eggs Benedict (due to HandUnit's keyboard malfunction). Michael Afton is the Five Nights at Freddy's 4 night 5, and possibly more, protagonist, as seen when he draws Nightmare Fredbear in the logbook under the "recent dreams" page. As the fourth human character, he was chosen by Vanny, a demonic animatronic who has a twisted mind and the ability to change. But something is wrong with me. Not what you were looking for? Skip to content. Chris Aftons diary also included a drawing of the naughty Nightmare Fredbear under recent dreams. One-Shot I'm Nick," he said, "Nice to meet you. Sensitive and timid with an intense fear of animatronics, he was an easy target for his asshole older brother and spoke exclusively in emojis. Then Baby starts talking to him and explains that she kidnapped him in order to protect him from the other animatronics. (Real!!! William Afton | Human https://fnaf-sister-location.fandom.com/wiki/File:Puke2.ogg, https://fnaf-sister-location.fandom.com/wiki/File:PlayerScooping.ogg, https://fnaf-sister-location.fandom.com/wiki/File:Crawl_patter2.ogg, https://fnaf-sister-location.fandom.com/wiki/File:Crawl_patter3.ogg, https://fnaf-sister-location.fandom.com/wiki/File:Metal_duct_slow.ogg, https://fnaf-sister-location.fandom.com/wiki/File:Metal_duct_fast.ogg. As of September 2013, Michael Afton is 37 years old. Michael decides to force his younger brother's head into the animatronic, saying that it's a "big kiss" to Fredbear. The younger brother wouldn't have seen this, as he was unconscious the entire time he was at the hospital, and even then, pills aren't made to help severely fractured craniums. At the end, an animatronic named Ennard leads Michael into the . What is spell save DC 5e and how do you calculate? He is the son of William Afton, and older brother of Elizabeth Afton. He now has this crazy obsession with being immortal. Classic Animatronics His siblings are Elizabeth and C.C. This is genetic and exclusive to the Afton family. Twisted Animatronics Bearing in mind, he says this just as William walks in or before he even does anything, meaning Henry probably knew what William was going to do, go to Michael, yet he doesn't take any action. Fetch | Like his father William, he appears to have a elongated smile, although it appears more friendly and warm, rather than his father's sadistic and unnerving smile. I'm sorry.Michael showing remorse for his actions. His appearance in the mirror in the "real" ending appears to be a blacked-out image of Rick Astley from his 1987 music video "Never Gonna Give You Up". Michael Afton is the main protagonist of Sister Location, serving as one of the technician's for the animatronics and is known as Eggs Benedict (due to HandUnit's keyboard malfunction). What Do You Get When You Mix Lemon With Gunpowder? He has three children and four grandchildren, and two of them died young. Born in London, England. During the course of The Fourth Closet, other children were kidnapped by Afton. Now then, on the road, Ian called his friend, whom some of you know quite well. Humans Is it Safe to Eat a Turkey Frozen For 2-3 Years? 1987 is also the year that the "Bite of '87" supposedly took place. They shoved his head into the mouth of the Fredbear animatronic, which bit down on Evans head, crushing his skull. Eleanor | Soon after, Springtrap appears and the screen goes black. Michael is the first main antagonist in the video games who is a living human, the second being, However, across the entire franchise, he's the second one behind. Other His eyeballs seem to be missing from his now dark and empty sockets. He's dead now- Character information Full Name Terrence Michael Afton Gender Male Age Teenager (his age was not confirmed as far as I know) Birthday (Not sure if it was confirmed either but I assume somewhere between 1964-1970 Birthplace Somewhere in England (I think it was confirmed they live in England + they are British) Occupation Toy Chica | It also reveals that his favorite TV character is Clara from the, Michael actually prefers a basket of cash instead of, The Survival Logbook heavily implies that Mike Schmidt and Michael Afton are the same person, as the owner of the logbook also named "Mike" draws the casual bongos, exotic butters, and the soap opera The Immortal and the Restless from Sister Location, only things Michael would know, it was asked "List ten reasons why applying for Freddy Fazbear's Pizza seemed like a good idea at the time? His brother locks him in his room, pops out of various places wearing a foxy mask to terrify him, and locks him in the Parts and . Animatronics This is a fairly large range and the age of the main character has yet to be determined. Michael also shows sadness at the fact that he is now a monster unable of being seen in public, forcing him to hide in the shadows. Visit. Humans Companies Something is wrong with me. Probably some guy, or one of the bullies in FNAF4 IMHO. Punk Mangle | However, Terrence was adopted by his mother and father. The survival logbook that Chris Afton kept while he was a child implies that its Michael Afton. Information about him is still unknown. Michael Aftons parents were William Afton and Rosemary BACIUSKA. Michael is also the brother of Elizabeth Afton and Crying Child, as well as a technician of Circus Baby's Entertainment and Rental. Michael passed away on October 3 2013, at age 70. CC has the ability to "awooga", meaning his eyes can pop out of his head whenever he's freaked out. (edited by Dr Jacob Spaghetti Wellington). Contents 1 Description 1.1 Girl 1.1.1 Susie ", "In a way, we are. Indicating that in fact, he has NOT found Will yet and is just about to come looking. When asked what he would like for his end of the week bonus, he circles the money basket with emphasis, meaning that like anyone else, he would've rather had a basket of cash than any other meaningless prize basket, showing that Michael has his priorities straight and is a responsible person. He's not the same anymore. The rest of what is said in the minigame, presumably belonging to the spirit within the Fredbear plushie, with lines such as "I will put you back together", seeming rather strange for him to say. He is an undead being who must hide in the shadows. Twisted Bonnie | Toy Animatronics Fazbear Entertainment | Official. Lizzy then hung up the phone and went back inside. Michael was born on June 21, 1970 and was 13 in FNAF 4, Elizabeth Afton is 11, and Evan Afton was 9 when he died. William Afton After her death, he stopped attending school and didnt pursue a proper education. Jason, now a new security guard at Freddy's, took his usual rounds. DIY Video Tutorial. Music Man | Thank you all for watching Part 1: If Michael Afton died instead of Chris Link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sD0vEnBvKnk&t=283sPart 2: Michael Afton g. He suddenly gets the idea to force the child to be right next to the Fredbear animatronic, the child screaming and shouting as he is dragged over to him. It is most likely that Steel Wool did not consider this when creating the game over room, alternatively, the developers photoshopped Schmidt's eyes from his file photo (that should exist as part of Fazbear Entertainment paperwork records) to cut costs. Julius's Exoskeleton | Michael lures them away using sound effects in the vents. It was right where you said it would be. He has three children. Faz-Goo Julius | If The MCI bodies were never found, how is it that out of all the Old Animatronics, No one Thought to Wonder about the blood and mucus coming from the Robot and passed it off. Lonely Freddies | Deceased Five Nights at Freddy's Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, Foxy, Golden Freddy. Due to her sheltering of him from both the outside world and his father's ill temper, he was utterly shell-shocked in the wake of her passing. He married Barbara Afton in 1964 and had 11 children. I've always figured 14. As for his age, he was born in Beaverdale, Pennsylvania. Michael Afton (also nicknamed as "Eggs Benedict" by the HandUnit) is the main protagonist of Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister Location. Purple Guy. He is the only protagonist in the series that is a technician. However, many fans have come up with their own theories about Aftons age, claiming that he was born in 1938, but he actually died in 1993 and came back in 2000. He also works as a babysitter at CB Pizzaria. Dream Geist, Novel Trilogy In FNAF 2, which either takes place in 1987 or 1994, he would be 17 or 24 (Fritz Smith and Michael Afton are not the same characters), In FNAF 2, which place either 1989 or 1993, he would be 19 or 23 (again Mike Schmidt and Michael Afton are not the same characters). Michael, like many people in the series, potentially seeks revenge against William for everything he had done, as he stated that the only purpose he had left in life is to "come find him". Evan soon died from his injuries. When asked why he wanted the job on page six, he states it's for the free pizza, implying that his reasons for working are fairly simple. As the youngest child, he was babied relentlessly by his mother until her death in 1980, when he was six years old. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! There are multiple scribbles in the book drawn by Michael, implying that he enjoys drawing and is extremely talented at it. Michael Afton was born on February 23, 1915. How to Make Fake Braces at Home? Jason had gotten accepted for the job and passed his interview. They had 11 children. || Official Discord Server: will be updated soon, Press J to jump to the feed. Sunny Afton Date of birth His favorite member is Go-Won. Michael Afton was born in the late 1960s. We never hear this ambiance in association with Will, ever, except in this cutscene. Visit, as well as his younger sister, Clara Afton. After beating Golden Freddy mode on Very Hard, another cutscene will play involving Michael. C.C. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Official subreddit for the horror franchise known as Five Nights at Freddy's (FNaF). Then Michael witnessed how the Scooper is used on Ballora, afterwards he survives an attack by Balloras companions the Minireenas. RWQFSFASXC | He handled the companys finances for several years, but he ended up killing Charlotte Emily and her three siblings in 1983. His short name, "Mike", is noticed on the white sticker printed above the screen from the HandUnit. He is shown to be a friendly and popular person, as all of his neighbors happily wave to him in the end-of-night minigames. Nightmare Animatronics According to a theory about the anime cutscenes in, In one of these cutscenes, the Bear notes that the Fox enjoys watching TV, the ", The masks that Michael and his friends wear, are possibly the same masks that the player can wear in a level of. The Bite of '83 minigame can be played on Night 5 in FNAF 4. One Night at Flumpty's | Scott Cawthon later confirmed that this was for dramatic effect. Special Delivery's game over screen is merely a screen saying "You Lost" and removing remnant. Michael Afton (also known as Mike During the whole cutscene, Michael says: Father. The child was unable to survive the bite, and then possesses what we know as Nightmare. Fazbear Funtime Service Michael Afton has been denied parole multiple times since 2006, and is awaiting another attempt to be released in June 2022. It started slow, with there only being a creak here and there. Michael may or may not have a flair for business in Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria Simulator, as his choices are influenced by the player. PJ Heywood is the voice actor of William Afton. Some fan theories have claimed to pin down the age of the actor, but the truth is that there is no known information. Plushtrap | The Puppet His nickname is a reference to a type of food named "Eggs Benedict". His appearance is now very reminiscent of William Afton in the previous games. In SL, which takes place around 1995-97 (the year isn't certain, but definitely is after 1) he'd be around 28 - 30. Franken-Foxy | His nickname "Nightmare Foxy" is believed to represent him. Happy Birthday, Michael Michael Afton! I've been living in shadows. Mainline Games Golden Freddy | The Missing Children are a group of children, who were kidnapped from Freddy Fazbear's Pizza and murdered by William Afton. At webnews21, we bring the trendy news of the globe regarding politics, entertainment, education, food, and health. He is currently 58 years old. - 40+ 9 (No one knows if she passed away or not since Scott confirmed she does not possess any animatronic or existed.) Michael speaks with a robotic voice in the final cutscene. After beating V. Hard Golden Freddy mode, Michael Afton, speaks to his father William Afton. Date of death In the Survival Logbook, Michael is shown to be sarcastic, making various comments about Fazbear Entertainment's lack of safety or care for its employees. If you're looking for his child counterpart in the Novel Trilogy, look under Michael Brooks. In the last cutscene, he is hunched over, missing his nose, and his skin is a dark purple color. Ian then quickly checked them all out, and just like that, they were on the road again. After being reanimated and becoming a living corpse, he appears to be physically dark purple, due to his skin rotting. Everyone around him has hidden behind their houses in dread. Fnaf SL :i like to think that Sl takes place before or around fnaf2 so probably Michael was around his 20s in Sl, 4s minigames are in 1983, 2 is in 1987, 1 and 4s nights are 1993, 3 is 2023, FFPS is sometime after, UCN sometime after that, Help Wanted at least a few years after that, Security Breach at least a few years after that. Were you looking for information on Michael's Father, William Afton or his sister,Elizabeth? If you don't want to read/see spoilers or speculation then please leave the page, and get back on your stage. I've been living in shadows. "So what happened to him, is still sticking. In 6, he would be the same age as 3, since 6 and 3 take place in the same year. He is dressed in a black shirt with white stripes and has a brown hair and hazel eyes.
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