Their coat is medium to long and they have strong and pronounced facial features. These felines have large expressive eyes. The Highlander cat is a highly energetic, playful, affectionate cat. You can refine this list by using our puppies for sale free search tool . This breed directory page features Highland Lynx Cat breeders with kittens and/or adult cats for sale. I am a double registered breeder of the Exotic Highland lynx/highlander cat in North Georgia. They have a giant, heavy and muscular body and ears that may or may not be curled. . Cats with this condition require professional vet help and proper treatment. Read More >> Available Kittens OUR SPRING LITTER IS HERE Submit an application today to place a reservation. Highland Lynx full grown are impressive specimens. If you wish to adopt this gorgeous cat, just be careful, and it would be best to look for reputable Highlander Lynx cat breeders so that you can have a healthy feline friend of the best quality. Their tails may or may be bobbed and some individuals may have polydactyl feet. However, cats with this marking will have a spotted belly. Date of birth 9-21-2021. var pid = 'ca-pub-8775437010762063'; However, the thing with such cats is that not every breed is suitable for everyone, especially for first-time cat owners. Minskin Cat All About This Unique Cat Breed! Heart issues heart problems are common for many cat breeds, and a Highlander is not an exception, unfortunately. These felines have three types of coat patterns; they are, tawny, leopard, and clouded or marble patterns. margin: auto; I am available. See our privacy statement to find out how we collect and use your data, to contact us with privacy questions or to exercise your personal data rights. Highlanders have a powerful, wild appearance. The ears are set apart at the top of their heads. Moreover, reputable breeders will make sure that you get a top-quality Highlander kitten that will be in great health condition along with the relevant documentation. Two sweet adult cats who need good homes! All rights reserved. As Highlander lynx cats are extremely active and energetic cats, they may develop arthritis over time. Kirkland Kennels is one of the best West Highland White Terrier breeders in Georgia. In 2008, The International Cat Association recognized the Highlander for competition in the Preliminary New Breed class. The most common heart issue is Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM) which causes thickening of the heart muscle. Breeders of TICA registered Highlanders, and Minuet cats in the state of New York with kittens for sale . It was created in 2004 when two hybrid breeds, the Desert Lynx and the Jungle Curl, were crossed. Highland Lynx Size and Weight. Our kittens are TICA registered. If you are interested in a Highland Lynx and want to see our current litters or just see her breeders, you are welcome to set up and appointment and visit Cindys beautiful cats/kittens. Both have curled ears short tails. bred by the amazing Breeder Sharon McDougle. Mohave Bobs, Highland Lynx, Desert Lynx, and Alpine Lynx are part of the Desert Lynx breed group in the Rare & Exotic Feline Registry. Still, the chances that youll come across a Highlander in one of these places are very low. . The Highlander was originally developed by a breeder named Joe Childers back in 1993. Arthritis may happen due to low energy or due to overly active cats. They are very alert, intelligent cats. All babies include neuter or spayed and immunization. *If you see any updates needed on this page, please report them here. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Our website is a reference site only. Their tails may or may be bobbed and some individuals may have polydactyl feet. } We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. We pride ourselves in having the most healthy Highland Lynx Kittens on this side of Georgia! Their tails may or may be bobbed and some individuals may have polydactyl feet. Click on underlined words to see their classified ads. Still, if you wish this beautiful feline to be your furry friend, there are a few places that you can check out. View Breeder Info. So sometimes, good things come from bad things. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Besides that, their dog-like personalities may be the reason why theyre dependent on their owners. Open Button. Because of their need for activity and play they make a great family pet. = container.attributes.ezah.value + 'px'; Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Still, as this breed of cat is relatively new, you should be careful and explore everything before the purchase, as if you come across these cats at a low price it usually means that something is not quite right. The tail can be of long, medium, or short in length. var slotId = 'div-gpt-ad-localkittensforsale_com-medrectangle-3-0'; It's also wise to trim your cat's nails monthly to prevent them from digging into their paw pads. They are very loving and show their affection in the form of their actions. Finally, you should routinely brush your cat's teeth at home and schedule the occasional professional dental cleaning and exam with your veterinarian. The price of a Highlander Lynx cat is around $1000, or even higher, depending on the breeder and other factors that affect the cats price. Highland Lynx a vendre prte pour rservation 1male 5femelle 3caractristiques 2000$ 438-499-1637 prte la fin octobre 07/04/2021 NON DISPO 2 Mles ns le 27 mai 2021 les 2 sont spcials et particuliers 1Mini Skizmo et 1 gros nounourse fris 438-499-1637 07/04/2021 NON DISPO Mle "Skizmo" Higland Lynx RFER "WOW" However, in a few instances, they may have upright, pointed ears much like regular cats. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Highlanders' ears are among their most unique features. These are not your average Maine Coons that are catching . As a guideline, treats should make up no more than 10% of a cat's calories. Find information on Cat health, nutrition, holistic healing, basic care, toys, and much more! } Hill Top Highlanders - Highland Lynx. Tail Length - Natural Short Tail (NST) to normal length HEALTH GUARANTEE We are a small Highland Lynx Cattery located in West Georgia. They love to be the center of attention and will clown around and perform tricks to entertain their humans. Highland Lynx have no known health problems, and are fond of water. float: left; border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; Highland Lynx Ranch 721 Deer Run Williamson, GA 30292-6841 US, Highland Lynx Ranch Exotic Hypoallergenic Highlander/Highland Lynx Cattery highlander/highland lynx kittens. Their coat is medium to long and they have strong and pronounced facial features. Find more Highlander kittens for sale in these neighboring states: Or, for the complete list of Highlander cat breeders in the entire USA. They have a giant, heavy and muscular body and ears that may or may not be curled. The Highland Lynx is currently registered with the Rare and Exotic Feline Registry but no major cat associations. Bengal Highland Lynx Hybrid We are honored and privileged that you have chosen us to help you on your journey to cat ownership! margin-top: 10px; These. Highlanders can have either a long, medium, or short coat. February 23, 2021 margin-left: 0; RockStar Cattery is located 8 miles from the Massachusetts border in Milford, NH. var lo = new MutationObserver(window.ezaslEvent); Our kittens are TICA registered. We have 3 beautiful exotic kittens. We are located near Toronto, ON and can arrange for homes in Quebec, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick. Solid Highlanders may appear in the following colors: blue, fawn, lilac, chocolate, red, cream, ebony, sorrel, silver, cameo, sepia, mink, and snow. Just like every other domestic breed, these cats need high-quality cat food in order to receive all the necessary nutrients. Therefore, you should avoid free ads of Highlander lynx cats, as that may not be the cat youre looking for. Find more Highlander kittens for sale in these neighboring states. However, there are some things we know for sure. We are located near Toronto, ON and can arrange for homes in Quebec, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Continue with Recommended Cookies. Please contact Cindy by email or by 908-237-1389. They can be short-haired or long-haired and come in a variety of colors and patterns. Grooming is crucial if you want to keep your cat in a good, healthy condition. text-align: center; My cattery does not guarantee against FIP/Fecv/Felv/or FIV those illnesses can be contracted outside the cattery at anytime. On top of this strong body, you will notice a large, square-shaped head with long emphasized whiskers. He'll be completely up to date with shots n deworming n will be vet checked! Our Ranch is nestled deep in the South! To keep your cat at a healthy weight, monitor their food intake and reduce portions if they start to pack on the pounds. Meet little Rugar Lynx ,f1b. var cid = '4791522056'; They love to be the center of attention and are known to be very affectionate, gentle and playful. IT CAN BE DEADLY!!! These big cats may reach a weight up to 20 lbs, and males are bigger than females. Welcome to Love Lynx Cattery kittens available >> "You are free spirited, curious, & spunky.. just like a highland lynx" - unknown Our Story How we fell in love with the Highland Lynx breed. Highland Lynx Cats For Sale Colorado Springs CO in 2020. Regular cleaning of the ears is advisable. The smallest species of lynx is the bobcat and the canada lynx and the largest is the eurasian lynx. Now, keep reading and find out what it is about these cats that attract cat lovers from all over the world. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. This is why its always better to find a reputable breeder and ensure that they sell top-quality Highlander kittens. var container = document.getElementById(slotId); Our Highland Lynx cats are fully-domesticated felines, often mistaken for wildcats due to their unique appearance and personality. Despite originally having the word Lynx in their name, the mixed breed doesn't actually contain any wild cat genes in their makeup. We have kittens! The most distinctive features of these cats are their curled ears and lack of a tail. It is also known as the Highlander Shorthair and Highland Lynx. Highland lynx for sale in harrisburg, pennsylvania. If you have difficulties with choosing the right diet for your new feline friend, feel free to ask your vet for help, as they can suggest what is best for your Highlander Lynx cat. window.ezoSTPixelAdd(slotId, 'adsensetype', 1); They can be short-haired or long-haired and come in a variety of colors and patterns. Purrdy Girl is a Brown Spotted Tabby, B3p TICA code Highlander. They are sociable with children, dogs and even other cats. Additionally, participates in various other affiliate programs. Although these cats are considered a distinct breed nowadays and are registered in the rare and exotic feline registry, unfortunately, they are not registered as an official cat breed within cat associations yet. With us, you and your whisker will be PURRfectly healthy, happy, and PAWsitive. The first place on the list is, of course, reputable breeders and catteries. . The Siberian can take up to five years to mature, with females generally being smaller than the males. However, there is one cat breed of exotic look that is easy-going compared to the rest of the exotic cats. Our kittens are TICA registered. Highland Lynx cats usually come in three different coat patterns and every possible color. Most Highlanders have curled ears and a short bob-like tail, but some are born with straight ears, a long tail, or polydactyl feet (extra toes). Spinal issues another issue for these cats affects their spin. COUNTRY CRITTERS CATS OFFER HIGHLAND LYNX/ HIGHLANDER KITTENS IN BEAUTIFUL MONTANA! We are a Small home based breeder. Regular trimming of the cat's nails is a good practice to avoid any infection, highlander/highland lynx kittens lynx cat exotic cats for sale lynx cat for sale. Is your family ready to buy a German Pinscher dog in Ohio, USA? These cats have a lot of energy and need physical activity. All Rights Reserved | Designed by. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Upgrade your free listing for only $30/year. Our kittens are fully vetted for pet, including alteration and a vet check. Nous pratiquons la reproduction slective et responsable. With the leopard pattern, the cat will have dark spots all over the body. Registered Exotic Highland & Desert Lynx kittens for sale Updated 2/8/21 Registered Exotic Highland & Desert Lynx kittens for sale Updated 2/8/21 Registered Exotic Highland & Desert Lynx kittens for sale Updated 2/8/21. Coat and Coloring Both longhaired and shorthaired Highlanders exist. = slotId + '-asloaded'; Curled ear, polydactyl front paws female Highlander kitten. A very active, powerful breed, Highlanders like to run, play, and chase. Highlanders are an energetic, compassionate, highly intelligent, fun loving breed. width: 33%; Also, every cat has different genetics and different needs, so if you wish to adopt a Highlander, its crucial for you to know the following things about their health and care. And don't forget to account for treats. May not work with older browsers. We do our best to research and write articles that help owners better understand their cats and provide reliable information however, the content on this website is not a substitute for veterinary guidance. In addition to visiting this website often, you can check us out on Facebook, Google+, and Pinterest for more information, pictures, and cute kitten videos! lo.observe(document.getElementById(slotId + '-asloaded'), { attributes: true }); Instead, you should look for reputable breeders. Therefore, regular ear cleaning is obligatory for these cats. Highlanders are a true beauty to behold. The most common symptoms of HCM are breathing difficulties, weakness and lethargy, vomiting, and similar. ins.dataset.adClient = pid; if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'localkittensforsale_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_7',109,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-localkittensforsale_com-large-leaderboard-2-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'localkittensforsale_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_8',109,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-localkittensforsale_com-large-leaderboard-2-0_1'); .large-leaderboard-2-multi-109{border:none !important;display:block !important;float:none !important;line-height:0px;margin-bottom:7px !important;margin-left:auto !important;margin-right:auto !important;margin-top:7px !important;max-width:100% !important;min-height:250px;padding:0;text-align:center !important;}We also highly recommend reading checking out our latest news articles at our blog. Upgrade your free listing for only $30/year. We have been breeding Highland Lynx/Mohave Bobs since 2011. Hi Catspaw66 and Bigperm20 - She is called a Snow Highland Lynx by the breeder since she was totally white at birth then the coloring grew in. 191715 Kittens born March 27 2017. 706-299-8786. Highland Lynx Ranch 721 Deer Run Williamson, GA 30292-6841 US var ffid = 2; var pid = 'ca-pub-8775437010762063'; Breeders of TICA registered Highlanders and TICA registered Napoleons/Minuets. Cats usually become obese due to lack of exercise, eating unhealthy food, or overeating. So, make sure you avoid cat food brands that contain low-quality ingredients but invest in high-quality food which is based on real meat and animal protein, as thats what cats need in their diet. is chicagoland speedway being torn down; is iperms down About Us | Privacy Policy | Terms | Contact 2023 HappyWhisker. var cid = '4791522056'; When talking about grooming, ear cleaning and nail trimming shouldnt be omitted. Females can grow to between 10 and 14 pounds, and the males between 15 and 20. These cats are mild-mannered, extremely intelligent, active and playful by nature, and therefore, make good pets which are easy to train. For the tawny pattern, the cat may have tick marks over the body. Like coat patterns, the colors vary from blue, ebony, fawn, chocolate, red, cream, etc. if(ffid == 2){ You can either use a normal paper towel or an effective ear cleaner recommended by a vet. } This page displays 10 German Pinscher dog classified listings in Ohio, USA. We are a small Highland Lynx Cattery located in West Georgia. These cats come in both long and short hair. Besides the eyes, the tail can be another expressive part of this cat. Theyre characterized by strong, muscular bodies. Purrfect Lynx high quality and specialized cattery breeds stunning rare exotic Highland Lynx kittens to be exotic companions. Every cat parent should know that health and care is the most important part of owning a cat. Location:Williamson, GeorgiaWebsite:, Associations:TICAPhone Number: There's much to see here. Where Can You Find A Highlander Lynx Cat? The Highland Lynx cat breed is characterized by a strong, muscular body. The body is substantial and very muscular. We are located in California. These cats have curled ears, making them more prone to earwax accumulation and ear infections. Even a cat with this pattern has classic tabby markings on the forehead. The most noticeable thing about the heads of these cats is their curled ears that have feathering and tufts on the tips. With a great personality! Besides these three official coat patterns that are the most common in these cats, they may also appear in solid colors and mackerel, lynx point, and classic tabby patterns, but that is less frequent. Cindy loves her Highland Lynx cats who have brought much joy into her life. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. It has taken decades of breeding to get the thick ear tufts, thick boning, large paws, and distinct muzzles we see in certain Maine Coon bloodlines.. It is recognized by the Rare and Exotic Feline Registry and TICA. REFR Highland Lynx breeders have more individuality in the look of their cats, tighter ears are acceptable. Thank you for visiting the Georgia Highlander Breeders page here at Local Kittens For Sale! Because of that, its crucial to provide your Highlander Lynx cat with high-quality cat food that is rich in necessary nutrients, as well as to keep your cat active if you wish to avoid the obesity problem, which may lead to many other issues as well. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Due to COVID-19, the airlines have imposed an embargo on cargo . Our kittens receive the highest quality care through their development. This Feline is of a medium to large size. Our Ranch is nestled deep in the South! var container = document.getElementById(slotId); Kinkalow Cat Breed Info And Interesting Facts! . Page 1 contains German Pinscher puppies for sale listings in Ohio, USA. We always strongly encourage you to thoroughly check out each cat breeder you are interested in purchasing from before you make your final decision. Poly-dactyl is a dominant gene in this breed. Manage Settings } When compared to average domestic cats, Highlander Lynx cats may have small bobtails, or they may not have tails at all, similar to other bobcats. var alS = 2021 % 1000; This unique and divine creativity sets them apart from the rest of the cat family. Browse Highlander kittens for sale cats for adoption. Here you will find a wealth of information about Highland Lynx Kittens and cats in general, including the yearly "Exotic Highland Lynx Cat Calendar ". Despite being playful and lovely, these cats require a lot of attention, and you need to commit to that if you plan to adopt one of them. = '100%'; [All Locations] [Alabama] [California] [Georgia] [Mississippi] [North Carolina] [Utah] [Washington] [Ontario] [Quebec], [All Breeds] [Abyssinian] [Bengal] [British Shorthair] [Highland Lynx] [Himalayan] [Kurilian Bobtail] [Maine Coon] [Minuet / Napoleon] [Persian] [Ragdoll] [Russian Blue] [Russian White] [Siberian Cat] [Sphynx]. ins.dataset.adChannel = cid; $1,000 Virginia Beach, Virginia Highland Lynx Cats EXOTIC HIGHLANDER KITTENS $800 Morganton, Georgia Highland Lynx Cats Highlander lynx male cat $150 Bakersfield, California Highland Lynx Cats Polka Dot Female Blynx Kitten $800 Boulder, Colorado Highland Lynx Cats Two sweet adult cats who need good homes! They are patient and gentle with kids, who are often their preferred playmates. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. I am available. If youre looking to adopt a Highlander kitten or adopt a Highlander cat, you have two choices.First, you can find out from the breeder(s) above when litters are expected and be put on a waiting list. So, if your Highlander cat has short hair, make sure you brush it at least once a week. Our cats come to you . It can make a great pet. My foundation breeders are registered with REFR (Rare and Exotic Feline Registry). In most breeds all cats must look cookie cutter the same. They are strong, muscular cats which are medium in length with longer hind legs, and toes may be tufted. Highlanders tend to accumulate more earwax than other cat breeds. } About Our Highland & Desert Lynx Cats Family and Pet Friendly Temperament Affectionate, Sociable, but Independent Family and Pet Friendly Temperament A great addition to your family, gets along with dogs, kids, and all family members Intelligent and Playful Affectionate, Sociable, but Independent Family and Pet Friendly Temperament window.ezoSTPixelAdd(slotId, 'adsensetype', 1); Plus, nails that get too long are more likely to snag on something and become torn or damaged. Highland Lynx cats are a relatively new cat breed, which means that there is not enough information about their health condition so far. Males of this breed can weigh up to 20 lbs. We make it happen through our educated and up-to-date information. window.ezoSTPixelAdd(slotId, 'stat_source_id', 44); Location:Jasper, GeorgiaWebsite: Females weigh between 8-16 lbs (an average house cat weighs only 7-10 lbs). an east coast breeder bred what was then called a Desert Lynx, another breed that resembles a wild cat, to a Jungle Curl . Email or call for more information. #gallery-2 .gallery-caption { We list contact information for you to use, as well as posting a link to their website, so you can quickly see what kittens they currently have available. He's going to grow up to be about 30-35 lbs! The general impression of the body is one of circles and roundness, rather than rectangles and triangles. Our Bengal Highland Lynx Hybrid cats are a perfect mix of our Highland Lynx breed and the beautifully leaopard-spotted Bengal Cat. We research and compile data and offer it to our website visitors for free. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Posted on Last updated: December 15, 2022. Lynx cats are rare with only a handful of breeders through the world developing them. So, this type of cat is actually a hybrid as its a combination of two different hybrid cat breeds. These are people who specialize in the breed and really understand their personality traits and how to care for them. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. This is actually a hybrid cat that resulted from crossbreeding two different hybrid cats. #gallery-2 .gallery-item { } margin-left: 0; Keep reading and learn more! However, please keep in mind that while we have the largest cat breeder directory on the internet, we cannot personally vouch for any individual breeder that is listed here. We are breeders of Highland Lynx, Mohave Bob and Highlander cats. Our Story; Our Chefs Possible Coat Colors Of Highlander Lynx Cat. Our goal is to help you locate the perfect cat breeder near you; one who is reputable, trustworthy, and honest. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Males take longer to mature than females. text-align: center; Nous sommes une petite chatterie familiale situe dans la rgion de Lanaudire 30 minutes de Montral et du Tunnel Louis H. Lafontaine. We are a small Highland Lynx Cattery located in West Georgia. Sometimes this happens as most small catteries only have one or two litters per year. Highland Lynx cats and kittens for sale at Find Local Highland Lynx Breeders Highland Lynx breeders are listed below alphabetically by state / city. Rather than a normal pointed, this breed has upturned or curled ears. lo.observe(document.getElementById(slotId + '-asloaded'), { attributes: true }); if(ffid == 2){ We are a small Highland Lynx Cattery located in West Georgia. If the breeder is registered with these cat organizations, it means that theyre reputable because they breed and raise their cats according to certain standards of the association and according to the breed standard. beautyrest heated blanket replacement cord; university of rochester job placement; what did gee your hair smells terrific smell like; spangdahlem air base closing Phone: 435-496-0643. Phenol is also extremely FLAMMABLE. Highlander Breed History. Our kittens receive the highest quality care through their development. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. We always look forward to a variety of colors and attributed features in the kittens. All deposits are non-refundable. Its big size can fool anyone. he's a very sweet n loving puppy! We are honored and privileged that you have chosen us to help you on your journey to cat ownership! Torn between getting a dog or a cat? Has This Breeder Been Cat Kingpin Certified? Please login to manage saved searches ads. Both longhaired and shorthaired Highlanders exist. var slotId = 'div-gpt-ad-localkittensforsale_com-medrectangle-3-0'; We are a two small closed hobby catteries in Washington and Oregon State where we pour our love and care into breeding Desert and Highland lynx cats. They have a very doglike type of personality and bond deeply with their humans. If you live in Georgia and youre trying to adopt a Highlander kitten or cat, your best choice is to go to a Highlander breeder. Make sure you thoroughly check them out each cattery yourself to make sure they are ethical, honest, and raise healthy, happy kittens! Copyright 2023 RockStar Cattery | She also carries for solid and cinnamon. by } Like coat patterns, the colors vary from blue, ebony, fawn, chocolate, red, cream, etc. Roughly one out of every three cats in the United States is overweight or obese. Their paws are large with prominent knuckles and may have extra toes. *Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc., or its affiliates. #gallery-2 .gallery-item { Adopt a Kitty >> What makes these cats even more exotic is their coat colors and patterns. We waited 2 years for the right Blue and found her in Jasper Georgia, at The Hissing Lynx Cattery . Sep 1, 2012 #9 bigperm20 TCS Member. Joe Childers, the breeder chose to call the straight eared kittens Desert Lynx, Pure white kittens-Alpine Lynx, Curly coat kittens-Mohave Bob. When this breed has a naturally short tail, it ranges in length from one to six inches. Providing meat for their diet is beneficial as they are carnivores. [3] It was developed from a cross between a Highlander and a white barn cat. var lo = new MutationObserver(window.ezaslEvent); They have a giant, heavy and muscular body and ears that may or may not be curled. } Tica & Refr Registered Highland Lynx kittens, Beautiful Desert and Highland Lynx Kittens, Highland Lynx Kittens -- Highlander -- Exotic. Ils sont si Adorables! Happy Whisker is an online service for cat owners and cats, helping them find the best nutrition and care for their pets. Godiva Girl 1 Cinnamon (Smoke?) Send Email Now Additional Breeders Moreover, theyre playful, intelligent, and extremely friendly, which makes them a perfect pet choice for different families as long as there are no other pets. The Highlander is a newer cat breed that traces its roots back to the Highland Lynx.
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