With a roll of his eyes, he ignored the wing spiker, who started tapping his blue pen repeatedly on the desk. The one that you forced to sit on the bench. "You got up didn't you?" Everybody was slowly leaving, going their own ways until finally, you two were alone again. | Sawamura Daichi ver. So I know there are many of these but I love this anime so imma do scenarios with them. That's my spot." atsumus dream team | f/ns support group. I guess he wants me to back off. Oikawa looks down on the ground, he seems emotionless. "Much better." Then he begged for you to stay forever by his side and you loyally vowed that you will - without any doubts. Thank you very much. The Sun was slowly leaving your side of the Earth creating an artwork of the sky. Haikyuu Boyfriend Scenarios The_Electric_Claire Summary: Fluff Scenarios for the soft heartsLemon Scenarios for hardcore ones! | Sawamura Daichi ver. To be honest, I feel too lazy to watch a movie. You ignored his pout (which was cute by the way) and sighed dramatically. When he took a step closer to you, you gave a small laugh and leaned to the side, when you did, you gave parted lips when Inouka sat on you, leaving all his weight back before giving widened eyes and standing back up. I was wrong I guess. Kuroo shakes his head at the tears that stream down your face. Yaku told me to come here At least thats what he thought, until that phone call. What the hell Tooru! This time you are angry, because even though you did screw up, what he did was not okay. You nodded and that's when he stood up, you leaned up as well before he took your hand and pulled you to him, kissing your forehead before interlocking his fingers with yours. He was searching for it in his memories, but all he got was a bitter taste in a mouth from the loneliness he felt while recalling all the good things that you brought into his life and ripped violently while leaving. i've never made one of these before, but it seemed fun and so here we are. It was probably nothing new, but you and Tobio were arguing again. #nekoma Explore the latest videos from hashtags: #haikyuuboyfriend, #haikyuuboyfriends, #boyfriendscenarios, # . Lev- He man spreads - You fall in between his legs HAHAH- does that because he doesn't want to be embarrassed in front of you - "Sorry I didn't see you there, stand up taller", Bokuto- "Y/N, baby get off it feels weird"- Flustered - Hates when you do it in front of his friends - Hides behind your back, Akaashi- He puts his head on your neck - Nuzzles it - Kisses your hand - He likes to make you flustered, Ushijima- doesn't want to touch you wrong - Sits super still - "Are you alright y/n? "(Y/n)!" "S-sorry." could I request an Oikawa scenario where he and his s/o are having a lazy day where they cuddle and watch movies while eating ice cream? Volleyball anime "Haikyuu!!" Haikyuu boys as your boyfriends "Give it or I'm going to sit on you." You were currently doing absolutely nothing when Yaku came out of nowhere looking determined for a reason you werent ready to know. Unfortunately, despite his best efforts, something just had to go wrong. I just couldnt get myself to study somehow! Which lasted approximately two minutes. Tsukki and his s/o are out on a date and his s/o starts to get jealous of the other couples who are showing PDA. #sugawara "There's no more room." Another kiss. Post author: Post published: February 13, 2021 Post category: Uncategorized Post comments: 0 Comments 0 Comments You did so, you then gave a gasp after hearing the popping in your knee, Akaashi then stood up as you sat up and held your knee. After all, you deserve all the attention in the world, don't you? How about we take a nap? After seeing that you weren't going to, he gave a sigh and leaned more on you, you giggled and released him, he scooted over and sat next to you, holding your hand, making him blush slightly as you did the same.SugawaraYou and Sugawara were going to go to the park after he finished practice, instead of waiting, you went home. You flinched, but didnt push him and both of you knew there was no turning back. tip: austen words:10000-50000 sort:title. He relaxed after that and let himself be filled with your lovely voice, swallowing every word as you told him about your day and todays events. One more kiss and Im done, okay? He asked innocently, tilting his head to the side.You only nodded in response, agreeing - happy at the thoughts of ending this torture. So every time I saw you with him in the cafe we both like to visit or I noticed you leaving the cinema togetherit wasnt you? His now dry palm slowly fell from his face and moved against his will towards your form. He has no manners. Suggestions are more than welcome, so please feel free to request a chapter idea! But after five minutes you started to sob - so loudly and ugly that his heart shattered once again and before he could calm down, he broke down with you. summary - Do you want to know what its like to be adored by one of Haikyuu! You are welcome to read. It makes you feel even worse. "Off!" It was greatly annoying, but he also couldnt help but appreciate your soothing presence. Akaashi Keiji: First Meeting It is not my fault we are standing under the mistletoe!~ He laughed, pecking both of your cheeks, before coming back to your abused mouth. throwing him off guard. I forgive you. He couldnt hold it back. To be absolutely honest, the movie wasnt all that bad in his opinion, but he wasnt an expert and probably shouldnt be asked about it. "That's a part of me." I know, because I will be your tutor., Originally posted by anime-trash-for-life. Why are you talking to him? Oikawa voice gets a little louder this time around and his face visibly darkens. ' The hurt expression on your face hit him hard and fast. Kuroo peeked open your room door and flipped on the light to see you still asleep. You giggled and scooted closer to him, kissing his cheek as you held his arm. It was about 2:30AM when he suddenly woke up, sitting up straight and breathing rapidly. You held him with both arms, he tensed with a confused look after you pressed your cheek against his back and peeked at the tv from underneath his arm. You got it bad, prince charming. Scoffed Yaku, turning to face him when the lunch break began. You wanted to sit here". You groaned, pulling his hair as hard as you possibly could, but his dingustinly sweet grin didnt falter even a little bit. ! Then he dropped to his knees, faking sobs and loud cries. He then opened up his mouth as you stared at him with playful narrowed eyes, you then gave a small sigh and placed a chip in his mouth, he stood up off of you then walked away. He couldnt focus on anything, but you the whole time. He kinda liked his face, a lot actually. <3, i feel deep inside that he is a very cuddly guy and once you agree to be a little spoon - you are trapped forever, I just wanted to make a small promotion for myself! I will choose better next time.. He clumsily took it and hesitated for a mere second before picking up. Maybe even your love was lame, but he wouldnt have it any other way. WELCOME BACK!words: 1.6kwarnings: swear words and a lot of angst with a pinch on fluff. Refreshing over there! Read How they show Physical attention from the story Haikyuu boyfriend scenarios by sugar_peach7 (Bo) with 35,588 reads. "No! You must have fucked up badly and you deserved whatever you are getting today. 8. His face is lit by the afternoon Sun and you cant help but admire all the details on his face. With Ayumu Murase, Kaito Ishikawa, Yu Hayashi, Satoshi Hino. Kageyama Tobio: First Meeting Hello there!! "Uh huh." tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, You attend Aoba Johsai and are pretty good friends with the seniors on the team, You're actually the manager after Oikawa convinced, It's not like you dislike volleyball its more of you hate work and lack enthusiam, So when it was announced that there would be a pdactice match against Karasuno, You couldn't care less (besides disgust for Oikawa's need to put down his junior), That is until you saw their pretty senior, You were supposed to be taking notes on ways the boys can improve or useful info about the other team, Nope you were instead watching Karasuno under the 'guise of taking kotes when in fact you were staring at the pretty setter and doodling him in your notebook, After the match was pver and Karasuno qas lwaving you were actually pretty upset bc you couldn't finish your drawing of the pretty setter, Oikawa saw the slight disappointment on your face and assumed it was bc they had lost, "Don't worry Y/N-chan! Then I dont know, which one. Oikawa pouted as he saw your unamused expression. 11. Volleyball ate a lot of his time and he preferred to spend the free one with people he loved, so that was it. You gave a smirk and a shoulder shrug, Iwazumi then tossed the ball to the side and went over to you, sitting on your thighs. Bokuto Kotaro: First Meeting Once he relaxed and got used to the idea, you would feel his arms wrap around your waist and his chin rest on your shoulder, you wouldn't, however, be able to see the huge grin . The way you turned and hopefully will turn Kuroos world upside down was indescribable. 'Im just frustrated f/n, Ive told you to leave me alone.. You stayed like that, not leaving the embrace that gave you the security you deserved and absolutely loved. Do you know why Im here? He asks, looking straight at you. "Hey! "No not the one you forced to play. 'Good night, Kuroo Tetsurou. I really thought that our problems will somehow disappear and we can repair our relationship. . On the whole, fan service can broadly refer to anything meant to appeal to fans on a surface level, largely unnecessary for plot purposes but included simply to evoke base pleasures in its viewers. He was very handsome with that look. "IwazumiYou have an eye roll to Iwazumi as you and him were in the gym together, he gave you narrowed eyes back when you crossed your arms. "Never mind. Not that he minded. "I said off." Its streaked his interest immediately and since he didnt hear a word about it from you, he was right to believe that you were simply unaware something like this was happening in your hometown. If you log in you can store your preference and never be asked again. And about his dirty, little secret - he was able to control his feelings for you easily now. "Baby girl." You look at him and he doesnt move. You looked uncertain for a second, before enveloping it with your bony fingers and hugging it tightly to your chest, right next to the heart. While fan service in, say, a Marvel movie could be a reference to Marvel comics ephemera, in anime, the term generally refers to sexualization of female characters (via Urban Dictionary). This is my haikyuu! "Let's not speak of that. 21. Determined to be like the volleyball championship's star player nicknamed "the small giant", Shoyo joins his school's volleyball club. #high But it was just his luck that in the moment when the last bell in his day rang, signaling long desired freedom, you turned to him catching his curious eyes, which were observing your smaller form. sport, kei, kageyama. I was shocked at first, I seriously thought that your fans would be supportive. He would kill us, if he knew the reason behind your call, so better not. This time Oikawa didnt respond, but his face twisted in a scared expression and you knew, he has just imagined Iwaizumi torturing and killing him slowly with this evil smirk of his. "I love you." You gave a small groan then a laugh, he stood up and looked at you, you sat up but he sat back on your legs and leaned back on the bed, an arm over his eyes. You gave a small giggle and when you did, Tanks smirked then gave a grin. Yhm, I kind of - bought two tickets to movie marathon and was wondering if you wanted to go? YOU ARE READING. "Kei, oooff." Although you gave no answer just like you had done previously, you eventually sent him a tired look and sighed. Is Kyoutani shocked by what (Y/n) said or that he sat on her lap? 12. requests, headcanons, scenarios. After all these promises of trying your best, this is what you do? He shoots you a look from under his lashes. "Bokuto sit on m-. Open windows welcomed warm breeze into your home, which moved your earnings, shaped as sunflowers. Hovewer, you need to work hard. ' . Some Haikyuu head-cannons, one-shots, and scenarios! Do you think Im dumb or what?'His body is shaking with anger, but when you look at his face you see nothing but sadness and disappointment. You gave a confused look then gave a shoulder shrug, making Kei give a sigh and do what he said, he leaned back on you, you gave parted lips as he did. In such short time, you were able to brighten his days without much work. Semi Eita: First Meeting It was a shame you were so far away, he really wanted to see the emotions on you face in that moment. "L-let go." He secretly eyed you, giving you silent kudos for the jewelry choice. "I'm sending it." Semi Eita: Second Encounter 'Ah, screw it. Some of the most important players hadnt attended, because of reasons and this made them almost unable to play. You were about to speak before Lev leaves more of his weight on you, making you lean back. fifteen minutes of talking, kicking, arguing at throwing bals at faces - all of yelled some motivation things and decided to do their best to make Kuroo happyor quiet. Boyfriend Scenarios and Oneshots by Sissy_matsouka (Xakaashi) with 2,143 reads. *In Editing*. Are you proposing? Your mocking voice interrupted. You gave an eye roll as he chuckled, you then flicked his head and walked off towards your team. Can you write an angst-ish scenario where Oikawa's s/o breaks up with him because of his fangirls? First, you're interested in the game, now you're interested in the opposing team's setter?? "Scoot." But remember that I will hug you to death!. "It was necessary." -already,- Kiss. Frowning, he let out a deep sigh before he turned off his lights and crawled under his blankets, closing his eyes and falling asleep. Kageyama walked back over to the couch looking at you with confusion, he was about to speak before you grabbed his arm and pulled him into your lap. #karasuno " " - It will help you ignore your hunger for a while. You suggested, smiling warmly at him as you imagined his body cuddling and tightly hugging your body. Listen.. He starts and sits on your bed giving you the first smile that day. what?? You smiled seeing Hinata pulling out a chair for you, you took a seat and he sat on the floor next to you, messing with your gym shoes as Ukai gave a talk about tomorrow's game. "Come on." Do you kn-." He tried to care about it, he really did. Karasuno finally seems to acknowledge you, "Yes, I'm much better than Mr. ", When Oikawa left to go "talk" to Karasuno, you followed to make sure he wasn't too rude to them, While out there you finally look at all of them, but mostly the pretty setter, "Oh come on! Now you have something to say?, I am so, so, so incredibly sorry. Characters include (currently): Hinata, Kageyama, Tsukishima, Kuroo, Kenma, Akaashi, and Atsumu :] Dont play with me. Kuroo would literally kill himself if he made you uncomfortable or repulsed. 'You didnt like it? The aftermath of the match left him unsatisfied and not easy to communicate with, however, you tried anyway. His s/o tries to get a kiss from him when he just rejects her. A collection of romantic scenarios from my tumblr (@haikyuu-bf-scenarios) about haikyuu. Well, have fun not being single any longer. I was supposed to your birthday present, but- He wildly gestured towards the place him mother was in. And he knew that it was wrong of him to listen to your accidental monolog, but Oikawa couldnt help himself. 'Thats not it! ' Your lips kissed his knuckles and then you cuddled your cheek to the back of his hand, clearly needing comfort and affection. Um, hello? Thanks for 1 million/ new updaging Schedule. I saved your butt." Next move is yours to make. You shot him a teasing smile and disappeared behind your doors, leaving him to the cold night and lonely streets. #bokuto "Share." Haikyuu BF Quiz: Who's your Karasuno Boyfriend. His eyes are darker than ever and if the look could kill, everyone within ten kilometres would be dead on a spot. Nevertheless, given the relatively minor amount of fan service in "Haikyuu!!" He only purred happily and put his arms around you, kissing your forehead. 'You forgot, huh? His heart melted at the sight but it didnt erase that swallowing disappointment, which was still following him after the brutal loss he experienced today. ' He breathed into your ear, before giving it a butterfly kiss. !" Season 1 is virtually absent fan service whatsoever, from Season 2 onward, the series begins to indulge in those sorts of moments with more frequency. Sorry, but dont contact me again. I think I have an idea. Added Sugawara, who literally appeared out of nowhere. You ears seemed to perk curiously at the newfound information and you quickly sent him a questioning look. *In Editing* by zombielover8469 with 34,613 reads. That said, whereas "Haikyuu! After "Relax your muscles." *In Editing* Fanfiction. Why should I? Bokuto Kotaro: Second Encounter Apparently, Tooru liked your idea very much, because his eyes lit up instantly and then he threw himself at you. You giggled as he placed a blanket over your head with a chuckle. 22. "But you were comfy." Kenma looked at you with slight confusion, you gave a small smile and moved your arms out of the way, he looked at Kuroo then back at you. You cheater!I said, no kisses! You try not to avoid his eyes, but that makes it harder for you to respond. its going to be a long Christmas for you, my love! He chuckled childishly, but you still felt an unpleasant shiver run down your spine.He may look like an angel and all, but deep inside he was a devious creature. Enjoy . Panic in your head starts to rise, but you cant find the right words to make him stay. I feel so guilty, so disgusting for what I did. Your voice broke a few times and by the way, you spoke he could clearly make out the fact that you had been crying. Ukai sensei gave a small head shake with his hands on his hips. #oikawa However, when you finally open the door you really wish you were still asleep. Requests are closed for now while I get the standard scenarios out first, I appreciate all of your patience. 'I kind of predicted it, you know? Follow this book to see where your life with one of them leads you. Kuroo sat up and turned to look at you, you sat up with narrowed eyes but a small smirk as he gave one back to you. You have your own pretty setter on your own team! I trusted you too much. Yeah. He heard you sigh from the other side. #kenma 17. You gave a nod, he then waited for you to get up. Ohh - in two to four days I will post something nice here too, so dont forget me! Cookies help us deliver our Services. "There." You didnt even remember what was the whole thing about, but you were screaming anyway. You gave a bod but didn't move. "Fukunaga!" See production, box office & company info. More to come soon hoped you enjoyed this", Your Nicknames For Each Other (In editing), Random Scenario: When He Gets You Flowers, When The Two Of You Watch Ghost Adventures Together (In editing), Image Scenario: When He Gets You A Plushy (In editing), Random Scenario(Part 2): When He Gets You A Plushy, Random Scenario(Part 1): Couple Jewelry Set, Random Scenario(Part 2): Couple Jewelry Set, Random Scenario(Part 1): Matching T-shirts, Random Scenario(Part 2): Matching T-shirts, When You Reference To A Vine (In Editing), Random Scenario(Part 1):The Picture He Relates You To, Random Scenario(Part 2):The Picture He Relates You To, Gif Scenario: His Reaction If He Saw You Perform The WAP , Gif Scenario (Part 2): His Reaction If He Saw You Perform The WAP , Gif Scenario: His Reaction After He Reads A Love Note Given To You , Gif Scenario (Part 2): His Reaction After He Reads A Love Note Given To You , Gif Scenario (Part 1): How The Two Of You Dance Together When Alone , Gif Scenario (Part 2) How The Two Of You Dance Together When Alone , Gif Scenario (Part 1): His Reaction If You Sent Him A Nude While Out In Public , Gif Scenario (Part 2): His Reaction If You Sent Him A Nude While Out In Public , Image Scenario (Part 1): Your And His Spicy Text Conversation , Image Scenario (Part 2): Your And His Spicy Text Conversation , Image Scenario (Part 1): Your Birthday Party Surprise From Him , Image Scenario (Part 2): Your Birthday Party Surprise From Him , Image Scenario (Part 1): Your And His Couple Aesthetic , Image Scenario (Part 2): Your And His Couple Aesthetic , Haikyuu!! He smirked and sat on your thighs, bouncing up and down. Inspired by TyTy (go check her out btw!). Please consider turning it on! He did it in many different ways, but never once wasted a chance to show you how much you mean to him. Mhm- you moaned quietly -I love you, Tooru., Thanks for the request love, I hope youll like it. Work Search: i finally wrote it yay - tell me what do you think. Yeah, sounds great. You answered, without much thinking and reached out for a phone. Determined to be like the volleyball championship's star player nicknamed "the small giant", Shoyo joins his school's volleyball club. That wasnt a life I wanted for myself and the love I have for you wasnt enoughto fight my fear. A dream, right? Im not your girlfriend. You icy cold voice broke his focus on feeling sorry for himself and he stared at you, suddenly terrified. "My gosh that feels better." I thought you were serious, but looking at your grades I guess I was wrong. He mutters tiredly, not noticing how your whole face fell at his words.
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