The term mubahala can also mean withdrawing mercy from one who lies or engages in falsehood. It marks the end of the month-long fast of Ramadan and the start of a feast that lasts up to three days in some countries. After the Eid prayer, Muslims usually disperseto visit various family and friends, give gifts (especially to children), make visits to graveyards, and make phone calls to distant relatives to give well-wishes for the holiday. So today's shift is extended until road situation is back to normal. Within the Sunni and Shia branches, you can also find a number of sects. Shawwal 1st and 2nd: Eid ul-Fitr. Eid al-Fitr is calculated in accordance with the sighting of the new moon by the Saudi Arabia moon-sighting committee and is typically announced by local Mosques. "How Is Eid al-Fitr Celebrated in Islam?" Eid al-Ghadeer is celebrated by Shia Muslims and is when Muhammad gave his last sermon at Ghadir Khumm during the month of Dhul-Hijjah. Eid al-Fitr or the "Festival of Breaking the Fast" is one of the most celebrated of all Muslim holidays, observed by 1.6 billion Muslims around the world. The debate then rises as to why the Prophet (pbuh) would gather thousands of people to inform them of the above (in regards to his relationship with Ali), with many scholars pointing to the fact that the verse suggests that if the Prophet did not deliver this message, it was as if he had not delivered His message (at all). Further to this, the verse revealed right after the Prophets completion of this sermon is as follows: Today I have perfected your religion and completed my favour upon you, and I was satisfied that Islam be your religion.. The Eid is held on 18 Dhul-Hijjah at the time when the Islamic prophet Muhammad was said to have appointed Ali ibn Abi Talib as his successor. Oh Allah, be a supporter of whoever supports him (Ali) and an enemy of whoever opposes him (Ali).. What a gorgeous window into this . So, Eid al-Fitr always takes place 10/1-10/3 of the Hijri calendar. Eid al-Mubahalah This is also a Shia celebration. Once the celebration begins, it may continue for up to three days. )", The celebration of Ghadir, in Saudi Arabia, Ghadir celebration in various countries of the world, "3 million Tehraners attend 10-km long Ghadir festival", "The customs and traditions of Eid al-Ghadir",, Articles with dead external links from February 2023, Articles with permanently dead external links, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles containing Persian-language text, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Eid Al-Ghadeer; Yawm al-mithaq (Day of the Covenant), Prayers, gift-giving, festive meals, as well as reciting the, This page was last edited on 17 February 2023, at 06:56. The event of Ghadir is named after the place in which it took place, beside the pond (ghadir) in the area of Khumm which is located in the modern day city of Al-Juhfah in Saudi Arabia. Oh Allah, be a supporter of whoever supports him (Ali) and an enemy of whoever opposes him (Ali).. It has receptacles as numerous as the stars, and two cups of gold and two of silver. We pray for the prosperity of the state and the country on Eid-ul-fitr. The first to succeed was Abu Bakr, then Umar ibn Al-Khattab, the third was Othman ibn Affan, and then the fourth caliph was Ali ibn Abi Talib. Middle East Eye answers key questions about the occasion. Eid al . Privacy Policy. He spent his entire life in what is now the country of Saudi Arabia, from his birth about 570 CE in Mecca to his death in 632 in Medina. Oh people, Allah is my Lord and I am the lord (leader) of the believers. According to some scholars on 2nd Rajab or 5th Rajab 16: M: Martyrdom of Zaynab bint Ali: 18: C: Eid al-Ghadeer: 19: R: Fatimah . Muhammad was the founder of Islam and the proclaimer of the Qurn, Islams sacred scripture. Method 1 Eid al-Fitr Download Article 1 During the sermon, Muhammad made a declaration in favour of Ali ibn Abi Talib. These are fundamental practices in the Islamic faith. According to the narrations, Hassan ibn Ali used to hold ceremonies in Kufa on the day of Ghadir. Privacy Policy | Terms of Use |Store Terms | Copyright The Muslim Vibe 2021. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. S2011E01 Images of Revolution . The rise of Islam is intrinsically linked with the Prophet Muhammad, believed by Muslims to be the last in a long line of prophets that includes Moses and Jesus. I am worthier of believers than themselves. Huda. The effort and hard work of innumerable researchers and scholars are devoted to this event. The word Eid means feast or festival. I will ask you about the two weighty things that I have left for you when you come to me to see how you dealt with them. Ghadir Khumm, marks the day when the Shiaspledged allegiance to Ali upon the order of the Prophet (pbuh) who was inspired by what they believe was the Divine will of Allah (swt). Miracles of Muhammad, according to Muslims, refers to the Islamic religious teaching that the Islamic prophet Muhammad performed miracles (or supernatural acts) during his lifetime. Eid comes after Ramadan, the holy month of fasting, and is meant to be a time of festivities and fine eating. One of the other reasons why some people celebrate Eid on another day, is because they follow the example of Mecca. It coincides with the Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca in Saudi Arabia, known as Hajj, which every Muslim is expected to undergo at least once during their lifetime, if they are physically and financially able. (accessed March 4, 2023). Ghadir (Arabic: ) means hollow or pond in Arabic. On the way back to Medina from Mecca, Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) ordered his companions and friends to stop at Ghadir Khumm. Of whomsoever I had been Master (Mawla), Ali here is to be his Master (Mawla). The two major sects of Islam, Sunnis and Shias commemorate the occasion on different days in the same month. After the Prophets death in the year 632, disputes over succession arose and led to the creation of the caliph system in which leaders of the Islamic nation are chosen by people and rulers. Cookies collect information about your preferences and your device and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. Those who followed the Prophets closest companion (Abu Bakr) became known as Sunni (the followers of the Prophets example Sunnah). The religious differences are so embedded in the culture that intolerance often leads to violence. In fact, Eid Al-Ghadir represents the precise moment when Islam split into two main factions. This festival highlights the brighter side of Islam. In this sense, many people compare the two groups with Catholics and Protestants. Unfortunately, even some Shias of the Ahle Bait (a.s.) stand confused on the matter and are inclined towards this line of argument. Blog Home Uncategorized do shias celebrate eid on a different day. Traditionally, this is followed by the sacrifice. This holiday marks the end of the holy month of Ramadan during which Muslims fast from sunrise to nightfall every day. September 27, 2023. Many small business owners have been severely hit by the lockdown, and the consequent economic losses. During the entire month of Ramadan, Muslims observe a strict fast and participate in pious activities such as charitable giving and peace-making. It's almost 2 in the morning and I have to stay at work for another hour. He greeted the Muslims who had come to offer their prayers. Muslim women were seen getting henna designed on their hands in Jwalapur. All Seasons. They celebrate it with lights, decorations, special food. You can find out more and change our default settings with Cookies Settings. Eid ul-Fitr, the festival of breaking the fast, marked the end of the strict fasting observed by Muslims over the last month of Ramadan during which they abstained from eating or drinking between dawn and dusk. In this place, it is believed that the following Quranic verse was revealed and became the basis of the sermon which came thereafter: Oh Apostle! In fact, most Muslims do not distinguish themselves by claiming membership in any particular group, but prefer, simply, to call themselves "Muslims.". He had little hairs that stood up, extending from his chest down to his navel, but the rest of his body was almost hairless. As a new moon was not sighted on Saturday evening after Maghrib prayers, Eid celebrations will begin on. Greeting, hand shaking, wearing new cloths, using perfume, making donations, helping others, saying prayers, feeding others, making others happy and giving gifts to others are among the suggested customs reported in narrations. Both Sunni and Shia Muslims in Iraq celebrated Eid al-Fitr on the same day in 2016 for the first time in several years. During Eid, families may string up lights, or place candles or lanterns around the house. Some traditional Eid fare includes date-filled pastries, butter cookies with almonds or pine nuts, and spice cake. What is Eid? Eid al-Fitr is a three-day-long festival and is known as the Lesser or Smaller Eid when compared to Eid al-Adha, which is four-days-long and is known as the Greater Eid.. An Objection Sunni Muslims counter that there is no basis in Islam for a hereditary privileged class of spiritual leaders, and certainly no basis for the veneration or intercession of saints. Some scholars believe that the first Eid al-Fitr was celebrated in the year 624 CE by the Prophet Mohammad and his followers after a decisive victory at the battle of Jang-e-Badr. Sunni Muslims agree with many of the Prophet's companions at the time of his death: that the new leader should be elected from among those capable of the job. This then leads Shia Muslims to the belief that Ali was to become the religious authority and leader after the Holy Prophet, thus making him their Imam (and his sons from the lineage of the Prophet thereafter would also be their Imams, their leaders). Huda. Central to these "right practices" are the Five Pillars of Islam. The second Eid is Eid al-Adha, which spans four days. 'feast of the pond') is an Islamic commemorative holiday, and is considered to be among the significant holidays of Shi'ite Muslims. Also sometimes written as Eid ul Ghadeer, Eid al-Ghadeer, Eid ul Ghadir and Eid al-Ghadir, this eid (festival) commemorates the appointment of Ali as Muhammads successor, an important event to Shia Muslims. These activities traditionally continue for three days. (accessed March 4, 2023). B.S., Child Development, Oregon State University. Of whomsoever I had been Master (Mawla), Ali here is to be his Master. Huda. After the Prophets death in the year 632, disputes over succession arose and led to the creation of the caliph system in which leaders of the Islamic nation are chosen. Since the festival is based on the lunar calendar, the sighting of moon determines the end of Ramadan. Shia Muslims are preparing to celebrate the most important holiday in their calendar next week, but it is a holiday that goes unmarked by their Sunni coreligionists. Sunnism is the largestand most orthodox branch of Islam. Shia Muslims also celebrate Eid Ghadir in Europe and the Americas, including the U.S., Canada, UK, Germany, France. Ramadan marks the . Discussion and debate is healthy and its important that we are able tospeak openly about differences between the Islamic schools of thought. In Egypt, kahk is so beloved that people have renamed the festival Eid al-kahk,meaning celebration of kahk. - Zia Mar 21, 2014 at 6:02 1 I don't know what narz of imam ali means (?) All public gatherings, entertainment shows and mass activities will also be completely banned in the two-week period. Learn Religions. and "Eid Saeed! It is important to remember that despite these differences in opinion and practice, Shia and Sunni Muslims share the main articles of Islamic belief and are considered by most to be brethren in faith. Since the festival is based on the lunar calendar, the sighting of moon determines the end of Ramadan. The event is celebrated on the 18th day of the month of Dhu al-Hijjah. Eid al-Adha is celebrated on the 10th day of the final month in the Islamic calendar. M: Martyrdom of Muslim ibn Aqeel & Hani ibn Urwa in Kufa, 60 AH: 10: C: Eid al-Adha: 15: C: Birth of Ali al-Hadi, 212 AH: 10th Imam of Twelver Shia Muslims. It is a time of intense spiritual renewal for those who observe it. Fundamentally, they share some common beliefs but practice indifferent manners. Coexistence in Iraq and Lebanon, for example, is often difficult. When corresponded to the Gregorian solar calendar, Eid al-Fitr is expected to . Regular police patrolling and other required security measures were made for the festival. This Hadith suggests that the Prophet had long hair on this occasion, because he needed to tidy it up in four plaits. However, festivities are likely to be. Every house of Muslim family had special delicacies being cooked on the occasion, including the traditional sweets Sewain and Sheerkorma. (salam) There are 4 Eids: Eid (after Ramadan): Celebration for COMPLETION of fasting of the Holy Month of Ramadan. In contrast to the devoted calm of the rest of the Ramadan observance, Eid al-Fitr is marked by joyful happiness at having been released from religious obligation and forgiven for sins. Eid al-Fir (Arabic: ) is the first day of the month of Shawwal and one of the greatest religious holidays in Islamic tradition. The Stages of Hajj, the Islamic Pilgrimage to Mecca (Makkah), Lesson Plans for Eid al Adha, an Islamic Celebration, The Women in the Prophet Muhammad's Family, B.S., Child Development, Oregon State University. Eid literally means a festival or feast in Arabic. Pictures as well as statues are thought to encourage the worship of idols. One of the key elements of Eid is Zakat al fitr,meaning charity of breaking the fast", which must be paid before the end of Ramadan or Eid prayers. In 2020, Eid al-Ghadir will be on August 8. The event of Ghadeer is named after the place in which it took place, beside the pond (ghadir) in the area of Khumm which is located in the modern-day city of Al-Juhfah in Saudi Arabia. Key Differences Between Shia and Sunni Muslims. Even they don't attend weddings too during the period of Muharram. This is a time for Muslim families to share their good fortune with others. In the Quran, al-mubahala (invocation of Gods curse) was mentioned as a decisive solution to the dispute over Jesus between the Christians of Najran and Muhammad. Worshippers exchange the traditional Arabic greeting, 'Eid Mubarak' ('have a blessed Eid . Furthermore, this leads on from the widely acknowledge hadith from the Prophet in which he says to Ali: You will be to me like Aaron (Harun) was to Moses (Musa), except that there will be no Prophet after me.. It has receptacles as numerous as the stars, and two cups of gold and two of silver. In addition, Shia Muslims may observe: Eid al-Ghadir, an Eid for Shia Muslims which marks the nomination of Ali, Mohammeds cousin, as the successor of Mohammed. Some countries may celebrate Eid on different days depending onthe sighting of the new moon in their country. For example, in Saudi Arabia, Sunni Wahhabism is a prevalent and puritanical faction. As per the shifting dates of the Islamic Lunar. It falls on the first of Shawwal. The sermon took place amid a gathering of Muslims returning from the Farewell Pilgrimage on 18 Dhu al-Hijjah 10 AH (16 March 632). To mark Eid-ul-Fitr, a great deal of rush was witnessed in the markets of Jwalapur and Haridwar for the past two days. Countries like Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Yemen, Pakistan, Indonesia, Turkey, Algeria, Morocco, and Tunisia are predominantly Sunni. (2020, August 29). . Officials and enthusiasts in Muslim majority countries spend the last nights of Ramadanobserving the evening sky in an attempt to sight the new moon and announce the beginning of Eid. Eid marked the end of the disciplinary practice with tens of thousands of faithfuls from Suni community offering Namaz at the sprawling Idgah near the Paondhoi Idgah in Jwalapur on Thursday while the Shia people had already performed Eid Namaz at Idgah of Ahbab Nagar a day before. The sermon given was as such: Oh people, Allah the Most Kind the Omniscient has told me that no apostle lives to more than half the age of him who had preceded him. However, festivities are likely to be subdued this year because of coronavirusrestrictions. Islamic scholars believe more than seventy thousand people followed Muhammad on his way to Mecca, where, on the fourth day of the month of Dhu'l-Hijjah, there were more than one hundred thousand Muslims present for his entry into the city. However, the split comes from the interpretation of the wordmawla used in the sermon as the interpretation differs based on the context in which it is being used. The first to succeed was Abu Bakr, then Umar ibn Al-Khattab, the third was Othman ibn Affan and then the fourth caliph wasAli ibn Abi Talib. Only England and Wales jurisdiction apply in all legal matters. In contrast to this, the Sunni Muslim school of thought understands mawla to mean someone who is loved, or close in blood relation. Common greetings used during Eid are "Eid Mubarak! Eid is a three-day public holiday in many Middle Eastern countries, such as Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the UAE, as well as places beyond the Middle East, like Indonesia, Pakistan, Malaysia, Afghanistan and Malawi, among others. - Sayyid Mar 21, 2014 at 8:33 Huda. Every year the date of Eid is different and it is determined by the sighting of the moon. Eid 2022 Date: These days the month-e-Ramadan i.e. This ensures that everyone can celebrate with a special meal. The contrast here is the belief in the timing of this verse coming down; where the Shia believe that it came down after the Prophets sermon in Ghadir, the Sunni school of thought widely disagrees with this and believe that it came down during the day of Arafah in that same final Hajj. May 20, 2021; promedica flower hospital npi; inventory management decisions ppt . Some mosques in the UK have employed an online booking system, to ensure that the numberof worshippers allowed inside buildings are capped to allow for social distancing. Theme parks and other attractions are typically busy, however this year, with a range of restrictions in place to curb the spread of coronavirus, many theme parks and attractions are likely to remain closed. Eid Mubarak to my Sunni (Muslim) brothers and sisters. After the revelation of the verse, the Prophet (pbuh) ordered for people leaving the Khumm area to return and for a makeshift pulpit to be installed so that he could be seen and heard by all. Copyright 2014 - 2023. Eid al-Adha is on August 12. Unlike theGregorian calendar which is based upon the earth's movements around the sun,the Islamic calendar is lunar which means it is based on the phases of themoon. 1985 chrysler fifth avenue for sale. SHAFAQNA Today, around the world, Shia Muslims will be celebrating an occasion of vital importance to them; aneventthat it is widely considered to be the one that split the Muslim world. They perform pilgrimages to their tombs and shrines in the hopes of divine intercession. Eid al Ghadir is named after the event in which Shias believe that Ali ibn Abi Talib, the cousin of Prophet Muhammed (pbuh), was appointed as the religious authority and leader after the Prophet by Allah . Oh people, Allah is my Lord and I am the lord of the believers. Fimah. Shia Muslims believe that the Imam is sinless by natureand that his authority is infallible because it comes directly from God. About 200 crore Muslims living around the world celebrate the festival of Eid (Eid ul Fitr 2022). That other weighty thing is my family (Ahlulbayt) and my descendants. Those more adventurous experiment with this sweet and syrupy dessert, adding different toppings including fruit and nuts to chocolate and cream. Lunar years have a total of 354 days, compared to solar years which have 365.25 days. Unlike other Islamic holidays, Eid al-Fitr is not tied to specific historical events but is a general celebration of fellowship with one's local community. The rally was held to mark the Shia Rafidi festival of "Eid Al-Zahra" (or also known as "Farhat Al-Zahra and "Omar Koshan" in Farsi), during which Rafidi Shias celebrate the assassination of the second Caliph of Islam, Omar Ibn Al-Khattab. Editors Note: As with all topics of contention, it is crucial that people are able to approach these matters in a mature and respectful manner. TMV is a grassroots media platform with an aim to inspire, inform and empower Western Muslims; through powerful and engaging Islamic content. The exact pattern and number of segments of the prayer are specific to the branch of Islam, although Eid is the only day in the month of Shawwal during which Muslims are not allowed to fast. As people have already answered; yes, Nauroze is an Iranian festival, generally celebrated by both Irani Muslims and Parsis, but it is all celebrated by a small fraction of Shia Muslims living in India and Pakistan and alll around the world whereever they are residing , who are called Aga Khanis. I am worthier of believers than themselves. Eid-al-Fitr is one of the most important festivals in Islam. The first Eid celebration is Eid al-Fitr, which lasts three days. The fasting during Ramadan reminds one of the suffering of the poor and extends an opportunity to all to practise self-control and cleanse the body, mind and spirit. While the Sunnis celebrated on. Eid al-Ghadir ( Arabic: , romanized : d al-ghadr, lit. Eid al-Mubahila, an Eid for Shia Muslims which marks the success of Muslims in a peaceful debate with the Christians of the time. All Muslims must pay this amount, regardless of age or gender, so long as they possess enough to feed themselves. . 'feast of the pond') is an Islamic commemorative holiday, and is considered to be among the significant holidays of Shi'ite Muslims. Originally Answered: How do you celebrate your Eid? It is Eid today. According to local media, a two-week reduction ofhours for the opening ofcommercial and entertainment venues will be put in place. There are two major eids in the Islamic calendar per year Eid al-Fitr earlier in the year and Eid al-Adha later. This leads Shia Muslims to believe, alongside this verse, that Ali is then the correct leader and had it not been for the fact that Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) was to be the final messenger, Ali would have been on the same pedestal and would have been a deputy over all the affairs and duties of the Prophet in his absence, in the same manner that Harun (as) did for his brother Musa (as) when he left to speak to his Lord. Every country and every family celebrates Eid differently, but there are some key festivities that are common. The celebration of Eid al-Adha begins with a special prayer, 'Salat al-Eid', followed by a sermon called a khutbah. One end is in Allahs hand and the other is in your hands. That other weighty thing is my family (Ahlulbayt) and my descendants. holy city was drenched in the festive spirit. This includes rituals of prayer and marriage. A majority of the shoppers consisted of the women and children who showed keen interest in shopping for garments, glass bangles, artificial jewellery items. Ahead of Eid al-Adha commonly known as Bakrid or festival of sacrifice, the United Shia Movement has urged people to not sacrifice animals on August 12, which falls on the last Monday of Sawan. Throughout history, Shia Muslims have not recognized the authority of elected Muslim leaders, choosing instead to follow a line of Imams which they believe have been appointed by the Prophet Muhammad or God Himself. The announcement was made by Shia cleric Maulana Kalbe Sadiq at around 3am after receiving fatwa issued by Ayatullah Sistani from Najaf in Iraq. Because we Shia always seem to have Eid 1 day after Sunnis. The pond of Khumm is the place where people from different provinces and locations congregated and greeted each other before heading back to their respective towns and cities after performing the pilgrimage of Hajj. Not all Shi'as celebrate Nowruz. This donation is typically food rather than moneyrice, barley, dates, rice, and moreto ensure that the needy are able to enjoy a nourishing holiday meal and participate in the celebration. Posted January 17, 2006. The name Ghadir is primarily a female name of Arabic origin that means Stream. Guides shared by mosques also advise worshippers to pray at home if possible, however if they wishto pray in a mosque they should be wearing a protective mask and bring their own prayer mat. Why are Indian Christians being assaulted for their faith? The office of Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, the highest Shia authority in Iraq, was quoted by the Iraqi state News Agency (INA) as saying: The crescent of Shawal is expected to be clearly seen on Monday evening, thus Tuesday will be the first day ofEid.. Eid in Arabic means feast, festival, holiday. Eid is a worldwide festival and celebration for Muslims. This leads them to believe, alongside this verse, that Ali is then the correct leader and had it not been for the fact that Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) was to be the final messenger, Ali would have been on the same pedestal and would have been a deputy over all the affairs and duties of the Prophet in his absence, in the same manner that Harun (as) did for his brother Musa (as) when he left to speak to his Lord. For the most part, no. There are two major eids in the Islamic calendar per year Eid al-Fitr earlier in the year and Eid al-Adha later. They also adhere to the five pillars of Islam:shahada, salat, zakat, sawm, and hajj. The crescent moon was not. Many of these companions (Abu Bakr, Umar ibn Al Khattab, Aisha, etc.) Turkey, meanwhile, a country that is officially secular, uses. The Islamic calendar is a lunar calendar, and dates are calculated based on lunar phases. Ali ibn Abitalib used to participate the ceremony accompanied by a group of his followers. During the calendar year there are two Eids that are celebrated by Muslims. All schools of thought generally agree on the events of this occasion; the fact that it has been recorded by so many historians allows it to attain the status of mutawatir, meaning something which is indisputable or is an undeniable truth. Zakat al-fitr is a one-off payment, usually in the form of food or its monetary equivalent to the value of about 7 ($9) which allows the less fortunate to celebrate Eid. Eid also signals the first day of Shawwal, a new month in the Islamic calendar. As the month of Ramadan draws to a close, Muslims will prepare for the Eid al-Fitr celebration, which marks the end of the holiest month in the Islamic calendar. What happened to ezekiel elliot in las vegas. Known as sadaqah al-fitr or Zakat al-Fitr (charity of fast-breaking), the amount of the alms to be paid was set by the Prophet Muhammad himself, as equal to one measure (sa'a) of grain per person. Last somvar (Monday) of sawan also falls on same day, there are many people who go to temples. Eid al-Fitr ("the feast of. Eid is meant to be a jubilant day, with large and widespread celebrations taking place in the Middle East and in Muslim communities around the world. Eid-al-Fitr marks the end of Ramadan and is celebrated during the first three days of Shawwal, the tenth month of the Islamic calendar. On the way back to Medina from Mecca, Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) ordered his companions and friends to stop at Ghadir Khumm. Many Shi'a Muslims fast on this . While some Shia disputed the canonical validity of the Uthmanic codex, the Shia Imams always rejected the idea of alteration of Qurans text. Milad an-Nabi, also known as Mawlid, is celebrated by Muslims as the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad. Why are there two Eids? One of the key accusations of the skeptics directed at the Shias is that in moments of crisis they invoke Ali Ibn Abi Talib (a.s.) instead of invoking Allah the Almighty. Also steps were taken to ensure smooth flow of traffic at the crossings leading to the mosques. Season 2011. Another common greeting on Eid is "Rabena yetaqabal" ("may God accept") in reference to fasting and extra worship during Ramadan or Eid saeed which translates as happy Eid. The Eid is held on 18 Dhul-Hijjah at the time when the Islamic prophet Muhammad was said to have appointed Ali ibn Abi Talib as his successor.
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