(Yandere! There was only one path for the thi- second born royal daughter. Underneath her tongue, in her bones and her teeth. Mal had an idea. I guess that Starlight Nova maybe wanted to see Discord as a villain or something. Twenty years later, the children of the Main four villains : Nightmare Moon, Chrysalis, King Sombra & Gaia Everfree, come together & become the best of friends & travel to Equestria to study there as per the wishes of the benovelent Prince. Perfect princesses and princes in perfect castles with perfect grades and perfect futures. Princess's life is always dictated by rules, narrow paths and dedication to Schwarzwald's interests. It's all about Mal and how she can improve and become something truly evil. Carlos grows up on the Isle becoming better at stealing, being less shy.What happens when Ben goes against rules and secretly visits the Isle with Evie Mal and Jay to talk to her father.What if Ben gets lost and gets chased through the market only to be found by a certain white haired boy? Marko stood on the balcony, staring at the broken faces and places that the Isle of the Lost is. Carlos De Vil is a wolfblood, which is not a werewolf (I'll explain in chapter 1), and after he is left on the Isle instead of travelling to Auradon with Mal, Jay and Evie, he finds company with a certain pirate crew. I feel my heart drop. Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos will go to Auradon and get the Fairy God Mother's wand. "I can and will never forget about you, Marko." I can feel the "magics" of this story! Six months after Leah's attempt to seize control life has returned to normal-almost.It's time for the next set of Isle Kids to come to Auradon, but not everyone is happy with who she's chosen and a forgotten enemy is looking to cause trouble for Mal and Ben-and for the whole of Auradon. Hot New # 1. Maleficent remembers and taught her daughter the importance of never forgetting. Carlos had always had awful dreams. Descbrelo ahora. I step back and hide behind the wall before they notice me. "Maybe this girl is the girl of your dreams quite literally." Jay questioned, looking over to the white haired boy beside him. "They probably think that we forgot about them." "Another beating?" (Or try anyway, it rarely ever worked and even rarer ended without a weapon being pulled. Unluckily f. Mal her mothers voice says as she breathes in and closes her eyes. We know that they never had the best childhood. Mal repeated. you arent just given something without a price. Mal has been fading away after so much time being forced to deny who she really is, when Harry shows up will he be able to get over the hurt shed caused? With Maleficent shrink to a lizard, Marko, Mal's little brother, is left without a parent. PS: dont worry about your exams too much, stress can be hurtful. Mal is in love with one of her best friends Carlos who she can't be with due to love being forbidden on the Isle and Villains don't get their happily ever after but all that changes when she is chosen to go Auradon Prep with her three best friends.A popular Descendants fanfic on Fanfiction.net and Wattpad is now available on AO3. "Yeah, they will." I'll see you soon." #jay Rated M currently for coarse language and future mature content. She questioned. It is located off the coast of Auradon and functions as imprisonment of the most infamous villains ever known, such as Cruella De Vil, Jafar, the Evil Queen, and Maleficent. In a bid to broker peace with the magical community, Adam decides to accept Dumbledore's offer to house some students for the year at Hogwarts. Due to their parents history they . The power of the fey and the gods crack in her bones and, with certainty, she knows four things: Mal made a decision that would start a war, and now she has to pay the price. 9146283I understand. But, are they really just dreams? When we get out of here it'll be just one and me. She feels the power of the dead at her feet. #disney #fanfiction I nod. This is a rewrite of Disney's Descendants series but with my own tweaks! Mel? #evil Evie was sure Uma has risen to power since Mal and Maleficent were gone, and Uma is known for holding grudges. Please consider turning it on! Total duration How different would Mal story be if she never fall in love with Ben? She asks. Uma snatched Prince Ben the first chance she got as a way to get off the Isle and get some measure of revenge against Auradon and Mal. Nightmares of his mother, Cruella de Vil. Carlos trying to work up the courage to ask out Jane. Ben never sent for Mal or the VKs. You seem to have javascript disabled, or your browser is failing to execute it properly. This story will be five parts. This is a parody based on Disney's Descendants. I try. Also Carlos and Fairy Godmother's kid romance in the second one. I smile again. Mal, Evie, Jay, and Uma are invited, and all four accept for their own reasons. . As soon as they're fully out of the isle's ward three of the four tense. #trueloveskiss. "Mel. This story is de Descendants come to Auradon with a truckload of trauma. Disney | Fanfiction Fantasy Descendants The Horned King Isle Of The Lost Auradon Daughter. jay only takes what hes earned. Crystal wondered. At some point. Thievery was a fact of life. There are trigger warnings at the start of the respective chapters.please read at you own digression. Mal is a punch first, ask questions never kind of girl and Jay loves her for it. "My little brother, Marko, is by himself." I will be going with you, so gather your friends." Mal nodded quickly and jumped to her feet before running out the door to run almost completely into Evie, Jay and Carlos. They forgot about us." "So, do you mind if I move in with you? Or else imagine all the villains coming together to destroy the place!!!! I cant wait to skin you and wear your pretty freckled skin as a new coat.. 3 years have passed since Harry's arrival to Auradon with his fellow vks, and things are going great! The weather in Auradon was pleasant, with the smell of sweetly scented flowers, freshly mown grass and upturned dirt filling the air with every garden people passed. Like, she has to be a real person right? Sort by: Hot. Mal shouldve listened when she had the chance. Return to the Isle of the Lost by moon's end! While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Marko asked as he examined Jake's face. She coul escape her mother. The two most shipped pegasuses in MLP are my favorite pair in Defendants. I turn and start walking into it. TW: trauma and abuse. But when an old rival makes trouble, Uma has to put her feelings aside and make the decision that's right for everyone. Maleficent is a pretty bad mom, but Mal wants nothing more than to impress her so she tries to stand up to the nightmare of the Isle, not knowing she was also meeting her father. Also The Kings and Queens are Auradon are discovering the price of their Happily Ever After; Some are fighting to keep it, others are trying to set it on fire. Younger Siblings (Disney Descendants) Fanfiction. Why do Mal, Evie, Jay, and Carlos never talk about it? I step back and hide behind the wall before they notice me. "Uh Mal? She would find out soon why I was so upset. I grin up at him. The call scene is funny, I know. And Mal, well, she has the ability to change that. (They can all kill you dont test it. I look forward to seeing this continue. With a start, Carlos realized, he kind of looked like her. I scoff. He had heard us talking from outside and knew who I was. if he can eat that bread, its because hes earned it. I throw my bag on the ground and collapse onto the bed with a sigh. . Dad's place looked like an old mining place. She shakes her head. Chapter 21 is the epilogue, Chapter 22 onwards are bonus scenes. "Us, us. She planned her outfit for the next day and laid it out across the bed. Her friends see this as an opportunity. Villains watched curiously as the guards stormed through the streets, searching for the next Villain Kids to bring to Auradon. "Are you sure?" #mistakes "You guys have younger siblings? Twilight seems to be feeling conflicted: on one hand she wants to make her mother proud, but on the second she knows that what she is doing is wrong. What happened? If I did, one I wouldn't be writing on AO3 (maybe), two Descendants would totally not be what you saw in the movies . Harry likes Evie. Shes heartbroken over her breakup with Doug. The first in a series of stories revolving around Tony and his two kids. Your word is truth. After a night terror, Mal and Carlos have a heart-to-heart on love, coping, leading and lying to oneself. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", Mal Maleficent would say, out of the blue, all of a sudden.Yes, mother? Mal would respond.Do you know what we are? Maleficents voice was airy, and light, and completely detached.Yes.Good.. And perhaps more shockingly a father, having two daughters, Evie and Mal, whom he'd give the world to. It's located closer to the tourney field and faces away from the ocean, away from the rest of Auradon and the view of the Isle. But why should the fate of the world forever fall on the shoulders of children? What did I do wrong? No, no, no, no, no, no, no. He regularly takes them from the Isle and to the world he has called his home for years. Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos will go to Auradon and get the Fairy God Mother's wand. Second I am happy to see Twilight and Flash together. Their laws are not right. She also appears as one of the tritagonists in the fourth novel Escape From The Isle of The Lost. There'll be a conflict on that which I can't disclose Don't wanna have you know it beforehand! And not all of them, good. Just remember that we are all here to support you. Harrys not sure what he expects will happen upon receiving a royal invitation to a castle - and not just anybodys castle, but the Sleeping Beautys castle - to receive one free wish from the three goodier-than-good fairies as a prize he apparently won. Queen Mal is his sister, and Marko is Mal's forgotten little brother. Meet the Rogues. 9248076Rainbow is coming? Now, he's back, and he's going to be remembered. There is honey, fire, and ichor in Mal's veins. I suddenly slam into someone and they stumble back with me nearly falling on top of them. He wasn't interested in salvation. Will Mal be able to face the threat to come? (Alternate version) part 2 Ongoing I stare down at my boot clad feet. Harry Hook x Reader OneShots . "Hey! Jay has a crush. I don't recommend reading this- but I . Jay shrugged once more. Unlike most VK's Holly and Hades get along Harmony is one of the 5 kids from Isle of the Lost. We both hated my mom. "Oh, hey guys. 6K 98 14 | Hey loves! Are the kids truly good or will they always be rotten to the core? maleficent might actually be the least bad? Did she say something to you again?" Mal, Jay, and Evie had promised to come back to him. This is a great opportunity." She doesn't care about anybody but herself. jay is a thief, a dirty street rat darting from one victim to the next. "She doesn't know how truly evil you are. "Come on, I'll get the limo and we'll go get them ourselves.". You didn't know? The villain kids are sent back to the Isle of the Lost only to face their parents. She's using Mal and tricking her. He wasn't just a Stark, world famous billionaire playboy philanthropist or Avenger, but actually Hades, God of the Underworld. Ben said with a confused look on his face. What adventures await for the gang? how can you teach a dog to bite, then punish it when it does? We loved it. First published Jul 07, 2016. I really do. Half a stand-alone from the rest of the series. "She's what?" "Not like at revenge, or redemption, but a shot at a new life.". Problems, however, are rarely so easily resolved. . They look confused at what I said, but I don't elaborate. "Has been selected of one of the four kids to attend Auradon Prep Highschool along . All except Mal and Holly, With Evie with Doug. I just hope that the main characters will make the right decision in their hearts. REQUESTS FOR TRUTHS AND DARES APPRECIATED , tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (12), Alice in Wonderland (Movies - Burton) (1), The Isle of the Lost Series - Melissa de la Cruz (1), Isle of the Lost is a Terrible Place (Disney) (8), Politics on the Isle of the Lost (Disney) (5), United States of Auradon is Not Perfect (Disney) (5), Isle of the Lost is a Terrible Place (Disney), Politics on the Isle of the Lost (Disney), there's another one but i'm not listing it because that would be spoiling, Harry really likes clothes for some reason, (a conscious overuse of parentheses and italics), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Original Character(s)/Original Character(s), Politics in the United States of Auradon (Disney), United States of Auradon is Not Perfect (Disney), Anti-Magic Laws in United States of Auradon (Disney), revolution but through politics and political unrest, Evie & Jay & Mal & Carlos de Vil as Found Family, well more like wolf shifter through magic, and it's tehh only thing he can do with magic, Isle of the Lost (Disney) is a Terrible Place, Protagonist Kids Have Weird Superiority Complexes, And How Terrible The Conditions These Kids Lived in Were, Alternate Universe - Superheroes/Superpowers, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism.
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