First of all, Strahd as a character can be improved. Majesto is the imp familiar of Lady Wachter, loaned to her by Strahd. Guards littered Strahd with arrows as penance, but the son of King Barov had consumed the blood of his brother and embraced undeath. I meant to put this in a different section. Feel free to use any part of this as you please. Recharged: Tomb of Annihilation. [15], Mordenkainen was a good friend of Elminster Aumar; the two met on numerous occasions at Ed Greenwood's house on Earth to exchange news from each other's worlds, as well as spells and lore. Either to taunt them or try to win them over and have them join his side, and with the excellent writing present in this module some of the more morally ambiguous PCs may find themselves tempted to even join him. Baratok is actually Mordenkainen who has gone mad. A very charismatic man, he was. Ezekiel is a Prince of Agartha and a chosen of Lathander. Instead of her being obviously evil (which by the way everyone figures out as soon as you mention "her sorrow soul asking for forgiveness so you should totally bring her back to life"), she is truly repented. 9780786967155: 1-10 Spelljammer: Adventures in Space: August 16, 2022 Skennis is the retired alpha of the werewolf pack in Barovia. They journeyed to the valley in search of a miracle cure for Tereska, which ended in Incentus having to carry Tereska to Ravenloft. Baron Vargas Vallakovich is the burgomaster of Vallaki, and credits his extreme ruling methods as keeping Strahd out of the territory. (This is false, but it is believed). Arabelle is the only daughter of Luvash, and granddaughter of Madam Eva. The Vampyr is a mysterious entity that first spread the secret of vampirism and is responsible for Strahd's curse. Although not featured in Ravenloft products prior to Curse of Strahd, he appears in that module after having lost his memories and gone mad. Since then this module has been a fan favorite for new and experienced players alike, and of course the main focus is our big bad evil guy Strahd von Zarovich himself. Tatyana was the fiance of Sergei von Zarovich, and is the only victim of Strahd's curse whose soul reincarnates perfectly. Lady Fidatova is the last of the Fidatov line of artisans, and is herself a brilliant mathematician. Udo is the missing shoemaker of Vallaki, having led a small protest against the Baron at the Wolf Jamboree. Sporting 16 AC and 144hp, standard vampire resistances, vampire immunities, and his highest saves are +9. Dhavit is the endlessly busy chef at Wachterhaus. Dungeons & Dragons, D&D, their respective logos, and all Wizards titles and characters are property of Wizards of the Coast LLC in the U.S.A. and other countries. How do I make a super cool final boss for my players? She became obsessed with him, even following his deadly conquests into Barovia after she became estranged from him. Arrigal is Luvash's roguish younger brother and second-in-command of the greater Vistani camp. Long has the Mad Mage dwelt in these forlorn depths, seeding his lair with monsters, traps, and mysteriesto what end is a constant source of speculation and concern. I like the idea of him being a murderous egocentric, but when you say his story out loud, with him murdering his brother because he couldn't get Tatyana to love himand then being obsessed with the girl that keeps rejecting him My players called him a simp since the first session, and I couldn't really blame them. Strahd even has an accountant named Lief Lipsiege whos been an intriguing fixture of Ravenloft since the original I6 module. Previously, the birds had met the Mad Mage of Mt. The book enhances the original Curse of Strahd module, which you will still need. [12], Although Mordenkainen resided primarily on Oerth, by at least the Year of the Shield, 1367 DR, his spells were not uncommon among spellbooks in Faern. It looks fantastic. The key is to remember that Strahd isnt a brawler, hes a leader and his stat block reflects that. Grygori is one of many talented smiths in his ancestry, having still only inherited a fraction of the abilities of the man he believes worked simultaneously with Strahd and Artimus Fidatov. Sir. Ben is a serving swain at the Hoofprint inn in Merryway. But when the devil Strahd fell upon him, the wizards magic couldnt save him. Mordenkainen's spells known in the Realms included: Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Recharged: Waterdeep Dungeon of the Mad Mage. Pidlwick was the jester of Duchess Dorfniya who told him to work at Ravenloft in her will. Disclaimer: This article contains affiliate links that add gold to our coffers. He occasionally visited Avernus to study the effects of the Nine Hells over the schools of magic and to ensure the balance of the universe. Otto is an egotistical but incompetent guard of the Abbey of St. Markovia. Marjane is a charismatic animal handler who enjoys meeting the few travellers who visit Merryway. Are there any deeper implications of his appearance here? Details about the challenges of converting 2D maps to 3D. Whether Strahd truly understands the nature of the Dark Powers that have shackled him to the Domains of Dread is a matter up for debate. Amazing article! Dominik is the snappy and ambitious tailor of Krezk, having hired Szoldar Sr. to help him move there to escape the monotony of Vargon's festivals. Strahd is as much a prisoner of Barovia as he is its master. His son remains the only heir but also wants his father to be taken downand so secretly helps the party under an alias and servants. Mordenkainen with his staff. Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage More from this Title's Contributors Customers Who Bought this Title also Purchased . His paranoia renders him hostile to intruders, and his magical protections make it difficult for anyone to restore his sanity. Assemble your crew Keys from the Golden Vault is available now Chief Gallowbottom is the leader of Schnoken's former tribe in the Lunar Woods. Angelika was Davian's wife, best friend, and mother of their four children, and was killed by Baba Lysaga. He is described as a "mad mage" who came to the valley to defeat its ruler but caught a case of amnesia in the process. Victor has agreed to travel with the players after Amari revealed that no one can leave Barovia, even by magical means, unless Strahd is killed. Her thirst for power turned into love when she got closer to Strahd, and this is when the curse kicked in, making the dusk elves kill her before she could steal Strahd's heart. Urwin Martikov is the timid eldest child of Davian Martikov, the husband of Danika, and the father of Brom and Bray. Curse of Strahd is an adventure book for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game. Peruse nuanced portrayals of Dracula in film as inspiration for Strahd. Varvara is the eldest child of the Vaskroffs, and was born without a soul. He believes that if he can make all of his people happy, then they can escape Strahd. However, my players assumed she was a towngirl who had been charmed. When I tackled this, I wanted to offer my players some way to actually defeat the curse, and have more than one encounter make way more sense. (Maybe a lifetime in servitude keeping tabs on a vampires finances is a fate worse than undeath?). He broke his leg and lost his horse during the a search for Arabelle. The prophecy of Madam Eva referenced a wizard at the base of Mount Baratok. curse of strahd mad mage stats +1 (760) 205-9936. Covering The Best In Video Games, Esports, Movies and Geek Culture There are segments of Barovian society that resist Strahds rule. If you are just starting your campaign, I also recommend getting a Guide to the Curse of Strahd campaign. Indigo is a senior guard at Fidatov manor, nicknamed after her colour-blindness. [16] On occasion, the two were also joined by Dalamar of Krynn. [6], He later changed his hairstyle, favoring a bald head and a trimmed goatee, but lost none of his penetrating stare. Earl Felwinter was the ruler of Felwinter Isle and a victim of Captain Eriana's satiation of Scylla. Kasimir is the sorrowful leader of the remaining dusk elves of Barovia, driven by his guilt over how he doomed them to a thousand-year genocide. If you want your players to experience horror, they should never really grasp them. Shar the Nightsinger is the goddess of darkness, loss and the night. Grunts is a senior guard at Fidatov manor, nicknamed after his taciturnity. Come on, everyone is gonna love the mad otter mage! Tarokka Reading. Queen Ravenovia van Roeyen - not Queen Ravonia. So he studied in the amber temple a way to save Barovia, Tricking the dark lords into thinking he was just after immortality. They associate its image and power with that of Strahd, the Land. This could, and probably will, turn party members against each other or could potentially make them think one of them is a plant for the big man himself. JavaScript is currently disabled. Old Katerina is a collector and trader in Krezk, who acts as an obscure charity shop owner. The original I6 Ravenloft module, however, contains a compelling description: Barovians are, by tradition, a happy people, though their history and current conditions are not happy.. DEC/16. I actually did something similar. General Kroval "Mad Dog" Grislek. He became known by the locals as the Mad Mage of Mount Baratok.". We think you'll have a much more enjoyable experience. The Mad Mage. Lazlo is a bookbinder on Fidatov estate, and has worked closely with Fidatova's family since he was young. Until she reached Tenebrous, where she took the power, and became evil, with a goal of lichdom, she attacked the PC's, and eventually escaped to enact her wish of immortality.Upon Strahd's defeat, the PC's encountered her again, this time a as a demilich. Riven is the mysterious patron of Azuron, who first made contact with him during his refuge in a meteorite cave in Scylla's cliff. . However, he underestimated Strahd's power and, after barely surviving a confrontation with him, he lost his spellbook and his staff, eventually losing his memory and being driven to the brink of madness. Exethanter is a blind lich, and the last survivor of the original Amber Circle. Sasha is a reincarnation of Tatyana, and vampire spawn of Strahd. My question is: Does his appearance in . Margo is the younger Vaskroff sister, and believes that she 'took her sister's soul' when she was born. Baratok, so I got ready to run the archmage stat block according to the modifications CoS sets forth. Talos the Stormbringer is the god of destruction, storms and rebellion. Notable Relations: Erasmus was the son of Dr. Van Richten turned vampire spawn of Baron Metus. Dag is the husband of Stefania and father of four at the Wizard of the Wines. Recharged: Waterdeep Dragon Heist. Victor should actually just be a teenager with a crush on Stella and a really bad take on magic. Jeny owns a mysterious apothecary shack outside of Vallaki visited only by desperate townsfolk. When the character is resurrected they gain a form of indefinite madness from realizing that their spirit is trapped in Ravenloft, possibly forever. Davian is the widower patriarch of the Martikov family, and the owner of the Wizard of the Wines Winery. 1 / 2. Baratok is actually Mordenkainen who has gone mad. Muriel is a spy for the Keepers of the Feather, and the only one brave enough to be regularly assigned to Baba Lysaga. Because the Mists of Barovia are undiscriminating in who they pull in, Dungeon Masters are free to inject some iconic and unusual allies into this Domain of Dread, from Elminster to Drizzt DoUrden. Strahds kingdom was spirited away to the Domains of Dread, and Strahd became an immortal ruler haunted by untouchable reincarnations of Tatyana. His impeccable memory makes up for his dreadful handwriting. Strahds subjects live in three major communities: Barovians are superstitious and distrustful, and Curse of Strahd states that only about one in 10 of them truly possess a soul. 16. Locally, he is only known as the Mad Mage of Mount Baratok. Curse of Strahd- The Mad Mage. Sophia was the middle daughter of Anna and Dmitri Krezkov, and died from a hereditary disease. Whoops. His . First published. On the day of Tatyana and Sergeis wedding, Strahd flew into a rage and murdered his brother. Quasimodo is the moniker given by Vilnius to his quasit familiar. The Mad Mage's mind connection to Strahd. I'll put the main points under spoilers if anyone wants to browse. Please note, this article will contain Curse of Strahd spoilers! Lolth the Spider Queen is the goddess of drow, spiders and assassination. Ithink the first thing you can improve is to make it clear his obsession is part of his curse, and not his own nature. Forgotten Realms Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Gili is the co-founder of the Beast's Rose tailor. Henry is the collector for the Dusklight Supply Shop, and often finds himself as the personable hub of festival preparation in concordance with the Baroness.
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