You observe a colleague with a sudden increased alcohol intake (e.g., frequent heavy consumption, drinking until drunk) what is the appropriate action? Events that require the facility to be open outside of regular business hours, Events that affect the proper safeguarding of classified information, Any change in the number of GSA security containers being used at the contractor facility to protect classified information, An increase or decrease in the number of classified documents stored at the contractor facility. -Anything that affects the proper safeguarding of classified information Any agreement negotiated also may apply automatically to separate contractors who are found to be joint employers. Visitors Facility Security Officer (FSO), DSS Headquarters Industrial Security Integration and Application (IP) Programs. During a periodic reinvestigation of a cleared individual, During the applicants initial PCL investigation, Only when the applicant is seeking Top Secret clearance eligibility. Federal contractors must report the names and total compensation for the contractors five most highly compensated officials and first-tier subcontractor awards on contracts expected to reach at least $25,000. Which of the following countermeasures is considered among the most effective for all organizations? The __________________ develops and implements a facilitys security program. By Dion Y. Kohler, Laura A. Mitchell, Michael H. Neifach, Amy L. Peck, Robert R. Perry and Patricia Anderson Pryor. Select all that apply. None. Alternatively, the contractor can spend at least the same amount on health insurance benefits. -Terrorist organizations contractors must report which of these select all that apply. One way to do this is by conducting a thorough bid/no-bid analysis that meets your company's goals and is in line with your long-term strategy. Working late one evening on a priority project, Helen left several classified documents visible on her desk while she stepped away from her desk for a moment. ; Use the DE 542 Print Specifications (PDF) to generate an alternate form. Select all that apply. Self-Inspection Handbook for NISP Contractors, Suggested Contract File Folder Headings job aid. 1. initiative combines industry-leading health and safety standards with virtual technologies designed to keep real estate moving forward, and give our employees, customers and partners confidence and support to stay safe. This material may be considered attorney advertising in some jurisdictions. The Commander is responsible for the development of the AT plan. The company has merged with another company and is under new ownership. The Weegy: A modal verb (also modal, modal auxiliary verb, modal auxiliary) is a type of auxiliary verb that is used to U. S. government employees and contractors must report which of the following? The Secretary of Defense is the Executive Agent of the National Industrial Security Program and is responsible for overall implementation of the program. Select all that apply. Details as to why it is not possible or practical to comply with the requirement. A contractor awarded a covered contract or subcontract requiring use of E-Verify, if not already enrolled, will have 30 calendar days after the contract award date to enroll in the E-Verify program. Which of the following statements are true? Select all that apply. Given the complexities involved, employers would be well-served to address their particular situations with experienced counsel. Pursuant, T.C.A. Select all that apply. 2. Who must submit the RFV when a foreign national needs to visit a U.S. contractor facility to discuss classified information? Adam is an expert in his organizations dual use technology. The EEO-1 Deadline is March 30 each year, and the VETS-4212 deadline is September 30 each year. Specific clearance and access requirements, Authorization to generate classified information, A method for denying an adversary access to our critical information. Whose primary responsibility is working with Industrial Security Representatives (IS Reps) and contractor personnel to authorize and maintain classified Information Systems? When they identify assets, they should include only classified information. These policies protect the business in case of theft, damage, or if one of their employees gets injured. Failure to report unauthorized disclosure of classified information does not affect the service members safety. Security control measures are the responsibility of the Cognizant Security Agency. Construction contractors with a federal construction contract or federally assisted construction contract, or subcontract, of at least $10,000 must follow the non-discrimination and related provisions of EO 11246. Some federal contracts and subcontracts may require the contractor to provide paid sick leave. Information System Security Professional/Security Control Assessor (ISSP/SCA), Information System Security Manager (ISSM). What document signed by President Reagan directed the establishment of OPSEC programs, and in what year did this document become law? This is known as the duty to bargain. A coworker shares that she and her husband are facing foreclosure, and she doesn't know what to do. Contractors must report which of these? This can include disciplines, schedules, wages and benefits (of bargaining unit employees), personnel files, medical information, policies and procedures, payroll records, and the like. = 2 5/20 Most inside offenders display concerning behaviors before acting directly against their organization. Who administers and oversees the contractor security program? Insurance certificates or proof of insurance. Observable and detectable items that can be pieced together through analysis to reveal sensitive information about your operation are called. ; Order the DE 542 form from our Online Forms and Publications. Even though a contractors SCA Section 4c obligations apply for only one year, if the contractor staffs its workforce with a majority of the predecessor contractors employees who were subject to the CBA, it cannot change wages and benefits (or any other term of employment) when the year is up without first negotiating with the union. The Contracting Officers Representative (COR) is authorized to make changes to the contract, even if those changes affect price or quality. prioritize the distribution of resources for applying countermeasures. The new employee has a current Top Secret eligibility, which was granted by her previous employer. Hostile entities may use social media to _______________ ? We need to identify an adversary's intent. Evidence of tampering with your facility's classified storage container is an example of what type of security threat? When the successor contractor initially solicits the predecessor contractors employees for employment, it must state that the contractor will not be honoring the prior contractors CBA if the contractor does not wish to be bound by it. Which of the following statements are true? User: 3/4 16/9 Weegy: 3/4 ? User: She worked really hard on the project. Identifying a unit based upon how they deploy their equipment is an example of. contractors are adequate for the protection of classified information. -Employees The contractor also must certify annually to the contracting officer that it has implemented a compliant plan (including due diligence investigation) and that, to the best of its knowledge, it is not aware of any violations. F.EO 13658 (Minimum Wage for Contractors). Government employees temporarily stationed at a contractor facility ______ control of their work products to the contractor. WINDOWPANE is the live-streaming app for sharing your life as it happens, without filters, editing, or anything fake. Select all that apply. Select all that apply. An employers right to seek medical certification for the leave is limited. Select all that apply All 4 answers A coworker shares that she and her husband are facing foreclosure, and she doesn't know what to do. %PDF-1.6 % Foreign Ownership, Control, or Influence (FOCI) Operations Division, Personnel Security Management Office for Industry (PSMO-I), Center for Development of Security Excellence (CDSE). Select all that apply. Which of the following includes all the steps necessary for processing a facility clearance and a list of the documents and information that the Facility Security Officer (FSO) must gather to prepare for the Facility Clearance Branch (FCB) telephonic survey? SF 328, Certificate Pertaining to Foreign Interests, SF 86, Questionnaire for National Security Positions. Which of the following is considered a potential insider threat vulnerability? A successor contractor for a contract to provide services of a predecessor contractor with a collective bargaining agreement (CBA) in place which replaced the U.S. Department of Labors (DOL) Wage Determination for the contract must honor the wage rates and covered fringe benefit provisions of that CBA for the first year of the contract. _____ describes the level of information to which a person is authorized access based on a background investigation. Although all private employers with at least 100 employees must prepare annual EEO-1 reports, covered contractors and subcontractors must identify themselves as such on those reports. No specific terms or language is required to be included in a CBA. . Any form of violence Directed at an individual or group For a specific reason A member of your team openly discusses her financial difficulties and her inability to meet her financial obligations. c. Lower its output. The 20-year limitation on annual payments does not apply in the event of a mass withdrawal; this can result in the employer making withdrawal liability payments in perpetuity. = 45/20 Further, payments to a contractor or subcontractor may be withheld by the funding agency to cover unpaid wages or penalties that result from overtime payment violations. A successor contractor can satisfy its obligation to provide the same health insurance benefits of the predecessor contractor by matching the benefit. DoD Insider Threat Awareness Quiz_ Nov 2022 (Answered). 6 2/3 What type of violation has occurred? Shift its marginal cost curve upward. Given this, and the effect PLAs can have on labor and other project costs, contractors submitting bids on construction projects should diligently review each contract solicitation to determine if a PLA will be required. b. annual clearance justification reviews Employees desiring not to perform on classified work, Change conditions affecting the facility clearance. -In written communications -A tendency to believe others are honest. . -Keeping unauthorized backups DoD Directive 5240.06, CI Awareness and Reporting (CIAR), DoD 5220.22-M, the National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM). In writing to your DSS IS Rep at the DSS field office. Which resource guides Facility Security Officers (FSOs) through the self-inspection process and provides techniques to improve the quality of self-inspections? Therefore, consider including a clause providing that the requirement that the employer terminate an employee for failing to maintain good standing with the union will not be enforced if the termination would cause the employer to be non-compliant with its contract with the government client or to incur additional overtime expense. A contractor facility may access and store classified material as soon as the Facility Clearance (FCL) is granted. Other technical obligations include drafting, implementing, and disseminating a prescribed equal employment opportunity (EEO)/Policy Statement, ensuring that all job postings contain an EEO Tag Line, annually providing all vendors a notice of the employers federal contractor status, incorporating an Equal Opportunity Clause in each of the employers covered subcontracts, notifying all unions of the employers federal contractor status (if applicable), and posting a number of notices on the employers careers website, including an applicant-accessibility statement. According to section 10.2.8, the general contractor should report any work-related accident in writing to the owner, and will be responsible for any costs the owner incurs related to the accident. Which of the following countermeasures may be necessary if routine activities provide an adversary with tip-offs to critical information? To whom does the FSO submit the applicants completed SF-86 and both signed release forms? Why do we need to have threat information? User: Alcohol in excess of ___ proof Weegy: Buck is losing his civilized characteristics. The Government Funding Transparency Act of 2008 (GFTA) requires the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to establish a free, public website containing full disclosure of all federal contract award information. Which of the following statements concerning activity tip-offs is correct? Otherwise, a contractor would need to wait until it is required to file an EEO-1 report and receive an EEO-1 identifier to register for the portal. Specific facts about friendly intentions, capabilities, and operations vitally needed by adversaries to plan and act effectively is called. -is what's meant by the phrase "The domesticated generations fell Weegy: A suffix is added to the end of a word to alter its meaning. = 15 ? makes OPSEC principles second nature to your employees. Unauthorized receipt of classified material. 6286 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<2EB85691B785E04CA2BDC113E686BC84>]/Index[6275 20]/Info 6274 0 R/Length 76/Prev 582482/Root 6276 0 R/Size 6295/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream Insiders may include which of these groups of people? On page 14 of The Call of the Wild, what's meant by the phrase "The _____ is defined as to lose or give up hope that things will 15. Report the concerning behavior to your security officer. Industrial Security Representative (IS Rep). The definition of Targeted Violence includes which of these components? b. look at your operation from both the friendly and adversary perspectives. Your security office This will allow the contractor to understand the extent to which the PLA will affect the costs of the work and bid accordingly. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome. Which paragraph of the AT plan lists the specific task for each subordinate unit? Which of the following is used in the PCL process to determine a candidates eligibility? U.S. Government employees and contractors must report which of the following? The contractor also must post the applicable Wage Determination. Existing paid time off (PTO) policies may be acceptable satisfaction of these obligations if they comply with all of the elements of EO 13706. 3. In fact, the government mandates that contractors who are awarded a contract above a certain threshold ($5.5 million to be performed over at least 120 days) MUST have a code of business ethics and conduct and, for large, noncommercial items contractors, a business ethics awareness program and internal control system. In the NISPOM, what location does 1-302 represent? 2W151 Volume 1: Safety and Security - Quiz 7, 2W151 Volume 1: Safety and Security - Quiz 6. -Contractors c. reporting required information. Contact Us! Jackson Lewis attorneys are available to discuss these and other issues that affect government contractors. A successor contractor will be required to pay the hourly wage rates in the CBA and any wage increases that occur during the first year of the contract. Which of the following topics is NOT included in the National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM)? In connection with this, the DCAA evaluates whether costs are allocated to coincide appropriately with each employees division of time. -Competitors This need to be reported to the companys IS Rep? contractors must report which of these select all that apply. American Society for Industrial Security International (ASIS), NCMS, the Society of Industrial Security Professionals, Industrial Security Awareness Council (ISAC). The E-Verify federal contractor rule only affects federal contractors who are awarded a new contract on or after the effective date of the rule, September 8, 2009, that includes the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) E-Verify clause (73 FR 67704).
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