Innovation in Structural Heart DiseaseThe Promise of Transcatheter Electrosurgery. This event is currently planned as a hybrid conference, with in-person as well as virtual access to the program. It has been a pleasure to work with such a competent and convivial organization as CVrg and you helped us understand many things., It would take someone here decades to put together all this information., We are continuing our subscription next year. AHA does NOT recommend the use of these services nor does AHA share attendee lists outside of its official postal mailing lists. @ClinmedUef tutkija Nzechukwu Isiozor sai Paul Dudley White International Scholar -palkinnon, onnea! ft. Unauthorized use prohibited. Join fellow executive leaders from the nation's top hospitals and health systems at the 2023 AHA Annual Membership Meeting, April 23-25 in Washington, D.C., and help impact health care issues essential to patients, health care workers and communities. AHA:n EPI | Lifestyle Scientific Sessions 2023 -tapahtumassa palkittu tiivistelm tarkasteli 8 elintapa- ja riskitekijn yhteytt aivoinfarktiin. Nkechinyere Ijioma, MBBS, FAHA Friday, November 4, 2022. *Red Dress DHHS, Go Red AHA ; National Wear Red Day is a registered trademark. Heart Rhythm 2023., Lauren Belanger Using The Exhibitor View. Frontiers in Science: Atherosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology: The Battle of The Lipoproteins: What is driving Residual Cardiovascular Risk? Bridget Blaney $175. Late-breaking Basic Science Submissions Scientific Sessions 2023 Registration and Housing. University of Cincinnati, CE.CVS.334 State of the Art in Understanding the Genetics and Genomics of Cardiac Disease She excels at conducting primary research with KOLs and is an expert at integrating analyses from primary and secondary research to determine the future marketplace. Dallas, TX 75231 Explore our #AHA22 programming and start building your schedule now. Exhibit rates: . I specifically discussed your work and the high quality last night with my boss the CMO as well as top KOL and our head of Marketing., We find CVrg reports to be of the highest quality and use them often., I HIGHLY recommend the CVrg Conference reports. Registration and Housing are Now Open! BEWARE OF DATA POACHERS AND FRAUDULENT WEBSITES. is the only official website for exhibiting, advertising and sponsorships at any American Heart Association conferences. Feb. 8-10, 2023 Dallas, TX + Virtual Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center. The American Heart Association's Scientific Sessions, AHA 2023 will be held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States, between 11 - 13 November 2023. Cathleen Gorby(LEAD) Scientific Sessions 2022 Exhibits open 9:00 a.m. 4:30 p.m. Scientific Sessions 2022 Exhibits open 9:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Scientific Sessions 2022 Exhibits open 9:00 a.m. 3:00 p.m. Friday, November 4, 2022 Don't miss the best presentations from #ISC23. . Presentation Title: CON: Trials vs. Registries - Making the Case for Progress in Cardio-Oncology Research, Abdulla A. Damluji, MD, PhD Mayo Clinic, IN.ME.402 Implementing The 2021 ACC/AHA/SCAI Guideline for Coronary Artery Revascularization Into Real World Practice 214-706-1353 practicing physicians, and academic researchers. CUSTOMER ASSISTANCE. 3, 2023 Boston, MA Omni Boston Hotel at . We are dedicated to ensuring equitable health in all communities. EXHIBITOR REGISTRATION WILL OPEN SUMMER 2022. In 2023, the Annual American Heart Association (AHA) Scientific Sessions, will take place in Philadelphia, PA, from November 11-13. The American College of Cardiology joins with the World Heart Federation to host ACC.23 Together With WCC (ACC.23/WCC) in New Orleans, LA, March 4 - 6, 2023. Presentation Title:The Clinical Cardiovascular Genetics and Genomics Boot Camp, Roxana Mehran, MD, FACC, FAHA, MSCAI, FESC Connect one-on-one with basic investigators promoting interaction among participants. The American Heart Association is a qualified 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. BioPharma Resource Groups|PrivacyPolicy. Connect with privacy. Find best hotel deals near the venue . Contact Us We look forward to seeing you at another AHA conference soon! including the annual Scientific Sessions, and several specialty conferences throughout the . Related Topics Health, Lecturer: Adam Greenbaum, MD, FSCAI. Here is a compilation of our coverage, listed by title of NEJM Journal Watch summary, with the study article's first author in parentheses. Advertising & Exhibitor Sales Monday - Friday: 7AM - 9PM CST American Heart Association (AHA) Scientific Sessions 2021. 3, 2023! Presentation Title: Managing Atrial and Ventricular Arrhythmias in LVAD Recipients, Carolyn Ho, MD, FAHA Home; Sessions; Floor Plan; My Show Planner Search. The meeting will be held in Boston, February 28-March 3, 2023, and offers the latest science on population- . ft. American Heart Association Cathleen Gorby (LEAD) Exhibit Sales and Advertising Company Names E-L and S-Th 913-344-1305 Presentation Title: Inherited Causes of Clonal Hematopoiesis in Whole Genomes - Link to Cardiovascular Disease, Tochi M. Okwuosa, D.O. Join us for EPI|Lifestyle 2023 in Boston, MA on Feb. 28-Mar. IM.EC.251 Multimodality Imaging in Chest Pain: What, When and to Which Patients? *Other restrictions may apply. May 11-13, 2023 | Boston, MA Pre-Sessions Symposia & Early Career Day: November 4, Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis Vascular Biology, Cardiac Development Structure and Function, Congenital Heart Disease and Pediatric Cardiology, Other Cardiovascular and Stroke Related Conferences, Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy for Professionals, Improving Outcomes in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation, Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) for Professionals, National Hispanic Latino Cardiovascular Collaborative, Heart and Kidney Outcome Trials: A Deep Dive into Trial Design, Frontiers in Science: Arrhythmia Research Summit - Bench to Bedside: Translating new Players in Arrhythmogenesis, Frontiers in Science: Arrhythmia Research Summit - Inherited Arrhythmias: A 2022 Update, State of The Art Cardiovascular Care: Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease And updates on COVID-19, Congenital Heart Research and Innovation: 2022 and Beyond: Power in numbers: Updates on CHD Clinical Trials and Multicenter Studies, Frontiers in Science: Atherosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology: Blood Clots in infections? Considered one of the most important medical meetings on this subject in the world, the conference includes oral and poster presentations selected from abs. Please only purchase meeting assets from AHA corporate relations team members with emails, or from representatives of our only official sales vendor, Ascend Media, with emails. New for 2022, the Pre-Sessions Symposia & Early Career Day on Friday, November 4, will host 41 sessions over 9 hours -- a more robust and interactive schedule than previous years, featuring distinguished symposia events, early career development offerings, and more opportunities for networking and mentoring. 2023 American Heart Association, Inc. All rights reserved. 15:00-16:30. Includes one entry-level booth in the virtual environment. 3, 2023! Tel: +1 (305) 851-6963. University of Arizona College of Medicine. This week, NEJM Journal Watch has brought you coverage of selected study findings presented at the American Heart Association's annual Scientific Sessions. Presentation Title: AF Ablation Periprocedural AAD and AC Management, Christine Seidman, MD, FAHA She received her B.A. Fax: 508-743-9610 Email: [emailprotected] Learn More >>>. Convention Data Services The American Heart Association's EPI/LIFESTYLE 2023 Scientific Sessions is the world's premier meeting dedicated to the latest advances in population-based science. Were We Ready for COVID-19, Frontiers in Science: Vascular Disease- Unmet Needs in Post-Thrombotic Syndrome: Spotlight on Mechanisms, Outcomes and Therapies, Periprocedural Kidney Function Optimization: A Converging Point for Nephrology and Interventional Cardiology, Frontiers in Science: Arrhythmia Research Summit - Bench to Bedside: Translating New Approaches to AF Ablation, Frontiers in Science: Arrhythmia Research Summit - Evaluation and Management of Syncope and Cardiac Dysautonomias: A 2022 Update, State of the Art Cardiovascular Care: Atrial Fibrillation, Stroke and Heart Failure, Congenital Heart Research & Innovation: 2022 and Beyond: What Have We Learned? Larry A. Allen, MD, MHS, FAHA Presentation Title: The Potential for Gene Editing as a Lipid Management Strategy, Carolyn SP Lam, MBBS, PhD 1-888-242-2453 Some started with an idea and achieved 1M ARR in less than a year. Contact Your Exhibits Team. More importantly, it is now providing more sessions related to higher education politics and policy . Presentation Title: Quadruple Therapy for HFrEF: Implementation to Titration, Khadijah Breathett, MD, MS, FACC, FAHA, FHFSA Medscape Medical News, November 2, 2022. Mount Sinai Saint Luke's Hospital, IN.ME.402 Implementing The 2021 ACC/AHA/SCAI Guideline For Coronary Artery Revascularization Into Real World Practice Company Names M-P and Tu-Z Sept. 7-10, 2023 | Boston, MA Presentation Title: Not So Fast. Presentation Title:Effective Interventions to Promote Shared Decision Making, Geoffrey Barnes, MD, MSc, FAHA 3, 2023! AHA Scientific Sessions 2023 American Heart Association Annual Scientific Sessions. You do such a thorough job of collecting important news and distilling out the facts and implications., Thanks for your contributions (with your team) over these many years. PR Medical Events is pleased to support your group with accommodation at preferential rates in our partner hotels during AHA 2023 as well as any other travel related service (on-site ., Maureen Mauer If you think you may have purchased any AHA conference asset from a fraudulent person or website, please contact immediately. In "Late-Breaking Science Abstracts and Featured Science Abstracts From the American Heart Association's Scientific Sessions 2022 and Late-Breaking Abstracts in Resuscitation Science From the Resuscitation Science Symposium 2022," which published in the December 20, 2022, issue of the journal (Circulation.2022;146:e569-e611.DOI: 10.1161/CIR.0000000000001116), a correction is needed. . AHA Signs On to ACLS Statement in Support of Academic Freedom and New College of Florida (February 2023) Manager of Teaching and Learning Testifies before Virginia Board of Education (February 2023) AHA Letter to US Secretary of State Urging Assistance with Safe Return of Pierre Buteau (January 2023) Jan. 2 : July 4: Jan 16 : Sept 4: . Early Bird rate starts December 1, 2022..$36 per sq. Please only purchase meeting assets from AHA corporate . Inova Heart and Vascular Institute, AC.CVS.230 Mechanical Complications After Acute Myocardial Infarction: What Do You Need to Know In 2022? Phone: 214-706-1173, For membership status questions or Professional Heart Daily account questions contact: is the only official website for exhibiting, advertising and sponsorships at any American Heart Association conferences. McGill University Health Centre, IM.ME.478 Not Your Father's Heart Disease: The research was presented at the American Heart Association's Epidemiology, Prevention, Lifestyle & Cardiometabolic Health Scientific Sessions in Boston. Hours Indiana University, HF.CVS.217 Health Disparities Across the Heart Failure Disease Spectrum: A Way Forward? Company Names E-L and S-Th Exhibit Sales and Advertising Extend your reach with cardiology professionals dedicated to Epidemiology & Prevention and Lifestyle and Cardiometabolic Health. Incorporate evidence-based solutions in employer sponsored health offerings for employees and families.. It continues to include sessions on the newest research, but has expanded to provide more engaging teaching workshops. Moderator, Henry Ginsberg, MD, FAHA Duke University School of Medicine, GE.CVS.109 Clinical Cardiovascular Genetics Boot Camp ACHE Breakfast Meeting. . Contact Your Exhibits Team. AHA Scientific Sessions 2022 includes both in-person and virtual programming and events. 913-344-1321 Reach: In-person and virtual attendees plus 550,000+ AHA members and cardiovascular disease professionals via a link in an ePreview.*. Hours Presentation Title: Creating an Antiracist System to Promote Equity in Heart Failure, Rene Bullock-Palmer, MD, FAHA, FACC, FASNC, FASE, FSCCT Find exhibitors and make a plan for AHA Scientific Sessions 2023. Company Names A-D and Q-R Laura Niklason, Founder, President, and CEO of Humacyte Shares her Views from the HAV Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Data Presented at the AHA Scientific Sessions 2022. This international cardiovascular conference for healthcare professionals is the biggest of the year! Cathleen Gorby(LEAD), Bridget Blaney Last day Freeman will accept materials to Freeman Warehouse without penalty. Reunite with your colleagues from around the world, explore the latest science and innovation, and learn about practice-changing updates in care. . National Institutes of Health, EP.CVS.405 The 'Epidemic of Epidemics' - Intersectionality of Cardiometabolic Diseases and Social Inequalities from a Syndemic Perspective Join us for EPI|Lifestyle 2023 in Boston, MA on Feb. 28Mar. 3, 2023! Paul J Wang, MD, FAHA The American Heart Association's official Facebook page for our scientific conferences including Scientific Sessions (#AHA20) and ISC (#ISC21). Customer Service Sheraton Philadelphia Downtown, Philadelphia, PA, Target engaged resuscitation clinicians and researchers. Brigham and Womens Hospital. 7272 Greenville Ave. The way you do things lets us make strategic decisions at high levels., I rely so much on CVrgs updates. Phone: 1-888-242-2453 or 214-570-5935, Media Inquiries Up Next: AHA 2023 Conferences. Frontiers in Science: Vascular Disease - Bringing Novel Devices to Patient, CRRT in the Cardiac Critical Care Setting: An Overview for the Cardiologist, Frontiers in Science: Arrhythmia Research Summit - Novel Imaging Modalities from Bench to Bedside, Frontiers in Science: Arrhythmia Research Summit - Advances in Digital Health and Artificial Intelligence in Arrhythmia Management, State of the Art Cardiovascular Care: Updates in Interventional Structural Heart Disease, Congenital Heart Research & Innovation: 2022 and Beyond: Where do we go next? Monday - Friday: 7AM - 9PM CST Scientific Sessions attracts nearly 18,000 professional attendees, with a global presence from more than 100 countries. AHA Hypertension Scientific Sessions 2023 is held in Boston MA, United States, from 9/7/2023 to 9/7/2023 in Sheraton Boston Hotel. Pre-Sessions Symposia & Early Career Day: November 10, 2023, Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis Vascular Biology, Cardiac Development Structure and Function, Congenital Heart Disease and Pediatric Cardiology, Other Cardiovascular and Stroke Related Conferences, Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy for Professionals, Improving Outcomes in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation, Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) for Professionals, National Hispanic Latino Cardiovascular Collaborative, Explore Scientific Sessions OnDemand from 2022, Late-Breaking Basic Science Abstract Submission Opens, Late-Breaking Science Abstract Submission Opens, Late-Breaking Basic Science Abstract Submission Closes, Late-Breaking Science Abstract Submission Closes. American Heart Association Scientific Sessions 2023 Future Meetings. Closed on Sundays. [emailprotected], National Center 7272 Greenville Ave Dallas, TX 75231. . Poster: Deep Learning-Based Detection of Left Ventricular Systolic Dysfunction from Noisy Single Lead Electrocardiography Adapted for Wearable Devices. Director, Exhibits and Sponsorship Email: [emailprotected] The American Heart Association's EPI/LIFESTYLE 2023 Scientific Sessions is the world's premier meeting dedicated to the latest advances in population-based science. USA. High salt diet-induced hypertension promotes vascular inflammation, derangement and shedding of eGC thereby disrupting vascular integrity, as well as impacting vascular protein mediators of contractility, metabolism, mechanotransduction, and coagulation cascades. PR.ME.459 The Evolving Landscape of Lipid Management EPI Lifestyle 2023. Dallas, TX 75231 The AHA's Annual Membership Meeting maximizes your time - from thought-provoking panels . Scientific Sessions 2022 has concluded. 913-344-1321 The floor plan provides a visual map of the entire event. Visit Boston Marriott Copley Place | Boston, Massachusetts, July 31Aug. 913-344-1321, Lauren Belanger Customer Service Be sure to save the date for Scientific Sessions 2023 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, November 1113, with Pre-Sessions Symposia and Early Career Day on November 10. 2024 AHA Annual Membership Meeting Sunday, April 14 - Tuesday, April 16, 2024 Washington, D.C. Presentation Title: Broadening the Scope of Dyslipidemia Therapy by Targeting APOC3 and ANGPTL3, Rakesh Gopinathannair, MD, MA, FAHA Pre-Conference Symposia & Early Career Day. Moderator, Dr. Michelle Williams, MBChB, PhD, FRCR, FSCCT UCLA Medical Center, PR.CVS.236 Annual Update in Clinical Lipidology Now Closed, For membership status questions or Professional Heart Daily account questions contact: Registration will open July 2023. [emailprotected], Conference Contact: [emailprotected] Presentation Title: Evolving Options for LDL Lowering Therapies: How to Choose? McMaster University, ST.CVS.322 Neurocardiology Pearls in Stroke Care: Practical Management and Controversies Presentation Title: Nursing Legend Fireside Chat, Chiadi E. Ndumele, MD, PhD, FAHA The work covered by the abstract must not have been published (manuscript or abstract) before the date and time of presentation ( May 10-13, 2023). This career-defining experience requires a separate registration for entry, and is available for purchase at the Scientific Sessions Registrationpage. The 136th annual meeting of the AHA will be held January 5-8, 2023, in Philadelphia. Business Suite Details. Presentation Title: Case of a Patient with Diabetes and Angina, PR.ME.459 The Evolving Landscape of Lipid Management Hours Monday - Friday: 7AM - 9PM CST American Heart Newsroom Prevention, Lifestyle & Cardiometabolic Health Scientific Sessions 2023, which is taking place in Boston. This button displays the currently selected search type. #EPILifestyle23. 214-706-1943 Now Closed 913-344-1305 #AHA22 Abstracts published in Circulation, For registration questions contact: Reunite with your colleagues from around the world, explore the latest science and innovation, and learn about practice-changing updates in care. Her analytical capabilities span a wide range of areas supporting the product development and competitive intelligence functions within companies, such as opportunity assessments, target profile product development, pipeline prioritization, conference coverage, and market forecasting. Director, Exhibits and Sponsorship 214-706-1353 1-800-AHA-USA-1 EA.ME.479 Novel Technologies in Arrhythmia Therapy, Bridget Blaney Explore the show floor by searching and viewing different halls. Register for Group Housing. Presentation Title: Marijuana Use and Cardiovascular Health, Tiffany Powell-Wiley MD, MPH, FAHA University of Edinburgh, IM.ME.449 Visualizing Covid For The Long Haul: Heart-Vasculature-Brain Presentation Title: The Path for Moving Gene editing into the Clinic to Treat Cardiomyopathy, Andrew Landstrom, MD, PhD, FAHA Fax: +1 (305) 865-4382. Exhibit Sales and Advertising 2023 AHA Holidays AHA offices will be closed on the following days. Presentation Title: Improving Outcomes with Coronary Revascularization in 2022, Harriette GC Van Spall, MD, MPH, FRCPC (Cardiology) Year Dates City; 2023: November 11-13, 2023: Philadelphia, PA: 2024: November 16-18, 2024: Chicago, IL AHA 2023 Conferences Brochure. 3, 2023! Abstract submission opens. Phone: 214-706-1173, National Center Moderator, Corrine Y Jurgens, PhD, RN, ANP, FAHA, FHFSA, FAAN Be a relentless force for a world of longer, healthier lives. Sheraton Boston Hotel. Abstract Dates . Please only purchase meeting assets from AHA corporate relations team members with emails, or from representatives of our only official sales vendor, Ascend Media, with emails., Julie Welsh American Heart Newsroom . Omni Boston Hotel at the Seaport | Boston, Massachusetts, Featured speakers: Crystal Wiley Cen, MD, MPH, FAHA; Sara Bleich, PhD; Josiemer Mattei, PhD, MPH. The findings, presented Friday at the American Heart Association's Epidemiology, Prevention, Lifestyle and Cardiometabolic Health conference in Boston, found that people with good sleep habits were better able to follow exercise and diet plans while trying to lose weight than those with poor sleep health. Chung I Choi has been with CVrg since 2007 and brings 20 years of biotechnology and pharmaceutical consulting experience to her clients. Associate Manager, Exhibits/Satellite Events Remember that AHA does not sell nor make available email addresses for registered meeting attendees. Any company contacting you claiming to have this information has obtained it by poaching publicly available data. Uptake of High-Sensitivity Troponin Assays Lags in US Hospitals. Johns Hopkins Hospital, HY.CVS.320 Successful Lifestyle Strategies and Novel Blood Pressure Measurement Technologies For Hypertension Control 11-13, 2023 Philadelphia, PA + VirtualPennsylvania Convention Center, Feb. 8-10, 2023Dallas, TX + VirtualKay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center, Feb. 28-Mar. Vanderbilt University Medical Center, HF.ME.481 The 2022 AHA/ACC/HFSA Guideline For The Management Of Heart Failure: Executive Summary Abstracts From the American Heart Association's 2022 Scientific Sessions., Scientific Sessions 2023 Prospectus Coming Soon, Health Pavilion/Innovation Zone Opportunities Coming Soon, Professional Heart Daily/Science News Opportunities. Contact Us Venue: 214-706-1353 [emailprotected], National Center The American Heart Association's EPI/LIFESTYLE 2023 Scientific Sessions is the world's premier meeting dedicated to the latest advances in population-based science. I feel they are best in class. Pulling Out All the Stops: A Case of Progressive Dyspnea. $50. The American Heart Association is a qualified 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization.
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