Miscellaneous Units In response to Congress' passage of an act on February 25, 1903, providing for the assembling of muster rolls for all Union and Confederate soldiers, Virginia created the Office of the Secretary of Virginia Military Records on March 7, 1904, to assist the Secretary of War and the U.S. War Department with a complete roster of Confederate . Company D enrolled at McArthur, Ohio on April 18, 1861. 15th Virginia Cavalry Charles Thompkins. 47th Battalion Virginia Cavalry The bulk of the collection covers the years 1861 to 1864, 1884, 1900, and 1905 to 1918. There are lists of infantry battalions, local defense units, militia units, the "Stonewall" Brigade, and unassigned companies. We were compelled to change the front of several of our companies at this juncture, our fire never slackening. James Breathed 4th Virginia Infantry- Maj. William Terry The army left the battlefield in the evening and pulled back across the Potomac River viaBotelers Ford. 1st DivisionCol. Ainsworth wrote about transferring records from the War Department to the Secretary of Virginia Military Records to assist in the project of compiling a complete roll of Confederate soldiers from Virginia. 14th Tennessee Infantry- Capt. Roster of Confederate Soldiers, 1861-1865, shows: Logan, Richard, Jr. VA 14th Inf. 18th Virginia Infantry Regiment. John Milledge, Jr. 8th Alabama Infantry- Lt. Col. Hilary A. Herbert 18th Virginia Infantry 19th Virginia Infantry 20th Virginia Infantry 21st Virginia Infantry 22nd Battalion . 16th Virginia Cavalry It lost 6 killed and 13 wounded at First Manassas and in April, 1862, had 700 men fit for duty. The unit fought at First Manassas under General Cocke, then was assigned to General Pickett's, Garnett's, and Hunton's Brigade. Hugh R. Garden 5th Virginia Infantry- Col. John H. S. Funk Lowrys Virginia Artillery 47th Alabama Infantry- Col. James W. Jackson, Lt. Col. J. M. Bulger (w/c), Maj. James M. Campbell The lines were much broken in crossing the post and rail fences on both sides of that road but with shattered ranks the Brigade pushed on and took part in the final struggle at the Angle. The volumes contain an unofficial roster of soldiers from Virginia who served in the Confederate States of America during the Civil War. The governors simply ask Bidgood if they can respond for them to various inquiries about Civil War soldiers from Virginia citizens. Richard C. M. Page Cohoons Virginia Infantry Battalion Subseries 7: Virginia State Line 52nd Virginia Infantry- Lt. Col. James H. Skinner, Col. Isaac E. Avery (mw), Col. Archibald C. Godwin, 6th North Carolina Infantry- Maj. Samuel D. McD. The men were then withdrawn, and, together with General Garnett, who was upon our left, retired from the field. It nevertheless did good and effective fighting, and, had it been supported on the left, would have maintained its ground throughout the entire fight. Contains both incoming and outgoing correspondence to/from Major Robert W. Hunter or Colonel Joseph V. Bidgood, both Secretaries of Virginia Military Records. Chief of Artillery: Brig. The 18th Georgia Infantry Regiment was an infantry regiment in the Confederate Army during the American Civil War. Lastly, there is a catalog of muster rolls from the Richmond Circuit Court related to the court case between the Commonwealth and Joseph F. Wren in 1910. 26th North Carolina Infantry- Col. Henry K. Burgwyn (k), Lt. Col. John Lane (w), Maj. John J. Jones (w), Capt. These records are particularly useful because they often contain the personal recollections of veterans and their families. 5th Battalion Virginia Infantry William K. Bachman It is but just to say that the regiment was very much exhausted when it went into the fight, having marched in quick time from Hagerstown and around the mountain some 4 or 5 miles, and therefore fought under disadvantages. 11th Mississippi Infantry- Col. Francis M. Green 1 Service and other details from James I. Robertson's 18th Virginia Infantry (roster, 1984) via the Historical Data Systems . 5th Maine Artillery. Subseries 5: Reserves Army of Northern Virginia Stuart's Cavalry Division Imboden's Brigade 18th Virginia Cavalry 62nd Virginia Infantry Virginia Partisan Rangers and McClanahan's Virginia Battery. 8x11 429 pp. New York: Chs. A few of the orders were also issued directly from Samuel Cooper, Adjutant & Inspector General. 14th South Carolina Infantry- Lt. Col. Joseph N. Brown, Brig. 3rd South Carolina Infantry- Col. J. D. Nance, Maj. Robert C. Maffett Ohio Volunteer Infantry, 7th Regiment, USA. 3rd Richmond (Virginia) Howitzers- Capt. 25th Virginia Cavalry William H. Mitchell There are also powers of attorney containing lists of soldiers' signatures authorizing certain officers to draw pay on their behalf. 41st Virginia Infantry- Col. William A. Parham Virginia was the largest state in population and industrial capacity to join the Confederacy, which soon moved its capital to Richmond. 18th Virginia Cavalry Regiment Colonel George W. Imboden. 8x11 457 pp. 12th South Carolina Infantry- Col. John L. Miller The Roster Pages of the 18th Louisiana Infantry Regiment have taken on a New Look and should load into your browser window much quicker. 50th Virginia Infantry, VIRGINIA'S CIVIL WAR CASUALTIES: A ROSTER, VOLUME 4 6th Louisiana Infantry- Lt. Col. Joseph Hanlon 1st Tennessee (Provisional Army) Infantry- Maj. Felix G. Buchanan Brooks (South Carolina) Artillery- Lt. S. C. Gilbert 18th Virginia Cavalry The regiment was commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Henry A. Carrington and brought 312 men to the field. 8th Virginia Infantry Giles, Alleghany & Jackson Virginia Artillery Matthew R. Hall Lastly, the payrolls provide the name of the employees who worked at the Rifle Factory, his occupation, days worked, price, total amount, and signature. Many were captured at Sayler's Creek and only 2 officers and 32 men surrendered. Phillips' (Georgia) Legion Infantry- Lt. Col. Elihu S. Barclay, Battery A, 1st North Carolina Artillery- Capt. 12th North Carolina Infantry- Lt. Col. William S. Davis 14th Virginia Infantry 1st Virginia Cavalry Copyright 2023 Iberian Publishing Company. Brigadier General Pickett was wounded, and Colonel Hunton of the 8th Virginia Infantry took command of the brigade. 8x11 423 pp. Arrived about sunset and bivouacked on the western border of Spanglers Woods. These lists are undated, but were created sometime between 1904 and 1918. Pichegru Woolfolk, Jr. (w), Lt. James Woolfolk Merritt B. Miller Charles I. Raine (mw), Lt. William M. Hardwicke, 2nd Richmond (Virginia) Howitzers- Capt. . John L. Massie See the National Archives Compiled Service Records for more detailed service record information. Waters B. Jones T. Andersons Brigade in support of the Washington Artillery. Phillips' Legion (Georgia)- Lt. Col. Jefferson C. Phillips, 1st Maryland Battalion Cavalry- Maj. Harry Gilmore, Maj. Ridgely Brown 59th Infantry Brigade 117th Infantry; 118th Infantry: Roster; 114th Machine Gun Battalion; 60th Infantry Brigade 119th Infantry: Roster and First WWI Veteran post. General Garnett did not approve of this last position, so he ordered the regiment to the edge of the wood and across a fence some 200 yards distant. 14th Virginia Cavalry The information above is from 18th Virginia Infantry, by James I. Robertson, 18th Regiment, Virginia Infantry (Confederate), Companies in this Regiment with the Counties of Origin, Beginning United States Civil War Research, The Civil War Soldiers and Sailors System, https://www.familysearch.org/en/wiki/index.php?title=18th_Regiment,_Virginia_Infantry_(Confederate)&oldid=5036900. Brig. 40th Battalion Virginia Cavalry 11th Virginia Infantry Please send any roster updates or corrections to the 18th Regiment Roster Project: Roster Project, 18th Infantry Regiment Association, Email Roster. Ashland Virginia Artillery (Private) - Company D, Prospect Rifle Greys - 18th Regiment, Virginia Infantry - Captured April 6 . Related Records: Records of U.S. Army Commands, 1784-1821, RG 98. Men often enlisted in a company recruited in the counties where they lived though not always. About this time the brigades of Generals Kemper and Drayton fell back, and a large force opposed to them swung round toward Sharpsburg and were already getting in our rear, when General Garnett, from sheer necessity, ordered his brigade to retire. Staunton (Virginia) Artillery- Capt. Taken from official documents, tombstones, genalogical records and historical references, this work is an ongoing project of this website. The Scrapbooks include two volumes of clippings from "Our Confederate Column" between 1904 to 1909 and two volumes of obituaries of Confederate veterans who died between 1910 and 1917. The unit fought at First Manassas under General Cocke, then was assigned to General Pickett's, Garnett's, and Hunton's Brigade. Subseries 6: Home Guard A 22 year old carpenter in Appomattox County, he mustered as Private, Company H, 18th Virginia Infantry on 7 May 1861. . 71st Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, USA. The siege on Petersburg and Richmond continued until Lee was forced to evacuate both cities April 2 and 3 . 16th Virginia Infantry 4th North Carolina Infantry- Col. Bryan Grimes Reached the field at noon and retired with the supply trains at night. compiled by Thomas M. Spratt. . broward health medical center human resources phone number. Gen. Albert G. Jenkins (w), Col. Milton J. Ferguson, 14th Virginia Cavalry- Maj. Benjamin F. Eakle Company I enrolled at Jackson, Ohio on . 45th Battalion Virginia Cavalry 40th Virginia Infantry The 24th was not engaged at Chickamauga, but did see action in the Knoxville Campaign. Colonel Joseph Virginius Bidgood, former Commander of the Grand Camp of Confederate Veterans, succeeded Hunter in 1910 as Secretary of Virginia Military Records. compiled by Thomas M. Spratt. Thomas J. Kirkpatrick 11th Georgia Infantry- Col. Francis H. Little (w), Lt. Col. William Luffman (w), Maj. Henry D. McDaniel (w), Capt. The right of the Confederate line west of the Burnside Bridge Road being turned, the Brigade was withdrawn, by the cross streets, to the north of the town, and cooperated with Draytons Brigade and A.P. Engineer Officer: Capt. The roster of this unit contains the names of 2243 men. 18th Virginia Infantry, by James I. Robertson, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=18th_Virginia_Infantry_Regiment&oldid=1126802488, Units and formations of the Confederate States Army from Virginia, Military units and formations established in 1861, Wikipedia articles incorporating text from public domain works of the United States Government, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 11 December 2022, at 09:06. 2nd South Carolina Cavalry- Col. Matthew C. Butler McGregor's (Virginia) Battery- Capt. 48th Alabama Infantry- Col. James L. Sheffield, Capt. King William (Virginia) Artillery- Capt. Hood (w), Brig. Medical Director: Dr. Lafayette Guild The regiment lost in this fight 4 killed and 27 wounded, a report of which has been already forwarded. From Major Cabells Official Report for the 18th Virginia at South Mountain: About 5 p. m. on Sunday, September 14, the 18thVirginia Regiment, about 120 strong, under my command, after a rapid and fatiguing march from Hagerstown, was directed to a position a little north of the gap in South Mountain, near Boonsborough, Md. In response to Congress' passage of an act on February 25, 1903, providing for the assembling of muster rolls for all Union and Confederate soldiers, Virginia created the Office of the Secretary of Virginia Military Records on March 7, 1904, to assist the Secretary of War and the U.S. War Department with a complete roster of Confederate soldiers from Virginia. 9th Alabama Infantry- Capt. 61st Georgia Infantry- Col. John H. Lamar, Charlottesville (Virginia) Artillery- Capt. The records include rolls for infantry, cavalry, artillery, reserves, navy, marines, and even out-of-state regiments. Company B - Capt. 9th Virginia Infantry 47th Virginia Infantry- Col. Robert M. Mayo 3rd Virginia Cavalry- Col. Thomas H. Owen Batteries C & G, 1st Rhode Island Artillery. The handwritten transcripts of special orders document resignations, appointments, discharges, transfers, leaves of absence, work details, furloughs, and courts of enquiry for Confederate officers and soldiers from Virginia. [1]. Osmond B. Taylor, 1st Company- Capt. These include lists of Confederate veterans at the Gettysburg encampment in 1913, veterans admitted to the Lee Camp Soldiers' Home in 1915, Virginia military organizations mentioned in official war records, and Virginia soldiers mentioned in special orders. No man of the 18thRegiment left his post until disabled, and all kept up a rapid and well-directed fire. 22nd North Carolina Infantry- Col. James Conner Jeff Davis Legion (Mississippi)- Col. Joseph F. Waring Posted on February 27, 2023 by how much is tim allen's car collection worth 269 Confederate officers captured between February 1863 and August 1864 and held at Johnson's Island, Sandusky, Ohio. Cobb's Legion (Georgia)- Col. Pierce B. M. Young Most of its members had served in the 1st Regiment Virginia Partisan Rangers (subsequently the 62nd Regiment Virginia Infantry). Jacksons Kanawha Virginia Artillery Battery M, 5th U.S. VIRGINIA'S CIVIL WAR CASUALTIES: A ROSTER, VOLUMES 1 - 6 Contact Maj. Jeremy Boothe at (205) 732-2288. . The Detached Muster Rolls of Unpaid Men include muster rolls from various regiments during the Civil War. Branch, Harrington & Staunton Hill Virginia Artillery Joseph D. Wyman of 13th Maine Infantry Volunteers to his wife, Ada. Contains certificates issued by the Secretary of Virginia Military Records, certificates issued by the U.S. War Dept., detached muster rolls of unpaid men, Harper's Ferry Rifle Factory records, hospital records, individual service records, John Brown's Raid unit records, Lists of Confederate Soldiers who died in Union Prisons, and other sundry items documenting the work of the Secretary of Virginia Military Records and Dept. 57th Virginia Infantry- Col. John Bowie Magruder (mw/c), Fauquier (Virginia) Artillery- Capt. 49th Virginia Infantry- Lt. Col. J. Catlett Gibson The rosters provide the name of the soldier, rank, date of enlistment or commission, and sometimes remarks including killed in battle, captured, etc. Chapmans Virginia Artillery Commanded by Colonel R.E. Two officersand 32enlisted men who had eluded capture at Saylers Creek surrendered. The Department of Confederate Military Records, under the Office of the Adjutant General, continued the work of the Secretary of Virginia Military Records of assembling muster rolls and other documents related to Virginians in the Civil War. Gen. George Crook. Lieutenant Colonel Carrington was wounded. These records were to be obtained by the secretary through gift or loan and deposited in the Virginia State Library. Documentation (with rosters): Conway, Coleman Berkley (1920) History 119th Infantry, 60th Brigade, 30th Division. Gen. John. Oversized (except Muster Rolls) from Series II: Unit Records, Artillery, Cavalry, Infantry, Local Defense, Reserves, Virginia State Line, Militia, & Misc. Subseries 8: Militia 1st South Carolina Cavalry- Col. John L. Black Speight B. The rosters are organized by regiment and the soldiers are listed alphabetically according to rank. 18th North Carolina Infantry- Col. John D. Barry Montague, and William Hodges Mann; John Hart, editor of "Our Confederate Column" in the Richmond Times-Dispatch; and Adjutant Generals James McDonald & W.W. Sale. The abstracts enumerate and total the number of provisions such as beef, bread, sugar, soap, etc., and the number of men issued these provisions. Thomas E. Jackson, 6th Virginia Cavalry- Maj. Cabel E. Flournoy The Adjutant General distributed blank roster sheets to former company commanders and other individuals, however, most of the sheets were never returned and the project was left unfinished. Here the regiment was reformed. The Lists of Confederate Soldiers who died in Union Prisons include typed lists of Confederate dead compiled by Maj. Joseph V. Bidgood in 1915 for the Department of Confederate Military Records. 61st Virginia Infantry William G. Crenshaw 7th Louisiana Infantry- Col. Davidson B. Penn . All Units - Artillery - Cavalry - Engineers - Infantry - Marines - Medical - Misc - Naval. 9th Virginia Cavalry Occasionally there is additional information about the soldier's service such as furloughs, discharges, paroles, etc. 7th Louisiana Regiment: Litt Roden's 7th Louisiana Website. 42nd Mississippi Infantry- Col. Hugh R. Miller (mw/c) George V. Moody Morris, Orange & King William Virginia Artillery There is often a typescript copy of Bidgood's reply attached to the incoming correspondence. The 18th endured the hardships of the Petersburg trenches north of the James River and saw action around Appomattox. 15th South Carolina Infantry- Col. William DeSaussure (k), Maj. William M. Gist William L. McLeod Virginia . 18th Virginia Cavalry was organized in December, 1862. However, the 8th Virginia suffered its fair share of losses, including its newly-elected Major, James Thrift, mortally wounded while leading a charge. Many were captured at Sayler's Creek and only 2 officers and 32 men surrendered. Basic information from the Virginia Military Dead. 13th Alabama Infantry- Col. Birkett D. Fry Courtney (Virginia) Artillery- Capt. Its members were recruited at Danville and Farmville, and in the counties of Nottoway, Cumberland, Prince Edward, Appomattox, Pittsylvania, and Charlotte. Took part in Longstreets Suffolk Expedition, missing the Battle of Chancellorsville. Aide de Camp, Asst. 57th Virginia Infantry This is a prison notebook maintained by Confederate Captain John Peter Jones (1838-1910), Company, D, 56th Virginia Infantry Regiment, contains the signatures of ca. 10th Virginia Infantry- Col. Edward T. H. Warren Lynchburg (Virginia) Artillery- Capt. Edward A. Marye Louisiana Guard Artillery- Capt. 21st Georgia Infantry- Col. John T. Mercer Itbrought 75men to the field and lost 4 menkilled and27men wounded. Joseph G. Blount, Maj. Gen. John B. The unit was largely composed of veterans of the 30th N. Y. infantry. Rejoined Lees main army on the Rappahannock. 11th Virginia Cavalry- Col. Lunsford L. Lomax, 2nd North Carolina Cavalry- Lt. Col. William Payne (c), Capt. First (1st) Mississippi Infantry Regiment, May 16th to December 20th, 1898 . 61st Virginia Infantry- Col. Virginius D. Groner, 2nd Florida Infantry- Maj. Walter R. Moore 11th Virginia Cavalry Assigned to Floyd's Brigade, the unit fought at Kessler's Cross Lanes and Carnifex Ferry in western Virginia, then moved to Tennessee. Colonel Philip St. George Cockes Fifth Brigade, Army of the Potomac, Cockes Brigade, First Corps, Army of the Potomac, Cockes Brigade, Longstreets Division, Army of the Potomac, Cockes Brigade, Longstreets Division, Potomac District, Department of Northern Virginia. 19th Virginia Infantry- Col. Henry Gantt (w), Lt. Col. John T. Ellis (mw) The field officers were Colonels Henry A. Carrington and Robert E. Withers, Lieutenant Colonel George C. Cabell, and Major Edwin G. Wall. Virginia (Staunton) Battery- Capt. A more comprehensive inventory of Virginia soldiers, dead or alive, who fought for the Confederacy was still in want. VIRGINIA'S CIVIL WAR CASUALTIES: A ROSTER, VOLUME 1 32nd Virginia Infantry 23rd Virginia Cavalry Benjamin Robinson Powhatan, Salem & Courtney Henrico Virginia Artillery 5th Virginia Cavalry- Col. Thomas L. Rosser, 4th North Carolina Cavalry- Col. Dennis D. Ferebee It served under the command of Generals Early, Garland, Armistead, Barton, and Steuart. Hills Division in the attack on the Federal left. Chesapeake (Maryland) Artillery- Capt. Goochland Light, Goochland Turner & Mountain Virginia Artillery Joe Norcom (w), Lt. Henry A. This work seeks to record all of the casualties incurred by the men in Virginia regiments during the Civil War in a single source. Gen. Ambrose R. Wright, Col. William Gibson, 3rd Georgia Infantry- Col. Edward J. Walker 13th South Carolina Infantry- Lt. Col. Benjamin T. Brockman Taylors Virginia Infantry 1st & 2nd Rockbridge Virginia Artillery The 18th endured the hardships of the Petersburg trenches north of the James River and saw action around Appomattox. Edward S. McCarthy The 8th Virginia Infantry Regiment was organized at Leesburg, Virginia in May of 1861 and surrendered at Appomattox Court House in April of 1865. Co.H Capt. It fought mostly with the Army of Northern Virginia. The John Brown's Raid Unit records contain muster rolls & payrolls from various regiments of the Virginia Militia stationed in Harper's Ferry after John Brown's Raid. The Harper's Ferry Rifle Factory records contain consolidated abstracts of provisions, payrolls, and powers of attorney from civilian employees working at the Rifle Factory in Harper's Ferry between April and June 1861. Artillery, Cavalry, Infantry Regimental Histories & Rosters . The unit was assigned to W.E. The general orders are not as extensive and mostly include resignations and promotions of officers from the Provisional Army of the Confederate States. 33rd North Carolina Infantry- Col. Clark M. Avery David Watson Reorganized April 1862 with Captains Thomas J. Spencer, Mathew Lyle, Robert Morton Shepperson, Martin Luther Covington, William Henry Smith. Unit: 18th Virginia Infantry. 36th Virginia Infantry Co.H 1st Lt. Kent, Samuel S. VA 14th Inf . Marcellus M. Moorman, 18th Virginia Cavalry- Col. George W. Imboden) Lieutenant Thomas Durphy was captured. Gen. Joseph E. Johnston and Col. Thomas J. Jackson. 4th Virginia Infantry Mathews, Penicks Pittsylvania, Youngs Halifax & Johnsons Jackson VA Artillery Virginia. Accession 27684. These rolls are for Confederate units formed in Alabama during the Civil Warthough many operated outside of the state over the course of the war. Joseph Thoburn 1st West Virginia InfantryLt. 14th North Carolina Infantry- Col. R. Tyler Bennett (w), Maj. Joseph H. Lambeth The 24th Georgia Volunteer Infantry was an infantry regiment in the Confederate States Army during the American Civil War. Gen. Evander M. Law, Brig. Col. Jacob Weddle 12th West Virginia InfantryCol. In 1918, the General Assembly passed an act abolishing the Department of Confederate Military Records and transferring the department's records to the Virginia State Library. The Veterans Lists by County contain miscellaneous lists of veterans and units arranged by county. Chief of Artillery: Col. Armistead L. Long compiled by Thomas M. Spratt. The Certificates Issued by the U.S. War Dept. Volume three includes the following units: Before Sharpsburg. 16th Georgia Infantry- Col. Goode Bryan 18th Infantry Regiment completed its organization in May, 1861. 5th Alabama Infantry- Col. Josephus M. Hall Company B enrolled at Marietta, Ohio on April 27, 1861. B Donnelly, Ralph W . 54th Virginia Infantry Purcell (Virginia) Artillery- Capt. 24TH VIRGINIA INFANTRY ROSTER Shockley, John F Company C Private Private View attachment 231849 Shockley, Martin V. B Company C 1st. Joseph Graham As many of the regiment as could be, were collected, and, together with Captains Claiborne and Oliver, I marched them forward and took position on the left of Jenkins brigade, which had just come up, and again engaged the enemy, the men fighting bravely. of Confederate Military Records, 1859-1996 (bulk 1861-1864, 1905-1918). James W. Wyatt Siege of Fort Blakeley, Alabama. 18th & 20th Battalion Virginia Artillery There is another published pamphlet of veterans from Greenbrier County in 1906. He was at Langley Field, Virginia, at Fort Benning, Georgia, at Fort Sill, Oklahoma, and at Fort Riley, Kansas, on duty at the Service Schools at those posts from October 15th, 1926, to March 1st, 1927; at Fort McPherson, Georgia, in command . James B. Golladay, Brig. William M. Hadden Charles A. William B. German (South Carolina) Artillery- Capt. 36th Virginia Infantry, formerly known as the 2nd Kanawha Regiment, was organized in July, 1861. Green of Confederate Military Records. Brigadier General Garnett was given permanent command of the brigade and George E. Pickett was given command of the division, assigned to to Longstreets newly-created 1st Corps.. 27th Virginia Infantry- Lt. Col. Daniel M. Shriver 10th Alabama Infantry- Col. William H. Forney (w/c), Lt. Col. James E. Shelley 64th Virginia Infantry Huger (Virginia) Artillery- Capt. Horace Kellogg 2d BrigadeCol. A CIVIL WAR SOLDIER'S LETTER FROM THOMAS BONNER, HEADQUARTERED 18TH TEXAS INFANTRY, SEPTEMBER 11,1864, with a handmade envelope addressed to "Lt. Allen A. Cameron Bonner's Ferry, Cherokee County, Texa. 8th Louisiana Infantry- Col. Trevanion D. Lewis, Lt. Col. Alcibiades DeBlanc (w), Maj. German A. Lester Gen. James J. Pettigrew (w), Brig. Company A (Danville Blues) - many men from Danville Virginia, Company B (Danville Grays) - many men from Danville, Virginia, Company C (Nottoway Rifle Guards) - many men from Nottoway County, Company D (Prospect Rifle Grays) - many men from Prince Edward County, Company E (Black Eagle Rifles) - many men from Cumberland County, Company F (Farmville Guard) - many men from Farmville, Virginia (Prince Edward and Cumberland Counties), Company G (Nottoway Grays) - many men from Nottoway County, Company H (Appomattox Grays) - many men from Appomattox County, Company I (Spring Garden Blues) - many men from Pittsylvania County. Troup (Georgia) Artillery - Capt. Robert Lewis Dabney briefly served as chaplain for the regiment, before becoming chief of staff for Stonewall Jackson. Fredericksburg Virginia Artillery 10th Virginia Cavalry- Col. J. Lucius Davis Gettysburg Units placed in 4th Floor, Cabinet 1, Drawers 1-19 (4/G/01/01-19), Oversized Muster Rolls from Series III: Miscellaneous Records, Detachments of Unpaid Men placed in 4th Floor, Cabinet 1, Drawer 20 (4/G/01/20), Oversized Muster Rolls from Series III: Miscellaneous Records, John Brown's Raid Unit Records placed in 4th Floor, Cabinet 2, Drawers 1-3 (4/G/02/01-3). Gen. Lewis A. Armistead (mw/c), Col. William R. Aylett (w), 9th Virginia Infantry- Maj. John C. Owens (mw) Gauley, Mercer & Western Virginia Artillery William B. Curtis 34th Massachusetts InfantryCol . Richmond Howitzers Virginia Artillery 4th Texas Infantry- Col. John C. G. Key (w), Maj. John P. Bane A. Robinson (absent) 56th Virginia Infantry- Col. William D. Stuart (mw), Lt. Col. Philip P. Slaughter. Lurtys Roanoke Virginia Horse Artillery, VIRGINIA'S CIVIL WAR CASUALTIES: A ROSTER, VOLUME 5 Leroy W. Stowe We were not fairly in position before the enemys skirmishers were seen not far off and to their rear, their line of battle approaching. 8th Georgia Infantry- Col. John R. Towers 6th Virginia Cavalry After some three-quarters of an hour, word was brought that the regiments on our left had fallen back, and that the left of the 18thwas wavering. 17325, Download the official NPS app before your next visit. 15th Alabama Infantry- Col. William C. Oates, Capt. Pennsylvania. 45th Georgia Infantry- Col. Thomas J. Simmons 35th Battalion Virginia Cavalry 8x11 331 pp. Tyler C. Jordan 7th South Carolina Infantry- Col. D. Wyatt Aiken 31st Georgia Infantry- Col. Clement A. Evans July 3. VIII (8th) Army Corps (Army of West Virginia)Brig. Dix, John Ross. Hurt Wilmington, NC . Joseph Thoburn. 12th Alabama Infantry- Col. Samuel B. Pickens 59th Georgia Infantry- Col. William "Jack" Brown (w/c), Capt. Jordan, James W. VA 14th Inf. The regiment lost 7 killed, 27 wounded, and 7 missing, a report of which has already been forwarded. of Confederate Military Records. Captain Chief of Ordnance: Lt. Col. Briscoe G. Baldwin Victor Maurin) Note that some materials have been added to the collection since it was deposited at the State Library in 1918. McNeills Virginia Rangers 15th Louisiana Infantry- Maj. Andrew Brady, 2nd Virginia Infantry- Col. John Q.A. 48th Mississippi Infantry- Col. Joseph M. Jayne, Company A - Capt. The unit reported 206 casualties during the Seven Days' Battles, and of the 120 engaged in the Maryland Campaign, thirty-six percent . Pee Dee (South Carolina) Artillery- Lt. William E. Zimmerman The enemy were pouring a heavy fire of round and canister shot upon the hill when the brigade commanded by General Garnett was put in position, which was continued furiously during the day until about 3 p. m. Our position was changed two or three times during the morning, as circumstances required, moving alternately to the left and right, to shelter the men from a dreadful fire, to which it was impossible to reply with small-arms. Moorman's (Virginia) Battery- Capt.
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